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Transparent Voter Suppression by GOP

New Hampshire
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
"I don't want everybody to vote... As a matter of fact our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down."
-Paul Weyrich, co-founder of Heritage Foundation and ALEC, 1980
“Look, if African Americans voted overwhelmingly Republican, they would have kept early voting right where it was,” Wrenn said. “It wasn’t about discriminating against African Americans. They just ended up in the middle of it because they vote Democrat.”
-Carter Wrenn, Republican consultant in North Carolina
“There's a lot of liberal folks in those other schools who that maybe we don't want to vote. Maybe we want to make it just a little more difficult. And I think that's a great idea.”
-Cindy Hyde-Smith, Republican Senator of Mississippi, 2003
Seeking more examples, if you have them.
Get out and vote.
submitted by Kakamile to Keep_Track [link] [comments]

CMV: R* monetization strategy is more user-friendly than most other AAA online games with actual content updates.

Read the whole thing before arguing please.
First, lets list some of the most popular monetization options used to pay for new content creation:
I might be missing some others, so feel free to contribute. Please keep in mind that I said games with actual content being added. Yes, there are games like Fortnite that monetize only through cosmetic stuff, but let's not compare Fortnite with its 1 map and limited scope to a game like RDR2 with its size, level of detail, variety and effort that went into it. FO76 made claims about all future content being free and shop being cosmetics only, but let's not mention the buggy, underdeveloped mess that the game is. They are trying, I can give them that after their initial statement on upcoming patches. But with everything I'm reading lately, between the launch itself, the Collector's Edition mess, the instant discount to $30, they aren't getting far.
And let's not go with the whole "I paid $60, I'm entitled to everything free forever" nonsense. Game development isn't cheap. And R* is a subsidiary of a publicly traded company that answers to its shareholders, not a charity. They have actual legal obligations to act in the best interests of their shareholders. I own a business myself. Nothing anywhere remotely close to T2 or R*, but it's a business I built up myself with my own effort and time. And, even though I'm a generous person, I don't give free shit left and right. That's how you go broke and get in trouble. I have investors I report to, just like T2 does. You paid for Red Dead Redemption 2. That's what your receipt will say. And Single Player was worth its $60 and more compared to many other titles that came out this year at that price. Arguing otherwise would be just disrespectful to the masterpiece that it is and the people that worked 100+ hour weeks to make it.
Edit: I was wrong. I'm at 57 days and 13 hours played on my GTA:O character. That is still close to 1400 hours. For $60. I did technically buy it twice, but 2nd time was a free copy in a Black Friday Bundle with PS4, so I kinda paid for it, but kinda didn't. Even at $100, no other game comes anywhere close to how much time I got out of it.
submitted by mr_cartmanez to reddeadredemption [link] [comments]

Law panel: Should betting be legalised in India? - Times of India

A shorter version (reduced by 77.0%) can be found on IndiaSpeaks.
This is an extended summary, original article can be found here

Extended Summary:

Law panel: Should betting be legalised in India? - Times of India.
NEW DELHI: More than a year after the Justice R M Lodha committee suggested legalizing betting on sports in the wake of the IPL 2013 betting and spot-fixing scandal, the Law Commission opened on Tuesday a 30-day window to solicit the views of citizens on betting as well as gambling.
"In January last year, the Lodha panel's report led to the SC issuing orders for reforms in the world's richest cricket board, BCCI.
involves enactment of a law which is a matter that may be examined by the Law Commission and the government for such action as it may consider necessary in the facts and circumstances of the case"..
Law Commission chairman Justice B S Chauhan issued on Tuesday an appeal to the public stressing the importance of the issue, "Various media reports time and again point out that betting and gambling, though not legal in India, is practised across the country clandestinely.
"Online gambling and betting is another area which has become very difficult to curb.

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Summary Length 1051
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submitted by BotSpeaks to SummarySpeaks [link] [comments]

A Handy Table and Guide to Every Third Party and Independent Presidential Candidate (x-post r/politics)

With the election about three months away, I figured it’d be an interesting project to put together all of the third party and independent candidates who have achieved ballot status in at least one state and give a basic overview of their beliefs and ideas. At the moment, there are 25 candidates that fit this description.
There are still states accepting ballot access, so this list is bound to grow within the next month. I’ll do a big ole round up of all the candidates and updated ballot status the day before the election.
This is going to be in alphabetical order of third party, followed by the outright independent candidates. Due to the size of the chart, I have to divide it into two parts. Part 2 is here
Candidate Party On Ballot Write-In Platform
Tom Hoefling America’s Party) / American Independent Party CA, CO, FL IN Pro-Life, Pro-2nd Amendment, desires a ‘supremely strong’ military, anti-16th & 17th Amendment, supports a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, does not accept donations for fundraising
Merlin Miller American Third Position Party CO, NJ, TN None Withdraw from NAFTA, GATT, and WTO, cut welfare and unemployment benefits, abolish the Federal Reserve and the Department of Education, anti-LGBT, against “Marxist politically correct philosophy,” staunchly isolationist, supports a ‘voluntary resettlement program’ for immigrants, halt all new immigration, eliminate birthright citizenship, chain migration, and asylum, repeal the Patriot Act and NDAA, “protect White American interests”
Former Congressman Virgil Goode Constitution Party) CO, FL, ID, IA, MI, MN, MO, MS, NJ, NM, NY, NV, ND, OH, SC, SD, TN, UT, VA, WA, WI, WY CA, CT, DC, GA, IL, IN, ME, MD, MA, MT, NC, TX, VT, WV Strict adherence to the Constitution, abolish the National Endowment for the Arts and No Child Left Behind, place a moratorium on Green Cards until unemployment is under 5%, end diversity visas, reduce chain migration and asylum refugees, make English the official language, elimination of the Death Tax, preserve Social Security, supports the constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, abolish the Department of Education, end the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, pro-choice, anti-UN, anti-NAFTA, vows to only serve one term as president
Will Christensen Constitution Party of Oregon / Independent American Party OR None End all overseas wars, abolish the Department of Education, end all foreign aid, withdraw from the UN, NATO, SEATO, NAFTA, WTO, IMF, and the World Court, end the federal War on Drugs, repeal the Patriot Acts and the NDAA, allow gay marriage laws to be decided by the states, place all troops along the borders
Dean Morstad Constitutional Government Party MN UT Institute a flat tax, repeal the 16th Amendment, reinstate Kennedy Silver Dollar Program, institute a freeze on work visas, freeze the debt ceiling, phase out all federal medical programs, ban the use of depleted uranium, abolish the Department of Education and all education related funding, including student loans, battle climate change, allow gay marriage to be decided by the states
Jim Carlson) Grassroots Party MN None Legalize marijuana, the party platform is the Bill of Rights, there’s no campaign website available
Dr. Jill Stein Green Party AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, DC, DE, FL, HI, ID, IL, IA, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, NJ, NM, NY, OH, OR, PA, SC, TN, TX, UT, WA, WV, WI GA, IN, MO Very pro-environment, create a Full Employment Program to create 25 million localized public works jobs, create a single-payer Medicare-for-All program, tuition free education from Pre-School-College, forgive student loan debt, halt all foreclosures and evictions, give Department of the Treasury control of the Federal Reserve, break up oversized banks, restore Glass-Steagall, create non-profit banks, overturn the Citizens United ruling, abolish the Electoral College, grant Washington, DC statehood, change our electoral system to more resemble that of Britain or Canada’s, repeal the Patriot Act and the NDAA, reduce national defense spending by 50%
Former Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson Justice Party) CO, CT, FL, ID, LA, MI, MN, MS, NJ, NM, OR, TN, UT, VT, WA AL, AK, DE, GA, IL, IA, KS, MD, MT, NE, NH, NY, PA Supports a Palestinian state and removal of support from Israel if they ignore Palestinian sovereignty, abolish warrantless wiretapping and indefinite detention of US/Foreign detainees under the Patriot Act, end all fossil fuel and nuclear energy subsidies, make America the most energy efficient nation in the world within 20 years, favor mass transit funding over highways, mirror the national health care programs of Taiwan or Canada, close majority of international military bases, remove funding to countries that violate human rights, close Guantanamo Bay, drastically increase funds to research and find solutions regarding climate change, anti-fracking, raise minimum wage to $10 an hour, abolish the death penalty, legalize industrial hemp
Former Governor Gary Johnson Libertarian Party) AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, DE, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IA, IN, KS, LA, ME, MD, MA, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OR, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, WY None Pro-2nd Amendment, streamline legal immigration, audit the Federal Reserve, abolish the IRS, legalize marijuana, end the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, abolish the Department of Education, repeal the Patriot Act, enforce federal neutrality on issues dependent on personal beliefs, end the War on Drugs, pro-net neutrality, legalize online gambling
Tom Stevens Objectivist Party CO, FL None Pro-Everything Ayn Rand ever said and wrote, pro-life, decriminalize marijuana, prostitution, pornography, and gambling, eliminate income and property tax, install a 10% flat tax, repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, supports gay marriage, give greater incentives to join the National Guard, but is anti-draft, pro-separation of church and state, pro-2nd Amendment
Peta Lindsay Party of Socialism and Liberation AR, CO, IA, MN, NJ, NY, UT, VT, WA, WI None In CO, IA, UT, and WI, Gloria LaRiva is the candidate, due to Peta Lindsay’s age being under the constitutional requirement to become President; raise the minimum wage to $20 an hour, create a constitutional amendment stating everyone must have access to a job, make a constitutional amendment to guarantee free healthcare, education, and affordable housing, end the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, close all international military bases, repeal the Taft-Hartley Act, support free abortions, abolishment of any “anti-immigrant laws,’ legalize gay marriage, anti-fracking, seize the assets of corrupt bankers
Rosanne Barr Peace & Freedom Party CA, CO, FL None Legalize marijuana, support a Palestinian state and reject any war related support for Israel, forgive all student loans, end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, abolish the Electoral College, support gay marriage
Lowell “Jack” Fellure Prohibition Party None, yet None Anti-drugs and liquor of any sort, institute mandatory teaching of the Bible in schools, anti-abortion, as a means of stopping the AIDS epidemic he would make homosexuality illegal, outlaw the ACLU and Communist Party, withdraw from the UN and evict the headquarters from the United States, anti-pornography, pro-2nd Amendment
Andre Barnett Reform Party USA FL, LA, MS None Lower the corporate tax rate to 12%, implement tariffs on imports that are “burdening American production,” pro-Israel, restructure, or absorb into another department entirely, the Department of Education, “allow personal expression of faith back in schools,” pro-2nd Amendment
Chuck Baldwin Reform Party of Kansas KS None Might not be aware that the Reform Party of Kansas has even nominated him. His stances from his 2008 Constitution Party nomination are strong isolationist/nativist ideals, anti-homosexuality, anti-globalization, ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, anti-UN, NAFTA, International Criminal Court, and the Law of the Sea Treaty, would remove the USA from the UN, abolish the IRS, and would repeal the Patriot Act
submitted by DustyBosie to 2012Elections [link] [comments]

A Handy-Dandy Table of Every Third Party and Independent Presidential Candidate

With the election about three months away, I figured it’d be an interesting project to put together all of the third party and independent candidates who have achieved ballot status in at least one state and give a basic overview of their beliefs and ideas. At the moment, there are 25 candidates that fit this description.
There are still states accepting ballot access, so this list is bound to grow within the next month. I’ll do a big ole round up of all the candidates and updated ballot status the day before the election.
This is going to be in alphabetical order of third party, followed by the outright independent candidates. Due to the size of the chart, I have to divide it into two parts. Part 2 can be found here.
Candidate Party On Ballot Write-In Platform
Tom Hoefling America’s Party / American Independent Party CA, CO, FL IN Pro-Life, Pro-2nd Amendment, desires a ‘supremely strong’ military, anti-16th & 17th Amendment, supports a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, does not accept donations for fundraising
Merlin Miller American Third Position Party CO, NJ, TN None Withdraw from NAFTA, GATT, and WTO, cut welfare and unemployment benefits, abolish the Federal Reserve and the Department of Education, anti-LGBT, against “Marxist politically correct philosophy,” staunchly isolationist, supports a ‘voluntary resettlement program’ for immigrants, halt all new immigration, eliminate birthright citizenship, chain migration, and asylum, repeal the Patriot Act and NDAA, “protect White American interests”
Former Congressman Virgil Goode Constitution Party CO, FL, ID, IA, MI, MN, MO, MS, NJ, NM, NY, NV, ND, OH, SC, SD, TN, UT, VA, WA, WI, WY CA, CT, DC, GA, IL, IN, ME, MD, MA, MT, NC, TX, VT, WV Strict adherence to the Constitution, abolish the National Endowment for the Arts and No Child Left Behind, place a moratorium on Green Cards until unemployment is under 5%, end diversity visas, reduce chain migration and asylum refugees, make English the official language, elimination of the Death Tax, preserve Social Security, supports the constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, abolish the Department of Education, end the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, pro-choice, anti-UN, anti-NAFTA, vows to only serve one term as president
Will Christensen Constitution Party of Oregon / Independent American Party OR None End all overseas wars, abolish the Department of Education, end all foreign aid, withdraw from the UN, NATO, SEATO, NAFTA, WTO, IMF, and the World Court, end the federal War on Drugs, repeal the Patriot Acts and the NDAA, allow gay marriage laws to be decided by the states, place all troops along the borders
Dean Morstad Constitutional Government Party MN UT Institute a flat tax, repeal the 16th Amendment, reinstate Kennedy Silver Dollar Program, institute a freeze on work visas, freeze the debt ceiling, phase out all federal medical programs, ban the use of depleted uranium, abolish the Department of Education and all education related funding, including student loans, battle climate change, allow gay marriage to be decided by the states
Jim Carlson) Grassroots Party MN None Legalize marijuana, the party platform is the Bill of Rights, there’s no campaign website available
Dr. Jill Stein Green Party AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, DC, DE, FL, HI, ID, IL, IA, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, NJ, NM, NY, OH, OR, PA, SC, TN, TX, UT, WA, WV, WI GA, IN, MO Very pro-environment, create a Full Employment Program to create 25 million localized public works jobs, create a single-payer Medicare-for-All program, tuition free education from Pre-School-College, forgive student loan debt, halt all foreclosures and evictions, give Department of the Treasury control of the Federal Reserve, break up oversized banks, restore Glass-Steagall, create non-profit banks, overturn the Citizens United ruling, abolish the Electoral College, grant Washington, DC statehood, change our electoral system to more resemble that of Britain or Canada’s, repeal the Patriot Act and the NDAA, reduce national defense spending by 50%
Former Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson Justice Party CO, CT, FL, ID, LA, MI, MN, MS, NJ, NM, OR, TN, UT, VT, WA AL, AK, DE, GA, IL, IA, KS, MD, MT, NE, NH, NY, PA Supports a Palestinian state and removal of support from Israel if they ignore Palestinian sovereignty, abolish warrantless wiretapping and indefinite detention of US/Foreign detainees under the Patriot Act, end all fossil fuel and nuclear energy subsidies, make America the most energy efficient nation in the world within 20 years, favor mass transit funding over highways, mirror the national health care programs of Taiwan or Canada, close majority of international military bases, remove funding to countries that violate human rights, close Guantanamo Bay, drastically increase funds to research and find solutions regarding climate change, anti-fracking, raise minimum wage to $10 an hour, abolish the death penalty, legalize industrial hemp
Former Governor Gary Johnson Libertarian Party AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, DE, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IA, IN, KS, LA, ME, MD, MA, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OR, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, WY None Pro-2nd Amendment, streamline legal immigration, audit the Federal Reserve, abolish the IRS, legalize marijuana, end the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, abolish the Department of Education, repeal the Patriot Act, enforce federal neutrality on issues dependent on personal beliefs, end the War on Drugs, pro-net neutrality, legalize online gambling
Tom Stevens Objectivist Party CO, FL None Pro-Everything Ayn Rand ever said and wrote, pro-life, decriminalize marijuana, prostitution, pornography, and gambling, eliminate income and property tax, install a 10% flat tax, repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, supports gay marriage, give greater incentives to join the National Guard, but is anti-draft, pro-separation of church and state, pro-2nd Amendment
Peta Lindsay Party of Socialism and Liberation AR, CO, IA, MN, NJ, NY, UT, VT, WA, WI None In CO, IA, UT, and WI, Gloria LaRiva is the candidate, due to Peta Lindsay’s age being under the constitutional requirement to become President; raise the minimum wage to $20 an hour, create a constitutional amendment stating everyone must have access to a job, make a constitutional amendment to guarantee free healthcare, education, and affordable housing, end the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, close all international military bases, repeal the Taft-Hartley Act, support free abortions, abolishment of any “anti-immigrant laws,’ legalize gay marriage, anti-fracking, seize the assets of corrupt bankers
Rosanne Barr Peace & Freedom Party CA, CO, FL None Legalize marijuana, support a Palestinian state and reject any war related support for Israel, forgive all student loans, end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, abolish the Electoral College, support gay marriage
Lowell “Jack” Fellure Prohibition Party None, yet None Anti-drugs and liquor of any sort, institute mandatory teaching of the Bible in schools, anti-abortion, as a means of stopping the AIDS epidemic he would make homosexuality illegal, outlaw the ACLU and Communist Party, withdraw from the UN and evict the headquarters from the United States, anti-pornography, pro-2nd Amendment
Andre Barnett Reform Party USA FL, LA, MS None Lower the corporate tax rate to 12%, implement tariffs on imports that are “burdening American production,” pro-Israel, restructure, or absorb into another department entirely, the Department of Education, “allow personal expression of faith back in schools,” pro-2nd Amendment
Chuck Baldwin Reform Party of Kansas KS None Might not be aware that the Reform Party of Kansas has even nominated him. His stances from his 2008 Constitution Party nomination are strong isolationist/nativist ideals, anti-homosexuality, anti-globalization, ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, anti-UN, NAFTA, International Criminal Court, and the Law of the Sea Treaty, would remove the USA from the UN, abolish the IRS, and would repeal the Patriot Act
submitted by DustyBosie to politics [link] [comments]

is online gambling legal in sc video

Casino Slot Machine Manipulation Is Totally Possible - YouTube Thursday Night Stream! Lucklyand Slots HOW TO MAKE $100 A DAY ONLINE FROM GOOGLE. (NEVER SEEN ... GTA Online Casino Update - All 150+ Items from the MYSTERY ... Trying To Use Monopoly Money At A Vegas Casino! - YouTube R. Kelly Loses His Cool Explaining His Legal Battle - YouTube WATCH LIVE US CABLE CHANNELS COMPLETELY FREE & LEGAL  CUT ... FREE SKINS FOR CSGO - NO MONEY, NO DEPOSIT, NO GAMBLING ... Wibmer's Law - Fabio Wibmer - YouTube

Online Lotto Legal Age in South Carolina. South Carolina hadn’t legalized online lottery yet so we cannot say what will be the age for it, but for the regular lotto you must be at least 18 years old. We could only guess that this will be adopted in the future legislation of online gambling as well. Bovada accepts players from all other states, except Maryland. (source, section 2.3) (Probably Bovada can't get licensed in the three legal states because Bovada takes players from the rest of the U.S., where online gambling is usually banned by state law, and the some legal states don't want to sanction a rogue casino. Poker is treated the same way as every other form of traditional casino gambling in South Carolina, it is illegal. In the state, it is even illegal to play the game socially regardless if any wagering takes place. There are not South Carolina online poker sites, and there is no way to play the game in the state. Anyone who has taken a trip through South Carolina knows just how proud they are of their Tigers, which has made football season and Legal Online Gambling in South Carolina quite the pair. Online sportsbooks give a little boost of excitement to all your favorite sporting events and allow a form of Legal Gambling for residents of South Carolina. South Carolina Gambling & Poker Laws Summarized; Type/Code Summary; State Code Section(s) 16.19; 52.5: Definition of Unlawful Gaming Tables: Any person who shall set up, keep, or use any gaming table, roley-poley table, table to play at rouge et noir, faro bank, any other gaming table or bank of the like kind or of any other kind for the purpose of gaming and used for gambling purposes except Here are chances that legal betting will come to SC By Jeff And convenient availability — including online gambling and in-play app gambling — would be $27.5 million. There are not any SC state gambling laws or US federal law that prohibit SC residents from engaging in legally sanctioned online gambling entertainment provided by operators that hold the proper credentials and are subject to legitimate regulatory oversight through a governing jurisdiction and licensing agency. The History of Online Sports Betting in South Carolina. Historically South Carolina has been anti-gambling on all fronts. As we’ve seen in other states like neighboring Georgia, states with the most entrenched beliefs and values tend to be the most resistant to change. What Forms Of Gambling Are Legal? Casino Gaming: No, there are no casinos on South Carolina territory, or on tribal lands within it. Residents can join ‘Casino Cruises’ which sail 3 miles out into international waters. Online Casinos: No, the legislation pre-dates the internet, though the wording is vague enough to easily encompass online gambling. Online Gambling in South Carolina. South Carolina’s gaming laws are among the most restrictive in the nation, and under some interpretations may even prohibit any game involving dice or cards even if no money exchanges hands. Online gambling is similarly restricted and there appears to be almost no support to authorize online casinos or poker site.

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