24 Best Games to Play With Friends at Home - Game Night Ideas

what games can you play at home with friends

what games can you play at home with friends - win

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Now that many of us are staying at home, what are some fun games you can play with family and/or friends from home to pass the time?

submitted by hkbuff to AskReddit [link] [comments]

So many of us are stuck at home, what app/games are fun to play with your friends even when you can not be in the same room with them?

submitted by proteinbarista to AskReddit [link] [comments]

What is the best Digital at-home Trivia Game you can play with friends?

submitted by Blackhawks23 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

what is a fun game you can play with friends at home

hey does someone know like a fun game thats on steam you can play with your friends all behind on pc i prefer if it is free or something like 5 dollar orso ( something like overcooked )
submitted by tarik125 to gaming [link] [comments]

AITA for wanting to "verify" my husband's chores?

I feel like I might be going nuts and need a sanity check.
So husband (40m) and I (32f) had what started as a fun "chore game." Basically, to get motivated to do chores around the house, husband suggested "gamifying" it - we have a list of chores pinned on the wall, each with certain points: cooking a complicated dinner = 10 points, doing laundry = 5 points, and so on. It sounds silly, but it actually made it more fun and we could joke around that one of us was going to "level up" before the other.
Each week, the points reset, and whoever won would get a prize. Now before, the prize was always something like getting serenaded by the other person or getting a backrub. You know, super low stakes.
Then a month ago, husband suggested we up the ante and make it a "real" prize. He proposed whoever lost would wash the dishes for the next week (without earning points). I was hesitant because I felt like it could lead to resentment by the loser, but husband said that would just motivate the loser to try harder next time, and that washing dishes wasn't a big deal anyway. I thought there was no harm in trying it out.
It was pretty close competition, but husband won the first week. He then won the second, third, and fourth weeks too. I like to think I was a good sport about it, though it was a bit hard - while I was washing, husband would sit at the counter eating a snack and gloat/tease me. Saying stuff like "that's right, keep washing." I know he meant it as light teasing, and it was funny at first, but after weeks I found it obnoxious! I asked him to tone it down, and he would for a while, but then start up again.
Today, things got weird. It all started when I took a photo of the whiteboard we use to track points, to text to a friend since she wanted to try. A few hours later when I looked at the whiteboard and my photo, I noticed my points were lower than before. Now, I've always had serious memory issues when it comes to numbers (I can't even memorize a phone number) so normally, I would almost certainly write it off as my own mistake. But the photo was right there.
I didn't know what to feel. When I brought up the photo to him, he looked surprised and then said he probably accidentally touched/erased the whiteboard and wrote it back wrong. I asked him if maybe going forward, instead of relying on the honors system, we could have a Google doc with the points since Google shows you all the edits. I presented it as a way for us to avoid accidents.
Here, husband became really upset. He asked if I really distrusted him so much as to think he would cheat at a silly game like this, and all over washing dishes. I said it wasn't about the dishes, but being fair. He wouldn't hear of it and said my accusations really hurt him, that I was being controlling by wanting to "verify"/"audit" his chores. The more he talked, the more I started doubting myself. AITA for suggesting the "audit"?
EDIT: I've been asked to add this to my post: husband and I have a 5-month boy that I do most of the care for. The childcare doesn't get points because the system is that we don't get points for our "jobs." He works much longer hours than me as I only freelance very part-time, so the childcare is considered my job.
I'm understanding now there are a lot of problems in our relationship, though I don't want to make it sound like he's doing nothing either. He often works so much, sometimes he leaves at 6am and doesn't get home until around midnight. The way he's racked up points before is he does a lot of "big ticket" items over the weekend (he works four days a week, has the fifth day to recover as his work is heavy manual labor, then is pretty much doing chore work the whole weekend). The weekend is where I catch up on a lot of sleep, while he handles all of our budgeting and getting groceries, cooks/freezes a lot of meals for the upcoming week, general cleaning/tidying/house upkeep. That's when he watches me wash the dishes too, so the gloating is not happening all the time only weekends.
Reading all of these comments has been emotional for me. I was honestly so overwhelmed by some of the support that I cried a bit reading them. There have also been a couple of chat messages calling me a doormat/spineless/etc. which were quite nasty... but maybe they're not wrong. I feel validated but also embarrassed that I may have been so naive/played for a fool. I've known this man for a long time and my family loves him, I trusted him implicitly. Even now it's hard to get out of that mindset and I'm fighting the urge to make excuses for him.
This morning before he left, he said he was sorry the game upset me (I slept in the baby's room because I didn't want to be near him). I told him it wasn't the game that upset me, it was him. He kind of shook his head and said we'd talk more when he didn't have work.
submitted by choreauditor to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

Why I'll never stop buying GME, and why you probably should

When I turned 18, there was a casino about 2 hours away on a reservation that I could get into. We'd get paid on Friday night, head to the gas station near us that would cash a paycheck, pile into my crappy little Ford, then make the drive. We'd get there a little before midnight and everyone had their own game.
The second time we went, one of my friends was hypnotized by the craps table. There were 16 players standing around this sea of green, and every minute or so, you could hear them screaming at the top of their lungs like they just won a million dollars. On the way home that night, I taught him everything I learned from books I'd read about the different bets. "Smart" bets where the house edge was only 1.4%, all the way down to the risky ones where the house edge was over 10% (meaning that for every $100 wagered, you should expect to lose $10).
The next time we went, we hung around the table, trying to figure out the right way to bet. It seemed a little complicated, so we tried other games. At the end of the night, I had the last $10 and he asked if he could borrow it to go place a bet. I handed it over, then went to the bathroom in preparation for the ride home. When I finally found him again, he had a stack of chips in front of him. He had been gone for about 5 minutes and already turned $10 into a few hundred. Well, if you can turn 10 into 100, you can turn 100 into 1,000 just as easily. We left empty handed that night, but I'll never forget the rush.
I loved blackjack. I learned how to play at an early age from my uncle, who would always cheat and take my money. He'd say "I just taught you a very valuable lesson." He actually taught me two: 1) if you play against a casino, you may have a good night and win thousands of dollars, but if you keep going back, you'll eventually have nothing left. 2) My uncle was a scumbag who continually cheated and took my money, then told the family I was a poor sport and they couldn't understand why I hated doing anything with him. One of my earliest memories at the casino was running $100 at the blackjack table into $3000, which is more than I made in a month of bussing tables. I went home, paid my rent and blew the rest on useless things I can't even remember.
What does any of this have to do with $GME? Well I'm still chasing the same high as I was when I was 18. I don't go to the casino anymore, but I've got something even better on my computer. I bought $2k worth of weeklies on Jan 25. Before everything crashed, they were worth over $100k, more than enough to fix most of the problems I've caused in my life. BUT, I was still standing around that craps table. The roller had just made his 30th point in a row, $GME was on fire and couldn't possibly roll a 7! I put my 2k back in my pocket and shoved the rest on the pass line. A few minutes later, the croupier inevitably yells "7 out!" and just like that, I'm back to nothing.
Now I do what every moron around the table does. You reach back into your pocket, pull out the 2k and make a deal with your maker. "Just let it happen one more time. I won't be greedy THIS time and I'll stop when I hit 50k." I stop looking at the smart bets and start eyeing the center of the table, where hard ways are paying 10:1. Yeah, that'll be how I get back to 50k. A couple of those in a row and I can put a down payment on a house. 5 minutes later, I'm on my way out to the car and I feel like I've been punched in the gut. Again.
Every one of you in this subreddit is another person sitting at the casino. Everyone has their game. The people holding $GME stonks right now? You're playing baccarat. If you've never heard of it, it's what James Bond plays in the old movies. It's about the most boring thing you can do. Two hands are dealt and you're betting on which one wins before anything happens. There's no actual skill and it's the same thing as betting heads or tails, while losing 1% of your bet every time.
The people who cashed out and picked something else like $AMC or $BB? Those are the slot players. You had a big hit and now you're going to switch machines because the other ones are "due". You're looking for the exact same magic, thinking there was something smart in your play, when it was really just dumb luck in timing.
The people saying "If Daddy Elon or Cowboy Cuban gets in, we can trigger a squeeze!" You're the guy who spent too much money in the first 20 minutes of the trip and now you're begging everyone else for a loan.
Tldr: Nothing is happening with $GME. Stop saying "tomorrow is the day." Billionaires are not coming to bail you out. If institutional investors come in, they're waiting for this constant downhill slide to end at where the stock belongs, probably around $20. You can't trigger shit by holding. The HFs will outlast you.
Edit: Screenshots from the worst 40 minutes of my financial life https://imgur.com/a/MlTRJmx
Edit 2: JFC, some of you are takin WSB way too seriously. You should not be using reddit for DD. Also, this is not financial advice. Don't take financial advice from someone who tells you stories about chasing highs at casinos.
Edit 3: This is WSB, my dudes. I'm glad most of you were entertained by my story. For the few of you who got that worked up by a random stranger on the internet telling you that he's a degenerate, you may actually have a problem. https://www.ncpgambling.org/help-treatment/
submitted by mt4h to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Today is the 3rd day of the rest of my life! Retired last week thanks to FIRE

I retired on Friday! Didn't get to posting until today because I was too busy doing whatever the fuck I want.

Quick Stats

Net worth: $1MM + 100K home equity + 20K car equity
Budget: 40K per year
Age: 27

The career

tl;dr: Software 2016-2021, huge salary and got lucky with stock.
I owe a debt of gratitude to my parents for teaching me frugality, to my brother for teaching me how to be a high achiever, and to the internet for filling in the rest of the gaps. This journey really starts in 2007 when I started high school. My local state university had a full-ride scholarship, and I decided I was going get it.
In college, I picked a comp sci major because it was the most lucrative option that I was interested in. Leaving college, I had 40K in my pocket thanks to the scholarship, high paying internships, jobs for professors, living with family, and working jobs in high school. I built a strong resume, and practiced interviewing intensely, so I could basically pick whatever company I wanted to work for.
I picked a pre-IPO company over a FAANG, which shouldn't have been the right call, but I got very lucky. My interviews went so well that I started out at a Software Eng. II position, which basically means I got a promotion before even starting. My mentomanager there was incredible, and I owe much of my career success to him. Over the next three years, I was promoted once as an engineer and then promoted to management. The company IPO-ed and the stock popped!
That's really the peak of my career. I burnt out after that, and moved into a non-management role within the company. This didn't really help, so I jumped to another company where I worked as a engineer for about half a year before going back into management. This too didn't really help, and I never got back onto my A-game. I truly love building software, but I am just so over working for large companies.
Between negotiating great salaries, getting big raises, and most importantly my companies' stocks doing incredibly well, I now have $1MM.

About the Money...

tl;dr: 4% rule. 40K expenses, $1MM invested + 120K home/car equity.

FIRE Number

My FIRE number was originally 750K, but as I got closer to it, I realized that is was too low. Healthcare costs rise as you get older, and I want to do more travelling than I initially budgeted. I blew past 750K and didn't immediately quit.
It gets easier (and I got lucky). The first 500K took me 4.5 years in the workforce. The second 500K took me six months.


I spent 30K in 2020 and I could have lived leaner, but 30K was a comfortable balance of frugality and splurging. For 2021, I am budgeting 40K. This differs from my 2020 budget by adding $2,820 for health insurance, $1,800 to amortize vehicle purchases, and the rest is for transportation/travel/entertainment that wasn't possible during a pandemic.


My investment breakdown is roughly:
The goal is 100% VTI, but I can't dot it yet for tax reasons.
Why no bonds? What about the sequence-of-returns risk? Well, if the sequence-of-returns is really good, then I am set for life. If it is really bad, then I will go back to work and top up. My career capital is my hedge against that risk. I can also reduce spending during hard times.

Social Security

To qualify for social security, you need 10 years of work. My three weeks of work this month are enough to count as a whole year. This puts me at 9 years, so I will need to make 6K some year in the future. While I am not counting on social security, it would be nice. So I will do a gig or turn a profit on a hobby sometime between now and 65.

About Life...

2020 was great financially, but otherwise terrible for me. I suffered from depression which was fueled by a cycle of stress from being behind at work causing me to get further behind at work. I already feel much better.

Do I tell people I am retired?

A few people who are very familiar with my FIRE plans know that I am retired. Everyone else, I am telling that I am taking a one year break from the corporate world. I want to leave that door open, and one year may change my perspective.

Goals and Hobbies

I need to lose some weight and get in better shape. I have also been single since the start of the pandemic and I do want a long-term partner. But I am not in a hurry. Being retired and single is the pinnacle of freedom.
I have two hobbies that might actually make me money. There is a website I am building, and super excited to launch. I am also designing some board games that I want to kickstart. The idea of making money on these is exciting because it would be purely disposable income. There is also a certain thrill of making something valuable enough that others are willing to pay for it.
I am not worried at all about being bored. There are places to hike/backpack, board games to play, friends to catch up with, places to visit, code to write, and so much more. For the first time in a long time, I am excited to wake up each morning!
submitted by BisonFire to financialindependence [link] [comments]

🐦 Hey CD Projekt Red, I think you shipped the wrong config on PC. Here's a guide that shows you how to "unlock" Cyberpunk for possibly massive performance improvements.

Update regarding the 1.05 patchnotes saying this file appearantly does nothing:
Hey all, I had no intention to jebait anybody in any way. I even asked two friends to try this fix before posting it, because it seemed unreal to me a file like this could change ANYTHING. After they confirmed this, I went to post it on reddit and people's responses were huge. I expected this to ONLY maybe help in niche-cases. Only after hundreds of people allegedly confirming that it made noticable diffferences, stability being the most common, reflecting purposefully increased memory pools, I started to collect data and tried to draw a better picture since some characteristics seemed very distinct (for example new Ryzens seeming to be totally unaffected). Maybe I got hit with placebo, but how the hell is it possible thousands of people appearantly did too? This bugs me quite a bit. If I really spread misinformation, I am sincerely apologizing. Obviously it's hard to argue with patchnotes most likely backed by developers or a member of QA, but for me my personal changes were far beyond any deviation that would fall in within placebo limits. (Yes, I am very aware that a game restart can fix a common memory leak issue or can get the game the chance to reorder itself, therefore giving you a few perceived temporary extra fps gains) I am still positive my game ran way more stable (even on higher settings and better resolution) and it recovered a lot better from fps drops. A prominent point were definite improvements in load times. I am not trying to pull something out of thin air for the sake of defending myself, I am being honest.
To the people calling me out for allegedly farming awards or having ill intentions: If there is any way I can refund the awards, for example via staff, I will do so asap. If I can refund Platinum / Gold 1:1 I will immediately do that if I am asked for a refund. I have zero interest in keeping any undeserved rewards. The one person who actually has donated me 4.69$ via PayPal has already been promptly refunded after reading the 1.05 patchnotes. https://i.imgur.com/DY6q0LR.png
I only had good intentions, sharing around what I found to get back feedback on, waiting for people to either tell me this is only in my head and that I am a muppet or responses confirming my assumptions. And I got a lot more from the later.
I would appreciate it if a CDPR dev can reach out to me personally so I have first hand confirmation, but It's definitely hard to argue with an official set of patchnotes claiming this file does nothing.
Again, sincere apologies if I indeed sold you the biggest snake oil barrel in 2020 on accident. It's just hard to grasp for me atm that this thread has tons of posts backing up my assumptions while an official statement states the complete opposite.
>> I have created an updated all-in-one video guide, scroll to 'What we've learned' for it.

Pre-Story 🐒

Hi, I played Cyberpunk for 14 hours now and was quite bummed from the start.
I have the following rig:
My rig is normally a monster trusty chap when it comes to performance, I can play the most recent titles on 1440p high on at LEAST 60 fps.

I was shocked that I was only averaging 30 - 50fps (lowest settings possible,1080p, 70fov, no extra jazz) at best depending on the amount of objects I was looking at. For someone that is used to play at 1440p @ 144hz, this was heart-wrenchingly bad performance and half an agony to play. So I took a look at CyberPunk in Process Lasso and noticed that both my CPU and GPU always lounge around at 40 - 60% and that my GPU consumed a humble 100 Watts. Something felt horribly off. It makes ZERO sense that my cpu & gpu barely do anything but at the same time my performance is horse shit.
I was looking on advice on /pcmasterrace, people with similar or worse rigs than mine were shocked how I was basically at the bottom's barrel bottom of the barrel, while they had no issues to play at 1080p @ high or 1440p @ medium. What the heck is going on?

Guide 💡

Since I am a C# developer and very comfortable around configuration files, I figured it wouldn't hurt to take a look at the configuration files. And found something that I didn't believe.


Please take a look at the above picture. This picture shows the configuration columns for each platform. PC, Durango, Orbis. (Durango & Orbis is what XBox & PlayStation run on).
Now take a look at PoolCPU and PoolGPU. These values are the same as the other platforms. This looks off. So I decided to give it a try and just screw around with this config. So based off my rig I assigned some values that made a little more sense to me.


I assigned 16GB (of RAM I guess) to my CPU and 11GB of my GPU's VRAM.
And howdy cowboy, my i7 finally woke the fuck up and started kicking in second gear, now working at 85 - 95% CPU usage. My 1080Ti also now uses 230 Watts on avg instead of a sad 100W.


Booted the game and et voila, I am now rocking a solid 60+ fps on:

My loading times have gone down from 20 seconds to 2.

I can't put the emotion in words how I felt when I discovered this. It was something between disbelief, immense joy and confusion.
I can confirm GOG patch 1.04 and Steam patch 1.04 have this borked configuration file.
If you need guidance on what to assign in your config:

A fair bit of warning 💀

If anybody is more familiar with the configuration I am touching, please let me know and I will adjust it. I am merely showing this around because it looks like a promising starting point for many who have weird performance issues.

If this helped you, please let us know with a short comment how much your FPS and joystick ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) went up.

Update: What we've learned.

Since this is starting to make bigger waves I decided to create a video compiling a lot of key points of this thread of all sorts. I made a 16 minute long video that should be a one-for-all guide catering all types of users.
>> All-In-One Video Guide <<
If you prefer to go through this in a written version, the agenda i go off on in the video can be found below in prosa.
Timestamps for the video:
General Info: 0:00
Additional Fixes & Troubleshooting: 3:57
Calculating your Values: 6:58
Finding the file: 9:50
Explanations about the File: 10:30
Actually configuring it: 11:58
Zero Config & Theory Crafting: 14:28
Written Version:
TLDR Possible Benefits * strong fps gains (up to 50%) * better stability, less jitter * better load times Condensation * newer processors seem to be already fed correctly, ryzens mostly * older processors seem to benefit a lot more from this, especially the 4th gen i7 / i5 (4790K) * scroll the thread. try to Ctrl + F your proc / gpu, a lot of kind people post references * deleting the file or entering critically low / impossible values will most likely resolved by the engine initializing with defaults * safe tryout can be the 'zero' config * its not placebo, its just possible the changes are very minimal for your setup Troubleshooting / Additional Fixes * VS Code is light & should replace notepad on windows. Treat yourself to a good editor. https://code.visualstudio.com * running 'Cyberpunk 2077.exe' as admin can help sometimes * make sure to run the latest nvidia drivers. * pay attention to formatting in the csv * yamashi's https://github.com/yamashi/PerformanceOverhaulCyberpunk (mentioned by u/SplunkMonkey) * u/-home 's https://www.reddit.com/Amd/comments/kbuswu/a_quick_hex_edit_makes_cyberpunk_better_utilize/ AMD Hex Edit (mentioned by u/Apneal) * if your pc starts to behave strange, lower the Pools, try zero config How To Calculate Values? * Task Manager / Performance * https://www.heise.de/download/product/gpu-z-53217/download for GPU-Z * Amount of RAM / 2 & leave atleast 4GB for windows Examples: 64GB RAM = 32GB 32GB RAM = 16GB - 24GB 16GB RAM = 8GB - 12GB 8GB RAM = 4GB Folder Locations
X:\...\Steam\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077\engine\config
Y:\...\GOG Galaxy\Games\Cyberpunk 2077\engine\config
Epic Games
Z:\...\Epic Games\Cyberpunk 2077\engine\config

My personal memory_pool_budgets.csv
;;; ; ^[1-9][0-9]*(B|KB|MB|GB) - Pool budget ; -1 - Pool does not exist on the current platform ; 0 - Budget will be computed dynamically at runtime ; PC ; Durango ; Orbis PoolRoot ; ; ; PoolCPU ; 16GB ; 1536MB ; 1536MB PoolGPU ; 10GB ; 3GB ; 3GB PoolFlexible ; -1 ; -1 ; 0 PoolDefault ; 1KB ; 1KB ; 1KB PoolLegacyOperator ; 1MB ; 1MB ; 1MB PoolFrame ; 32MB ; 32MB ; 32MB PoolDoubleBufferedFrame ; 32MB ; 32MB ; 32MB PoolEngine ; 432MB ; 432MB ; 432MB PoolRefCount ; 16MB ; 16MB ; 16MB PoolDebug ; 512MB ; 512MB ; 512MB PoolBacked ; 512MB ; 512MB ; 512MB
I have been asked by a very small amount of people if there's another way they can send a little something my way besides reddit, so here's my business paypal: Paypal Link removed since 1.05 says this file does nothing. The one person who has donated 4.69$ will be refunded immediately. :)
Please feel zero obligation to do so, I greatly appreciate it though if you decide to.
Please consider donating money to the people creating performance mods (yamashi for example), creating a codebase like that takes a LOT of time and sending a digital coffee their way can be a serious motivation booster.
submitted by ThePhoenixRoyal to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

The Alternate Universe Ending Theory: A complete log of all the evidence

The Alternate Universe Ending Theory: A complete log of all the evidence
(This is long, but I promise it's worth your time. If I had to place a $500 bet on any AOT ending, I'm going all in on this. Thanks for reading!)
Having been on my university break for quite some time now, I have spent my time arduously attempting to figure out the finale of Attack on Titan. I have created document after document, chatted with other fans, scoured forums; many people have devised some strong theories. However, there is one manga panel that is rarely mentioned and it is one I cannot move past: 'Goth' Mikasa and 'Nerd' Armin (from the Attack on School Castes) appearing in Chapter 120 of the main story.

Here is the panel I am referring to. This shows Eren's PAST memories. Notice the shard in the very top left corner?
When we zoom in, we can see that this is 'Goth' Mikasa and 'Nerd' Armin. Take note of Mikasa's hairstyle and Armin's glasses...

See Mikasa's hairstyle and Armin's glasses?
For those who are unaware, the 'Attack on School Castes' is an alternate universe where the characters from Attack on Titan live a simple, peaceful life and attend high school. They are included alongside the official manga as 'previews,' and are published at the end of each volume, starting with Volume 21.
Though there are clear comedic purposes to these previews, there are important events that take place in this alternate universe. I will now summarise these quickly, as they serve as the foundation for this theory:
  1. In this alternate universe, Eren is seen as a 'nobody,' and is very bored with his life. 'Goth' Mikasa and 'Nerd' Armin befriend Eren because he 'protected' them.
  2. One day, Eren has a dream that he was fighting a zombie apocalypse at his high school. He woke up from this dream crying.
  3. After this dream, Eren continually mentions that his life is boring; he wishes that his dream was real, just so his life would be more interesting. He wishes to become a 'threat to all of humanity' just so 'something interesting would happen.' (I'll post this panel below, as I believe it is important).
  4. Then Ymir Fritz is on the scene, and she is worshipped as a God. Eren is the only one who can see her.

Eren in the Attack on School Castes wishes to become a 'threat to all of humanity' because he is tired of a life where 'nothing happens.'
Many have brushed off the memory shard of Goth Mikasa and Nerd Armin, stating instead that it's most probably an easter egg. I thought that too, until I stumbled across this interview with Isayama:

Reporter: What's your favourite fake preview?
Isayama: Definitely the High School Caste AU. Even though there are only two pages each time, I spend about five pages worth of time and energy to complete them.
Reporter: What’s the appeal of that AU?
Isayama: If possible, I want to draw something that is linked to the original manga’s universe. That’s how I’m approaching it now.

The interview was conducted on July 20th, 2019. Chapter 120, where Goth Mikasa and Nerd Armin appeared in the past memory shards, was published on August 9th, 2019 - only a few weeks later. This suggests to us that this memory shard was no mere easter egg - but may potentially open up the possibility of alternate universes in Attack on Titian.

This brings me to the next piece of the puzzle: One of Isayama's primary sources of inspiration for Attack on Titan is Muv Luv Alternative. In fact, he even stated that the ending was similarly inspired by Muv Luv. Here's the kicker: The Muv Luv franchise is based around alternate universes.
So, to investigate further, I watched various Muv Luv play-throughs and scoured their wiki. I discovered that the similarities between Muv Luv and AOT are striking, for example:
  • Both stories involve mindless giants; in AOT these are Titans, in Muv Luv these are BETAs (which are aliens).
  • Both stories involve 3D manoeuvring gear.
  • Both stories have similar arcs.
  • In Muv-Luv, there are certain characters who obtained powers as a byproduct of science mishap, and though they are very powerful, they suffer headaches as a result of this; parallels with Mikasa and the Ackerman powers.
However, the most crazy similarity of all is the beginning of Muv Luv Alternative and AOT; both main characters wake up from a dream crying:

In Muv Luv, the main character wakes up from a dream crying. This was in reference to waking up from an alternate universe.

In Chapter 1 of AOT, Eren wakes up in a similar way; having experienced the 'longest dream' and also crying.

Interestingly, Eren had the exact same experience in the Attack on School Castes previews.
So, knowing all of this, I devised a theory, linking AOT, the Attack on School Castes and Muv Luv:
  • The memory shard of Goth Mikasa and Nerd Armin was in the past. This means Eren was living in the Attack on School Castes alternate universe first.
  • In the Attack on School Castes alternate universe, Eren was tired of his boring life and wanted 'something to happen.' He wanted to destroy humanity. This was his wish.
  • In the Attack on School Castes, he made a deal with Ymir for this to come true.
  • Everything we have seen from the moment Eren woke up in Chapter 1 of the AOT main manga is a result of Eren's wish being fulfilled. This parallels the plot of Muv Luv, the game we know Isayama took great inspiration from.
I then re-read the manga and re-watched the anime in an attempt to either prove/disprove this theory. My verdict is: it made more sense. Way more sense. I will attempt to explain the plot of AOT (simplified) through this new lens, and this forms the basis of my evidence for this theory:

  1. In the beginning of AOT, Eren expressed the same boredom and desire for something to happen.
  2. Then something did happen; the titans. Humanity was being destroyed, just as Eren in the previous High school Universe wished for.
  3. Just as in Muv Luv, Eren's memories of a past, alternate universe would have been wiped (which as a side note, would parallel nicely with the implied memory wiping that the 145th King conducted on Eldians). Because of this, Eren believes he is fighting titans, saving humanity, and is none the wiser.
  4. Until, however, he kisses Historia's hand. We still don't know all of what Eren saw. However, if this theory is correct, then I am willing to bet he saw that all of this destruction was his wish from the start in a past alternate universe. (And I mean, his face doesn't look too happy).
  5. This explains the panel where Eren is talking to Ramzi perfectly. Eren expresses regret over what is to come (ie. The Rumbling) with the words 'I wished for it. I wanted to wipe it all way.' Wished = past tense. Wanted = past tense.
  6. It also explains this scene where Eren reflects on kissing Historia's hand retroactively. He says 'even if this was set in stone from the start,' and 'even if this is what I wanted.' Again; wanted = past tense.
  7. It similarly explains the scene with Hange, where Eren seemingly begs them for 'another way.' However, as mentioned before, there is no other way. This was set in stone from the start due to Eren's wish to destroy humanity. All he can do is to keep moving forward.
  8. Since kissing Historia's hand, Eren knows this is all his fault. This is why his attitude and demeanour changes drastically since that occasion. It's why he tries to push away his friends. This regret and shame is foreshadowed in the Attack on Castes panel, where Eren says (rather grimly) 'it's all because I wanted to destroy the world.'

So, if Muv Luv led me to discover these parallels, then can the plot of Muv Luv Alternative similarly predict the ending of Attack on Titan? (And let's recall, Isayama himself said the ending of AOT is inspired by Muv Luv).
In a nutshell, the ending of Muv Luv Alternative depicts the main character leaving the alternate universe of destruction for his 'previous world'. He loses all of his memories, and everyone will similarly forget him and what he did.
To translate to Attack on Titan:
  • Eren won't stay in the current universe of destruction (what we know as the current world of Attack on Titan).
  • Everyone will forget him and what he did, and he will travel (most probably) to the Attack on School Castes universe where he previously resided. Presumably, the other characters will 'travel' too.
  • In this universe, I believe there will be two options: Eren will 'wake up' as the same age he was in the Attack on School Castes previews, and the last chapter will also include a timeskip that shows Eren as an adult; OR, Eren will 'wake up' in this universe and time will have passed (Eren in Chapter 1 was 10, Eren in Chapter 139 will be 19/20; so 10 years will have passed). Eren depicted as an adult is an important detail (and this will be discussed further below).

The concept of the AOT characters leaving this universe for another has been heavily foreshadowed before (it's just that most of us didn't think to interpret it literally). As shown below (some examples of many):

Mention of a 'world we don't know about yet.'

This heavily aligns with the theory that Eren wished for this world of destruction, or 'pain and suffering,' yet another world exists.

This panel is excellent foreshadowing if correct; 'if only those kids could've lived normal lives.'

Here is further foreshadowing of the characters living 'long, happy lives.' Interestingly, though Eren's motivations have long been confusing - his desire for his friends to live 'long, happy lives' has always been made clear. If we also note what Hange said when talking to Levi about running away, she emphasised that even if they returned to Paradis, the 'Jeagirists control the land with the Spinal Fluid.' So, with only 3 chapters left, the only feasible way I can see the AOT characters living 'long, happy lives' is an alternate universe.

This is an image that was shown during the Season 3 ending scene. Many have suspected that these are the young Tybur children in a few years time. However, given the current fashion trends seen in Attack on Titan, these uniforms seen far too modern. So instead, could this foreshadow the Tybur children in the alternate universe (which we know is set in the 21st century?)

EDITED TO ADD: A user in the comment section also pointed out that in the Akatsuki no Requiem MV (which appears to foreshadow the ending of AOT), there is a lot of imagery of a character leaving one world for this city (seen above) in an elevator. Also, if you flip this image to the right side up, the character is actually travelling downwards to this city- parallels nicely with the previous image that says 'underneath this world full of pain and suffering exists another world where light cannot reach.'

However, probably the most striking evidence of all is what Eren says to Ymir in Paths, 'Lend me your strength, I will put an end to THIS world.' Grammatically speaking, usually one will say 'I will put an end to THE world,' or 'I will save THE world.' Eren saying he will put an end to THIS world, implies the existence of MORE THAN ONE WORLD.

Eren says 'I will put an end to THIS world' rather than I will put an end to THE world.
This is also similar to Eren's phrase 'because I was born into THIS world.' In fact, when Zeke asks Eren why he is betraying him in Paths and going ahead with the Rumbling, Eren just replies 'because I was born into THIS world.' That's an incredibly vague and weird justification for annihilating the planet - unless you put it into the context of this theory; that Eren is going ahead with the Rumbling because he has no other choice, THIS world of destruction was his wish from the start.

Again, born into THIS world, rather than born into THE world.

Incase you still weren't convinced, take a look at the Season 4 opening song. First thing to note, the cover art for this song is of a modern-day classroom. Further, the lyrics of this song seem to parallel perfectly to the occurrences in the previous Attack on School Castes universe, right as Eren made a deal with Ymir to destroy the world. See some of the notable lyrics below:
"Let's start a new life from the darkness"
"Destruction and regeneration. You are the real enemy."
"Time to leave school, stepping in others shadows. When I noticed, I was alone at dawn."
"It's okay to cry for now. I have to get ready for tomorrow. I have to do my homework and go to bed. My war."

Contrastingly, the Season 4 closing song appears to foreshadow the ending, whereby Eren and his friends will return back to their previous alternate universe, losing all memories and proof that they ever existed in the universe of destruction (what we see in Attack on Titan); see some of the notable lyrics below:
"Someone please disperse
The proof that I existed here
Even if my bones turned to sand and disappeared
I'm alive."

Finally, I want to point out two 'bonus' puzzle pieces.

  • The first puzzle piece is a key detail that many overlook: the story about the miner in Episode 25 of the anime. You can read Part 1 and Part 2 here.
To summarise this story that appeared in the anime intermission: There was a miner that originally dreamt of a better life and as such, wanted to dig his way into Wall Sina. He was an expert at digging, doing so for 20 years. One night, he finally attempted to dig to a better life; but no matter what he did, it was no use. On the brink of giving up, his friend instead insinuated he should accept and be happy with 'his lot in life.' It was then revealed that the miner suddenly disappeared without a trace, even the pit he had dug had disappeared. His friend also vanished, never to be seen again.
As a parallel, Eren Yeager is currently 19 years old. His birthday is March 30, which is directly before the release of the final chapter of Attack on Titan (April 9). Symbolically speaking, Eren will be 20 in the last chapter of the series. This correlates to the 20 years mentioned in the story of the miner; Eren has been trying, fighting and battling for 20 years, and though it is theorised that he caused this mess in the first place, he too is striving for a better life (as he often refers to 'that scenery.') That better life can be found in an alternate universe, which is why Eren and friends will similarly disappear without a trace (just like the miner and his friend); they will be finally free from the destruction that Eren wished for.

  • The second puzzle piece is that the Attack on Titan manga will end with Chapter 139.
This is rather strange, considering that almost all AOT volumes have included 4 chapters and concluded with an even-numbered chapter. Yes, this could simply be a coincidence or an over-sight. However, it's interesting that when looking at Numerology, the number 139 represents 'the end of a cycle; it is not a 'real' death, but just the end of one period, and therefore the beginning of another.' This perfectly aligns with Isayama's own words, as when he was asked about the ending of Attack on Titan, he simply replied 'it's just the beginning!'

Now I know what you may be thinking; 'what about the infamous final panel? How does that work with this theory?' This could go a number of ways, but I think a huge clue is the parallels between Grisha and Eren's love interests. I will break it down:
  • Grisha first married Dina, who is of royal blood.
  • They birthed a child, Zeke. This child of royal blood was born to be utilised as a weapon; arguably not 'free.'
  • Grisha, then on the brink of death, was given a second chance at life behind the walls. He then married Carla.
  • They birthed a child, Eren. This child wasn't raised to be a weapon, and appears to have an innate desire to achieve freedom (even if that restriction and destruction was implemented by him in the first place).

So, if this theory is correct, let's look at how this parallels with Eren:
  • Eren and Historia appear to be allied together at the moment (a whole separate host of evidence for this, but if I digress this theory will be too long). Notably, Historia is also of royal blood; parallels to Dina.
  • It is likely at this stage that Eren is the father of Historia's child (again, also has evidence but too lengthy for here). Unless the titan curse is broken in the next 3 chapters, or so as long as the people of Paradis are considered 'subjects of Ymir,' this child will not be born free (and the popular reincarnation theory similarly dictates this to be so); parallels to Zeke.
  • However, if Eren and the other AOT characters 'wake up' in the Attack on School Castes alternate universe, where presumably time has passed, it is likely that Eren will have a 'second chance,' similar to Grisha; however, this time with Mikasa. (And for further proof, this panel in the Attack on School Castes previews shows that Eren clearly has romantic feelings for Mikasa).
  • If Eren and Mikasa have a child together in this alternate universe (where again, presumably time has passed), this child will be truly free - as it was not born in THAT world of destruction that Eren wished for, and has now escaped from. This is what I believe the last panel will show, and this was eerily foreshadowed already (see below):

First, notice what Zeke says; 'no one will cast blame on you for forgetting everything about your first family to enjoy this happy life.' This would foreshadow the ending perfectly if this theory is true; that Eren has forgotten everything about his first family (Historia) due to the memory wipe, and now experiences a 'happy' life with Mikasa in the alternate universe. Also, notice how Grisha and baby Eren look eerily similar to the father and child in the final panel? However, Grisha does not have a beard here, whereas the man in the final panel clearly does. Instead, I believe the man in that final panel is Eren (with a beard), holding his and Mikasa's child.

To add further credence to the importance of Mikasa and Eren's relationship in the final chapter of Attack on Titan, I would like to highlight an important quote in Muv Luv, said by one of the main love interests:
You want to meet him again, don't you? Then you should say... 'See you Later. Not goodbye.'
The concept of saying 'See you later' rather than 'Goodbye' is a prominent theme in Muv Luv, and especially pertains to the travel across alternate universes.
Where else have we seen this before? Right at the beginning of AOT:

Just like the love interest in Muv Luv, Mikasa says 'see you later,' rather than 'goodbye,' hinting she and Eren will meet again.
Now, this next part is purely speculation, but I believe there could be more to Mikasa's character than we originally suspected:
  • We know that as of her father's side, Mikasa is an Ackerman. They are resistant to the powers of the Founding titan; including memory wiping.
  • Mikasa is also apart of the 'Oriental' bloodline (through her mother). They are also resistant to the powers of the Founding titan, and again, this includes memory wiping.
  • This means that despite being Eldian and able to enter the Paths, both sides of her bloodline are resistant to memory wipes. This puts Mikasa in a very unique position.
  • And, when you think about it, the plot point that some clans (such as the Ackerman's and the Oriental Clan) are resistant to the memory wipes has been rather fruitless and purposeless so far. It was not used to reveal any information on the outside world - so why else would Isayama include this detail?
  • We know that in Muv Luv, when characters exited an alternate universe, their memories were wiped. What if, when travelling from the previous (Attack on School Castes) universe to the AOT universe (what we see in Chapter 1), Mikasa's memories were not fully wiped?
  • This would explain this panel in Chapter 9 where Mikasa says Armin's abilities have saved them 'many times in the past,' and Armin is confused as to when this occurred.
  • Similarly, this panel of Mikasa saying 're-opening the same old wound... do I really have to start everything anew yet again?
  • What is most convincing are these panels in Chapter 6. Mikasa sees Eren is being choked, and she says 'I'd seen this scene before, over and over again.' She then follows this up in the next panel, talking about the 'cruelty of THIS world.' Again, saying THIS world, rather than THE world.
  • Most importantly is the phrase 'come back home,' of which Mikasa says to Eren multiple times throughout the manga. Instead of interpreting it literally, what if Mikasa is referring to 'home' as the previous alternate universe in which they came from?
  • In fact, in Mikasa's character song, there are multiple important lyrics that link to this theory and going 'back home' with Eren:
" When I woke up again, At that moment… I found you"
"You are my home to return to, no matter where you are."

  • In linking with this, the OST 'Name of Love' also potentially foreshadows this theory and Eren and Mikasa meeting again at the finale:
"Goodbye world. Our shadows, standing side by side, do not cross each other."
"somewhere in this world, if we can meet in the future, please dont forget... about me"

Though I feel pretty confident about other aspects of this theory, I am not 100% sure whether Mikasa has retained her memories or not. Irrespective of this, if this alternate universe theory proves to be true, then I still believe it is likely that the final chapter will include Mikasa and the scarf, and the phrase 'lets go home' when going back to the original alternate universe.

Now, answering some of the questions/complaints I can anticipate in the comments:
  • "A parallel universe is unlikely and comes out of no where."
Not necessarily true. The fact that Eren was able to change Grisha's memories without causing a paradox implies that multiple or alternative universes can indeed exist. Further, there have been various hints throughout the series already; such as the Paths and the ability to transcend time, as well as all the symbolism of rebirth and second chances (especially in the latest manga chapters).
  • "Eren and Ymir making a deal in the Attack on School Castes (previous/original universe) seems like a reach."
Well, have you considered the original painting of Ymir and the Devil, making some sort of deal? We know that Founder Ymir gained her titan powers from an unknown organic material when falling into the tree... so what else could these paintings be depicting, I wonder? And let's not forget who is currently seen as the Devil... (*cough Eren*).
Further, it's rather interesting; Ymir was the original 'Founding Titan,' meaning she had the ability to wipe all memories. If she was the one involved with Eren in the School Castes universe (where she is viewed as a 'God'), and partook in his deal, this could explain how the new universe (and subsequently wiped memories of the previous universe) came to be. Further, I believe that in Norse Mythology, 'Ymir' was symbolic of the creation of Earth; this could potentially be excellent symbolism of the role Ymir Fritz plays in the creation/manipulation of the two universes I am theorising about.
Additionally, and this might be the most concrete proof of all; if we go back to the Chapter 120 manga panel with the memory shards of Eren's past (the one with Goth Mikasa and Nerd Armin), down the bottom left is Ymir Fritz. Eren hadn't met her yet, so why was she in Eren's past memories at this stage? Unless, of course, they'd already met in a previous alternate universe to make the aforementioned 'deal.'

Ymir Fritz in the Chp 120 memory shard panel; depicting Eren's 'past' memories.
As a final note; the first Chapter of AOT when Eren wakes up from his 'dream' is titled, 'To you, 2000 years from now,' and then the Chapter when Eren finally reunites with Ymir Fritz is titled 'From you, 2000 years ago.' What does Eren say in the latter chapter? It ends now.
"Okay, but why The Rumbling? It doesn't seem like Ymir or Eren want this."
This is the one thing that Isayama would be yet to explain, and is a probable reason as to why Eren and Ymir's true motivations and points of view have been shrouded in mystery. However, if we theorise that Eren made a deal with Ymir in the past alternate universe to 'destroy humanity,' then Eren must fulfil this deal and either complete that mission, or be killed in the process. This was hinted already during the scene where Eren Kurger says to Grisha 'if you want to save Armin and Mikasa, then you need to fulfil your mission.' If we know that attack titan inheritors are connected- then perhaps was this meant for Eren? Is this why he 'keeps moving forward?'
  • "But I've seen X, Y, Z theory and it sounds much more plausible."
The beauty of this theory is that there will be essentially two endings; a conclusion to the universe we see in Attack on Titan (most likely Chapter 137 and 138), and then a conclusion to the entire story (Chapter 139), of which I predict will be Eren and co. travelling back to their previous universe and finally being 'free.' So, your favourite theory within the AOT universe could still happen.
  • "There's only a few chapters left, I doubt this will happen."
Actually, the fact that there are only a few chapters left strengthens this theory. Just as in Muv Luv, and just as in that story of the miner digging under the wall - the characters suddenly vanish. 3 chapters is not a lot of space to tie up every last loose end, but this isn't needed if Eren and his friends suddenly travel to their previous universe.
Also, consider again the picture of the Tybur children in the school uniform. They are a little older in that photo (maybe 5-7 years or so older). If the last panel is of Eren holding Historia's baby (with no alternate universes), then you'd also need to have a time skip to show these Tybur children... that doesn't work out. However, if there is an alternate universe where time has passed... it does.
  • "Isayama said the story doesn't have a happy ending, this is a happy ending!"
Isayama actually said he wanted to betray the reader. I also think this ending will shock a lot of people, and potentially be quite controversial. Interestingly, Isayama included a little text bubble in the Attack on School Castes that said, with no real context, "I do feel ashamed about the reveal being a dream." (See below).

Does this hint that Eren in the final chapters will wake up in the previous universe, memories lost - just like Chapter 1? Is this the big 'reveal' that Isayama is 'ashamed' of?
  • "From a narrative point of view, this ending sucks. It's cliche and I've seen it done before."
First and foremost, I don't think Isayama could ever create an ending where everyone is happy (I mean, just look at the divide in the community between Jeagerist and Alliance supporters). However, I do think he could create an ending that no one would expect - and this theory is exactly that. Yes, there are plenty of isekai animes, or stories involving alternative universes - but it seems that most of these characters travel in time/space for benevolent reasons. I personally haven't seen a story where a character travels to an alternate universe purely to destroy it, just because he was 'bored' and 'wanted something to happen.' It would also mean that for over a decade, Eren was the true villain of the story, and we were none the wiser. What better way to betray your readers than that?

TL;DR: Goth Mikasa and Nerd Armin from the 'Attack on School Castes' appear in a memory fragment of the AOT main story (Chapter 120). Isayama also recently confirmed that these School Caste alternate universe previews would be linked to the main story. I believed that this could prove the existence of alternate worlds in Attack on Titan, and thus began my research. I discovered that Isayama drew great inspiration from a game called Muv Luv Alternative; a story about alternate universes, and similarly found significant parallels between the two. I then devised a theory that Eren existed FIRST in the Attack on School Castes universe and due to his boring life, wished to destroy the world. He made a deal with Ymir to do so, and hence Chapter 1 of AOT is the result of this wish being fulfilled. As in Muv Luv, Eren's memories of a previous world are wiped, and he believes he is saving humanity- until he kisses Historia's hand and realises that all this destruction was his wish from the start. I predict that in the final chapter of the AOT manga, Eren and the other characters will 'wake up' back in the previous/original alternate universe (School Castes), this is how they will be truly free.
submitted by emmyeggo to titanfolk [link] [comments]

Hitman 3 - Review Thread

Game Information

Game Title: Hitman 3
Publisher: IO Interactive
Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - 87 average - 97% recommended - 63 reviews

Critic Reviews

33bits - Euyen Esquefa Pons - Spanish - 90 / 100
Hitman 3, more than a third installment of a video game sub-saga, is more like a third season of it. It is totally continuous and does not hide in this sense. It is true that it does not add anything substantial, but it is also true that the base it inherits is very, very good. And the new maps show the experience already acquired from the two previous games, offering us some of the best maps of the trilogy.
3DNews - Михаил Пономарев - Russian - 7 / 10
Despite the plot flaws and disappointing ending, Hitman 3 remains a fine assassin playground with a huge gameplay variety.
ACG - Jeremy Penter - Buy
While it has some inconsistencies, Hitman 3 delivers the best story the Hitman games have had, and a couple tremendous levels, as well as almost endless substantial replayability.
Ars Technica - Sam Machkovech - Unscored
A solid if unambitious expansion pack—and that should tell you whether to buy this one or catch up on Hitman 2 instead.
Atomix - Sebastian Quiroz - Spanish - 85 / 100
Hitman III is one of the first strong cards of the year. IO Interactive has given us an entertaining experience focused on experimentation and replayability that no fan of the stealth genre can miss.
Attack of the Fanboy - Diego Perez - 5 / 5 stars
Hitman 3 is the ultimate murder simulator. Now that the World of Assassination trilogy is finally complete, there's no excuse to not play Hitman. In order to truly appreciate the game's intricacies, you have to commit to replaying levels, attempting challenges, and testing out new strategies. However, if you put in the time, you'll be treated to one of the most engaging and rewarding stealth experiences in all of gaming.
COGconnected - Paul Sullivan - 92 / 100
The locations and level designs in Hitman 3 are among the best IO Interactive have built.
Checkpoint Gaming - Charlie Kelly - 9 / 10
Hitman 3 is a beautiful, wonderful and exceptionally well-made game that I’m so glad exists. IO Interactive have created something simply amazing that should be lauded for being right up there with the smartest design in the industry.
Critical Hit - Darryn Bonthuys - 8.5 / 10
Hitman 3 is full of surprises beneath its familiar systems. It manages to break out of its own sandbox without disrupting its formula too much, ending on a subtle note that brings the world of assassination saga to a satisfying end.
Cubed3 - Luke Hemming - 9 / 10
Hitman 3 succeeds in every respect by being a fantastic ending to analready great series. It's also a joy to see that IO Interactive ensured players would be able to slip right back into the shoes of a veteran killer,but didn'trest on their laurels by not offering anything new. Although the touches of permanent shortcuts and new gadgets may seem small, once implemented it's hard to imagine playing without them as they integrate seamlessly into mission stories. Add to that the same freedom to approach a hit that the series is famous for, as well as ensuring every playground looks absolutely stunning and its clear that even without good friends, Agent 47 really does find the perfect blend.
Cultured Vultures - Ashley Bates - 9 / 10
Hitman 3 takes everything good about the rebooted series and combines it with worthwhile features and levels that are more interactive than ever before to create one of the best stealth games of the last decade.
DASHGAMER.com - Dan Rizzo - 9 / 10
Hitman 3 is unequivocally IO’s magnum opus; a tour de force within the overall longstanding Hitman franchise, and its essential pick within the trilogy. [...] leads the charge in 2021 for compelling action-adventure.
Destructoid - Chris Carter - 9 / 10
Coupled with extra gadgets (some of which can be imported - though not as swimmingly on PC), Hitman 3 is really fun to dive back into; or introduce someone to for that matter, just to see what they come up with. It's the little things that add up and really make Hitman 3 special.
Digital Trends - Tom Caswell - 4 / 5 stars
A satisfying conclusion to the trilogy with the best locations in the series
DualShockers - Kris Cornelisse - 8 / 10
New levels, new targets, new graphical improvements, same Hitman taste. Hitman 3 won't be everyone's cup of tea, but the niche should be extremely satisfied.
EGM - Michael Goroff - 10 / 10
Hitman 3 is a fantastic capstone to a standout series. Yes, a lot of what you experience will seem familiar if you've played the last two games, but IO Interactive continues to take interesting risks that largely play off while still perfecting the elements that make Hitman so special. The best compliment I can pay Hitman 3 is that I want to finish writing this review so I can go back to playing it.
Eurogamer - Edwin Evans-Thirlwell - Recommended
IO's final World of Assassination game is closer to a seasonal content update than a sequel, but it's a thrilling endeavour all the same.
Everyeye.it - Giuseppe Arace - Italian - 8 / 10
Killer who kills you don't change. IO Interactive does not revolutionize its playful formula, widely gnawed in the excellent Hitman 2, and proposes it again with slight but pleasant additions also in the third and (perhaps) last chapter of the World of Assassination saga. Agent 47 returns more shrewd and lethal than ever before, within an experience that knows how to enhance the murderous instincts of gamers. All this takes the form of a stealth adventure full of possibilities, a sandbox full of ideas and alternative solutions that stimulate the variety of approaches and benefit from a level design sometimes in a state of grace. A few falls in style in the last stage, a story only of contour and a general lack of courage in a fixting some stumbles of the past episodes, such as a not-so-exciting IA and very coarse shooter phases, however, prevent Hitman 3 from taking a big step forward compared to the second act. The work therefore moves in perfect continuity with what is...
Game Informer - Jeff Cork - 9 / 10
Agent 47's journey ends on a high note, at least as far as players are concerned. New levels are memorable and cater to the freedom fans have come to expect
Game Rant - Cameron Corliss - 4.5 / 5 stars
All told, though, Hitman 3 is one of the best stealth games ever made.
Game Revolution - Michael Leri - 8.5 / 10
The bald, barcoded assassin has had many hits in his 21-year career, but even though it might be his last for quite some time, Hitman 3 is one of 47’s best executions yet.
GameByte - Sara Heritage - 9 / 10 stars
Hitman 3 feels like a love letter to the ‘World of Assassination’ and I can’t think of a better way to conclude the series. With its delightfully witty dialogue and the fact that all existing Hitman content (as long as you’ve bought Hitman and Hitman 2) has progression carry over into Hitman 3, this game is a joy to play and the best Hitman has ever been. It takes all the best parts of the series we’ve come to love and leaves us with a bittersweet, Agent 47-sized gap in our hearts.
GameMAG - Russian - 9 / 10
There's simply not a lot of stealth-action games that can hold a candle to Hitman III, with its hours upon hours of engaging gameplay and high replayability. The sheer variety of different locations and missions, and also the inclusion of all the legacy content, turns this title into something you don't want to miss at the start of 2021.
GamePro - Dennis Michel - German - 82 / 100
Hitman 3 is exactly what fans of the IO Interactive games expect: an open sandbox dream in which thousands of paths lead to Rome or rather to Berlin, Dubai, China, England, Argentina and Romania. On this point, there is simply no second genre representative who leaves so much room for our creativity. The six locations are wonderfully varied and great, but I never got rid of the feeling of playing a story DLC here. After a good five to six hours, that's it.
GameSkinny - Mark Delaney - 9 / 10 stars
Hitman 3 brings to a close one of gaming's great trilogies with one last display of immaculate level design and intoxicating mood from IO Interactive.
GameSpew - Richard Seagrave - 9 / 10
Chances are we aren’t going to be placed in control of Agent 47 again; at least for a fair while, anyway. But with Hitman 3, IO Interactive has at least made sure he’s had a worthy send-off.
GameSpot - Phil Hornshaw - 9 / 10
What's good about Hitman--its level design and the creativity, experimentation, and exploration that affords--is great in Hitman 3. It closes out the trilogy by brilliantly playing off everything that came before it
GameWatcher - Marcello Perricone - 9 / 10
Hitman III is a fascinating finale to the franchise that shyly continues the series' tradition to iterate and improve on each entry.
GameZone - Cade Onder - 8.5 / 10
While Hitman 3 is the end of this trilogy, it's clear IO will be coming back to 47 after they play around in the 007 sandbox for a while. This isn't so much the end of Hitman as it is this iteration of 47 and I will be eagerly awaiting his return.
Gameblog - Gianni Molinaro - French - 9 / 10
Could IO Interactive have ended the World of Assassination Trilogy better ? Probably not. Even if Hitman 3 sticks to previous episodes formula and plays it safe, keeping its usual flaws, it offers gorgeous and incredibly well-convceived destinations that will indeed please fans. There are so many good trails to follow, so many possibilities that you'll sure end up with the urge to try everything in order to go for the perfect kill. If you own Hitman 1 and Hitman 2, there is some serious amount of challenges waiting. A PlayStation VR ? Prepare for a game-changing experience.
GamesBeat - Jeff Grubb - 5 / 5 stars
Hitman is a world made up entirely of Chekhov’s guns, and it’s a blast finding out how to get Agent 47 into position to pull the trigger.
GamesRadar+ - Leon Hurley - 4.5 / 5 stars
A slick and entertaining conclusion to the trilogy.
GamingBolt - Shubhankar Parijat - 9 / 10
Hitman 3 represents the peak of the series, of IO Interactive, and of the social stealth genre.
God is a Geek - Chris White - 8.5 / 10
Hitman 3 is a satisfying farewell to Agent 47, with stunning locations, and endless opportunities to take out your targets.
Hardcore Gamer - Adam Beck - 3.5 / 5
In the current trilogy, Hitman 3 would be considered the weaker of the three.
Hobby Consolas - David Martinez - Spanish - 80 / 100
Hitman 3 is a good entry in the series. It deliver beautiful levels, such as Dartmoor or Chonqing, new assassination tools and it allows players to import maps from the previous games (with improved graphics), buy still, it´s mechanics and some AI elements feel outdated.
IGN - Luke Reilly - 9 / 10
Rich, rewarding, and highly replayable, Hitman 3 is one of the barcoded butcher's best appearances.
IGN Italy - Andrea Giongiani - Italian - 8 / 10
A nice conclusion to the World of Assassination trilogy. Hitman III is "just" more of the same, but that's not a problem when the original material is that good.
Kotaku - Riley MacLeod - Unscored
Narratively and structurally, Hitman 3 strips its own make believe away, leaving the series’ core darkness on display.
Metro GameCentral - Patrick Dane - 8 / 10
A great finale to the World of Assassination trilogy and the perfect time to end the reboot era, as the once revolutionary formula begins to show its age.
MonsterVine - Diego Escala - 5 / 5
Hitman 3 is a phenomenal closer to what has been an excellent trilogy in a series I hold dear.
Noisy Pixel - Azario Lopez - 9 / 10
Hitman 3 builds on the structure of its predecessors but doesn't recycle old mechanics. Its creative sandbox systems encourage multiple playthroughs with possible outcomes only limited by your imagination. Returning fans will get the most of this narrative as it ties up a few loose ends but doesn't totally stick the landing. It's absolutely brilliant in execution, though, as you replay missions for different results providing the most robust experience to those who spend the most time playing.
PC Gamer - Andy Kelly - 90 / 100
A beautiful, deep, and endlessly replayable murder sandbox, featuring some of the best levels in the series.
PCGamesN - Jordan Forward - 8 / 10
Another fine outing for Agent 47, and a fitting, hopefully brief, farewell to one of the best stealth series of the last decade.
PlayStation Universe - Neil Bolt - 9 / 10
Hitman 3 closes out the World of Assassination Trilogy with developer IO Interactive in confident mood. Lessons learned from the past five or six years have worked their way into this splendid epitaph for a series that looked dead and buried more than once along the way. As with its predecessor's, there are some lows to go with the highs, but those highs? They are truly something special and make the future of IO Interactive an exciting prospect.
Player2.net.au - Matt Hewson - A or higher
A franchise like no other comes to an epic and satisfying conclusion. Hitman III is the culmination of both story and development skill that will leave fans everywhere smiling with joy.
Polygon - Samit Sarkar - Unscored
IO Interactive delivers a terrific, thrilling finale for its trilogy
PowerUp! - Leo Stevenson - 9 / 10
It's enormously addictive and is endlessly replayable. For one of the first major releases in 2021, Hitman is an absolute home run
Press Start - James Mitchell - 8.5 / 10
HITMAN III is a decidedly epic conclusion to the events established in the first two games. It offers fantastic, well-realised locales with objectives that are unconventional, at least by HITMAN standards, to come out feeling fresh. Though in pursuit of this, it has lost a bit of the breadth we've come to expect from the series. Ultimately, it delivers what it promised to - a strong conclusion to the trilogy.
Push Square - Sammy Barker - 9 / 10
On its own, Hitman 3 is a moody conclusion to a generation-defining trilogy, but when taken as a complete compilation, it's the ultimate stealth sandbox. IO Interactive has honed its gameplay formula to perfection, and it's on top form here
Rectify Gaming - Dave Rodriguez - 9.6 / 10
After two decades of pasta cans, silver ballers, suitcase snipers and more, Hitman 3 delivers the perfect hit.
Rock, Paper, Shotgun - Brendan Caldwell - Unscored
As a final act, Hitman 3 is as capable and pleasing as its trilogy-siblings. As a trilogy, it is one of the most fun-loving games of the previous decade.
Screen Rant - Christopher Teuton - 4.5 / 5 stars
Hitman 3 is the best of the newer Hitman games and quite possibly the best Hitman game in the franchise.
Shacknews - Bill Lavoy - 9 / 10
It’s great on its own, but combined with Hitman (2016) and Hitman 2 it helps make up the masterpiece which is the World of Assassination trilogy.
Spaziogames - Italian - 8.8 / 10
Hitman 3 is an amazingly crafted epilogue for the World of Assassination trilogy and the best modern Hitman yet.
The Games Machine - Daniele Dolce - Italian - 9 / 10
Hitman 3 dances asymptotically with the concept of perfection, often approaching it without ever really grasping its essence. Nevertheless, IO Interactive manages to improve and refine a well-established formula, while offering a a truly satisfying conclusion to 47's struggle against Providence. Although there are some flaws, they're almost entirely eclipsed by the incredible quality of everything else.
TheSixthAxis - Jim Hargreaves - 8 / 10
Charting the series' progress since that 2016 Paris debut has been a fascinating journey. IO have learned a lot over the past five years and that really shows in Hitman 3. It's a flashier, more fluid evolution of IO's original template - a rewarding conclusion to one of the most unique video game franchises around, and one we'll continue playing for many weeks and months to come.
TrueAchievements - Sean Carey - 4.5 / 5 stars
All in all, IO Interactive has stuck with what it knows best with Hitman 3: gorgeously crafted open playgrounds for the player to wreak slick and murderous havoc in.
TrueGaming - نواف النغموش - Arabic - 9 / 10
Hitman 3 is the quintessential stealth game.
Twinfinite - Tom Hopkins - 4 / 5
Without straying far from the successful sandbox formula, it’s an excellent final part of IO’s trilogy. While the increased freedom and level variety won’t be for everyone, Hitman 3 boasts some of the best locations and stories the series has ever seen, and there’s so much to uncover in each and every one of them.
VG247 - Alex Donaldson - 5 / 5 stars
Taken individually, Hitman 3 feels like great value, with plenty of variety and lots to do. When taken as a whole, the World of Assassination trilogy is hands-down one of the best and most complete-feeling trilogies in video game history.
WellPlayed - Dylan Blereau - 8.5 / 10
Hitman 3 does an excellent job of wrapping up the World of Assassination Trilogy, pairing the predictable yet enjoyable narrative with the refined and forever reliable Hitman gameplay
Windows Central - Zackery Cuevas - 4 / 5 stars
Hitman 3 features some of the most complex and most creative levels in the series history while polishing the gameplay to perfection. Unfortunately, it's held back by some hefty paywalls, uneven mission pacing, and some occasional clunky AI.
Worth Playing - Andreas Salmen - 8.6 / 10
The third Hitman game delivers a satisfying and worthwhile ending to the series and some fun and varied stages, all while adding a bunch of minor adjustments and content that fans will enjoy for hours. If you're a fan of the series, Hitman 3 is a very competent end to the trilogy that provides a massive and deep Hitman experience that is easy to recommend.
submitted by diogenesl to Games [link] [comments]

AITA for calling my brother a jealous dropout

I am in the process of retiring from the military after a 23+ year career and my spouse and I are looking to move to Texas, which our family knows about. The other day I posted on my Facebook that we had begun the home search process and narrowed down roughly where we want to move.
Most of my friends and family are of course excited and happy, though they do wish we would move closer (family and in-laws live relatively close in either GA, SC, or NC, so easy to visit), but they understand our reasoning in moving to Texas with the numerous veteran benefits. On the post a couple of friends were asking what kind of house we are looking at and I replied; 4+ bed, 2+ bath, 2500sqft minimum.
For some reason this seems to have struck a nerve with one of my brothers who begins questioning why we want such a big house with just my spouse and I, as we don't have kids being a same sex couple. I initially explain that we would have our master bedroom, a guest room, and since my spouse works from home he can set up a room as an office like we have now, and then use another room for his video games and crafts. (Currently this hobbies and work are all in one room, but we feel seperating the two would give him a break from his work and play time, so he doesnt feel like he spends all day in that one room.) Also, we have floated the idea of adopting now that we won't be moving every couple of years with the military. I thought that would be it,.but no.
My brother then proceeded to rant about how him and his girlfriend and her toddler live just fine in a micro-home (it's a converted storage shed that resembles a home from the outside), and that all that extra space is going to be higher utility bills, taxes, and just wasted space. At this point I was irritated and replied, "quit being a jealous dropout, I have bust my ass for 23+ years to get where I am, maybe if you hadnt dropped out of high school you wouldn't be living in a storage building and judging how I spend my check.
My spouse and a couple of family members and friends said I went to far and was an AH for that response, and that I should apologize. I don't feel I owe anyone an apology. AITA?
submitted by jettaboy04 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

"So either do this History course, or you won't graduate." So be it.

Since everyone seems to be posting about how their high schools tried to screw them, I guess it's time I tell mine. Keep in mind, policies and rules might have changed since when I was in school. I should also preface this by saying my Middle and High School were very poor, very small, and right next door to each other, less than a block away. The counselor also worked for both schools, and many teachers taught at both. Graduating class was less than 50 students, most years closer to 30.
So I moved from another state to Washington State during the last month of my 8th grade year. As such, when I showed up to school in Washington, I was told I was going to be exempted from the State History requirement. I was told the requirement was needed for Middle School graduation, but since I showed up so late, they weren't gonna hold it against me.
So I go through 2 years of high school without any issues. During my junior and senior year, Washington offered a program which let me attend a community College full time, instead of taking high school classes. I would get my college credits, and the high school would award me high school credits as well. That way, I'd be able to graduate with both my diploma and an Associates by the end of my senior year. The tuition was all paid for by the state, so I only had to pay a few minor fees.
Junior year goes by without a hitch. I attend the college and rack up 50 credits. Come the end of my junior year, I'm meeting with the new high school counselor to discuss my next term of classes before the school year ends and everyone goes on summer break. The old one just resigned because she just had a child. So we're having a pleasant discussion about what I'm going to do in the future, and out of left field, she says "Oh by the way, you still need to do that Washington State History if you want to graduate. I'm gonna go ahead an enroll you for that."
Washington State History is a 7th Grade Class. So we go back and forth on this, as I insisted that I was given an exemption due to my late arrival in 8th Grade. Basically, she was expecting me to go to the middle school for an hour, right in the middle of the day, to take this 7th Grade History Class. And I wasn't having it. Not only would it make my college classes impossible to get to (since the commute was half an hour each way) but it also right when all the important classes were held (Calculus, Physics, and Chemistry for my Fall, Winter, and Spring terms, respectively).
To say I was upset would be an understatement, as I would've had to have taken standard high school courses (no AP since I didn't do the summer projects) that fit around that time frame. So I went home and rung my college counselor, who was so unbelievably helpful throughout this whole endeavor.
As it turned out, I didn't need to graduate from my high school. As long as I was enrolled in high school, I could attend the college tuition free. And if I achieved all the requirements necessary to recieve my Associates Degree, then the college would actually award me a Washington State Diploma (which I guess is different than a GED?) in addition to my Degree.
So I return to my high school the next day to speak with her again. I told her what I had learned from the college counselor, and basically, here are the highlights of what was said:
"No, that's wrong. You have to graduate from [insert high school name]. You don't get to graduate from [insert college name]." -Counselor
"Why not? The program only says I have to meet the requirements for my Associates. It doesn't make any mention about meeting the state high school requirements, nor [insert high school]'s requirements, nor even getting the diploma from here." -Me
"Well we won't let you graduate. So either take do this History course, or you won't graduate." -Counselor
"Then I won't graduate." -Me
"Well that's your choice then." -Counselor
I leave, go on summer break. Fall semester begins, and on the first day the Middle and High School are back, I get a call from the office (College courses started 4 weeks after public schools).
"Hi HappyAffirmative, so I noticed you were absent from class today. Any reason why you didn't show up?" Oh, it's my high school counselor.
"What do you mean? I'm not taking any classes at the high school." -Me
"Well you're supposed to be at the Middle School taking your history course. We talked about this already." -Counselor
"Yeah, and I said I wasn't doing it. I don't need to." -Me
"You don't get to say what you do and don't have to do. This is a requirement, you know. You don't get to graduate if you don't take it, which means you'll have to be here a 5th year." -Counselor
Not wanting to deal with their crap, I hung up on her. I spoke with my college counselor once again, and she reaffirmed that I was totally in the right, and that as long as I managed to get another 35 college credits before the end of the school year, I would graduate in June with both.
But of course, my high school continued to play their games with me. Thursday morning, about 2 weeks after hanging up on my counselor, I get an automated message from the school for a "truancy infraction," saying that I needed to come in and have a meeting with the principal about my attendance.
At this point, I was fed up with my high school. So like any resonable person, I decided I was going to drop out. Meeting with my college counselor once more, I had a lengthy discussion about what exactly was going on with my high school. Being the amazing woman she was, she helped me figured out how I could drop out and still attend the college. She even pulled some strings to help me get last minute scholarships, which covered like 95% of the costs. Thank you Ms. Allen, you were a life saver.
With my future plans better secured, I arranged for a meeting with the high school the following week. Here's the gist of what happened.
"HI HappyAffirmative. So [counselor] tells me that you've been skipping class for the last 2 weeks. What's up with that?" -Principal
"Well see, I-" -Me
"He's trying to get out of having to do his history course. The one I've been telling you about. He said that he doesn't actually have to do it if he doesn't want to." -Counselor, with a shit eating grin.
"No, I was-" -Me
"Well look here HappyAffirmative, you need to take your education seriously. How do you think it reflects on the school if you're skipping all the time?" -Principal
So the conversation continued like this for a while, the Principal and Counselor exchanging opportunities to cut me off as I'm trying to explain myself, as well as lecturing me on the importance of education and what not. So while they continued blabbering on about nonsense, I slide them a manila folder across the desk.
"... a good colle... What is this?" -Counselor
"Drop out forms. You told me that 'you can't graduate unless you do this History class.' So I won't graduate." -Me
And we all sat in silence for a good 30 seconds as they went from staring at each other, to me, to the folder, and back. I guess they weren't expecting me to call their bluff, at least not like that. This is kind of what they looked like while they were trying to figure out what to say.
Now, as I prefaced, my graduating class was tiny, and we were in a poor area. Most every student graduated (probably the staff manipulating grades to get everyone to pass) but the average GPA was not very high amongst my friends, and I was on track to being valedictorian easily. I had a 3.9ish GPA, was on the Varsity Track team for 3 years, even as a Freshman, and went to regional twice (not state, unfortunately). Not to toot my own horn any more than I already have, but I was also President of my high school's honors society (president over all 5 members), I was set to go to UW, and I made the front page of the local paper for winning $1,000 talent show the previous year. So needless to say, I think I was pretty good for the school's image.
So after sitting in stunned silence for what felt like an eternity, the principal and counselor started fumbling over their own words while simultaneously trying to talk to me, and over one another. This is what they looked like when they were trying to talk to me. That went on until they both ran out of breathe, to the point where I think the office windows began fogging up. Finally, I was able to say my peice.
"You threatened to not let me graduate, unless I took this class. Then you threatened me with this truancy thing. I get that you're trying to force me to graduate from your school so y'all look better. At least, I think that's what's going on. But my decision is final, and that's your copy of my papers. I'll be getting my GED this month."
And yeah, that's about it. I got my GED, and Associates by the end of year without any issues. I didn't get to attend my graduation, but I didn't really care. I didn't attend the ceremony for my Associates either. I did get to go to my senior prom though, as a guest. All-in-all, I think it worked out alright.
Edit: There weren't 5 honors societies. Just 5 of us in the one society.
submitted by HappyAffirmative to MaliciousCompliance [link] [comments]

GM Railroading is so strong it starts even before the campaign starts

TL;DR: GM tries to modify every aspect of a game he hasn't even read to have control of everything and railroad to the max.
I had a few brief horror moments in my experience with RPGs, but this is the most extensive, so it will be a very long story.

We had a group in which we rotate games and GM role every campaign, so I played other 2 campaignes with this group and they were really good.
This story begins way before the campaign starts. The group is formed by Me, The Hippy (a really nice guy that just avoid every personal conflict), Mr. Precise (a precise and ordered guy, very gentle, avoid fight but not conflicts) and the GM.

The GM wants to start a fantasy gritty campaign in the viking era (Journey to Ragnarok module for D&D 5e), really cool so far. He played D&D 3.5 before but never read nor play 5e, still suggested to play it as a GM.
Me and Mr Precise (we know 5e) start pointing out some problems that may occur while using D&D to play the gritty campaign he is describing. We suggest he read the manual and rule out some spells or abilities that may automatically solve the problems he wants to put in the story.
For example you can create food for all the party with the goodberries spell. If he wants to play around hunger, he should modify or ban the spell. GM responds that you can take the spell, but if you do you will be incarcerated and forced to cast it every day to make food for the people.
He asks what characters we wants to play (I want to play a Druid, Mr Precise a Wizard) and after we create them he starts to ban some things:
Ok... so Me and Mr Precise stop modifying our characters at every new "rule" and ask him to made a full list of what is banned or modified, he responds that it will be too long to read everything and make a list (Days has passed, he haven't read the manual yet).
Mr Precise still wants to play a Wizard and the GM suggests he can sew runes in his vest instead of having the book...ok cool! But he will have to find the rune corresponding to the spells to learn them AND roll a sew skill check (not arcana) if he fails he can't learn spells until next level.
They start to discuss this thing (Mr Precise thinks is unfair), not really into a fight and after a while the GM says he can't be the GM because we are too hostile to him.
We just state the italian saying: clear agreements lead to long friendship. But at least problem is avoided, right? ...Ahah, not so fast!
GM changes his mind and brings new home rules to the table, like: using swords wears out the edge.
I ask if hammers have the same problem. GM respond that they don't have it, because hammers didn't exist in the viking era. He corrects himself right after, saying that they exists, but only smiths have them and are 10 times as expensive as a sword. (What?)
After some discussion GM cancel house rules and just says that he can use whetever he wants in the campaign because he is the GM ... we don't agree, of course the GM can create his world and modify rules BEFORE the campaign start, but especially after all he is saying, we really like to use clear rules.
At this point The Hippy (that has partecipated very little in the discussion) make a long message that says that changing all the rules in this way is too much and repeat to the GM that he should at least read the manual for start. Mr Precise adds that changing random things really change the balance in the game.
GM ignore the Hippy and tells that there is no balance since the GM has all the power, and that he is changing everything to make the world more realistic and similar to the viking age. (We explain what we mean by balance but he doesn't listen).
At this point he was also mildly insulting us (he said we were polemical, always negative and talking nonsense). So I make a long post in which i say he is ridicolous for not listening to all his 3 players. He if he wants to GM properly this is the first thing to do, other players agree in this.
He spit out some other insults and state that he will not be our GM...nice!
But wait, there's more!
Mr Precise and the GM keep fighting about changing the rules to accomodate the setting. (basically GM would change everything, while Mr Precise suggest to change little things or simply not use an high fantasy game to play in a gritty world).
(I'm skipping a lot of other nonsense, but this is getting too long).
At this point the GM still hasn't read the manual. So i suggest to change the game, or if he doesn't want, to leave us the task to remove all things that can break the gritty game he is describing or as a deseprate move remove all magic... it's really bad to remove magic from D&D, but this is what he was describing for days... a gritty world where people fear hunger and cold, how can we fear hunger and nonmagical cold if we can sput out food and fire out of nothing or create magical space with confortable temperature?
So GM finally decided: we will play Symbaroum (a D&D like game, with low magic) but whith a viking setting.
Ok, finally he changed his mind...
I read the Symbaroum manual, i don't like it very much, but whetever. GM asks what characters we want to do (here we go again! :D)
Mr Precise asks if he can make a necromancer (wich is a school of magic exactly like the others in the game). GM says he can do it, but if he do it he is an NPC (why???) We explain that a necromancer is basically a wizard and doesn't have to be evil, the GM respond his spell sucks because they kills friends.
In reality, there is one necromancer spell that target all living creature nearby... but he can just use it in the right moment or simply take other spells.
GM continues to make home rules and changes things up as for D&D, but you get the idea, i don't want to repat too much, so i skip to the best parts.
After i make my character (some sort of paladin) he tries to modify my abilities distribution, my powers choice, my background (not because it didn't fit the setting, he just wants to make my character one eyed, maybe to resamble Odin I don't know), even the picture i want to use and my F***ing character name (Gorm) because it wasn't viking enough... i literally searched on google "viching names" as HE suggested and chose from them.
I discuss some things with him, trying to accomodate what he is looking for, but I just refuse to agree to the nonsense.
At this point you may ask, why do you still wants to play with a GM like that? Well, this is thrilling me, how will this end?

So the campaign starts...
When we roleplay between characters is really exceptional, but even the parts with the GM are pretty nice, the problem is that in combat he continuosly give us malus for our actions and try to defeat us by "cheating" (using narration he said) but never killed us. The worst part was that every event occur in an awful railroad. Whethever you do, the most predictable thing always happens.
We played the first sessions using a draw program with the GM sharing his desktop (we switched to roll20 later) and at some point he alt-tabbed and show us some notes by mistake: It was a graph formed by 9 or 10 hexagonal boxes and arrows, like this:
[Encounter with NPC, go to the woods] -> [wolf attack, injures NPC] -> [Return to village, other NPC punish them for leaving first NPC there]
I Read only the first boxes, understand what it was and stopped, but everything i read happened.
I lasted 5 sessions...
the last thing was an encounter with an invincible NPC (that healed more damages per turn that we can possible make) in which i just tried to die in an old fashioned viching way before leaving the campaign, but apparently this wasn't his plan, so i didn't die.
So I write a message in the group telling that this is not my style of playing, i'm not having fun and so i'm stopping.
The GM insults me one more time, said he should have never accepted me as player (I was contacted by Mr Precise on a role play website and asked to join the group) and kick me from the chat group before other player can answer me.
The best insult was toward my character that to his words was a "panettone schifoso" ("disgusting panettone", today i don't even know what this mean, my character was basically a noble viching warrior with some heals and divine protections).
Other players answer me privatley telling me they understand me, but will continue playing mainly because he is a friend.
submitted by Lucis_Torment to rpghorrorstories [link] [comments]

Post WWE Raw 2/1/2021 Show Discussion Thread

Winner Match Finish Loser Stipulation
Riddle DQ when Lashley refused to break the Hurt Lock Bobby Lashley (c) w/ MVP For the US Championship
Xavier Woods w/ Kofi Kingston Crucifix Pin Mustafa Ali w/ Retribution
Damian Priest w/ Bad Bunny The Reckoning Miz w/ John Morrison
The Hurt Business w/ MVP (c) Paydirt Lucha House Party For the Raw Tag Team Championships
Naomi and Lana Distraction Roll-Up when Lacey and Ric come out Asuka and Charlotte and Dana Brooke and Mandy Rose #1 Contenders match for Women's Tag Titles
Jeff Hardy and Carlito Swanton Bomb Elias and Jaxkson Ryker
Alexa Bliss Sister Abigail Nikki Cross
Edge Spear Randy Orton
Rate this week's Raw
Best match on this week's Raw?
submitted by Darren716 to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

DM Tries to Humiliate Me For My Character's Sexuality

So, this is a story that happened years ago, and I didn't feel like sharing it until I read a similar story on here. Needless to say it hit a little to close to home, and got me riled up about this BS all over again.
For starters, I'm a bisexual guy. I've known since I was a teenager, and while not being "in the closet," I don't really bother telling anybody if it's not their business. To this day the only people who know are my exes, my current SO, and the people in this story.
Just as a peface, I'm sorry if I go off into random details sometimes, I'm just trying to paint a full picture as I remember it.
On to the story, I was playing WH40k Dark Heresy with a close friend, and two of his friends from college who were twin brothers. My close friend, who was DMing, had gotten me really interested in Dark Heresy and 40k because I've always had lots of love for both sci-fi and horror. The twins (who I'll later be referring to by their IC names,) seemed like alright dudes, and I was genuinely excited to play.
Now, my DM friend had always been someone who was a little too into the weird side of the internet, if you catch my meaning. I never let it bother me though, because usually if I'd let him know he was making me uncomfortable with the things he was showing me/telling me about, he'd back off, but in this situation I think it was the other people sharing his interests that egged him on.
So, we made our characters. The twins rolled a guardian and arbitrator combo. Max Napalm (I thought that was a hilarious name) was a barbarian-like Guardian, and Alex Murphy was the arbitrator. The player for Alex had some kind of backstory for how as a kid Alex was raised with 80s action films and Robocop was his favorite, blah blah blah. It was an excuse to just straight up have Robocop in the game, and even though it didn't really fit the lore we were all fine with it. As I was making my character, a psyker, I noticed the DM had created his own character sheets instead of using the ones that came with the game. It didn't matter to me much until I noticed he added an entirely new section for "sexual information." It was all things like sexuality, what genitalia they have, the size of said genitalia. I immediately told the DM I wasn't comfortable with ERP, and he said "Oh, we're not doing anything like that, this is a sheet I have from an old campaign." I asked him if I could just strike through it then, and he said "Well, Max and Alex already filled out those parts on their sheets, and it'd be kind of unfair for them to do that and you get a free pass."
I realize now that this should've been the point where I got up and walked away, but I was 18 at the time, and significantly more awkward and insecure, so I just brushed it off.
I just filled out my character's info like normal, and when I got to the sexual information spot I just used average stuff for the """"stats,"""" and I marked his sexuality as Asexual, because it felt fitting for him. When I gave my sheet to the DM, he raised an eyebrow, and then proceeded to whisper to the other two players about it while laughing. Being the awkward dude that I was, I just kinda endured it for a few before asking "Is something wrong with it?"
The DM laughing, hands it back to me, and proceeds to talk about how I wrote Asexual because I just can't get laid, and the other players erupted into laughter. I tried to defend it, because obviously, it's a real thing, but it was pointless, they just kept rephrasing the same joke. Eventually it got to a point where they were accusing me of being "asexual" for the same reason, and as much as I waited for them to let up, they didn't, and I just got more and more fed up.
Eventually, the jokes died down, and we finally just got on to playing the game. To be honest, the setting wasn't terrible. Our characters were all on a massive starship, and the three of us had all unwittingly stumbled onto a conspiracy of some sort. The investigation lead us into the lower decks where we confronted with some Lovecraftian horrors.
Just a warning, it gets a little bit graphic here, and I'm doing my best to censor it while still getting the story across. After a few turns of combat, the DM tells me a tentacle monster of some sort has grabbed my character from behind. I ask him if I can make a check to get out of it and he tells me, "Uh, no. Since it grabbed you from behind there's no way you could've evaded it." Cool. I notice at this point the other two players are snickering and looking at eachother, and I ask whose turn it is, and the DM says the encounter is over. He then says "Let's find out if you're really asexual, though," and begins graphically describing my character being raped by said tentacle monster. Obviously, I got pretty uncomfortable and kept asking him to stop, before I eventually shouted at him, and the smug bastard says something to the effect of, "It's just a game, and at least you're getting laid, dude."
At this point I've had it, and I start gathering my things to leave. The DM tries to stop me and says how we can "keep playing with your virgin fantasy intact," which just pisses me off more. He then tells me it's my fault for saying I'm asexual to begin with, and it's okay to have a hard time getting laid. I eventually just got annoyed with all of this and go into a full rant about how I was just trying to play the game, and it seemed like they started to feel for me, but then I made the mistake of ending it by coming out as Bi, and saying how I'm just not super comfortable with sex-related stuff in a game like this. But just when I thought I was being taken seriously, the jokes started up again. This time, though, it was just shit about how being bisexual isn't real, and how if you ever want to sleep with a guy you're gay, period.
Soooo, I just left. None of them ever contacted me again. Not even the DM, who prior to this had been a close friend of mine for years. Can't really say I miss him, though. If all it took to set his sights on humiliating me was having his college buddies around, I can't say I'm too eager to ever be around him again.
Edit: Just fixed some redundancies.
Edit 2: Jeez! Woke up to find myself at 3k upvotes. Thank you all for the support! :D
submitted by LovecraftianLurch to rpghorrorstories [link] [comments]

[RIP] Nico, mix breed, 31 months

It helps me to share the story of what was going on the last week in my house.
Monday morning I walked outside with Nico. He walked next to me loyal as ever. But his normal curiousity to smell everything was gone. He peed out everything in one go and from that moment on just walked next to me. Whether I walked slow of fast he'd just stay at my side. He was ok with my decision to cut the walk short, as I had the feeling he wasn't feeling well. Back at home he didn't jump or get excited about his food. When I put it down he quietly and slowly ate his morning meal.
During the day Nico only got sicker. I noticed this at around 11.30 as that was his normal time to get restless, walk to my desk for some attention and play with some of his toys. None of that happened. He just slept in his bed. That same night I went to the vet. He had a high fever but there was, at that time, no reason for real concerns. ‘Dogs get the flu too’, my vet told me. So they shot him up with some anti-viral meds and gave me pills 1 for each night of the week.
Tuesday morning Nico wasn't feeling better. I immediately rang my vet and they made time for him at 8.45. At this time Nico had started to let out small cries every time he changed position. When he walked his back was rounder than usual and he looked like he was walking on eggshells. The vet immediately recognised this as symptoms of the auto immune version of meningitis. He got a nice big shot of corticosteroids. ‘He should improve within 24 hours’, they said.
The rest of that day Nico quietly cried every time he moved. I took the afternoon off where I lay him on his side on the couch in the position that would put as little stress on his back as possible. I sat next time him and petted him slowly as we both watched some television.
At night I played a videogame with a friend. Between one of the games I opened a can of Royal Canin recovery food. Which is some slurry of meat so dogs get food and fluids at the same time. I fed him with a spoon. As lifting his head caused stress to his spine.
After that Nico fell asleep and he finally after 2 days of feeling unwell looked like he slept comfortably.
That night I slept on the couch next to Nico. And left the heater on to make sure he'd be comfortable and warm. Nico lay on his side on the carpet as close to me as possible. In the middle of the night Nico cried and I let him in the garden to wee. Getting up he cried, walking to the garden he cried. Leaning over to wee he cried. I carried him from the garden back on to the carpet next to me.
3 times that night Nico wanted to lie next to me or on top of me. However with the space left on the couch he either had to lie on his belly forward or he had to curl up at the far side of the couch. Both hurt him too much. Even though he wanted to feel touched by me, there was no way this was going to work. I promised Nico I'd stay with him the rest of his days.
That Wednesday morning we had another appointment at the vet at 8.45. Finally there was some good news. Nico might still be in pain but his fever had dropped. This led us to believe we were on the right track and he got another shot of steroids. It was important that Nico kept drinking.
At home Nico seemed a bit better. He no longer slept on his side on the carpet but he slept on his side in his own comfy bed. He tried to move to his bench which is next to my work station. But the bench isn't big enough for him to lie on his side with stretched paws. So to protect him from himself I closed it. At the end of the afternoon things got worse. Nico no longer wanted to drink or eat from bowls at all. So again I fed him some very very light chicken broth using a spoon.
I decided to sleep in my own bed that night. I left the doors to the hallway and my bedroom open so I could hear him if he needed me. As you could imagine I was already emotionally and physically tired at that point. Around midnight I fell asleep. Nico had walked to the bottom of the stairs and through his cries called me to come downstairs. I woke up and realised I'd been sweating extremely.
I came downstairs and for the first time I did not know what Nico needed from me. I assumed because I gave him some of his normal food he needed to poop. And I imagined the pooping position probably hurt his back even more. So I walked outside. I was going to walk not even 50 meters. But after 20 meters Nico had had enough. He sat down with a rounded back, which had become his normal sitting position at this point, and looked at me. Through his eyes asking me to take him home.
I carried him back to his bed. I went back to bed with the doors open. Within 10 minutes Nico was back at the bottom of the stairs. Calling me through his cries. I moved downstairs. Sat next to his bed. Only when I stroked his head and itched behind his ears would he not cry.
After an extremely emotional night I made the decision. In my mind Nico had called me and told me it he was done, and couldn’t continue. I phoned that vet at 6 am. No luck, the emergency vet on call was the one 1 village over. I didn't want to do what was needed at a place he didn't know, with a vet he never met. Since I already had a follow up appointment at 8.45 I decided to give us 2 more hours. I stroked, I petted I itched and gave him some slices of chicken filet.
At the vet we both had a look at his symptoms and the symptoms described for meningitis. We both agreed that was the only possible diagnosis. We were referred to a specialised clinic. The plan was for the clinic to make the proper treatment plan. Maybe Nico just needed a different kind of steroids? Or a higher dose that at first glance would seem dangerous?
My vet promised me that if it was meningitis Nico would still recover. She also warned me if it was a hernia or some other condition Nico had indeed told us both it was time.
She gave him a nice shot of morphine so he could relax and get some sleep.
The most heart-breaking thing is that even through the morphine Nico quietly cried when I was next to him. Talking to him quietly while stroking his head. In the afternoon we went to the clinic. An Xray was made. Nico's spine was full of pockets which could be anything. Gas from a bacteria, infections or tumours. I was advised to leave him there for 24 hours and give him a high dose of antibiotics to see if he'd improve. Now I promised Nico I'd stay with him the rest of his days. Nico could no longer walk. He responded to my voice with his eyes and could only slightly move his head towards me. The treatment plan was a long shot. As far as we knew there was no cause to why his spine looked the way it looked. The vet shaved one side of his flank to see if there were any old wounds that might have let a bacteria in. I allowed this even though both me and my own vet had obviously been searching for a wound or any origin all week. Nothing was found. Nico had been telling me all day that it was time and he could no longer. Against this clinics advice I decided it was time. No more needles, no more searching for the unfindable. No more crying because of discomfort. The thought of leaving Nico alone through a night he would probably not survive was too much.
I sat in a room. Nico was awake. He reacted to my voice through his eyes. His fur was messy because of everyone who had touched him. I sorted out his fur. Made him look like the beautiful dog he was. The vet administered the final injection. I thanked him for everything he did. For the fun times we've had. For the companionship in a crazy pandemic world. I asked him if even remembered he could already run loose after 2 weeks. I told him it was time for him to sleep and I couldn't have wished for a better friend. And about 3 seconds after saying that Nico's heart stopped. I closed his eyes. I closed his mouth. I said goodbye and went home.
submitted by Joostington to dogs [link] [comments]

Soooo... I accidentally started a cult 😬

I took an introductory psychology course last semester, and I learned a lot about human social behavior. We even learned a bit of basic information about cults, which has been a lifelong interest for me. Particularly the kinds that seem to form around conspiracy theories. I guess it would be an oversimplification to say I wasn’t aware of any of this stuff before, though.
Over the past few years, I’ve seen acquaintances, friends, and even family fall for misinformation that could be pretty easily debunked with a quick Google search. I’m only eighteen… if I can parse fact from fiction, why is this such a thing these days?
Even with what I’ve learned in class, I’m amazed at how this continues to play out in “real life”, outside of academia and cold, clinical laboratory environments. Time and time again, I’m stunned by how many rational, seemingly “normal” people accept blatant lies as fact.
Not only do they accept it, but they spread it.
Eventually, I started to ask myself… how does this happen? Is it that people are just… so bored with their own lives that they are compelled to seek entertaining explanations for what is so clearly laid out in front of them?
Then I asked myself, how far could it go?
What kinds of things will people believe with little to no actual proof?
The explanations in my textbooks were not enough for me. I wanted to find out.
Almost half a year ago, I started a social experiment. I joined a lesser-known discussion forum—I’m not going to name it here, because I don’t want anyone going over there after what happened—and pulled up the page to submit a post.
I put my fingers to the keys, eager to start my experiment. I ran into my first problem right there, in that first moment. I stared at the blank text box, zeroing in on the cursor as it blinked almost mockingly. It sounds stupid, but I wasn’t creative enough to come up with an idea to base my conspiracy theory on.
There were a few things I did know then, though. A few very important things, I think. I knew that people like a common villain to take a stand against. In a world full of grey area, people like black and white problems, a clear-cut “evil”.
In addition, I knew that people like to be in on a secret, to feel like they’re somehow aware of a problem that is hidden in plain sight. And people like problems that they don’t really have to do anything about, a problem that they don’t need to solve with anything other than “raising awareness”.
I’ll admit it—it took me several days of thinking before I figured out what to base my first post on. And when I finally landed on that idea, it didn’t even come from my own creativity.
I was watching a documentary, one about a rather infamous bloke. He was a murderer, both of man and animals. Cats, to be exact. The documentary seemed to focus mainly on the cats; all the awful things he did to those poor animals, and the great lengths to which complete strangers went to in order to stop him from hurting any more of them.
There was very little information about his human victim, which stunned me. I’ve since read he was an incredibly compassionate and intelligent person… he was living abroad and lonely, just looking for friends when he met his terrible end. On a personal note, I think of him, his family, and his friends daily. I feel a great shame for all that I’ve done that could continue to perpetuate their grief… and an ever-increasing horror for what may still be to come.
While I was struggling to understand this discrepancy in coverage, a thought hit me almost immediately—people fucking love cats. Even if you’re not a cat person, you probably think anyone who hurts a cat should suffer tenfold themselves. It was exactly the black and white problem I was looking for.
I was a little stoned, but I decided to give it a go right then. I popped open my laptop and started a post.
Most of the world’s stray cats vanished virtually overnight yet the truth remains unknown by the masses. L tried to tell us the truth. We refused to listen. Police refused to investigate. Media refused to publish the truth. MASSIVE SCALE COVERUP TO HIGHEST LEVELS OF GOV/SOCIETY. The truth is hard to look at but you’ll never unsee it… once you open your eyes.
I fell asleep soon after publishing the post but checked the thread first thing in the morning. I was expecting one or two responses at most, so I was absolutely floored by the amount of replies present once I refreshed the page.
One hundred and sixty-two comments.
Some of the users laughed me off as expected, but their comments were greatly outnumbered by those vehemently agreeing with me and pressing me for more information. Almost desperately. People wanted to know how they could help save the cats.
Even more surprisingly, users worked together to decode portions of my message. They worked quickly until they accurately identified the subject of the documentary that I’d seen just the other night. I had barely given any information, but they figured it out.
Honestly, I was… amazed. I was proud.
It was a strange feeling.
Still, people wanted more.
I gave them what they wanted.
Cats once recognized as gods. Now “pussy” means WEAK… this is PURRPOSEFUL. Innocent, helpless kittens rounded up to fulfill the SICK and DEPRAVED needs of the world’s mega-rich elites. To harness their inherent power. Look hard at the world around you. Ask yourself: where did the cats go?
Snickering, I posted the comment. I figured that, with the escalation of the absurdity in the “information” and my pure audacity in inputting a cat pun, it would all be over then. Part of me wanted it to be over then, to finish as soon as it had started, but I’m ashamed to admit that a deeper, darker part of me wanted to ride this out for as long as possible.
That part of me became increasingly impossible to ignore as the comments flooded in.
Xxxxx1583: ty for this, HD. about time ppl woke up to the harsh truth.
Xxxxxx212: WHERE DID THE CATS GO?????????????
Xxxxx2999: HD, you should make your own board. We need more information. We need to know the truth so we can help you put an end to this.
Xxxx33333: SAVE THE CATS
Xxxx00011: down with the elites, sick fuks
The third comment stuck out most to me… I followed their advice and created my own board. I titled it “WDTCG?”, short for what seemed to be the first rallying cry associated with my faux conspiracy theory. Users flooded into the board, joining at a rate that left my jaw on the floor. I was nearing one thousand members by the end of that first day, all ears for whatever I would say next.
I decided to wait before posting any new “info”. I needed time to think. I closed my laptop that night, feeling oddly… powerful. I had more people hanging on my every word than I could have possibly imagined before all of this. All it once, it hit me—the realization that I needed to be careful with what I said. Any wrong move could cost me what I’d manage to build in such a short period of time.
The next couple months went by smoothly, with my interaction and reader base growing steadily. Some days the number of followers would spike almost exponentially. They started calling themselves the Cat Crusaders, which I found oddly endearing.
Often times, they’d make connections that I hadn’t even thought of beforehand. I’m embarrassed to admit that sometimes I even wondered if I’d accidentally stumbled upon the truth, if I knew more than I… knew. If—by some fantastical coincidence—my fabricated “conspiracy theory” was actually true.
They combed through pop culture and media, picking out instances that could align with WTDCG. A user who I came to recognize as my most active, loyal follower—Xxxxx2999, the one who had suggested I start my own board in the first place—posted a particularly jarring thread about that song WAP.
Wet Ass Pussy—popularly abbreviated as “WAP” to downplay its horrific hidden meanings—is clearly about drowning cats. The elites and their spineless lackeys in the media are rubbing the truth in our faces, inoculating us with it in our everyday lives so that REALITY seems farfetched. When will the people wake up???
The Cat Crusaders quickly added anyone associated with the song to the list of the “elites” they suspected as part of “cat torture rings” to a running list. Suspicion quickly turned to undeniable fact in their minds, and the list quickly grew into the hundreds.
In conversation, members termed these elites “wolves” … a known predator of cats. Some of the zanier members began to assert that the wolves were actual wolves, either humanoid werewolf type creatures, or wolves in human “skin suits”. A few even insisted that they could tell the difference, that their human appearance was almost believable, but not enough to trick them.
I dropped new info posts fairly regularly, making sure to give members time between each to work out any hidden meanings. They continued to make more and more connections, uncovering any acronyms or other word puzzles I utilized. I didn’t want to give everything away all at once so that they could decode either on their own, or—more often—as a team.
Working together seemed fun for them. It was fun for me, too… it was like a game that we were all playing together.
Things went from funny games to something much worse almost overnight.
When the lockdown started, I saw a massive increase in numbers. People were bored at home and grasping for some understanding in such increasingly incomprehensible circumstances. Members began downplaying current events, claiming that the media was distorting reality.
They used snappy one-liners as a point-black denial of real problems that fostered real injustices. I watched, sick to my stomach, as comments like, “anti-mask, anti-vax, but pro-cats” and “cat lives matter!!” became normal and even celebrated.
After all, if the wolves had to take such tremendous measures, if they had to pull so many strings to “stage” such extreme scenes… it only meant that they were on the right track. Or that we were on the right track.
Even more troubling still, some extreme viewpoints started popping up. It went from “save the cats!” to “DEATH TO ALL WOLVES” in the blink of an eye. There were a lot of wolves on the list by that time, and these severe and violent sentiments both deeply sickened me and stoked a sudden fear of what I’d created… what the Crusaders might become or do.
Those viewpoints only represented a small minority of users, however, so I figured the best thing to do was to abandon the experiment altogether. To stop adding fuel to the fire, as they say.
I went dark for a month or so, ousting any lingering thoughts of WDTCG as soon as they came to mind. Considering how much time and thought I’d put into the experiment, forgetting about it was a struggle. I never honestly forgot about it, not even for a second. It overtook my thoughts entirely, even when I was away from the forum.
“Forgetting” only became more difficult as time went on, and I started noticing some troubling signs.
At first, I thought I was just being paranoid—I’d spent months practically forcing myself to adopt a hyper-paranoid mindset, after all. But with each passing day, and with each additional reminder, it all became impossible to ignore.
WDTCG was starting to go mainstream.
I spotted posts on “normie” social media sites that seemed entirely innocent on first glance. Image posts decrying high rates of animal abuse started to pop up on my feeds. This felt normal enough—of course people are sympathetic to this cause—right up until the hashtags. My stomach must’ve finally given into that fear ulcer I’d been brewing for months when I read it: #WDTCG?
Ignorance was never bliss in this situation, but I knew then that it wasn’t really a viable solution either.
With fearful, shaking hands, I logged back into my account. Part of me expected that the rest of my followers would have gone dark with me, that the board would have withered and died without me to lead them… that they would’ve understood that if I suddenly stopped posting new information, that the information must not have ever been real in the first place.
That part of me was optimistic, the part of me that engaged in wishful thinking. That part of me was also greatly overshadowed by a more realistic version of me, the part of me that knew what I’d done and what to expect when I logged back on.
That part of me was right.
In my absence, the board had absolutely exploded. Not only in the overall member count, but also in activity. The front page was cluttered with threads posted just in the last day or so. The top post had reached over a thousand comments, and the rest were in the hundreds… and counting.
I skimmed the first thread. Then the next one. And the one after that. I scrolled down, read more. If only to convince myself that what I was reading wasn’t true, that all of this was fake. Just a funny game for all of them, like it was for me.
Fear twisted my gut as I was forced to confront the truth: they all thought this was real.
Isolated in a perfect echo chamber, members of my board had only further reinforced their outlandish beliefs. Any opinion that branched even slightly away from their dogma was quickly dogpiled. Any measure of doubt or questioning, regardless of the intention behind it—I believe these questions were raised by members who only wished to strengthen the claims of the larger group—were snuffed out in an instant.
It was a metaphorical circle jerk in every possible way.
And what was left after dissenting opinions were squashed was the worst version of the conspiracy theory, the most extremist and hateful version. The version that only represented a minority of users before I left. I scrolled through users’ fervent calls for justice and retribution, really a thinly veiled euphemism for violence, for vengeance.
I thought—or, rather, I hoped—that if I stopped feeding them information, then they would forget about WDTCG. I hoped that, if I stopped acting as their “leader”, that they would cease to exist without my guidance.
It was only then that I faced a sickening reality… one in which they didn’t even need me to anymore at all.
I knew I had to at least try to stop them, so I did the only thing I knew to do. I posted.
Knowing I had to move quickly, I started a live chat thread. Comments quickly flooded in as users welcomed me back with open arms. They wanted to know what had happened to me. Had my mission been compromised? Had I been taken captive by the wolves? Did I have anything knew to share with them?
Because, they said, they sure as hell had a lot to share with me.
I was welcomed warmly, like a war hero returning back to his people… right up until I finally did the right thing, the thing that anyone with respect for their fellow man would do. I told them the truth.
hisdestruction: None of this is real. I made it all up.
I waited a few moments, slowed by agonizing fear, before I hit enter to send the message. The following seconds were even more terrifying as I watched the “…” appear at the bottom of the chat. Then, responses came in, one after the other.
Xxxxx9302: I call bullshit
Xx321: theres no way u could’ve made this shit up dude, any1 with eyes can see whats happening
Xxxxx92: you’ll be executed with the other wolves then on judgment day
Xxxxxxxxxxxx1: haha, funny joke HD.
Again… fuck.
I started fact checking my past info posts, meticulously disentangling their core beliefs that had resulted from misinformation I’d provided. I started small because I thought I’d get less push back, but I was wrong. Again.
When they refused to listen to reason even on the more superficial lies that I’d spread, I tackled the most fundamental, underlying info: my first post. I explained that, if they were indeed seeing fewer stray cats in their neighborhood, this was likely due to catch, spay, and release programs or better animal shelters. Perhaps a combination of both.
I tried to explain that it was even more likely that nothing had changed at all, but their perception of the outside world had been altered by reading my lies.
They didn’t like that one, either.
As a last-ditch effort, I typed in a sentiment I’d tried to communicate from the start… perhaps fearing from the very beginning that everything that I was seeing would occur.
hisdestruction: This movement is about peace and love. It is about saving innocent animals, not violence and destruction.
It didn’t take long before the replies materialized. Each confirmed my deepest fears.
Xxx001: no, it’s about JUSTICE
Xxxxxx22: ur just a FAKE and a SELLOUT
It went on like this for minutes, each reply more hateful and horrific than the last. Finally, the barrage of extremism was broken by a single reply from a user I immediately recognized. When I read his words, I could no feel anything other than terror.
Xxxxx2999: Hold on. Sorry. HD is watching, communicating with me now.
Xxxxx2999: Yeeep. Just as I suspected. Account compromised. Await further instructions.
That motherfucker.
Fury eclipsed fear in that moment, and I put my fingers to the keyboard, fervently typing a counter response. Right as I hit send, I received an error message. I refreshed the page, only to find that my account had been logged out. And I couldn’t get back in.
Eventually, I managed to join the board again, but I could never get back into my old account. I don’t post anymore… I just watch my own lies spread further, deeper. I’ve reported the board a number of times… it’s even been deleted twice. It always comes back, though, and they’re picking up new ways to avoid the ban hammer. They removed the list of “wolves”, they learned to speak in coded language that sounds harmless but is anything but.
I’ve tried to communicate with law enforcement, but there’s really nothing they can do at this point. They’re right—the Cat Crusaders haven’t really done anything yet… but I fear what they will do in the future.
And I’m starting to see even more troubling signs.
It happened slowly at first, but it’s only gotten worse. I’ve been searching for it now, so I may be biased, but the signs are clear.
One or two animal shelters recently reported being flooded with anonymous phone calls that have taken away their time and resources to address animal welfare. The callers demanded that they concentrate their efforts on saving the cats from the elites.
Then a few reports of higher instances of catnapping, even to the point of animal hoarding.
And there’s the ever-escalating fury on the board, the calls for the blood of wolves.
Someone else is posting from the hisdestruction account now… I don’t know who it is, but I have my suspicions. They release info posts that fit with the new, extremist conspiracy theory that became the majority view in my absence. The Cat Crusaders lap it up eagerly, use it to further fuel their hate.
I was wrong about it from the beginning, I was wrong about them. They aren't stupid or gullible... they're incredibly clever and quick and most of all, dedicated. They're just dedicating themselves to a made-up issue because they were deliberately misled. It's all my fault.
I’ve officially lost control of my experiment... and now I fear what I’ve created.
submitted by hercreation to nosleep [link] [comments]

what games can you play at home with friends video

Bowling is one of the best games you can play with friends. It’s fun, challenging, and a great way to socialize. One of the best advantages of bowling is that you can also go bowling at any time and in any weather. It’s suitable for both children and adults, and there are some awesome bowling alleys out there. #23 – B.S. What we mean is you can bring traditional and online games to virtual platforms to enjoy it with friends, even when you’re stuck at home. So whether it’s traffic, a global pandemic or bad weather keeping you from hanging out, here are 12 games you can play with friends virtually: 1. Charades You can play such games by video calling your friends or even conference calling your whole group. There are many exciting games that you can play to happily pass the abundance of leisure time. In this post, I will tell you about the 20+ Fun Games to play over Skype/Facetime/WhatsApp & Other Video calling Apps that’ll help you feel stay close to the ones you can’t meet in person currently. Adios, goodbye, au revoir, we bid you good riddance Corona! Until then, stay home, stay safe and get started on these online multiplayer games with friends. Video games aren’t just entertaining and a fun way to connect with friends. Playing online multiplayer games with friends is good for the brain too. If you’re feeling old school, there are several online board and card games that can be played with friends — not everything has to be a “video game” in the modern sense. The seven-second challenge is a fun game to play with friends. The Accent Challenge: It is one of the funniest challenges to do with friends. You both have to try to talk in a particular accent, film each other, and let people vote on the winner. In this post, I will tell you about the 20 Best Online Games to Play with Friends at the current time. These games can help you to stay connected with your friends whom you can’t meet soon. You and your friends can play them together to kill the boredom of staying at home and having nothing interesting to do. The GamePigeon app lets you play different games online with your phone—so you don’t need a gaming device or even a computer. Available right now are 8-Ball (pool), Poker, Sea Battle (which is ... While it's on the pricier side, Nintendo Switch Lite, a super portable video game console, allows a group of friends to play online games with classic characters like Super Mario Party , as well as new favorites, like the quiz-based game Jackbox Party Pack, which is amazingly fun. 6 of 24. The more games you play, the more you level up your character with powers. Deathmatch is the most popular mode, where up to eight players can compete against one another. The game also features some Facebook integration, though it’s not required to play at this time.

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