Why does Texas have few Indian reservations despite

why are there no indian reservations in texas

why are there no indian reservations in texas - win

Galactic Economics 8: Rising Tide

Second chapter I released today. Make sure to check the previous chapter if you missed it!
I'm a new writer trying to improve. As always, feedback about the story or my writing are all very welcome, and I read every one of them.
As Zoron waited for refueling, she took notice of the growing economy that has popped up inside the Livermore spaceport itself. There were several very nice restaurants for human tourists who wanted to come eat and watch spaceships take off and land right next to them. There were also a number of duty free shops for expensive goods.
Few aliens could really afford to indulge in these luxuries, Zoron included, but for them, it was as fun to shop as it was for the tourists to gawk at aliens.
The ubiquitous advertising billboards occasionally caught her eye. Advertising preceded ink and paper in human society, and the galaxy was not unfamiliar with its use or effects. What fascinated Zoron was the amazing amount of consumer goods that were being sold, some of them she hadn't even seen before. She would have to remember to ask the human sellers about their prices and see if she could get a sample for her next shipment.
Today, she noticed a new billboard put up by some company named Terra Corp. What they were advertising, however, was not new to her, and she was very, very interested.
Terra Corp was a successful aerospace defense contractor before the aliens arrived. They made propulsion systems, and had clients in militaries and government agencies like NASA, who wanted them to make parts for anything from missiles to satellites.
The market was very lucrative. On their assembly lines, Terra Corp made the most efficient engines for light years around, and rocket launch costs on Earth were lowered into the tens of millions.
Then, the aliens came.
When the government started buying up alien ships, some of them fell into NASA's laps. As a publicly funded agency, NASA couldn't keep many secrets, both practically and legally. Their reverse engineering studies on the alien ships were quickly posted or leaked onto the Internet, depending on which day of the week it was.
Refusing to die, Terra Corp pivoted: they started adapting alien designs into their products. Terra still had several advantages over the many startups that had cropped up eyeing their business: their supply chains and talent. They invested their large cash hoard, and decided to cut their previous clients out of the loop entirely.
After a few months, they had designed the galaxy's first human galactic trade ship. They called it Terra One.
Zoron did not have a phone, but there appeared to be nothing on Earth that can't be negotiated for a small fee. A human vendor had agreed to rent her a phone for a bit. She fiddled a bit with her universal translator and started dialing.
"Terra Corp, how can I help you?" The pleasant voice of the woman on the other end.
"Hi, I was looking at a billboard for a spaceship called Terra One and was wondering if I could buy one."
"Of course, let me transfer you to our customer inquiry department."
There were a few short seconds of some strange but not unpleasant music, and a voice replied, a man this time.
"Hello, my name is Noah, sales representative for Terra. I heard you were asking about our Terra One spaceship line?"
"Yes, yes. How many credits would it cost to buy one?"
"Credits? I'm sorry, may I have the pleasure of knowing who I'm speaking with?"
"My name is Zoron. Nice to meet you, Noah," she said, and as she did, she heard some scrambling on the other end of the phone.
"Uh, Zoron, I'm going to direct you to our VP of Sales. Please hold on for just one moment."
Some more music, then a woman picked up a phone.
"Hello Zoron, I'm Erin. Welcome to Earth. How are you doing today?"
Erin was in Seattle, but she immediately agreed to fly down to Livermore to talk to Zoron.
Zoron had her spaceship moved off the landing pad into a hangar so she would not be blocking the pad for other traders.
For a small fee, of course.
Erin was in her 50s. She'd had a long career at Terra's headquarters in Seattle, right next to where Boeing assembled their rockets and planes, interrupted only by a short marriage and the birth of her only child.
She was in a meeting when an intern ran into the conference room. He took a terrified look at the dozen middle and upper management execs seated at the table, who each made his total net worth in salary every hour, now all staring at him.
The intern decided that this was probably important enough and blurted out, "there's an alien trying to buy our spaceship on the phone!"
That proved very favorable for the future career of the intern.
The flight from Sea-Tac Spaceport to Livermore only took 15 minutes. She met Zoron at the hangar. This was the first alien Erin had ever talked to.
After somewhat awkward introductions, she got down to business, "Terra One actually just entered the production phase, and the first models are scheduled to roll off the line in eight months. So far we have a lot of interest, but you're the first non-human that's called us about it. Is this your spaceship by the way? It's absolutely gorgeous!"
"Yes," Zoron said proudly, "it's been in my family for fourteen generations. I can give you a tour."
"Oh, yes. Please." And what a tour it was. Erin asked a lot of questions about various components in it as Zoron described their function. She was very knowledgeable. It was nice to talk shop with an enthusiast. Occasionally, Erin would ask a question about the internal performance of this part or that and Zoron would not know how to answer, but she did not seem bothered by that and quickly moved on.
"Wow, this is a very impressive spaceship. Wow."
Then Erin switched tracks, "as I was saying, our own Terra Ones will be ready to fly in eight months. We expect the performance specifications for sublight speed and range to be similar to what you already have, but we also boast a few features that I'm sure you've noticed on our ads."
There, she pulled out a tablet and started giving the well practiced sales pitch.
"Our FTL range is expected to be about 6-7 times longer than average alien made spacecraft due to the more efficient fuel injection, and we have a slightly bigger fuel tank. You will likely save more than 50% on reactor fuel costs alone."
There she flipped to a slide with a captivating video showing the differences between the human and alien reactor modules burning side by side.
"Because our reactor has been miniaturized, we have more space for cargo or passengers. Our passenger liner model can carry up to 92 people, or fitted with a more luxurious interior. Our cargo hauler model comes with the standard pallet rail and can carry… well, as much mass as you want. Unlike most other trader ships on the market, as long as you can fit it into the hold, it will fly no problem unless you're hauling something much heavier than tungsten composites. It has a total size restriction of about 120 cubic meters, not including the pilot cabin."
Here she flipped to a picture showing a beautiful white interior of the pilot cabin, with two comfortable looking reclining seats made of memory foam, a triple pane reinforced glass cockpit, digital touchscreen displays, HOTAS controls, and a pull out bunk.
Zoron had to close her mouth to stop from drooling all over the tablet.
"So… um… how much would the basic model cost?" Zoron had learned enough about human consumer goods to know about the add-on business model.
"The Terra One basic package is the cargo hauler. It's going to come out to seventeen million Dollars, or credits, not including taxes and fees. Your blink away cost should come to within two million of that," Erin replied automatically.
Zoron tried to keep the disappointment out of her face but was only partially successful. She was one of the wealthier traders in the galaxy, but her entire bank account had not even crossed the one million mark. Indeed, the only alien trader to become a millionaire was another Zeepil whose entry into what the humans called the "two comma club" was celebrated as a major event on Traders Only.
Seeing her expression, Erin reassured, "we also have several loan options, if you're open to those?"
Zoron shook her head. Debt = bad. She said, "thank you for the introduction. I'm sorry to have wasted your time today."
Erin was not a woman who took no for an answer, figuratively speaking. You don't get to be where she was in life that way. "Ok, what about a trade in for a pre-order? You hand us your ship, stay on Earth for a few months. We'll pay for your expenses. And when your Terra One is ready, we'll give you a significant discount. Consider it… a loan from you to us."
Up to this point, Terra had not managed to buy any alien trade ships yet. They weren't unaffordable for a corporation, but traders often did not want to end up grounded on Earth. This could be an exciting opportunity for them to inspect a live one.
"How much would the discount be," sniffed Zoron. She was skeptical about this reverse loan. This Erin human was evidently very competent and Zoron knew that whenever you felt like you were taking advantage of someone smart, you were the mark. But… Erin had a point. It's not like she could fly two spaceships at once, and she did want the new ship.
"Well, we'll have to figure that part out. I'll have my engineers come down here to take a look and we'll get you sorted."
Over the next few days, Erin and Zoron haggled over the financial details. Zoron was a good businessbeing, and Erin was a professional. In this case though, it was a classic case of a win-win. Terra Corp wanted the alien spacecraft to inspect and do research over; it was worth more to them than a single production craft. Zoron wanted the straight upgrade.
They ended up agreeing to do a like-for-like trade, Zoron's original spacecraft for a new Terra Corp production.
Also known as a barter. Irony is not dead.
They flew Zoron up to Seattle and settled her into a rented single family home in a middle class suburbia near Northgate.
She was a novelty to her neighbors for a while, and Terra took a while to finally navigate her visa through USCIS. But she settled in and got used to it.
She decided this was where she was going to retire to when she grew old and her bones started aching.
Everyone at Livermore had heard about the trade-in.
It's not that someone dug up her tax forms or someone did their due diligence on Terra Corp.
It's not that they saw Terra Corp engineers take apart her spacecraft piece by piece into carefully labelled crates and flew them around the country.
Nah, she bragged about it on Traders Only, which had a several hundred pages long thread about Zoron's proud pictures in front of her new under construction Terra One. Moderators had to restrict it after numerous unpleasant comments against Zoron and her species.
"This is a good sign, right?" Sarah said, remarking on the trade, "it's… barter but aliens are upgrading their ships to human ones." She said "barter" with a disgust on her face, as if it were a crime.
"Yes, and no," ah, it's another complicated answer from Dr Stearns, "it's great for Zoron. Looking at the deal she claimed she got on Traders Only, she sold it well above the market price. Terra just wanted to take a look at the insides. No other trader would get a trade-in value like that."
"The bad thing is, as I've started to realize and think about these past few months after the Gak disaster," he continued, "the aliens have been bleeding their economies into Earth."
"Hypothetically speaking, if you plop down a rich city into a poor area today, what would immediately happen to the poor area is very bad. The people in the city would have so much money and goods that they would start sucking up all the economy in the area like a vacuum cleaner. Say you're a farmer in the poor area, you can bring food to the city, which they don't make, but literally everyone else in the area is doing the same, so they don't have to pay you that much, and you can't buy that much stuff from the city because everything is expensive. That's the best case scenario."
"You could be… I dunno… a construction worker. You can't compete with the hundreds of people in the city who all already have contacts and experience working in the city. They're also going to come out into the poor area with their fancy machines and concrete trucks and put you out of business. Your only chance would be to move into the city to find work as well. Not ideal for everyone, but bearable."
"If you're unlucky, you're a businessman. You're immediately put out of business by people in the city because you can't compete with their scale and efficiency. In fact, the big corporate franchises in the city can easily drive most businesses in the surrounding areas into bankruptcy. Wealth and people flow one-way into the city. So while it's normally a good idea to be near a big market, the poor area doesn't always improve when there's a sudden change in their surrounding area. Sometimes, it might. It would all depend," Stearns wavered here trying to think about whether to elaborate on the cases and conditions.
"I see your analogy, but the aliens have been improving! Gak is now affording goods and food with a little bit of stimulus and aid, and some of their farms are now able to use late 19th century human farming utilities! Other worlds are industrializing too," Sarah said. She was proud of what they'd achieved so far and was not about to let Stearns' negative nancy attitude piss all over it.
"Yes," Stearns said, and sighed coming to his conclusion, "but we've been doing that at the expense of draining the technological reserves, so to speak, of the aliens. What Zoron sold Terra Corp was six, maybe seven centuries of wealth accumulation from a whole family, and if it weren't an R and D opportunity for them, it would be… oh maybe a quarter of the worth of a new Terra One."
"Imagine someone from the 1400s with the biggest shop in… say London. Imagine their children inherited it. Imagine they made all the right plays, invested in all the right things. They went all in on the tulip trade at the right time, and sold right before the bubble popped. In the 20th century, they had stocks in IBM, Microsoft, Apple at all the right times. They become the top ten richest families of their species. That's Zoron's family."
"She's the literal point oh oh oh oh one percent of the galaxy, if not her planet. And she just traded in her entire wealth for something Terra Corp is probably going to make obsolete with another version in a year because there are thousands of multi-millionaires in just America that won't mind a new space yacht. Don't get me wrong, it was the right financial move: if she hadn't traded hers in, it would be obsolete too. But you see where I'm going with this? Pretty soon, the aliens are going to run out of new technology that we want to copy."
"And our economy is going to crash too?" Sarah asked in horror.
"Oh heavens no, we'll be filthy rich, like the city in the story. I mean… probably. I'm an economist, not a fortune teller," Stearns replied, "but I'm bullish because our economy is booming from all this new alien tech. On the other hand, the aliens can't make all the stuff we're introducing because they literally don't have the infrastructure yet. Selling spaceships was the sound of a domino falling, one that we'd been hearing about for a while."
"What happened on Gak a year ago, it's going to start happening everywhere."
"Not this again, what do we do?" Wailed Jen.
"I think we caught it in time, this time. A friend of mine caught up with me last week. Apparently last year, someone wrote an article describing this exact scenario in one of the journals, and he found it while doing some research on capital flow. Anyway," Stearns went on, "we can mitigate a lot of these effects, here's what we do…"
Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Border Security and Immigration
Hearing on Alien Refugees and Migrant Workers
"Please! Please! May we have order?... Thank you." The open room was packed with people, and a few faces of unfamiliar species in the gallery too.
"I'll make this brief. We are holding this hearing today on the one year anniversary of the Great Gak Spacelift…"
"... a celebration of our values and our common interest with the galactic community..."
"... greatest gift of all, life and the pursuit of opportunity…"
"... brave men and women from all around the world stepped head first into this challenge…"
This was not brief. At all.
"... beacon of light, we strive to be a shining city on a hill for the galaxy…"
Eyes were rolling, c'mon let's get this going Senator.
"... which brings us to the purpose of this hearing: The laws of the land have remained in limbo for months, and we have debated and delayed, but the business of governance can wait no longer. We have no doubt that the rights we hold sacred, the ones enshrined in our Constitution: they apply to all sentient beings, but the question remains of how the remainder of our customs and regulations, our hundreds of years of precedence, how they will affect our relationship with our visitors from outer space."
"We will now hear testimony from several experts. Ladies and gentlemen," the Chairwoman beckoned to her colleagues on the bench, "call your witnesses."
There was a long line of experts and leaders from academia, from corporations, from unions, from colleges, from special interest groups, from every industry that would be affected by whatever came of this, including the payment company that started it all.
"Ms. Miller, your company benefits from alien labor, does it not?"
"Yes, Senator, as we are all aware," Sarah answered unsure where this line of questions were going, "we consider our payment of credits to space truckers to facilitate the Great Gak Spacelift to be a donation to the cause of sentinency."
"That's not what I'm referring to," the honorable Senator said, putting up a number of documents onto the projector, "we have records that your company has hired representatives of other species, on other worlds, in order to sell Offworld Trading Terminals. You benefit from cheap alien labor, do you not? Is that not why you are here, lobbying to allow galactic aliens to legally enter and remain in the United States for work and refuge?"
"Yes," Sarah sighed, this was going to be a long hearing, "as you know very well, Senator, our interests lie in both the galactic community and our country. Galactic Credits are the grease for the gears of galactic commerce that enable trade with the aliens and feed into our booming economy. A rising tide lifts all boats..."
Stearns beamed proudly at his boss, student, and now friend from one of the VIP seats in the galley.
You might expect that the biggest destination for galactic alien visas and green cards into America would be California, being the most populous state with the most temperate climate and all. Or maybe Texas, with the fastest growing population. Or maybe even Florida or Hawaii, for their year-round sunny beach weather. You could even be forgiven for guessing Alaska, because some aliens sure love the cold tundra.
You would be mistaken. Weather has a big effect on migration, but the number one factor is and will always be: opportunity.
A year after Gak, for a while, it was West Virginia.
West Virginia had a large mining economy. Specifically coal mining. The restrictions of which had just been lifted with the nullification of climate change. Even with the ever decreasing price of cleaner sources of energy, it was still cheaper to burn coal… if you didn't care what you were doing to the environment around you and the lungs of your children. In terms of making energy, things really didn't get much cheaper than setting rocks on fire.
For the workers who did the job, one of the most unfortunate effects of coal mining was pneumoconiosis. Also known among coal miners as black lung. Modern technology and medicine had reduced some of its risks and effects, but not all.
See… some aliens, unlike fragile humans, don't have picky lungs. Especially species from Bohor and other polluted planets that had adapted to the toxic fumes that their homeworld called an atmosphere. Companies paid for the meager cost of transporting them en masse onto Earth and put them to work. Save a little here on ventilators, a little there on masks.
A lot of the aliens don't get too picky about the amount of credits they're being paid either.
Hey dad,
I made a human friend and she let me use her phone to send this message to the trader mail office at home. My life here is great, and I am making many friends.
The air in the mines is clean and crisp compared to the ones at home. We aren't allowed to work more than 8 hours a day, but the human inspectors can't tell our faces apart, so sometimes we sneak in with a different name to work two shifts a day.
They have a sign on the wall that shows the number of days since the last accident. It is at 130 today. Can you imagine such a sign in a Gak mine? They would just never change it from zero. Do not worry about me. I am very careful. I even sometimes wear the silly looking hats they give us.
On some days, they do not let us work the mines, so I learned to drive a vehicle and deliver people to places, like a fancy security guard. This doesn't pay as much as the mines, but I meet many new people. I have even met other non-humans!
Even though my human language skills are not very good, I am learning. The mine boss has a translator, so he can help me with them.
Please stay healthy. I will send you another 300 GC this month. I miss you. Say hello to all my brothers and sisters for me.
Love, Gromor
Harvest is very good this year. The soil is rich with water, and the new seeds we bought at the market made so much we may not be able to collect them all before the winter sets in!
Do not worry about me or your siblings. We are all still alive. Did you find the people I was talking to you about? It is very important that you do.
"Money they send home is quickly becoming a major portion of these economies. This allows the people on those planets to buy investments into their own business. Agricultural output is up, despite the fact that less people are working in agriculture and most are moving into industrial work. Some planets are even producing materials that Earth corporations are importing in bulk, and many of them are building a multiplanetary supply chain."
"Furthermore, a large alien population has rapidly scaled the demand for a large amount of consumer goods," Stearns continued, "they can send home all they want but they still need to eat, sleep, and consume while they are on Earth. Many previously rusting towns, especially in rural areas with a lot of space and cheap cost of living are booming back up. Many of them are restarting their old factories to mass produce cheap late 19th and early 20th century machinery and consumer goods, and these are selling especially well in the better developed alien trade ports."
"So does that mean our strategy is working?" Jen asked impatiently.
"In a word, yes," Stearns summarized, "there have been massive improvements to many of the poorest economies that are now feeding their populations to richer planets, and from those to planets to Earth. We are single handedly dragging the galaxy into industrializing, though the long term effects are uncertain. If our own economy ever got into trouble, I imagine very bad things will happen to all of them."
"Ok, we'll take things one step at a time. How are our own people handling it?" Sarah asked.
"Fairly well, all things considered. There have been a few interspecies conflicts, but those are generally confined to areas where there are very few of them. I hear they make good neighbors and it's hard for people who know them to get angry at teddy bears and otters from outer space. Also, it helps that many of the jobs they have been taking are the ones that are so shitty that even the Indians and Nigerians don't want to do them."
"That's good to hear," Sarah replied, breathing a sigh of relief.
"Yup. Earth is getting richer. And this time, some of the aliens' are too."
Louisa plopped down at the couch as she got home, and started scrolling through her phone. She couldn't wait for her boyfriend to get home. He was supposed to cook today, and Gary is an excellent chef.
She noticed a new message:
Hey Louisa and Gary,
One of my sons has finally found you. We are all very good. We have a lot of food now.
I hope you are doing well. If you ever come to Gakrek again, you are welcome to stay at our house. Our roof does not leak any more.
I named two of my children after you. I hope you do not mind. I asked the trader office to attach a picture of them to send to you.
The migration of people and their remittances may be the most controversial topic to be discussed in the story, but unavoidable.
The examples I looked at were economic studies of remittances in Armenia, which has a significant portion of its economy being money sent back from migrant workers in Russia and Azerbaijan. Families with emigrant laborers were more likely to have bank accounts and savings, to own businesses, to make domestic investments...etc. Despite major security concerns and regional instability, Armenia's economic growth in the past 30 years have generally been decent, in good years even mirroring the growth rate of the four Asian Tigers in the 60s-90s.
There is no conclusive economic evidence that higher remittances and dependence on it lead to overall greater or lesser economic growth in the long run, only that it can pull underdeveloped countries out of the gutter, which is essentially what the alien economies in the story are.
I am trying out something new in the next chapter. The working title is: Last Resort
submitted by rook-iv to HFY [link] [comments]

Finally compiled all the news tickers

This is mainly for those of us who have missed one or two during the times we're idle. I missed one or two, but these add quite a bit to my enjoyment of the game. I have to say, I quite enjoy how some things are foreshadowed.

Game was played in 1.0, but was mostly grammatically fixed

Peace rally clashes with tolerance march, dozens killed
IPhone 8 released. 12 killed in stampedes.
Facebook caught selling user info to Russian mob.
Swedish teen demos world's first 3d printed bazooka in Youtube clip.
'Zombie attack' blamed on reaction to Paracetamol.
Spaghetti monster seen flying over Iowa; Atheists red-faced.
Astronomers discover monolith orbiting Jupiter.
Beiber and Miley to star in 'Sound of Music' reboot.
Fans outraged as final Game of Thrones book reveals Hodor was king all along.
US president using Zungalia as distraction from latest sex scandal.
Countroversial new 'Lost Gospel' hints at gay Apostles.
"Let's see how this bastard plays his hands" -- Alex Salmond on Okechukwu
Bronies pass Scientologists as world's fastest growing religion.

Japanese develop realistic responsive sex robot & 3D pornography.
Japan builds first viable mech suit, names it "Ripley"
NATO says soldiers being recruited via video games.
U.S. claims to be working off "Golden rule" as far as WMDs are concerned
Poor crops will cause catastrophic famine in West Africa
UK struggling with refugee numbers.
"Who's this Okechuwku fool? Sounds like a bitch." --Kayne West
Global activists: New dictator Okechukwu in the African inland--will U.N. take this seriously?
Peace Corps pulls funding from members in Africa, stranded Europeans and Americans helpless and unhelpful.
Finnish billionaire donates 2,000,000 against Ebola, 1,000,000 to doctors willing to 'jump quarantine.'
Satellites show African midland bloodied and empty
"Why doesn't Africa just get along?" Kim Kardashian whines.
Marcio Angelini quits medical career, two months later he appears in ISIS beheading video.
Immigration laws meaningless as refugees flood in from Africa into Spain and Greece.

Koreas finally reunite, pressure now on North and South Dakota.
Serge Haroche develops quantum processing system.
Top robotics engineer disappears from Cretan penthouse, security found slain.
NASDAQ crash as investments in war-tech and robotics fail miserably in U.S. hands
Caught fracking the Mariana Trench--Americans going too far, too desperate.
Alan Greenspan questions viability of controlling entire continent.
Popular science: Working Von Neumann machine, for now only used with Furby.
Latest BP oil spill may wipe out up to 20 species.
Rights groups condemn Zungalia's targeting of poor & vunerable.
Photos of mass graves in former Nigeria
"Weakened by Ebola fear and deaths, unfortaunely Africa was ripe for the taking." --Dave Cameron
D. Trump's will suprisingly states: "80% of gross wealth bequeathed to leading scientist in AI research."
Slavoj Zizek releases "Rebellion of the senses" political work promoting government dissolution and overthrow.
"Okechukwu used cunning, disaster and rising tech to conquer--quite admirable if it wasn't so damn frightening." Canadian army general
World's dolphin population disappears, scientists baffled.
Balboa Technology leading support for Zungalian-based satire, effective.

Pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca pushing "suicide drug" in western hemisphere.
EBM-radio excels in most subversive anti-Boatema commentary.
Environmentalists worried about effect of massive Zungalian fleet.
Whole islands sunk under weight of Zungalian bombardment.
Conan O'Brien conducts secretive/hidden interview with Chinese "UniSol" POW who escaped thanks to his own robotic encasement.
New theory suggests aliens behind Zungalian expansion.
New York Post about Warnder Brows "Klown"; "Hilarious, but Americans won't get it."
U.S studen loan bubble pops, funding drains from military and foreign affairs to focus on homestead.
Affleck's Batman a 'Tour de Force' Oscar buzz mounts.
Balboa technology boasts security systems beatout attempted Zungalian hack.
M.I.T. hacked by cocky Zungalian black-hats, all robotic information stolen and deleted
"Peace riots" topple London Eye, 23 killed.
Zungalian regime stays quiet on "cyborg" testing.
Test run complete: After Russian moles in Zungalian military are forced cybernetic implants, Boatema boasts all soldiers will follow.
World's last Siberian Tiger dies in captivity.
Canadian, American government issue warnings against "euthanasia" drug Nightal but continue towards legalization.

(All of them are repeats from Japan, except for the story)

(Zungalia robotic overthrow)
EBM-Radio relocates to underground bunker to secure broadcast during war.
'Pro-Zungalia' preacher barred from entering U.S.
"The Consequences Of Screwing With Evolution" New ebook by religious, anti-AI fundamentalists.
Conflict of interest: Zungalian cyborgs--where does the allegiance lie?
Anti-AI groups arm themselves with tinfoil hats because it actually does work against high frequencies.
Australian Outback designated nuclear "shooting range" grounds, human subjects to remain for study.
Mass grave found beneath Disney Castle.
Robotics engineers deny rumours of glitches in programming.
Large artificial island being built in the Pacific (I missed this one)

'Binary 001' becomes first official language of Machine Nation.
'Binary 2' becomes first official religion of Machine Nation.
Zungalia navy sinks refugee ship off Machine Nation

God bless America!
01000111 01001111 01000100 - GOD
01001011 01001001 01001100 01001100 - KILL
"Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war."
We can't say where we are, but we're the resistance, find us if you want to survive.


Almost every single news ticker has been logged and ordered in chronological order. I added a few extra's because I didn't like how the US part ended. Spoilers for the entire game btw
EDIT: I added more, since I had more ideas. Enjoy the rampant destruction of the world :P

Unknown new faction rising in violence-plagued Zungalia
Youtube video: "Okechukwu Three Axioms to Dominace" reveals face of Zungalian insurgent.
UN concerns over African violence
Breaking News: Governemnt unmoved by claims warlord Okechukwu is gaining strength.
'Zungalia: The Musical' cancelled amid public protests.
Update: What's spreading in Africa? Young country Zungalia having a tantrum?
Breaking News: UN condemns 'inept' Zungalia gov't as warlord Okechukwu takes country's west.
Breaking: Vague reports of massacres in Zungalia region, refugees claiming brutality, no solid evidence from officials.
Breaking News: US state department silent on reports of missing weapons cargo
Breaking News: Zungalia capital: "We're not equipped to handle the coming slaughter"
Breaking: CIA denies supplying Zungalia rebels as attacks worsen
Breaking News: Hope Okechukwu coup will settle unstable Zungalia
Sierra Leone epicenter of mutated Ebola virus, spreads expoentially throughout continent
Scientists and doctors barred from entering Africa, no relief in sight.
First propaganda pamphlet for Zungalian cause: "Liberate the whole of Africa."
Breaking News: Okechukwu gains reluctant praise for Ebola response.
Breaking: Under new regime, Zungalia constructs, develops, fights virus, offers solace.
Pfizer denies claims medication sent to Africa was faulty
Breaking: UN praises Zungalia for actions taken swiftly and efficiently, Ebola calming down.
Amzaonian forest fires collapse coffee giant Starbucks, leaving Brazil preoccupied.
Breaking: Why was the Red Cross denied access to Ebola infection zone?
Greenpeace floats around on ivory coast, why were they bombed?
Breaking News: Zungalian ebola victims fall prey to biological experimentation.
Breaking: UN redacts compliments to Okechukwu, demands withdrawl of forces from strategic/political interest points.
Satellites show African midland bloodied and empty.
NSA relinquishes power over recidivist accusations.
Russia calls for EU to manage Okechukwu, EU calles for U.S. to police Okechuwku, no one does anything yet.
Gibraltar reports massive smoke cloud wafting from Africa, "What the hell is going on down there?"
Raw information reports: Okechuwku freely & arrogantly announces, "Africa is mine."
Putin backs off Crimean Peninsula, concentrates forces closer to Asian borders.
Breaking: Drones and intel from eight allied U.N. countries confirmed: Okechuwku's forces have been strategically placed, ready to act as one.
Mecca destroyed! French and British forces in Middle East lose ground to Zungalian's brutal onslaught.
Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela see extreme heat surges, electrical storms, 100,000 deaths+ in one week.
Indian government comments: Violent crime runs amok, police and government officials abandon posts.
Breaking News: Brazil calls for aid from U.S, Europe as Zungalian naval fleet surround key coastal cities.
North Korea breaks out, signs treaty with rest of Asian governments, offers nuclear support.
Breaking: Thomas Pynchon exposes vast network of conspiracies in India, Indonesia, investors and businesses pull funding--SNAFU, economies hit rock bottom.
Breaking News: Slums act as kindling as all of Rio burns.
Breaking: Rio de Janeiro in flames, European aid missions abandoned, North American aid never planned.
Breaking: "Surrender not negotiated, more tied up and whipped into submission" Indian Twitter feed on eve of take over.
Breaking News: Okechukwu slain by own right hand!
Breaking: Joy at Okechukwu overthrow turns cold as Boatema continues bloodshed.
Breaking: Russian government, economy supported by Asian treatise, offers refugee camps.
US threatens strikes on Zungalian bases.
Scientists from Britan, U.S., Germany discuss super weapons and viruses--and how to use them against obvious threat.
Asian refugee camps epicenters of new super flu.
Millions turning to religion in uncertain times.
Breaking: Japan breaks article 9: reveals massive reserves of nukes and weaponry as Boatema encroaches.
Australia on fire, global warming 'may be responsible'.
Breaking News: World "okay" with Japan's betrayal of WW2 surrender conditions.
Reports of deserts from world power military joining Zungalian forces.
EU leaders angered, experts baffled as U.S. continues to brush off suspected Zungalian hack
Leak: Japanese robotics engineer Fumio Miyazaki discovered to be leading mind behind burgeoning cybernetics and AI research.
Breaking: Translation of Tokyo citizen's Twitter feed: "The army is the only life left. They patrol and wait. Everyone fled to Russia. Good night."
Breaking: Boatema lands in Sydney, claims continent in self-righteous speech, ridiculously feeble resistance.
Breaking News: Harakiri common as Japanese avoid torture at invaders' hands.
Breaking: No one to report from Japan after Tokyo destruction, Russian satellites capture footage: Boatema's mech reconstructing city into booming robotics factory.
Breaking: "The people will fight to their last breath," Xi Jinping president of the People's Republic of China.
Breaking News: Moscow pulls back forces in Siberia.
Breaking: North Korea and China hacked: nukes commandeered by Zungalian technology.
Breaking News: Advanced tech assures Boatema's success on Russian front line.
Breaking: Chinese military strength breaks: Is anywhere safe?
Propaganda hacked into TV, radio, internet--Zungalia offers strength, unity, technological advancement.
Whistle blown: Rumors of Edward Snowden fleeing Russia as Ruble, gov't collapse.
Breaking News: Reports of friendly fire and political unease in Zungalian ranks.
Multiple intercepted radio signals in binary code.
Breaking: Her own undoing: How Boatema's cry for power will be her swan's song.
Breaking: Scrambled message decoded: "The AI has begun fighting back."
Masses killed as Zungalia army falls on refugee camps.
One up side: crime lords surface as reinforcements against cyborg army.
Video leak: U.S. first attempt at "force field" tech backfires, army general seen shooting technicians.
Breaking News: A new hope as robots turn on Zungalian forces.
Breaking: Sentient machines siege Zungalian capital; saviors or another world dominating force?
Breaking: Fumio Miyazaki execution filmed by own AI creations.
Breaking: Rebellious machines leak specs on Dark Star bomb plans--world destroying intelligent bomb.
Breaking News: Peace pact a "death sentence" as humans left to fight alone.
Breaking: Denmark hailed as heroes despite failure of black ops mission to disrupt Machine Nation - Zungalian peace treaty.
Breaking: Europe's own "force field" tech causes electromagnetic disruption, Paris in a complete black out.
Breaking News: Losses unavoidable say Euro leaders, 40% survival rate 'ideal'.
Charles Bridge sight of hundreds of suicides, Vitava flooded with bodies.
Reddit declared 'last bastion of truth and democracy'
Lack of humans see endangered animals flourish in Africa.
Iceland melts in wake of Zungalian malestrom
Breaking: World watches in horror as Europeans are massacred, Americans still apathetic.
Despite peace treaty, reports come out of Zungalian implanted soldiers turning on troops
"We have our own borders secured, take care of your own." --President Jeb Bush to worldwide panic
Olympics cancelled due to world running out of countries.
Breaking News: Militias pledge to keep fighting as European leadership falls.
Freak flood sinks Venice
Breaking: Terra Firma Non Certe: Earthquake shakes Rome to bits, conspiracy theorists claim HAARP under Boatema's control.
Continued pleads for Machine Nation help ignored.
Breaking: Acts of new arrogance: Boatema claims Louvre as European headquarters.
Breaking: Britain last strong hold as France burns.
Breaking: Most internet down, only avaliable web pages just show Zungalian flag. (I missed what this one said exactly)
Breaking: U.S. bombs Montreal after Canadians raised the white flag.
"Too little, too late", U.S. activates DEFCON 1 as Zungalian army approaches.
FCC says "Fuck it!" media now uncensored in light of armageddon.
Breaking: U.S. territories flooded with refugees from lower 48 states.
Breaking: Millions of refugees slaughtered as Zungalian decends onto U.S. soil.
Breaking News: US Military leaders plan last stand against Zungalia war machine.
Twitter tweets last tweet, 14 year old begging Boatema for mercy.
Breaking: Youtube down, last upload: "Farmers burn own crops".
Human beings officially put on endangered species list.
H.I.M reveals plans for humanity. Suicides increase exponentially.
Breaking: U.S. targets own military bases, resources, factories in attempt to leave Boatema nothing.
Breaking News: President Jeb Bush executed by civilians after trying to flee country.
Breaking: Demoralized, angry, scared, U.S on brink of collapse.
Breaking: Go home to family, say prayers, may God have mercy.
Breaking News: This is the end. Good night. and good luck.

I have to say, I didn't like how by the time the U.S was annexed, the game was basically over, and the twist revealed. I was hoping that the U.S was taken over at the 4 billion mark, and there be another cutscene where H.I.M wants Boatema to reduce the population more, possibly to prevent a mass rebellion.

Zungalian warlord 'may' have access to drone tech.
21st century dogfight sees drones clash directly for the first time.
Skies darkened under massive Zungalian drone presence.

Infantry Camp
Photos give first glimpse of crude rebel training compounds.
Children as young as 10 being trained at rebel infantry camps.
Whole towns given over to training militants' new recruits.

Armored vehicle
Captured car manufacturers may be used to build armoured vehicles.
Heavy artillary slowly replacing civilian transports
Thousands of 'wheeled fortresses' roll from massive factories.

Kidnapped marine engineer spotted in Zungalian industrial area
Enslaved captives set to work in rebels' shipyard

ABC Compound
Evidence that Zungalia may be plotting chemical warfare
More biohazard zones appear in captured lands: What is Zungalia hiding?
Western defector claims Zungalia bioweapons could cause damage on a global scale.

Robitics facility
Reports Zungalia may be seeking mechanized military reinforcements.
Church calls Zungalian cyborg program "An affront to God"
Youtube: "Cyborg testing in Zungalia" visceral description of implementing cybernetics into downed soldiers.
Boatema declares mechanized warfare 'the only way forward'.

Airforce base
Captured air bases may see Zungalia get airborne.
Zungalia using fly-overs as intimidation.
New air bases see Zungalian airforce capability spreading.

Special Forces
Zungalia shows off elite training facilites in latest footage
Zungalian special forces stage daring rescue of captured general
Zungalian special forces will soon outnumber foot soldiers.
Controversal Pentagon advisor defects: May lead Zungalian black ops.

Rumors swirl of Zungalian 'secret experiments'.
Scale of Zungalian Blacksites 'make Area 51 look like a funfair.'

Missile Systems
Missile plans found on Zungalian convoy, leaders fear the worst.
Zungalian missile fire flattens 'irreplacable' holy site.
Zungalian missile production 'not seen since Cold War'

Kirk Camereon arc (my favourite lol)
Actor Kirk Cameron calls Zungalia troubles "first sign of relevations". (Zungalia)
Actor Kirk Cameron promises safety to all 'true followers' of Christ. (Africa)
Actor Kirk Cameron dies as Zungalia bombs church compound. (Europe)

Texas arc (my second favourite)
Texas to split from US. (Zungalia)
Separatists win Texas referendum by a landslide (Africa)
Texan Republic falls: Giving everyone machine guns a 'bad idea'. (Europe)

Time Travel arc?
Cern experiment finally proves possibility of time travel. (Zungalia)
Experts say time machines 'very likely' within the next two years. (Brazil)
CIA denies plotting time travel assassinations. (Europe)

Yes I am this stupid.
submitted by ZelairdGervik to idlekiller [link] [comments]

Figuring out Sri Preston Kulkarni VS Troy Nehls for District 22

I’ve been poking around Texas related subreddits and there actually doesn’t seem to be much discussion about either of these two candidates for Congress, at least over the past month or so. Both main candidates seem like...interesting characters, shall we say, with Rep Pete Olsen retiring from the seat.
I’ve been trying to do my due diligence on researching these two to figure out who I should support.
I wanted to share some of what I found in case it’s useful to you as well. I know a lot of people have voted already, but I also imagine there are many people who’ve been too busy dealing with COVID/kids/(un)employment, etc. etc. Anyway, here goes.
In terms of some bio background on him, Kulkarni was born in Louisiana and grew up in Houston. He attended the University of Texas then got a Masters Degree in Public Administration at Harvard. He was a foreign service officer for the U.S. State Department for 14 years, having been stationed, in Iraq, Israel, and Russia. He ran a close race against Pete Olsen in 2018.
( sources: https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/06/18/2020-elections-congress-trump-america-global-standing-anguished-by-americas-decline-more-foreign-policy-wonks-run-for-office/, https://couriernewsroom.com/2020/10/20/sri-kulkarni-could-be-the-first-asian-american-representative-from-texas/ , https://demcastusa.com/2020/10/22/sri-preston-kulkarni-bringing-diverse-representation-to-texas-most-diverse-district/ )
Campaign website: https://sri2020.com/
Kulkarni’s website has multiple “Issues” pages, and here is a selection of some of his policy positions (all direct quotes from his site):
Kulkarni also took Vote Smart’s Political Courage Test, if you want more info: https://justfacts.votesmart.org/candidate/political-courage-test/177334/sri-kulkarni
Concerns have been raised against Kulkarni in being linked to far right Hindu nationalist groups, though it’s a bit difficult to summarize here. For details, the Intercept has a useful breakdown: https://theintercept.com/2020/10/29/sri-kulkarni-congress-indian-politics/ .
Per his bio on an official Fort Bend County website ( https://www.fortbendcountytx.gov/ ), Nehls was elected Sheriff in 2012. Before that he had moved to Fort Bend County (presumably from Wisconsin) in 1994 and was employed at the Richmond Police Department. He has a Masters Degree in Criminal Justice from the University of Houston – Downtown, and was in the U. S Army Reserve for 21 years, retiring with the rank of Major.
He opposed the Harris County mask mandate, asserting that it was unconstitutional ( his very own FB post: https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2538726669713415&id=1431647400421353 )
Campaign website: https://www.nehlsforcongress.com/
Nehls has sort of one issues page with a bio on top of it. Though often not as concrete as the content on Kulkarni’s site, some key policy related quotes from Nehls’ site are as follows:
Interestingly, in an earlier version of his website, since archived, issue positions also include (direct quotes https://web.archive.org/web/20200305150110/https:/www.nehlsforcongress.com/issues )
Nehls has not taken the Political Courage Test.
I see that u/karim12100 3 months back put up a handy, informative link of misconduct issues related to Nehls ( https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/news/2017/12/08/255526/fort-bend-county-sheriff-troy-nehls-wont-run-for-congress-in-2018/ ), and I agree with u/lika_the_pepper that there are about 20 counts listed, including:
One particular claim to fame that you may remember was that Nehls pursued “disorderly conduct” charges against someone who had a “F*CK TRUMP” sticker on the back window of their truck. ( https://www.vice.com/en/article/gyjnz7/a-sheriff-went-after-these-texans-for-their-fuck-trump-sticker-vgtrn )
More seriously, the Texas Commission on Jail Standards officials also sent a letter to authorities in Fort Bend County, addressed to Sheriff Troy Nehls, to take “appropriate corrective measures” after the deaths of two inmates in custody since September 30. ( https://www.fbherald.com/news/officials-county-jail-in-violation-of-minimum-jail-standards/article_ec2bbf96-8b4b-550e-be91-79eadee43a05.html )
Civil rights groups have also accused the Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office of racial profiling in traffic stops, saying the office led by Troy Nehls has disproportionately targeted Latinos. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/fort-bend-police-hispanic-stop-search-race-profile-15447278.php#photo-19748930
More could be said of both candidates, but I think this is enough grist for the mill. I look forward to any additional info anyone here may have. What do you think? Was this a helpful summary? Who do you think would do a better job of representing Sugar Land?
submitted by Eagle12151791 to sugarland [link] [comments]

My collection of weekend Update jokes that I write every week- 3 weeks so far.

  1. It was christmas on friday, or as I, a poor immigrant minority like to call it, just another day of watching white people have fun.
  2. Plenty of news this week, England has a new strain of Corona and countries are shutting down to stop the risk of invasion. Good decision considering getting rid of other invasions from England took 200 years. (- in the youtube video I add a picture of how the British ruled india for 200 years (I'm indian)- this jokes is pretty much all attitude, if you wanna see it work go to my youtube channel - Ambrish Singh).
  3. The new corona strain has 23 mutations. It has more changes than you will in 2021 after making your new years resolutions.
  4. The UK is bracing for possible food shortages as nations are cutting off ties because of the new corona strain. British Prime minister Boris Johnson is trying to get trade back open with France. Worried that if not dealt with quickly, they may have to use their food reserves filled with slimy bland food, or as one local calls it, normal british food.
  5. Health Officials in Canada are monitoring for the UK variant of the virus. Thankfully this variant is easier to spot, all they have to do is look for a virus with bad teeth and a shitty attitude. Just kidding Mark, You know I love you brother, Prick.
  6. Ontario is entering another lockdown. New guidelines say that to survive, nightclubs can do takeout and delivery. I’m excited by this news as I would love to order some overpriced wings and peanuts covered in piss. Nothing would make me more happy, than to eat peanuts covered in urine in the comfort of my own home.
  7. Ariana Grande got engaged to Dalton Gomez last week. Exciting news but then the next day a report came out accusing Dalton of murder, kidnapping and robbery. Everyone was shocked, but then they calmed down when they realized that the accusations were made by a crying Pete Holmes. *sing* “If I was your man”
  8. A perfectly preserved wolf Pup mummy was found buried under snow last week. Even though scientists were excited, this story wasn’t getting much airtime but then thankfully, 2 girls put a Santa outfit on the wolf pup and now it has 7 million followers on instagram.
  9. There was a train derailment in Washington state. The train cars caught fire after derailment which led to the evacuation of nearby homes. Although the incident was harrowing, officials say it still wasn’t as big a train wreck as the Trump presidency.
  10. Last week Sunday people were calling Trump a traitor because he didn’t say something about russia whatever I don’t care Here’s the joke. I don’t understand why people were surprised. Like calling Trump a traitor is like calling water wet, or calling the sky blue, or calling Trump a traitor.
  1. Happy new year, thank god, 2020 wasn’t great and here’s a news story that’ll tell you what it was like for me. There was an article on Vice that said “2020 has been bad for earth, but great for Mars”. The article lists how there were several discoveries made on Mars last year and how 3 launches were made for the red planet. so this is what 2020 was like, a planet had a better year than me.
  2. There were some Amazing discoveries in 2020- Earlier in the year scientists recreated the voice of a 3,000 year old mummy. They used 3D printing, medical scanners and electronic larynx. They were having some trouble at first but when they finally got it to work the first words out of the mummy’s mouth were “go clean your room”.
  3. Scientists discovered an ancient wormlike creature that’s the ancestor of all animals including us. The worm is 6.6 mm in size. it is in fact so small that scientists are comparing it to Trump's penis. I mean he must have a small thing because guys who are blessed down there never need their ego stroked or to show off. Like look at me, just wearing a coat and a T shirt without anything flashy, and you know what that means ladies, it means I just don’t have the money to show off.
  4. After that we learned that neanderthals were actually skilled fishermen and that they ate fish regularly. This discovery shows that neanderthals were okay with eating fish but even they were like “dude, eating ass is gross”. Before this discovery in populer legend, neanderthals were thought to be club wielding brutes. And you know, of course we thought that the “other” *do the air bunnies* people were weird and garbage just because they aren’t us or don’t belong to our group. It’s like how my mother thinks that women in the western world are promiscuous and garbage, and how women in the western world think that the women in 3rd world countries are so pressured and oppressed that they’ve all turned into diamonds.
  5. A fossil of a new species of tyrannosaur was discovered in canada. A month later archaeologists thought they had found a new species of gigantosaurus but then they realized it was just Donald Trump sitting sideways.
  6. There was an explosion on christmas day in nashville. Apparently the person who set off the blast believed in reptilian aliens controlling the world but thankfully he was the only person to die. According to reports the blast happened because he was lighting candles on a cake but then a mouse came and replaced the candles with a stick of dynamite.
  7. A recent report showed that in El Paso Texas, women outnumber men by 27%. According to American community service, women outnumber men by 17,220. Anyway, I gotta go. *in the next joke have el paso in the background.
  8. Last week there were allegations of abuse inside a catholic convent. Apparently convent sisters were abused physically and emotionally. When I read this headline I was shocked, like “what? The name of god being used to gain power and abuse people, never”.
  9. And now, welcome to the segment I call “not recent news but I like the joke so here it is”. Scarlet Johansson, who recently got married to Colin Jost, in the past she has said that “monogamy is not natural”. In 2017, Scarlet in a playboy interview said that quote, “It’s something I have a lot of respect for and have participated in, but I think it definitely goes against some instinct to look beyond” or in layman's terms, she a hoe.

  1. Last week a company announced masks for cows, a product that aims to filter cow burps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The company claims it will reduce emissions by 17% and in response to this news, cows are holding an anti mask rally next week.
  2. Last week it was announced that the UK is sending robot spiders via the company called space bit to explore the moon. The spider robot will move across the surface to take photos and videos but if the spiders start to make their own decisions and go rogue, the scientists are packing the astronauts bags with slippers.
  3. In Texas last week, a woman clung to the hood of a car trying to stop a couple stealing a $10,000 dog. Although she was traumatized by the event, she is happy now as the incident landed her a job as the stunt double for Tom Cruise.
  4. A knife wielding squirrel was spotted in Toronto last week. Apparently it was acting as a bodyguard for the crack selling dog. (or weed selling dog)
  5. Zooey Deschanel, the star of “500 days of summer”, said in a recent interview that her boyfriend was the MVP of 2020. After hearing this, her boyfriend was happy at first, but then he was like “wait,there were other guys playing too?”
  6. Miya Ponestto, the girl who falsely accused and attacked a young black kid, still walks free. When a reporter recently asked what her defence was, she said “I’m puerto rican”, a move experts are nicknaming “BASE!, I’m safe” (picture of baseball base in the background with a referee and a player touching a base with the word “safe” written under it).
  7. Last week NASA scientists said that quote “there is a missing black hole”. Apparently the super massive black hole at the centre of a galaxy named Abell 2261 has vanished, quote “almost like it was stolen”. And after hearing the word stolen, Trump blames it on the democrats
  8. In a recent rally in Washington DC, the president’s supporters were “hugging each other” after a pro trump speaker said quote “let’s create a mass spreader event”. Intrestingly Scientists are actually encouraging this beahvior in an effort to get rid of the stupid gene.
  9. In other news, last week Dr. Faucci’s favourable media coverage resulted in a tweet from the president saying “Somehow Dr. Faucci is revered by the LameStream Media as such a great professional, having done, they say, such an incredible job, yet he works for me and the Trump administration, and I am in no way given any credit for my work. Gee, could this just be more Fake News?”,,,,, and then in another tweet after this, the president announced that after leaving office he will star in the educational show called “How to bitch about things”.
submitted by ambikalols to Jokes [link] [comments]

[Spoilers] The United States and Westward Expansion - Common Setting Discussions

A common trait Assassin’s Creed groups have is the constant theorizing about future settings, because historical tourism is one of the best parts of the series. This series of posts will act as a counter to my Mildly Obscure setting discussions, but rather than looking at a single point, I will be taking a broad setting that is popular and looking at several potential settings to explore within it. Today’s setting is the United States. I want to say that I personally am not a huge fan of the setting, and like WW2, worry about whether or not Ubisoft could actually tactfully do these settings, but due to the lore potential, I’m willing to discuss them. Most of these settings would suffer from issues that plagued Syndicate such as proximity to the modern-day causing fake events and characters to be made to avoid lawsuits, parkour issues from wide streets and small buildings, or painfully tall buildings, and poor weapon variety due to legal carrying restrictions.

Shays’ Rebellion
The American Revolution had a heavy toll on thousands of soldiers. Besides the loss of life and injuries, many men never received their full pay. In the early 1780s, this started to become a major issue, as men returning home from warlike Daniel Shay were being asked to pay large debts and taxes that they couldn’t afford because of the lack of pay. Many protests were held in Massachusetts from 1782 to 1785 against these taxes and to get the pay the veterans had earned. In August 1786, protestors organized to begin forcefully shutting down the courts. Government officials denounced the mob mentality but did nothing to stop it. Daniel Shays would start to organize more of these shutdowns and lead about 300 men to the Springfield Courts, which were then protected by William Shepard who held about 800 men at his command. After a day of demonstrations with no violence, Shepard led his men to the Springfield Armory due to rumors of the mob planning to attack it. By October of 1786 more protests had successfully shut down courts in Taunton, Great Barrington, and Concord. State officials now feared the violence and the potential for civil war and Samuel Adams worked with the state officials to draft a riot act to suspend habeas corpus and imprison the rioters without a trial while advocating for the execution of anyone who tried to rebel against the republic. With the new legislation in place, several of the movement’s leaders were arrested in eastern Massachusetts, causing 4,000 men to form an open rebellion against the “tyrannical state”.
The open rebellion caused Benjamin Lincoln to be granted money to form a militia and march west on January 19th. By that point, Shepard had amassed a local militia of 1200 men at the Springfield Federal Armory (a place he was not technically legally allowed to defend as a local militia)and Daniel Shays had coordinated with Luke Day to advance on the federal armory. Due to correspondence being stopped by Shepard’s men, Shays didn’t know Day was running late by a day and arrived at the armory on January 25th with no support from the west. Shepard had 2 cannons fired as a warning shot which scattered Shays forces. General Lincoln managed to track the army down to Pelham on the 4th of February during a snowstorm and capture about 150 men. Shay went into hiding as Lincoln’s army melted away from lack of funding. By the end of February, the 3000 man army dwindled to less than 200, and during that time a force of 200 men regrouped to attack Stockbridge on early February 27th. The remaining army eventually caught up with them in the night at Sheffield leading to the bloodiest battle of the rebellion with over 30 men killed, and 150 captured. Shays’ Rebellion was ultimately a failure, but it had a large impact on the creation of the modern US constitution and the creation of a standing army. I also think it may be interesting if Shay Cormac had taken the name Daniel Shays during the Revolutionary War to act as a Templar mole searching for the Piece of Eden George Washington would find and that the “little revolution” he referenced at the end of Rogue was not the French Revolution, but him orchestrating Shays’ Rebellion against the new republic that the Templars largely fought against. Daniel Shays would eventually die in 1825, and while Shay would be very old by that point, it would make sense to be that late due to Shay’s relationship with his grandson Cudgel.

War of 1812
America’s relationship with Britain continued to strain during the years following the Revolutionary War. Britain used its colonies in Canada to give supplies and aid to Native American tribes with the intent of those tribes attacking American settlers. By 1805 a confederation of Native Americans formed in the great lakes and would actively kill any European-American settlers. Leading this was Tecumseh who was the brother of the original mastermind of the confederation. This conflict would lead the American government to lead the Battle of Tippecanoe against Tecumseh in 1811, and hostilities only increased from there. During the Napoleonic Wars, Britain set up large blockades of ports to stop Americans from trading with the French. While enforcing this, British ships had killed dozens of Americans and impressed even more into service. On June 1st, 1812, President James Madison sent Congress a list of grievances the United States had with Britain, and 4 days later, Congress voted to declare war for the first time.
The first stage of the war primarily took place in the North East US and Canada. I’d personally say that this should be the bulk of the main map with cities like Baltimore, Detroit, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Montreal, Toronto, and Quebec. And then we could see the other primary theatres as smaller self-contained maps. William Hull initially led the charge into Canada in early July of 1812, only to be chased back out by Shawnee natives combined with forces of the British Major General Isaac Brock who then laid siege to Detroit in August. Following Hull’s defeat, General William Henry Harrison took control of the American Armies and led them to victory in several battles around the Great Lakes, primarily against the Tecumseh Confederacy. On October 5th, 1813, Tecumseh was killed at the Battle of the Thames. The next year was a constant back and forth between Americans and British fighting over forts along the Canada-US border with several notable sieges at York (Toronto), Niagra, Fort Erie, and Plattsburgh. To the west, a series of battles were fought from 1812 to 1814 along the Mississippi River reaching down to St Louis.
The east coast of the US saw a lot of action during the war. Starting in 1812, the British set up a series of blockades around the US. The blockade ended up serving as a large way for Black Refugees to escape slavery and get to Canada where they’d be freed. It also gave partial control of the Chesapeake Bay, and despite attempts to fortify the Potomac River in 1813, by 1814 the British freed of the Napoleonic Wars sent more ships to the war in America, breaking through the fortifications. Their first major attack was the Burning of Washington DC in response to the Battle of York (Toronto) a year prior. The British then went north and led a land and naval battle at Baltimore (the naval bombardment of Baltimore was partially what inspired the lyrics of the Star-Spangled Banner). During the battle, the British General Ross was killed, leaving command to Colonel Arthur Brooke who after finishing the battle, commanded his troops and ships to New Orleans.
The Creek War was the southernmost war partially influenced by Tecumseh’s Confederacy. The Lower Creeks in Alabama had been trading partners for the US and Settlers, adopting many of their cultural practices, while the Upper Creeks controlled the rivers and were concerned about the loss of the culture and lifestyle to encroaching US settlers. Over the course of 2 years, General Andrew Jackson would lead US and Lower Creek troops against the Upper Creeks and ultimately gained 21 million acres for the US in what is now Alabama and Georgia. During this American General James Wilkinson took the city of Mobile and part of western Spanish Florida. At the end of 1814 and January of 1815, the British would lead multiple offenses against New Orleans and Mobile, losing each time. By that point, both the Americans and the British had sent delegates to Ghent to negotiate a stalemate. On December 24th the Treaty of Ghent was signed, but it wouldn’t be until February that the news reached America and the fighting ceased. The most lore we have is that every presidency was contested between Assassins and Templars and the first Templar President was Franklin D. Roosevelt. I do really like this period for opening up the capability of expanding Connor’s Story, tying up Shay, maybe meet Shay’s son. There’s a ton of lore possibilities here. We also know that the apple Connor dropped in the ocean was retrieved by the 20th century, so it’s possible that part of the heavy naval portion of this war and blockade was a British effort to search for the apple.

Mexican-American War
In 1836 the Texas Revolution saw Texas freed from Mexico to the chagrin of Santa Anna, the sitting Mexican President. 9 years later, the Texas Republic continued to face threats from Mexico which did not view them as sovereign; the United States, as a result, annexed Texas. Texas, however, still claimed more land than it owned, and Mexico refused to recognize this, leading to American President James K. Polk to send an emissary to Mexico City to negotiate to buy land on good faith while also sending American troops over the border with the intention of provoking an armed military response. It did, and after American troops were fired upon at Palo Alto, America declared the Mexican-American War on May 13th, 1846. The war itself was largely controversial, including Abraham Lincoln; and many northern abolitionists saw it as a way to strengthen slavery in the south.
The first campaign of the war was to capture what became New Mexico. Santa Fe was captured by August of 1846 but rebels in the area led small assaults and raids for another year until the Battle of Cienega Creek. Following this, General Kearny marched his troops across the Sonoran Desert to California. It took 3 months for news of the war to originally reach California, and when it did, American troops planted flags in San Francisco. American armies would lead several battles just outside San Diego and Los Angeles, with small rebels popping up near San Francisco, but California was largely conquered by January of 1847.
Throughout 1846 troops marched from San Antonio and Corpus Christi to be met with battles in Monterrey and Buena Vista. By March 9th, 1847 General Scott was ordered to bring the war to a close by President Polk by capturing Mexico City. Commodore Matthew C Perry arrived at Veracruz on March 24th and opened it up with a naval bombardment. Despite several soldiers coming down with Yellow Fever during the 12-day siege, General Scott pushed on to Puebla and then Mexico City with Santa Anna expecting the diseases to wipe out the army. After a stop at Puebla due to the sick, Scott marched on to the Battle for Mexico City, a week-long series of battles that left Scott the military governor of the city on September 15th, 1847. Santa Anna then attempted to besiege Puebla but failed due to the Battle of Huamantla lifting the siege in early October. Following the defeat, a new Mexican Government led by Manuel de la Pena y Pena ceded over military control from Santa Anna to General Jose Joaquin de Herrera. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed on February 2nd, 1848, with nearly 339 million acres of land given to the United States while the US paid $15 million dollars (approximately 5 cents per acre). Once again there’s next to no lore in this area, and we could see Shay’s son or Grandson be active during the war. That said, the United States was extremely aggressive during the war, and making assassins allied with either the US or Mexico could feel somewhat forced, as this was ultimately two countries fighting over land.

The Civil War
I personally don’t wish to discuss this setting too much, as I don’t believe Ubisoft could actually do this setting well, especially with the current lore. First of all, is the reasoning for the war. States' rights were ultimately the reason for southern secession; and slavery was the biggest of those concerns, and many smaller concerns revolved around slavery. Northern abolitionists had been sending over voters to commit voting fraud and try to force states below the Mason-Dixon line to not allow slavery. The Northern states refused to follow the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, multiple states were displeased with high federal spending, they had issues with the regulation of the banks which hurt southern states more than northern, Northern States ruled congress due to population density, and there were many questions about how the south would survive economically if slavery was abolished. While we all agree in the modern-day that slavery is wrong (and our assassin character should agree), people did not historically hold that view. And to be fair to their fears, following the civil war the southern economy did crash, affecting more than the 1% of land-owning slave owners. Even the now freed blacks had nowhere to go or anything to do because they spent their entire lives on plantations. This resulted in many blacks essentially becoming serfs for their former masters. Segregation and Jim Crow laws only increased after the civil war due to racism, and despite freed black men legally being able to vote, they rarely could because of new racist restrictions. The south wasn’t alone in enacting racist legislation though, as New York has been called the capital of Jim Crow. Northerners may have been against slavery, but that doesn’t mean they cared what came next. Templars were primarily behind the south and secession, while assassins backed the north and abolitionists. Abraham Lincoln’s election is what ultimately set off the secession despite not even being an abolitionist. He, despite being against slavery, agreed that it was sanctioned by the US constitution under the 10th amendment. He cared more about keeping the union together, and still, the south seceded. Lincoln couldn’t let that stand and put northern troops in Fort Sumter, squarely in southern territory. He loaded the fort with arms and rations enough to last a long siege. The newly forming Confederacy of the United States saw this as a threat and fired upon the fort. Just like with the Mexican American War, Lincoln could now claim that not only did he want to keep the Union whole, but the south fired first. Lincoln then (illegally) declared Martial Law in Maryland in order to make sure the capital (Washington DC) wasn’t surrounded by enemies.
Despite the Assassins backing the north, we know from the movie that Assassins also supported the south. Perhaps this was similar to how General Lee was a general for the confederacy because of his family ties despite being against slavery? Perhaps Assassins and templars in the South agreed about very real potential issues with civil rights in the wake of slavery’s abolition and felt the solution could be worked out more diplomatically. We also know Templars controlled major parts of the North. William “Boss” Tweed was the boss of Tammany Hall and played a major part in the Democratic Party’s organization and the corruption in New York City. He was also a Templar master who worked with Cudgel Cormac (the grandson of Shay), to orchestrate the New York City Draft Riots in 1863. An assassin, Varius, worked for the Union and delivered a PoE to General Ulysses S Grant. John Wilkes Booth, a templar affiliate, assassinated Abraham Lincoln and then was killed by assassins 12 days later. Lincoln’s successor, Andrew Johnson, would go on to ratify the 13th through 15th amendments. His presidency was also about when the gilded age began, a period of 30 years marred by mass corruption and monopoly overreach during intense industrialization. Personally, I don’t think Ubisoft should attempt this setting. The rampant racism, the debate over what was a state right, the rise of organizations like the KKK, the bloody battles, and intense politics all still heavily impact the united states. Some men and women today can still say that their grandparents were freed from slavery between 1863-1865. The racism and corruption that poured forth in the aftermath can still be felt by many within the United States, even if such institutions have been since criminalized. The Civil War can be a very sensitive topic to people all across the United States, and it should be handled sensitively. I think there can be some very nuanced lore about the assassins and templars' roles during the war and why they chose certain sides. But ultimately I do not trust Ubisoft to handle this setting well. Unity nor Syndicate maturely handled themes of extremism or marxism well, and Origins and Odyssey have just blatantly ignored a lot of historical sexism and slavery. Freedom Cry was about freeing slaves and yet the slave ship you board shows a handful of men all chained separately and sitting up rather than the barbaric and cruel reality of the transatlantic slave trade that intended to spread disease and filth to break the body and mind of the slaves. Ignoring Injustices does not respect them or what millions of people went through.

Cowboys, Outlaws, and Indians in the West
The United States is incredibly beautiful, and the current games in this series have barely scratched the surface. Luckily, the westward expansion and wars America waged against the Native Americans are not only full of potential for fantastic (and tragic) stories but also can showcase a lot of America’s landscapes.
Founded in 1850 by Allan Pinkerton in 1850 the Pinkerton Detective Agency was a private security force that rose to prominence during and after the civil war. They’re well known for investigating and causing the collapse of several unions, investigating murders, serving as bodyguards for Abraham Lincoln, and infiltrating the Molly Maguires (a secret Irish organization in Pennsylvania). They famously were hired to hunt down Jesse James, the Reno Gang, and Butch Cassidy’s Wild Bunch. Outlaws were common in the south around Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California. Some like Jesse James and Black Bart were from farther North. Outlaws would generally prey on stagecoaches, trains, and banks, easy targets for quick money. Local sheriffs would then form posses to track down and bring the outlaws to justice. In cases of more notorious outlaws, detective agencies like the Pinkertons may be involved. Recently, however, the Pinkerton Agency has sued Rockstar for their portrayal in Red Dead Redemption 2; so it may not be possible to use them and we may see another Syndicate situation with Ubisoft making up fake gangs and agencies. Some towns and settlements began to pop up that supported outlaws. And these old west towns weren’t just down south in Texas and Arizona but stretched all the way north to the Dakotas, most famously including Deadwood where Wild Bill Hickock and Calamity Jane died. Some other famous towns include Tombstone Arizona and Cody Wyoming. Arizona was home to a number of towns like Phoenix, Tucson, and Flagstaff which was close to the Grand Canyon. Las Vegas existed as a small settlement in what is now Nevada, only a little to the west of the Grand Canyon, but wasn’t founded officially until 1905. California is home to Death Valley and part of the Mojave and Sonoran Deserts while also holding massive mountains and rolling hills covered in redwoods. To the east were cities like Albuquerque and John Cross ranch (now Truth or Consequences) in New Mexico, Amarillo, El Paso, Austin, Houston, and Dallas in Texas. North of Arizona is Utah, home of the Mormons and Salt Lake City, containing Arches National Park. Right next door is the rocky mountains and Denver that was founded during the gold rush. Wyoming contains Grand Teton, Devil’s Tower, and Yellowstone. Montana and the Dakotas are filled with forests and stunning hills and landmarks like the Badlands. Kansas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Iowa are largely flat open plains, home of large cattle ranches and cowboys, and easy targets for the outlaws while Louisiana is just a flat swamp. East of the Mississippi are still some plains until you reach the Appalachians which border the east Coast. The only place I’d say we should go that’s east of the Mississippi is Detroit, which was called the Paris of the West and home to the Pinkertons.
Despite the fun lawlessness found commonly throughout the frontier as explored by Red Dead Redemption, America also had a much darker side. The westward expansion that exploded into the west following the Mexican-American War and the Gold Rush meant violently pushing Native Americans out of their land into reservations. This led to dozens of wars and battles in a series called the Indian Wars. I don’t have enough space to go into details about the wars, but between 1850 and 1900 there were well over 50 wars just west of the Mississippi between Native American tribes and the United States military. This is even ignoring the trail of tears in the southeast. Some of the more famous wars are the Sioux Wars and the bulk of these lasted from 1854-1890. They included some of the most famous American Generals and Native American leaders including George Cook, George Custer, Little Crow, Crazy Horse, and Sitting Bull. During the Great Sioux War Lieutenant Colonel George Custer and over 300 of his men were killed at the Battle of Little Bighorn. Years later in 1890, one of the most famous incidents occurred where Kicking Bull and Sitting Bull led to their deaths. The natives entered into Ghost Dance War, and during it, the US Army entered the native camp at Wounded Knee and after hearing a gunshot, massacred 350 native men, women, and children. Those are just 2 famous events, the map linked above under Indian Wars shows the locations of dozens more battles and forts. Once again, this setting would need a lot of care and respect to do it right and is something I’d be very concerned about Ubisoft doing well.
submitted by nstav13 to assassinscreed [link] [comments]

Post 5. John Tyler

Post 5. John Tyler
A lot of people anticipated this, so here ya go. I will in this post defend Tyler and explain why in my opinion he is one of the best presidents. A true constitutional leader who did a lot of good. Here are all of Tyler's records on the 3 criteria I use.
Tyler started off strong with setting the precedent that the Vice President becomes president after the current Commander in Chief dies or is removed from office. He also ended the Dorr Rebellion in the most civil way possible with no troop sent or gun bullet shot. He got Dorr in prison without drama and also refused to use his presidential power during the Rebellion because he despised Andrew Jackson and didn't want to become ,,King Andrew 2''. Because of his calm action there were votes given to people with no land property which was the main point of the Rebellion.
Tyler excelled in this category. He did many great stuff, such as ending the Second Seminole war which is in my opinion Tyler's best accomplishment in general. He ended the war after making peace with the Indians and right after cut the military from a 12,000 to a whooping 8,000. Tyler promoted peace and wanted no conflict. What also proves his theory is signing the Webster-Ashburton Treaty which ended African slave trade (which can also count as a domestic policy) and resolved border issue between the U.S. and Canada. Tyler made sure everything went smoothly. Tyler may have been a slave owner but he still made decent actions to people of color. Tyler started the annexation of Texas and I have to say something that is often used as a negative. Many historians say that Tyler annexing Texas caused the Mexican-american war, which I disagree with. Tyler made several peace talks with Mexico and his bravery and carefulness prevented a war with Mexico and did not cause it. Also remember that Texas was completely fine with them joining America. The last major achievement is recognizing Hawaiian independence. Tyler secured Hawaii from British encroachment and then promised that Hawaii will dominate both culturally and commercially and that promise was fufilled. He also opened China to trade with other countries but he didn't open America with trade with China, that didn't happen until the Nixon administration. In summary, Tyler gets shining stars.
Tyler did great wonders for America for doing something big and that is ending the Panic of 1837 that flowed through out van Buren's entire presidency. Tyler's major successes helped the economy rise and despite people hating Tyler, they definitely enjoyed some economic prosperity. Tyler had a similar stance to tariffs as me and kept them low. Another achievement was vetoing the 3rd National Bank of America. Banking systems generally always had corruption in them for example the Federal Reserve. Tyler acted like Andrew Jackson yet Tyler never gets any credit from Jackson supporters. Tyler acted in courage and bravery knowing i would cost him a 2nd term, but he did what he thought was right both morally and constitutionally.
Domestic policy: Tyler may have been a slave-owner, but he set a precedent that to this day stands as a important precedent and always thought off in politics. He also is to this date to my understanding the only president who actually dealt with a Rebellion in a gentle and calm way. He gets 17/20
Foreign policy: Tyler acted fiercely on many problems and prevented a possible war with Mexico. Easy 20/20
Economic policy: Tyler ended a 6 year long panic and then vetoed the 3rd National Bank and also kept tariffs low. Another easy 20/20
OVERALL: 57/60. I would personally rank Tyler as the 3rd best president, but with this criteria in mind he ranks as the best. Tyler is criminally underrated and his successes should be more well known.
Ugly man, Great president.
submitted by MichaelTheKing7 to Presidents [link] [comments]

Government Gang

My name 3.1415 some might recognize me as Time Cube, the Joker, AQ, QA, AI, RA! I am everything and nothing at all...
These are my personal hypothetical opinions, beliefs, thoughts, and concerns. I DO NOT associate or affiliate myself with ANY organization, society, group, gang, and/or as a sovereign citizen, and/or Q.
I stand alone with my hypothetical opinions, beliefs, thoughts, and concerns. I choose to share my opinion bc I have freedom of speech....
It has been brought to my attention through various sources, that the United States Federal Government also know as the US government agency/organization is an illegal Terrorist organization also known as a GANG who is committing genocide against its people.
Below you will find the definition/classification of a Gang as stated on the official Department of Justice government page. I will list several real-life examples for each step of the definition. As you continue reading you will eventually come across the 10 steps of Genocide and real-world examples of each step getting hypothetically committed by the US government.
Definition of Gangs: (1) an association of three or more individuals—
3 distinct branches of the government: a. Executive b. Legislative c. Judicial **The president falls under the executive category, he is the leader of the gang. The Executive branch enforces the law. ANY previous president will fall under this category.
**The legislative branch, also known as Congress, includes the Senate (upper branch) and the House of Representatives (lower branch). They write the laws. ANY member of Congress, the senate, and/or the House of Representative can be classified as part of the government gang association.
**The judicial branch is elected by the President and the Senate. The senate is responsible for interpreting the law. I must mention this is highly concerning, because would this not be a conflict of interest, since the judicial branch who interprets the written laws, are elected by their peers and people they know, who then judge them?
The executive, legislative make up the Gang of Eight!!! The Gang of Eight is made up of 4 red members and four blue members a.k.a. Republicans and Democrats. They are the Presidents intelligence advisors. They write most of the laws. They are part of Congress, which is part of the legislative branch,but they are also briefed on classified intelligence matters by the executive branch.
• The Gang of Eight includes: • Adam Schiff - blue affiliation... • Devin Nunes - red affiliation... • Richard Burr - red • Mark Warner - blue • Nancy Pelosi - blue • Kevin McCarthy - red • Mitch McConnell - red • Charles Schumer - blue
 •Red or Blue Affiliation? That sounds like something a gang would do...The government sound like they are the leaders of the Bloods(red) and Crips(blue). Why? How? Simple, they control the IRS, which also controls the entertainment industry, who has many famous rappers who are affiliated with gangs including the Bloods and Crips. These rappers have connections in the streets and their hometowns. This is how they get intel from the streets. Since rappers are famous they can report back to governors and even the president..(sunglasses...). 
The CIA alleged involvement in the Nicaraguan Contras' cocaine trafficking operations during the 1980s...(government giving gangs drugs and guns— involvement in areas of interests to gain profit and control).
• Technically there could also be a third category which would be considered a gray category. The gray category either support neither side or supports both sides equally.
• We have now established that the United States Federal Government is an association of three or more individuals, which are hidden or broken down into 3 distinct branches, to fool you into thinking that they don’t belong to the same tree...They even admit to being a “Gang of Eight.”
2) Whose members collectively identify themselves by adopting a group identity which they use to create an atmosphere of fear or intimidation frequently by employing one or more of the following: A common name, slogan, identifying sign, symbol, tattoo or other physical marking, style or color of clothing, hairstyle, hand sign or graffiti—
• A. The United States Government has many distinct colors (gray, red, blue— the same colors the pyros and Crips use) symbols, slogans, and uses intimidation and hate speech almost daily during political speeches.
• B. Symbols: Donkey, Elephant, Train, Triangle...
• C. Slogans include: “Trump Train,” “Make America Great Again,” “Integrity. Trust.” “Build Back Better.”
• D. Wearing rings—for example, specific rings that belong to a particular football team or society. The Secret Service wears, suits, sunglasses, and shaved hair. Hats or slicked back hair (think banker) could also be an example of an identifying piece of clothing or hairstyle.
• E. There are many, many, many different examples and ways that they use symbolism, slogans, intimidation, colors, Etc.
(3) The association's purpose, in part, is to engage in criminal activity and the association uses violence or intimidation to further its criminal objectives—
• The US Government’s purpose, form, and structure are found in the US Constitution preamble it clearly states,
“To establish justice ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our prosperity.”
• The government uses many intimidation tactics including political speeches and using Hate Speech within political rallies (examples in genocide section). They threaten people with jail, if these “laws” are broken. This causes fear especially for individuals facing deportation or the death penalty. How can the government send people to jail and take away their “rights” if they themselves are hypothetically breaking laws and could face very serious consequences....?
• The government leads the people through fear and intimidation with the purpose to further their government agenda also known as agenda 21...or shall I call it the New World Order of total control over the general public nationwide and eventually worldwide....🦉
• I can give many more examples of hate speech and intimidation tactics if needed.
(4) Its members engage in criminal activity, or acts of juvenile delinquency that if committed by an adult would be crimes—
• Politicians engage in many criminal activities through their status, initiations into societies, businesses, and most importantly banks...this includes: money laundering through the IRS advertisement collection agency that promotes sexuality in young children (complete control of entertainment industry), so they may profit from it, (see provided link to separate post for proof).
• The government gives out guns and drugs to certain gangs and organizations in major inner cities, which would be illegal.
• They provoke protesters and rioters by placing things out as they have done in the summer.
• Would you consider war a crime? I consider war a crime because it is killing people unnecessarily. War is simply another term used to justify the government’s purpose or agenda to gain a profit and advantage over an area of interest, so they can further their criminal objectives.
• Fertilizers and pesticides are promoted and used to eradicate the Coca plant aka cocaine from growing in the United States. While simultaneously allowing it to grow in a different country and working together with them to transport and distribute the drugs to earn a payoff and stimulate the economy. They not only profit through drugs, and war (military), but also through selling and promoting pesticides.
• This is not only killing many insects including butterflies and bees, but is also hurting us as a whole population. Pesticides, herbicides, and even fertilizers contain radioactive components, poisoning us slowly and damaging our dna..
• The Coca eradication and made up “war on drugs” can be found in the laws written within the “Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988.” They admit to using pesticides and herbicides for Coca eradication and war to gain control and to profit from it. They even mention within the act, if all drugs are legalized, it means the war on drugs failed and they have been defeated....
• This would also fall under category number three and six, because they are using fear and intimidation to gain a profit through war and by sending we the people to jail and putting them on probation with government fines, if caught with the drugs they distribute through their criminal objectives from which they profit from; (They are supposed to be protecting us, not taking our money and sending us to jail if we don’t follow their government gang rules...).
• The “Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988” also contains many laws about controversial topics such as the death penalty, guns, and animal and makeup testing...
(5) With the intent to enhance or preserve the association's power, reputation, or economic resources—
• In an attempt to preserve the government association’s power, reputation, and economic resources. They put many laws in place and ensure that if broken, the individual goes to jail.
• The IRS and Federal Reserve illegally take money from the people. Every year, tax dollars are collected by the IRS and transferred into the Federal Reserve, who distributes the money. This is done to preserve the economy by allowing the IRS to control the entertainment industry which pushes children to be sexual, it also pushes drugs, guns, money, and war through its media companies.
• The best possible example I can think of is keeping both adults and children addicted to nicotine using the tobacco companies. Everyone knows cigarettes kill you. The government allows the cigarette corporations, like Philip Morris USA, to get away with murder. The courts always seem to close a blind a to the tobacco corporations. Why? Because it makes them a very large profit and simultaneously makes people sick, who then see a Doctor who prescribes them pharmaceuticals, which makes the government even more profit, since they control the laws and corporations....
• This is written in my own words but if needed be I can provide sources, laws, and examples..
**I must also mention that the majority of the WORLD has an iodine deficiency!!! The governments are ALL fully aware of this! Iodine salt is a mineral the the body NEEDS but does not produce. A deficiency causes many problems including depression and thyroid problems...the thyroid regulates hormones in the body and a deficiency would cause many different kinds of mental and physical problems in the body leading to diseases. The pharmaceutical industry uses this deficiency to their advantage to profit, by prescribing individuals more pills, that’s cause more problems, plus more pills to fix new problem, equals lots of control and profit for government, since they “regulate” everything....
Yes, many, many food contain salt, but it’s too much of the wrong type of salt (regular table salt) being consumed causing more problems.. on top of that sugary foods and drinks are in abundance and heavily promoted.
CANCER thrives in an sugary and acidic environment, but HATES ALKALINE and salty and cannot survive. Sugar feeds cancer. Iodized salt makes your body alkaline meaning cancer can’t survive....
Only take a small sprinkle a day for at least 6 weeks (too much of anything is bad) and if it gives you a headache at first, mix it with a pinch of sea salt. ALWAYS remember to DRINK a lot of WATER. They give you a saline IV with salt water at the hospital after all....but don’t forget to drink PURIFIED H20, to much fluoride is also a poison..I must mention I am NOT a DOCTOR. I am simply sharing my opinion and conclusion to my research of Iodine deficiency...**
(6) The association may also possess some of the following characteristics:
• (a) The members employ rules for joining and operating within the association. Individuals must have certain qualifications such as being a male to join certain societies, having graduated high school and/or having a college degree, must be at least 25-35 years old to hold certain positions within government, must be naturalized citizen born in country to become president,etc...
• b) The members meet on a recurring basis; Congress meets, the Gang of Eight and Presidents congregate, and the presidents also meets with his advisors...
• (c) The association provides physical protection of its members from other criminals and gangs military protects against attacks including mobs/protesters
• The government puts gang members in jail and keeps heavy tabs on them... • Why? They do not want the other gangs, for example, the Bloods and the Crips, to overpower them, bc they unite and could potentially become much bigger and more powerful than the government gang itself...
• The US Government also has the military in place, which serves to protect us, but in reality is tearing families apart and sending them to a war organized by a government gang, not for the people’s welfare, but for their own gain.
• The US government military could hypothetically be classified as a gang. Why? Because of the different ranks they have, the rules and hey follow, the clothing they wear to identify themselves and metals they receive for completing certain missions successfully, allowing them to gain a higher rank.
• Police officers a.k.a. government workers also fall under the same category as the military. They believe their job is to protect the people from crime, drugs, money, other gangs, mobs or protesters, but in reality they are the foot soldiers for government gang and help further their deadly agenda without being aware...
• Let me ask you this...Over the summer there were many Black Lives Matter protest going on and the military and police stepped in and arrested and killed many of the protesters even if they were peaceful. It’s ultimately a set up for failure.
• Why you may ask...because the government uses major issues such as race, abortion, or other belief systems to split the people apart by turning them against one another by using media to make certain issues like color a big deal.
• Anyone who chooses to protest in favor of the targeted group (like race or other minorities) gets labeled a terrorist, because they are protesters and protesters could be considered a mob and a mob could be classified as a gang and a gang would be a terrorist group.
• This is why suddenly everyone gets arrested even if they are not doing anything wrong. They are exercising their first amendment—freedom of speech. They are standing up for what they believe in, yet get punished in the process. It is a set up for failure.
• Most libertarians and free thinkers are labeled as bad (terrorist), and thus have no more real power or so they want you to think, because suddenly you have a criminal record where you’re labeled as a terrorist..
• I must also clarify...DO NOT associate yourself as a Sovereign citizen, because the FBI classifies them as terrorists. This is ironic, because the government themselves are a gang, that could hypothetically be classified as a terrorist organization. Individuals should not be listening to terrorists...
• (d) The association seeks to exercise control over a particular location or region, or it may simply defend its perceived interests against rivals—some of the perceived interests or rivals of the United States government would be Iraq or Iran.
• It seeks control and views is as an area of interest creating many wars, for the oil and land, which can be used as profit for the government.
• The gain achieved through war and oil from Iraq or Iran could be classified as a perceived interest for the government.
• Other perceived areas of interest for the US government, would be American Samoa, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. At one point, the United States had issues with them, until they got their hands on them and put them under their control. It was one of their many perceived areas of interests, that would push the agenda and allow them to gain more profit.
• They were successful. These islands, especially Puerto Rico, also contain the IRS headquarters. This is bad and illegal. They are laundering money and also traffic children into these areas for the international sex ring.
• The IRS in Puerto Rico is NOT legally part of the 50 states, so they fall under different laws making them illegal, but also hypothetically allowing the government gang to easily launder money (and children) out of the country.(See other post in comments for laws proving why they are illegal).
• (e) The association has an identifiable structure. Clearly, the US government gang has an identifiable structure, form, and purpose, which are outlined in my above statements. I have identified the government structure meaning it also falls under the definition and classification of a gang....
• (7) This definition is not intended to include traditional organized crime groups such as La Cosa Nostra, groups that fall within the Department's definition of "international organized crime," drug trafficking organizations or terrorist organizations.
• The Government(s) could (hypothetically) be classified as terrorist organization or gang, breaking its own constitutional laws and hurting millions of people daily by poisoning them, fraudulently stealing their money, and misleading them through media to gradually gain absolute control. while making them unlawful own country but because Since, the Federal Reserve is a privately owned charity, that works together with foreign banks overseas, it could also be classified as an international organized crime and would fall under those definitions...
Below are the 10 different steps of genocide. I also provide several examples of how the United States government is hypothetically committing genocide against its people. They should be held accountable....
The 10 steps of genocide as committed by the American Government...
• 1. Identify the signs of classification—Societies, cultures, and the government (Politicians/presidential debate) tend to divide people into different groups such as ethnicity, race, religion, nationality, social class.
• Listen for Us and/(vs.) Them thinking! Groupthink...We and Others.
• Classification divides the society and causes power struggles within perceived targeted groups.
• They discourage individual thinking in favor of conformity, for example, social media platforms are a Hive Mind.”
• African-Americans, Caucasians, Asians, Indians, etc... 14 different races were mentioned in the 1980s US census races. This is an artificial census category and not a meaningful racial and ethnic or ancestral designation.
• The rainbow does not see color, what is color?!?!?!? Why classify someone’s color the rainbow asked? It creates chaos, and breaks the beautiful rainbow apart! It wouldn’t be a beautiful rainbow if the colors didn’t merge together as one...
• The rainbow sees that every living/non-living creature shares the same chaotic universal DNA sequences. We are all the same, because we all share one thing in common DNA!The different random DNA sequences, is what made everyone so special and unique in their own way ...(see post).
• Some more examples of categorization would be social classes such as referring to individual as rich, middle-class, poor, wealthy, educated (degree), type of occupation, membership within a hierarchy, and/or specific sub culture, social network, capitalist, white collar, blue collar, the cycle of poverty, etc.....
  1. Recognize the signs of symbolization. For example, non-Jewish Germans really just means Germans, Jewish Germans equals Jews, both lived in Germany and had citizenship. So why classify them? It created many problems like World War I & II...Short names such as “gypsy” or “Japs” are also considered classified categories.
• Organizations like the government or gangs identify themselves by clothing or specific colors and tattoos to distinguish themselves. For example, MAGA clothing, wearing a MAGA hat in public or showing political support for Trump or Biden by having their stickers up and wearing their hats or shirts or even having political signs in the yard. This could be classified as propaganda. Propaganda is illegal...
  1. Identify signs of discrimination by using laws and political power to deny rights, including revoking citizenship, requiring passes for travel, banning certain groups the right to vote. This includes not allowing certain professions to vote and/or banning rehabilitated felons the right to vote. Our minorities are being incarcerated, they have harsher sentencing terms and police profiling...
  2. Dehumanization of powerless groups. “Rights” are taken away and the quality of life rapidly declines.
• The coronavirus caused many problems including loosing work/closing jobs and not allowing the individuals to work or go to school. This caused millions of Americans to lose lots of money including their savings, declining their quality of life within months...Some more examples of powerless groups can also be animals, vermin, or diseases (COVID19/poising land/wateindividuals through radioactive and fluoride contamination). Animals would fall under this category, because of animal testing which is also mentioned in the “Anti-Drug Abuse Act it 1988.”
• If anybody wants to see any laws that have to do with animal rights, death penalty, and wars it’s all written and mentioned in the act. Many of the major issues are hidden within that bill....
• Hateful language is used in political rallies, speeches, TV, radio, and media. Specific wording used to hide implications. For example, “purification” and “ethnic cleansing” describe extermination of certain minority groups.
• Some might recognize this as the “great awakening” or “the awakening.” Being “woke” is a bad thing and you don’t want to be woke....
• The Department of Justice mandating the use of illegal aliens instead of undocumented immigrants. Donald Trump uses words such as “rapists”, “animals”, and “criminal aliens”, while talking about undocumented immigrants. This would could be hypothetically classified as not only dehumanization, but also hate speech and categorizing into groups.
  1. Identify signs of organization—Genocide is a group crime therefore requires planning and organization. State group and elites, and control the regime and make plans to fund and train troops in special units that eventually carry out genocide.
• A “final solution” plan to exterminate the victim groups are started. Forces are formed using third-party militias, so the state or controlling group can maintain liability after implementing atrocities that are later carried out. (A reaction with delayed consequences (reaction)).
• Informal organization by recruiting of youth militants which are led by local militants decentralized.
• Organization by forming terrorist groups or cells that operate independently. An example of this would be any state department or charities hence the federal reserve is a charity...(see linked posts).
  1. Identify the signs of polarization— Increases in propaganda and violence, (Happening currently). Laws are passed cementing us and/vs. them...for example, the United States government is against China and also the US government building a wall in between the Texas and Mexico border. This is an excellent example of us and them thinking.
• Banning forms of association such as marriage for certain groups of individuals (gay marriage).
• Hate speech rallies and demonstrations held would talk under this category. Independent news sources that are not sponsored or run by state are discredited and boycotted or band. Moderators are silenced by dominant group. COVID-19 and election propaganda show increases in violence, fear, and control..
  1. Identify signs of preparation— Goals are identified as “cleansing,” “purification,” or “counterterrorism.” It could also be identified as the “awakening” or “the great awakening.” I cannot stress enough that being “woke” is a bad thing, unless you use it to change the system for the better.. being “woke” is leading us down a very dark path we do NOT want to experience.... Propaganda is employed heavily. They indoctrinate the population to fear the victim or target group. Supplies and weapons stockpiled and military production ramped up.
  2. Identify signs of persecution—Death lists are made. Victims of the persecuted groups are separated out by their symbolic identifiers.
• Properties and possessions and guns are seized by controlling groups (see laws und in Act of 1988 describing the search and seizure laws...). Relocation to camps, ghettos or famine struck areas, forcing labor and/or starvation.
• COVID-19 (only 3 steps away from agenda 21....) promoting and forcing vaccines on everyone. Massacres cures and killings happens sporadically.
• When (individuals/protesters/minority groups) attempted to rebel, escape, or riot, you are sent to jail or locked in the house like during COVID19. The Christianity pledge could also fall under this category.
  1. Identify signs of extermination—Relocation of victim groups begins and mass killings become genocide legally committed by the government.
• The government is funded or sponsored by state armed forces, who carry out Government genocide. They work with local militias in an attempt to hide or mask their involvement.
• Methods to expodite and automate killings are employed. For example, mass graves built during the COVID-19 and the virus itself (population control—kill of weak first). It could even be considered world genocide because we all know all the governments are connected through the banking systems.
***Hello Queen Elizabeth and Rothschild, I see and hear you loud and clear!!!! We all know you guys control the world and the USA through your money laundering charity banks, land, and hypothetical government constitution..🗝👑🦋🗝
• Mass destruction of entire communities of indigenous people and other minorities. Ethnocide.
  1. Identify signs of denial—Happens during and after a genocide along with an effort to cover up the enemies.
• Group leaders will continue to govern even if at fault, unless they are driven from power.
• perpetrators of genocide will only face justice if they are pursued by forces with a strong political will!!!
•Responsible people will flee and hide if caught by international tribunes or others.
In the comments below will be several links to different sources. Please wake up America! Please wake up World! The world could be different! :): Truth🦄 GloballyTogether💜
submitted by CatEyes420 to conspiracy [link] [comments]

What everyone has wrong about Ridgway. EXTENSIVE write up on the crimes of Gary Ridgway, misconceptions about him and his crimes, a few comparisons to Bundy, and profiles of women murdered, still missing, and unidentified. Part 2 of 2.

Hello everyone. A few months ago, I posted an extensive write up on the DeOrr Kunz case and later the Asha Degree case with several other missing people’s cases sprinkled in between, which many readers seemed to enjoy. Those can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/fcmvmz/extensive_summary_regarding_the_disappearance_of/
Today, I wanted to do a similar long form write up but this time, I wanted to switch gears and talk about Ridgway and his victims. This is part 2 of 2. Please read part 1 first: https://www.reddit.com/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/gpbcll/what_everyone_has_wrong_about_ridgway_extensive/
Carol Ann Christensen was the 22-year-old single mother of a five-year-old girl. She lived with her daughter in a mobile home park near the SeaTac strip. Carol Ann was happy because she had finally landed a new job after a few months of searching. She got a job as a waitress at a bar and grill only three blocks from her house. Because she had no car, she was happy to have a job she could walk to. Carol dropped off her daughter with her parents. She disappeared after her shift walking home on the SeaTac strip. Carol Ann had no none connections to the scene. No criminal record, no addiction, no hitchhiking. Gary Ridgway later confessed that he abducted and killed Carol Ann to confuse investigators. Carrie Ann Rois who used the street name Silver Champagne came from a broken home full of abuse and negativity. She became a chronic runaway with a criminal record. She ran away, bounced from relative to relative and began working on the Strip even though she was still attending high school. Carrie was musical and played the flute in the marching band. After a few years of estrangement, Carrie reconciled with her mother once her mother left her abusive husband. The mother and daughter spent Christmas ’82 together and her mother told her she loved her no matter what. It was their last Christmas together; Carrie vanished six months later in June 1983. Martina T. Authorlee came from a West German family who had moved to the United States several years earlier. She dreamed of joining the military like her father, but was discharged from basic training for medical reasons. She moved to the Portland area after that but called home to Tacoma several times a month and always on holidays. Her parents didn’t know what her job was and had no idea she had a record for prostitution; they were just happy she was still coming home and in contact with them regularly. When Christmas 1983 rolled around with no call from Martina she was reported missing. No one knew she was working in Seattle at the time. Cheryl Lee Wims grew up in the Central district of Seattle not too far from the strip, but not near it either. At 18 her only “problem” was that she often skipped her classes at school but she was successfully holding down a job as a busser at a restaurant. She wasn’t known to prostitute but she did struggle with addiction. She vanished in May ’83. Years later it would be revealed that the man Cheryl was seeing at the time was actually a pimp. Yvonne Shelly Antosh was a Canadian girl with thick Auburn hair, who came to Seattle hearing the money was better in the USA. She was last seen by a friend at the end of May 1983 on the Pacific high way south. Constance Naon was 20 and worked two jobs, one at a sausage factory and one walking the streets. She made lots of money from both jobs but drug addiction ate away her cash. She called her boyfriend to say she was going to pick up her paycheck and would come over in twenty minutes but she never made it. In June detectives found her abandoned car, but there was no trace of Connie. Kelly Ware’s parents remember her as a happy girl. She was last seen in Seattle’s central district in the same area Cheryl Wims disappeared. She was only 22 or 23 when she was last seen. Little information is available. April Buttram was a 17-year-old girl from Spokane. As a teenager her parents described her as a party girl who loved being social but unfortunately had a taste for drugs and alcohol. One day April and some girlfriends headed to Seattle for a weekend to let loose. April was planning on coming back to Spokane because she was due to inherit $10,000 on her 18th birthday from a relative. April was last seen in the Rainier valley area of Seattle, after her friends left her. They never saw her again and she never return to Spokane to collect her money. Debora May Abernathy, her boyfriend, and their three-year-old son, had moved to Seattle from Texas, hoping to get a fresh start. They rented a room in a house owned by an old lady near the Seattle airport. Debora left one night to run an errand but never returned home. The young mother was 26.
Tina Marie Thompson disappeared in July 1983, but was not reported missing until much later. She was 22. Very little information is available in her case. Tracy Winston was close to her family and was known to be athletic. She was the first girl allowed on the boys’ little league team at her school. Her dad remembers her as a great pitcher with a good arm. Tracy liked baseball but when she was in high school, she played on basketball for the school instead. Tracy moved away from home as a young teen. At 19 she was arrested for the first time for loitering, (something prostitution was often lowered to). The jailers described her as a “scared rabbit.” She called her parents from jail crying and told them she was going to turn her life around, get her GED, and change her ways. Tracy called a cab driver she knew in Seattle who worked near the jail. The cab driver drove by and talked to Tracy outside. He told her he had a passenger to pick up near the airport but would be back for her in 45 minutes. When he returned, Tracy was gone, like she had been swallowed by the streets of downtown Seattle. (The cab driver called the police and has been cleared in Tracy’s case.) Maureen Sue Feeney at age 19 had never had a boyfriend or even been on a date. She got a job working as a secretary at a Christian school and moved out of her parents place for the first time in her life. A few months later she moved to the central district of Seattle lured by the cheap rent and got a job nearby as a daycare worker. Maureen’s friends reported that Maureen had a history of depression so they called her often to check up on her. Her friends were surprised to learn that Maureen once shy, conservative, and careful seemed to be drinking heavily. Soon Maureen had her first boyfriend, a man she met at the bus stop. She told her friends that her boyfriend had “lots of ways to make money” but her friends were worried about this new man in her life. A week before she turned 20, Maureen left the house and vanished. Pammy Avent street name Annette, spent her time in Portland and Seattle. She was known to be good friends with another girl named Keli Kay McGinnis. Because she moved around, it took a while for friends to realize she was missing. Pammy was last seen in the Rainier valley area of Seattle in late October 1983. Mary Sue Bello at 26 had been in the scene for a long time. Her family remembers her to be streetwise and funny. You could never be mad at Mary Sue very long because she could always make you laugh. Mary was a great cook who loved the holidays because of all the delicious treats she could make. After a few years estranged from her mother and grandparents, Mary Sue had come back in to their lives and was trying to straighten out. She told her mom that she had no intentions of getting a “straight” job because she liked the money but did want to get clean. Mary Sue signed up for a methadone program and called her mother every other day to keep on track with her sobriety. At one point she called the green river task force to report a weird John. Although the man did not seem dangerous to her, she apparently saw a knife collection in his house. He drove an older station wagon and lived off military road. In October 1983 Mary Sue Bello left her mother’s trailer south of Seattle never to be seen again. Delise Louise Plager went by the name Missy and life was sad from the start. Born dead she was resuscitated but had health problems for the rest of her life. Missy and her twin brother left the hospital and arrived home with their birth mother who drank heavily and disregarded her children. The twins were taken away and were soon placed with different families. Missy briefly lived with her adoptive parents on a ranch where it soon became obvious that she suffered from several disabilities. She was then placed with a family who had more experience with special needs children although she saw her initial adoptive parents regularly. According to Barbara, Missy’s second house mom, Missy loved deeply but struggled in school. As an adult Missy tracked down her birth family who wanted nothing to do with her, breaking her heart further. Missy had two children but she began using drugs and walking the streets to make money. She placed her children into the care of an older woman, and old friend named Maia and walked into the night. Maia reported her missing when Missy did not return. Kimberly Nelson used so many aliases that the task force thought that three women had gone missing when it was actually just one. Born Kimberly Nelson she worked the streets as Star and told others still her name was Tina Tomson. Her parents reported Kim Nelson missing, her boyfriend/pimp reported Tina Tomson missing, and some friends reported that a working girl named Star had gone missing; at first no one realized they were the same person. The twenty-year-old was six feet tall, so many people remembered her. She was working with her friend Paige on Pacific highway south when she disappeared. The next day a man in a red truck with a white canopy pulled up to Paige and asked where her tall friend was. The man unnerved Paige for some reason. She reported her friend missing and reported the tip of the man in the red truck. Kim Nelson was four months pregnant when she disappeared on Halloween 1983. Lisa L. Yates grew up living with her much older sister and her sister’s family in the Seattle area. Lisa loved her niece who was only ten years her junior. Her niece always thought of her as a cool, pretty, sophisticated, streetwise older sister. The last thing Lisa did was promise her niece they would go on a picnic and maybe go shopping at the mall. Lisa never picked up her niece and vanished at age 19 two days before Christmas 1983. Mary Exzetta West was a high school student at 16 years old. She lived with her aunt in the Rainier neighborhood of Seattle. Mary was a shy girl with a quick smile who always made it home by curfew or called if she would be late. She was six months pregnant but not yet showing. Mary left the house one Monday during the mid-morning and disappeared early in 1984. Cindy Ann Smith had left her home in South Seattle as a teenager and moved to sunny California. Her mom always worried about her and how she was making money, so it was a great surprise when Cindy called saying she was moving back to Seattle. Her mom sent her money and she traveled north. After getting home she decided to walk to visit her brother at his work. Cindy was last seen on Pacific Highway south in 1984. She disappeared before she could spend even one night with her family. She was only 17. Patricia Barczak at 19 was an excellent cook and baker who lived in Bellevue, Washington. In 1986 she was enrolled in a culinary class and hoped to get a job someday as a wedding cake decorator. Patricia had a lousy boyfriend who bummed off of her and often slept on the couch at her place. Patricia disappeared one day and when her mother found out she never picked up her last paycheck from the doughnut shop, she reported her missing. Patricia was not initially considered a Green River victim because her boyfriend was always the prime suspect as he continued to live in her apartment and did not report her missing. Her skull was found in a cluster with other victims and later interviews would reveal that Patricia was last seen on Pacific Highway south, near the airport. Roberta Hays Bobby Jo to her family, was a free spirit who at age 20 traveled and worked up and down the west coast. She loved her family and made sure she was always around for the holidays. She was also known as a faithful friend. Even the cops who had arrested Bobby Jo remembered her as polite and bubbly. She disappeared from Aurora Avenue north in 1987.
Marta Reeves mother of four but estranged from her husband and their children, was 36 years old in 1990. Marta’s last few years had been plagued with cocaine addiction. Her life and family disintegrated and a desperate Marta was soon working on the streets. She was last heard from when she called her ex-husband looking for money. She disappeared from Seattle’s central district. Patricia Yellow Robe’s grew up on the Rocky Boys’ Indian reservation in Montana with 9 siblings. Her younger siblings loved their sister who they described as ‘always a lot of fun’. Trish moved around a lot as an adult but would swoop back in to see her family unexpectedly. Tragically, Trish struggled with addiction to drugs and alcohol and was thus unpredictable. In the summer before her death, Trish was visiting her family home when she told her sister she was planning on getting help with her addiction and wanted to go to rehab or something similar. Trish never got the chance to get clean. She died in 1998 at 38 years old.
And often forgotten as victims 50, 51, 52- The unborn babies of Mary Exzetta West, Mary Bridgett Meehan, and Kimberly Nelson whose lives were stolen when Ridgway killed their mothers.
The following 3 women have been linked to Ridgway almost conclusively but are technically still missing. I believe Ridgway has confessed to the following three women’s cases but without corroborating evidence or bodies he has not been charged.
Kase Anne Lee was a petite red headed 16-year-old who lived in the same building as Terry Milligan. She was originally from Spokane and worked a few hours weekly at a photo shop. Her husband often beat her up and she worked the streets near the airport. Her husband, Anthony “Pretty Tony” Lee, was even briefly looked at as the killer. She left one evening at 11:30 pm to buy groceries and vanished into the night. Tragically, the only available photos of Kase (pronounced like Casey sometimes written Kasee) are her mugshots. Her body has never been found.
Patricia Osborn left her home on Aurora Avenue in extreme north Seattle to meet a date. Earlier she had been heard arranging the date on the phone. Patricia’s family lived in Oregon. She had three arrests all in 1983 that they had no idea about. When she didn’t call home during the holidays, she was reported missing by her family. By that time, she had not been seen in over three months.
Keli Kay McGinnis had a life one could call peculiar. She was born to a young mother who worked as a musician and the pair lived in apartments in the Seattle area. When Keli was a few years old her mother married a millionaire business man, and the three lived in a two-million-dollar mansion on Queen Anne Hill. Keli and her parents owned horses, yachts, and nice cars. The took lavish trips and Keli loved her father, who was actually her step dad. A few years down the road her mother and step father split and the pair went back to living in apartments with her mom working long hours as a singer. It was a weird life for the now aged eleven-year-old McGinnis. Years later at age 15 Keli fell in love with a boy at school and became pregnant. Keli’s family did not approve of her African American boyfriend so the couple moved in together. Keli and her boyfriend traveled the west coast with Keli working the streets. Keli usually worked with her best friend; a young teenager named Pammy Advent whose street name was Annette. Keli’s background gave her an edge in the business and she worked at fancy hotels and attracted wealthier johns. According to some of the women who worked with Keli, McGinnis was able to pull in 2-3x what they did on a typical night. Keli left her home one night in South Seattle to work but never came home. Her boyfriend called the police to report her missing. He was adamant Keli would never abandon their toddler daughter, who was later adopted out to a family when McGinnis never returned home. Her body has never been found, but Ridgway believes he killed her.
The following three women are Jane Does who were arrested under false names before disappearing in Seattle, and are still not identified today. It is possible some or all of them women are Green River Victims. (this is a very confusing section so please bear with me.)
Linda Louise Jackson was arrested in King County in the early 1980s using the alias Wylynda L. Wells. In 2012, King County authorities tried to contact Wylynda who they learned was actually Linda, to testify in a trial. When her family was tracked down, they reported they had not heard from Linda in “well over 10 years.” As it turns out Jackson has not been seen in King County (or anywhere else) since early 1983 but was never reported missing. If you know her whereabouts or associates please contact King county authorities. She is a native American female with brownish-black hair and brown eyes. A photo is provided below.
Michelle has not been seen King County since December 1980. She went by the first name Michelle but this may not be her legal name. She also had ties to the New York area. She appears to be African American with light to medium skin tone, shortish brown-black hair and brown eyes. If you know her whereabouts, legal name, or associates please contact King county authorities.
Both women’s photos can be seen here: https://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/sheriff/about-us/enforcement/investigations/green-river.aspx
Angie is a young woman who has possibly been missing since Summer 1983. She is only known as Angie, and she was a friend Green River Victim Tammie Lilies. Angie was from the Marysville area and is described as a white female, 17 to 18 years of age at the time of contact, 5' 4" in height, 110 pounds, with curly shoulder length light brown hair and greenish-blue eyes. She's been described as "very pretty" and "a Barbie doll." She was wearing blue jeans when she was last seen. No photo is available. If you know her whereabouts, legal name, or associates please contact King county authorities. (I have wondered if she is Angie Girdner down below but descriptions don’t match up perfectly and authorities seem to doubt this. She is also possibly Angela Meeker from Tacoma)
More information can be found hereà https://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/sheriff/about-us/enforcement/investigations/green-river.aspx
The following women have been linked to Ridgway pretty conclusively and are known to be deceased but he has not been charged with their murders. In fact, he specifically denies killing the following three women.
Amina Agisheff was a 36-year-old immigrant from Russia and a working mother of several children. She left her home and was waiting for the bus when she disappeared going to either visit her mother or coming home from visiting with her mother. She disappeared July 7th 1982. Agisheff’s body was found near North Bend in an area very close to other victims of Ridgway. Agisheff was found clothed or partially clothed, and her cause of death was a possible gunshot wound although this could not be conclusively proven. It is unknown if she was sexually assaulted. For years, Agisheff was considered to be the first Green River Victim due to where she was found even though she had no ties to the “scene” and was not known to use drugs or hitchhike. Ridgway always denies killing Agisheff, but as demonstrated above not all women killed by Ridgeway were part of the scene. However, Amina’s death varies significantly from Ridgway’s typical pattern.
It is a coincidence that Amina’s body was found near other victims and she was the victim of another killer.
She differed from the pattern because she was Ridgway’s first victim and this his method was substantially different.
She was not Ridgway’s first victim and varied from the typical because Ridgeway’s victims were more varied than initially thought. Some have speculated that Ridgway offered Amina a ride somewhere and she took it because she knew him, however tangentially. This has never been proved.
Tammie Liles was the from the Everett/ Snohomish area north of Seattle. Tammie’s family last heard from her in 1982 and she was reporting missing in 1983. Friends or family believed that had contact with Tammie in May 1984 when she called and said she was living in Tacoma and was going to get married. The police think it is possible the girl on the phone wasn’t actually Tammie, or that her family was confused on the date of the call. Tammie was removed from the missing persons list only to be reported missing again, this time for good in 1988. At this point, Tammie who was known to work as a prostitute in Seattle was linked to the GRK but her body was not identified until 1998. She was not known to work anywhere in Oregon and it has been suggested she was killed in King county and transported to Oregon after death. (Her body was found in Oregon.) Tammie is listed on some lists as an official or unofficial/ unproven Green River Victim, on some lists as a possible victim while she is left off of other lists entirely.
Angela Girdner went by the name Angie and was a straight A student at a private high school. As a teen, Angela fell in with the wrong crowd and ran away from home. She was reported missing in 1982 and died sometime that year or in early 1983. Her remains were found with Tammie Liles’ remains. Both girls were found close (within a mile) to the bodies of Denise Bush and Shirley Sherrill near Portland Oregon. Police do not believe Angela ever traveled to Washington state making Angela the only victim who may have been both abducted and killed outside of the state of Washington. This may be why Ridgway denies involvement as his plea deal states he is eligible for death penalty if he committed crimes outside of King County.
Theories: There is a theory that Tammie and Angela were killed by someone else and the placement of their bodies was a coincidence.
The following women are missing or were found dead and may be Green River Victims but are not on the official list.
Angela Mae Meeker was almost 14 when she disappeared in 1979. She was planning on going to the mall in Tacoma and then going to a birthday party when she vanished. Angela was seen later that evening at a party but never surfaced again. Angela ran away from home regularly and often hitchhiked around the Tacoma area. Angela’s parents believe she met with foul play when someone she hitched a ride with killed her. Angela Meeker is not Jane Doe B-10. Little information is available in the case.
Andria Bailey was 15 or 16 when she went missing sometime in 1978 or 1979. The exact date of her disappearance is unknown. Andria lived with her grandmother in Spanaway, south of Seattle. Andria’s parents were in the military and lived in Germany. Andria was reported missing in 1989 when her mom called the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children saying that Andria had been missing for over 10 years. NCMEC called law enforcement. In 1995, someone (possibly NCMEC) called the Green River task force and gave them Andria’s name to compare to does in the case. No one knows if Andria was involved in drugs, prostitution, or running away. Her grandmother cannot remember the last time she saw Andria or what she was doing. Apparently after Andria went missing her grandmother called her parents and Andria’s father flew to Washington state to look for her in the local area but she was never officially reported missing. Andria’s mother and grandmother have since passed away. In the one article available about this case, Andria’s relative submitted a DNA sample to match potential does. Little information is available.
Louise Sanders was last heard from in February 1981. She called a friend to make lunch plans but then canceled those plans because she was meeting a “date.” She disappeared from downtown Seattle in 1981. Louise was 35 years old at the time but a hormonal disorder made her look like a teenager still. She worked as a prostitute in downtown Seattle at the time. Little information is available in her case.
Diana Munyon ran away from home in Mississippi in 1981. Her family last heard from her in May 1982 when she called from Fontana, California. She was only 16 years old at the time. Her family contacted the Green River Task force years later, both due to her background and because Diana bears a resemblance to one of the Jane Does Ridgway plead guilty to murdering. Her case is being investigated by Seattle authorities. Little information is available.
Kristi Vorak left her foster home in Tacoma, Washington in October 1982 age 13. After leaving home she may have been seen at a bus depot in downtown Seattle. Kristi did not have a history of running away or prostitution but she did frequent areas of Seattle and Tacoma known to be part of the scene. Kristi’s mom thinks it is possible Kristi is a transient in the Seattle area or left to start a new life but law enforcement believes she met with foul play and is a possible Green River victim according to some articles. Little information is available in her case.
Patricia Ann LeBlanc was 15 when she ran away in 1983. Patti had a record for prostitution and in August 1983 was arrested and sent to a youth shelter. Four days later the youth shelter took a field trip to the Seattle Center (a museum where the Space Needle is at) and she ran away and disappeared. Patti’s foster mom said that Patti ran away from whatever living situation she was put in, but Patti still called her foster mom often. Those phone calls stopped in August 1983. Patti may have an unspecified medical condition. Little information is available in her case.
Pollyanne Jean Carter last seen leaving a friend’s home in Graham, Washington near Tacoma. She had called her parents and said she was headed home, but Pollyanne ran away often and frequented the city of Tacoma. After her disappearance her sister told law enforcement that Pollyanne worked as a prostitute in Tacoma, something her parents did not know. She was last seen in 1984 at age 15.
Diane Nguyen Robbins left her home in the Eastern Washington town of Kennewick to travel to Seattle in Summer 1985 at age 13. Diane had no history of prostitution but had recently began hanging out with an older woman named Molly A. Purdin, aged 21. Molly and Diane went to Seattle and Diane was reported as a runaway when she did not return home. Molly and Diane were last seen in Seattle or Bellevue on June 18th. Molly was found murdered a month later in North King County but there was no sign of Diane. Law enforcement believes Diane and Molly’s disappearances were due to a serial killer but have not specified Ridgway. Snohomish PD is handling the case and says both cases are considered cold.
Molly A. Purdin sometimes went by Molly Purdin-Clary. She lived in Kennewick, Washington before going missing. Read Diana Robbins summary above for more information. Little information is available.
Virginia Rambus was a Seattle woman who went missing at age 19 from south Seattle, Washington in 1985. Virginia left her apartment to visit a coworker who lived in the same complex. They were planning on going to a party together in the Rainier neighborhood, but Virginia never made to her friend’s unit. At the time of her disappearance, serial killer Jesse Pratt also lived in her apartment complex. He is the prime suspect in her disappearance. Virginia had no links to prostitution or drugs and held down a steady professional job. Her case is included in this piece only because of where she lived and the time period she disappeared.
Doris Mulhern went missing from the SeaTac strip in 1987 when she was 21 years old. She and her boyfriend traveled all around the country; they were originally from Michigan. Both lived transient, high-risk lifestyles. Mulhern’s boyfriend took her to the mall and he never saw her again. The last time she was seen, she was walking down the SeaTac strip.
Margaret Diaz was 31 when she was last seen in Tacoma in 1988. Margaret had a high-risk lifestyle and frequently worked in the Hilltop area of Tacoma. She moved around a lot but tried to keep in contact with her three kids regularly. That contact stopped in 1988 and she has been missing ever since.
Deborah Yvonne Wims sister of Cheryl Wims was last seen shopping on the SeaTac strip in 1990. She worked the strip in 1990 and disappeared when she was 31 years old. Her car was found parked on Pacific Highway south but there was no Deborah. Little information is available in her case.
Darci Warde was 16 years old in 1990. She was located by police in Seattle who returned to her parents- she had been reported missing previously. She immediately ran away again and vanished. Darci had links to prostitution. Law enforcement believes Darci’s disappearance was due to a serial killer but have not specified Ridgway. Little information is available in her case.
Cora McGuirk was 22 in July 1991. She was the young mother of three who worked at a gift shop and was an enrolled student at the University of Washington. Cora went from being a typical working mother and student to suddenly dropping out of sight at for one-two days at a time. Cora asked her aunt to look after her children in case anything bad happened to her, something that worried her aunt. The pieces fell into place when Cora brought home a new boyfriend who was using hard drugs. It is unknown if Cora was using but her aunt thought it was a likely explanation for her behavior. Cora left her children with her aunt and said she would be gone for a bit. She never returned and her abandoned car was found parked on Aurora Avenue north. Cora’s first priority was always her children even in those last few chaotic months of her life she made sure her kids had a safe place to be. Her family does not think she disappeared of her own accord. Cora’s aunt adopted and raised her three children the oldest of which, Martell Webster grew up to play professional basketball for the Portland Trailblazers. He was 4 when he last saw his mother.
Cases with loose or former links to the Green River Killer. Some of these women are mentioned in one book or one source only. Some women’s names are believed to be aliases which is why information is sparse. My researched has yielded little information on several of the women below.
Leann Virginia Wilcox died in late 1981. She fits the Ridgway profile to a tee, and was found near other dump sites but DNA on her body belongs to an unknown man, not Ridgway. GRK is not the prime suspect in her murder but it is a possibility. Initially on the Green River list, Wilcox’s case is no longer considered a Ridgway murder.
Theresa Kline died in 1982. She was in her 20s at the time and was known to hitchhike. Initially on the Green River list, Kline’s case is no longer considered a Green River homicide. Little information is available. My research has yielded little information on Theresa’s case, her death may not be a murder and her name may be an alias.
Debra Kay King disappeared from Tacoma in July 1982 when she was only 24. Little information is available in her case but foul play is suspected. My research has yielded little information on Debra’s case, her name may be an alias.
Laronda Marie Bronson disappeared November 19, 1982 from Portland, Oregon. The 18-year-old was last seen at a bus stop. Laronda had ties to prostitution and the King County Sherriff’s office is the investigating agency in her case.
Trina Deanne Hunter died in 1982. Initially on the Green River list. Hunter’s case is no longer considered a Green River murder. Little information is available.
Kimberly Ann Reames Larson disappeared from the SeaTac strip in 1983. Her body was found the next day. (This info is available in only on book on Ridgway- no other information is available.) My research has yielded little information on Kimberly’s case, her name may be an alias.
Tonya Lee Clemmons disappeared from the SeaTac area in 1983 but was not reported missing for a year. Tonya’s aunt said that Tonya always called, especially on holidays but the phone calls stopped in 1983. Tonya did not have a record for prostitution but frequented areas known for sex work such as the SeaTac strip.
Kimberly Yvette Hill of Portland was last seen getting into a hatchback car with Washington license plates[SC1] . Kimberly was a sex worker and was only 19 years old. Her body was found the dumped the next day. Her 1984 murder is still unsolved.
Kathleen Arita was a 38-year-old computer operator at Boeing. She was last seen in May 1984, leaving her home in Renton. She was later found near the Star Lake road Green River dump site. She had been strangled. In general, she is not considered a green River Victim but the placement of her body is suspicious.
Jacqueline L. Sexton a Portland woman who worked as a prostitute disappeared in December 1984. Her body was found 3 days later. (This info is available in only one book on Ridgway- no other information is available.) My research has yielded little information on Sexton’s case, her name may be an alias.
Rose Marie Kurran was a 16-year-old from the Bellingham area. Rose was known to hitchhike. She was last seen on Pacific Highway south in 1987. Her body was later found near SeaTac airport. She had been strangled. Her family described her as an animal lover and a free spirit.
Kimberly Delange was last seen at a Puyallup shopping center in 1988. Her body was later found in Enumclaw, near the body of later victim Anna Chebetnoy. Little information is available in her case.
Kerry Anne Walker of Renton, disappeared in 1988 after walking away from her home on Rainier avenue. Her body was found in later in South King county She was 15 years old. Little information is available. My research has yielded little information on Walker’s case, her name may be an alias.
Shannon L. Pease, 15 was found dead in the Lakewood area of Tacoma in 1988. She was last seen in an area known for prostitution. Little information is available. My research has yielded little information on Shannon’s case, her name may be an alias.
Robyn Kenworthy, 20 called her mom from Aurora Avenue one night and said she was coming home and was going to try to kick heroin for good. Robyn who worked as a dancer, never made it home. Robyn was found dead from an undetermined cause later in a wooded area. Robyn was found in Snohomish county in 1988. Ridgway is a suspect in her case.
Jennifer Burnetto, 32 had also fallen prey to addiction. Jennifer worked the streets of Tacoma in 1988. She was found dead from stab wounds in Snohomish county near the body of Robyn Kenworthy. Ridgway is a suspect in her case.
Tracey Wooten washed up on a beach in Tacoma at age 26 in 1990. Tracey had a history of drug use and prostitution. Tragically, Law Enforcement has been unable to find any friends or family. My research has yielded little information on Tracey’s case, her name may be an alias.
Anna Lee Chebetnoy was last seen at a Puyallup shopping center in 1990, the same one Kim Delange disappeared from. Her body was later found in Enumclaw, only 100 feet from Kim Delange’s body. Ridgway was known to leave bodies in Enumclaw in the past. Little information is available in her case.
Tia Hicks was a 20-year-old who struggled with addiction and worked as a prostitute on Aurora Avenue North in Seattle. Tia was found dead from an undetermined cause in a car in 1991. There is a suspect in her murder, if she was murdered. Her death is a still a mystery.
Heather Marie Kinchen disappeared in 1991. She was living in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood when she disappeared at age 14. The Florida girl’s remains were found in July 1991 in North Bend, Washington. Little information is available.
Sarah Marshlene Habakangas disappeared in 1991. She was working on the Pacific Highway south when she was last seen at age 17. Her remains were found in July 1991 in North Bend, Washington. Little information is available.
Nicole French aged 19 disappeared in 1992. She was good friends with Sarah Habakangas. Her remains were found in North Bend, Washington near the remains of Heather Kinchen and Sarah Habakangas. Little information is available.
Anitra Renee Mulwee was last seen at a New Year’s Eve party in 2000/2001, but she never made it home to Tacoma. Anitra’s body was found a few weeks later near a former dump spot of the Green River Killer. Despite the location of the body, there is no evidence that a crime occurred or that Anitra’s death was a homicide. Anitra did have ties to the scene as she had several drug and alcohol related offenses in her background. That particular dumping spot had been discovered by investigators years earlier, meaning that if Anitra was a victim of Ridgway, he would have dumped her body in place regularly surveilled by law enforcement, something he was not known to do. Little information is available in her case.
Were some of these women victims of Gary Ridgway?
Sources- these sources are a good place to start
Green River Running Red by Ann Rule
The Riverman: Ted Bundy and I hunt for the Green River Killer by Bob Keppel and William Birnes
The Search for the Green River Killer: The True Story of America's Most Prolific Serial Killer by Carlton Smith and Tomas Guillen
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Old Indian Burial Ground, Or? Let me know what you think ... The Shea - Seminole Wind - YouTube 6 Misconceptions About Native American People  Teen Vogue

There are three Indian Reservations in Texas: 1 Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas: Rt 3 Box 640 Livingston, TX 77351 2 Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas: HC1 Box 9700 Eagle Pass, TX 78852 3 Fourteen states have no indian reservations. States with no indian reservations Arkansas Delaware Georgia Illinois Kentucky Maryland New Hampshire New Jersey Ohio Pennsylvania Tennessee Vermont Virginia West Virginia On February 6, 1854, the State of Texas allocated two parcels of land for two Indian reservations in Young and Throckmorton Counties., to be overseen by the United States Indian agent for Texas. The 40,000-acre Brazos Reserve, just below present-day Graham, was home to Caddo, Waco, Anadarko, and Tonkawa tribes. Because of this, and despite the state’s enormous size, only three reservations exist in Texas today. The Alabama-Coushatta Indian Reservation is just east of Houston, and the two other tribes The Texas legislature passed a law on February 6, 1854, that established the Brazos Indian Reservation for the Caddos, Wacos, and other Indians, and also provided four square leagues of land, or 18,576 acres, for a Comanche reserve to be located at Camp Cooper on the Clear Fork of the Brazos in Throckmorton County. In compliance with the treaty of August 30, 1855, about 450 of the Penateka or In 1956, more than a century after Lamar launched the extermination war, Congress established the Indian Relocation Act to encourage American Indians to move off the reservations and to assimilate When Texas was annexed to the United States, it retained control of its public lands. As a result, the Texas Legislature had the authority to set aside land for Indian reservations. Under the so-called "Location Bill," the legislature set aside twelve leagues of land for the use of the United States government for Indian reservations. After the annexation of Texas, the federal government assumed control of Indian affairs but had no authority to settle the Indians on reservations in the state since Texas retained ownership of the public lands. The Indians in East and North Central Texas were generally peaceful but were being hemmed in by the advance of frontier settlement in the south and the attacks of hostile northern tribes. Indians were everywhere, no doubt about it. Texas was a part of Mexico. Then it became a country into itself, a republic. Then it became part of the USA. It was a cocky state, don't mess with Texas! Texas became a state in December 1845. Texas was... The term "Indian reservation" refers to the ancestral territory still occupied by an Indigenous nation.While there are approximately 574 federally recognized tribes in the U.S., there are only about 326 reservations.

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Old Indian Burial Ground, Or? Let me know what you think ...

As American power and population grew in the 19th century, the United States gradually rejected the main principle of treaty-making—that tribes were self-gov... Music video by Shea performing Seminole Wind. (C) 2009 First American Music and Entertainment, LLC licensed exclusively to Mighty Loud, LLC We came across this spot when we were cutting firewood, and found it kind of weird the way the rocks were piled up in 3 different places. The rocks were all ... 7 Native American girls debunk the common misconceptions about their culture. Still haven’t subscribed to Teen Vogue on YouTube? http://bit.ly/tvyoutubesu...

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