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Email Marketing Definitive Technical Guide

Email Marketing Definitive Technical Guide

Welcome to my Technical Email Marketing Definitive Guide. In this guide, I will go through all the concepts and topics that you need to understand well before entering the world of email marketing.
I will cover the following topics:
1- Email Marketing overview:
  • What is Email Marketing?
  • Is Email Marketing Still relevant?
  • Types of Email Marketers.
  • The Email Marketing System Structure.
2- Email Marketing System in Deep
  • What is SMTP?
  • What is Email Marketing Application?
  • Email Marketing Services.
3- Building Email Lists.
  • What is List Building?
  • Lead Magnets?
  • What Are optin-forms?
  • 10000 Lead in a one-month case study.
4- Important Terminologies.
  • Open and Click Rates
  • Spam and Inbox.
  • Email bouncing.
  • IP & Domain Reputation.
And in the end, I will share with you my Own Email Marketing System and how I built it.

1. Email Marketing Overview:

What is Email Marketing?

Simply, Email Marketing is a type of Digital Marketing, where you collect emails from people in a specific niche (List Building).
Then you send emails to those people promoting a service, product, blog, or anything so you can increase your revenue & web traffic.

Benefits of Email Marketing

The Main Advantage of Email Marketing, when compared to other digital marketing strategies, is mainly two things:
1- Price: Do You Know that you can send up to 100K emails for 10$!
I will explain later how you can save a lot of money with Email Marketing, mainly if you use your own email marketing system.
2- Simplicity: With Email Marketing Automation, It’s Simple!
Today, We have a lot of email marketing services like MailChimp, Aweber, GetResponse, and other companies where they make everything easy for you when you want to manage your email marketing campaigns, Email Lists, and everything else.
And Even if you’re going to use your own System, which will be a lot cheaper, you can have the same simplicity and features as of those companies.

Is Email Marketing Still relevant?

Of course, YES!
  • 94% of Internet users today use email, while only 61% use social media
  • 75% of adult online users say that email marketing is their preferred marketing method
  • the “opt-in” feature of email allows marketing by consent, which means people are subscribing to your list and will enable you to market and send them messages.
  • You can target a specific audience when you build your lists properly, so you can target by location, demographics, or interests, or simply people that love your content.
  • Email messages have a much more extensive range of formatting possibilities than social media messages. We will talk about Email templates later in the last section.
  • Email offers more reporting and analytics capability, such as click-through rates, open rates, bounce rates, and conversions.
So Email marketing can substantially increase your income if you do it correctly, I will show and guide you on how to start successfully and how to follow the best practices, so Don’t worry about anything.

Types of Email Marketers.

I dissect Email Marketers into two types:
The First Type, I call them “bulk mailers.”
and the second type is “Straight Marketers.”
Of course, I created these Terms to make it easier for you to understand; it’s not scientific.
Bulk mailers: are those people who collect, scrape, or buy people’s emails and start sending them promotional emails to sell them their service or maybe share an affiliate link to earn some commission. They are considered as spammers.
Why spammers?
Because they are sending emails to people who didn’t permit them to do so, and they don’t know them.
Straight Marketers:
The “Legal” form of Email Marketing, where websites and business owners send emails to only people who subscribed to their lists promoting their services, and sending updates and newsletters.

Email marketing system structure

Where to Start?
To make things super simple, when you want to work with Email Marketing, you need to understand the Email Marketing System Architecture.
Mainly any Email marketing system consists of two parts:
  • The sender: (SMTP service) this is the technical part. It allows you to send emails over the internet.
  • The Management Application, where you can configure and manage your Email Lists, Marketing Campaigns, monitor and analyze results, manage your sending servers, and so on.
So we connect both together to get an Email Marketing System.
Now We have two choices:
1- We can go with an Email Marketing Company where it provides both parts together in one platform like MailChimp, Aweber, Getresponse, or other companies.
2- Or you can build your own Email Marketing System by Building or Subscribing to a Sending Service(SMTP) like AWS SES, Mailgun, Mandrill…
And Installing an Email Marketing Application Like Mailwizz, Mailster, Mamura, Interspire, or other applications.
Then you connect both and have your own system.
Using your own System, have only one tiny drawback, which is building the system manually for the first time, which can take around 2-3 days to set up things correctly. But then you will be able to send a 10x amount of emails for lower costs.
For example, you can send up to 100K emails for only 10$, YES!

2. Email Marketing System in Deep

What is SMTP?

I mentioned that the first part of an email marketing system is the SMTP service, so what is SMTP?
SMTP or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is a technical term, and it’s simply a network protocol that is responsible for sending emails over the internet.
Watch the following video to learn more about SMTP in 4 minutes: https://youtu.be/Qq6VosRBXhw

What is Email Marketing Application?

Now we have an SMTP server that can send emails, but the main question now is how I can send emails? How can I save my email lists and create email marketing campaigns? How can I monitor my campaigns and automate email messages?
Simply, we connect an Email Marketing application to the SMTP service, and then we can manage and control everything, and the app will send emails using the SMTP.

Email Marketing Services.

The Other Option is to subscribe to an Email Marketing service that will give you both parts (SMTP and the Application) combined in one easy, simple platform, without worrying about any technical stuff.
Which email marketing service is the best?
When you want to choose any service, you need to think about the following 4 Factors:
  • Price
  • Features
  • Simplicity
  • Support
1. Pricing: I will make a small comparison between the top five Email marketing companies.
Let’s say we have a list of 5000 contacts(emails).
And we want to send an unlimited number of emails monthly to those contacts.
All Companies will start with at least 49$ per month
  • MailChimp: 74.99$
  • CampaignMonitor: 49$
  • GetResponse: 79$
  • AWeber: 49$
  • ConvertKit: 79$
So you can see all services start with 49$ with 5000 contacts, if you go further, you may pay up to 400$ for 75000 contacts and so on.
2. Features: when we compare features, we see that most of the services have almost the same features.
Yes, some may have funnel builders, like GetResponse, and others may give you some image hosting capabilities like AWeber and so on.
But when we talk about the core email marketing features, which is List Building and management, Campaign management and monitor, Forms builder and integrations.
All these tools have the same powerful features.
3. Simplicity: all these top companies have Simple platforms, and anyone can learn how to work with, in one day.
4. Support: In General, all have excellent support and response.
So What to choose?
To make things simple for you, if you have just started your online business and you don’t have that big list, and you only need the core email marketing features, just go to the pricing page and get the cheapest service or even you can go with the Free plan.
If you feel that you need more features, you can then check each one and the detailed features that are provided by each one, and you can select the best that fits your business.
But if your business is growing and you are planning for a big email marketing campaigns, then if you can’t afford the recurring prices of these companies, you can go and build your Email Marketing system.
With your system, you can send 100K only for 10$ with an unlimited number of subscribers.

Building Your System

Ok, to develop your email marketing system, you need to configure and setup two things:
1- The SMTP Server (the sender)
2- The Email Marketing application.
You may say: “I don’t have any IT skills, and I don’t want to bother my head with this stuff!”
I am here to help you accomplish what you think is hard and make it a piece of cake. YES!
1- Building an SMTP Server with 10/10 as “Sending Score”
So the first step is to build the sender server or what we call the SMTP server.
We can build this server using several methods and applications:
  1. PowerMTA
  2. Postfix server
  3. Exim
  4. Sendmail
or other services.
Don’t worry about these terms now if you are not familiar with it.
Or you can build using an SMTP service like AWS SES, Mailgun, Mandrill.
And Then Install an Email Marketing Application Like Mailwizz, Mailster, or other applications. Then you connect both and have your system as if you are subscribed to MailChimp or other services.
How does this work?
You need to configure an SMTP service like Amazon SES, which is the cheapest SMTP service compared to all other SMTP companies and has high performance sending rates with a super delivery score.
If you are interested in learning about Amazon SES and how to configure, check the following Video:
Or if you want to learn how to build your own SMTP server, you can check this Video also:
Then the next step is to Setup a Mailing application. You can use several apps. You can check the following Videos to learn how to install Mailwizz and Mailster, which you can get for only a 50$ one-time payment.
Get Mailwizz Here
Mailwizz Configuration and Setup
Mailster Configuration and Setup
Click Here to Get My Free Super Email Sender software.
That’s it! If you need any help, or if you have questions, open it on H-answers.com

3. Building Email Lists.

What is List Building?

Ok, now, after we understood the email marketing system.
Where to start?
The first thing you need is to plan a strategy for your business and think about how you are going to collect leads (emails) and build your email lists.
So List Building is the act of collecting emails into organized Lists.
So you can send them emails… I think it’s obvious.

What is a Lead Magnet?

The easiest and the most common way used to build Email Lists properly is by using a Lead Magnet.
Simply, a lead magnet is giving something free to people in exchange for their email addresses.
It can be a free ebook, free course, software, or anything. But it’s preferred to be related to your service and people’s interest so that you can build a targeted email list.
Also, it’s essential to give a High-Quality Lead magnet, so people will trust you and will love maybe to get your premium paid services later when you promote through emails.
Also, there are a lot of other methods and tactics you can use to build a Targeted email list. You can check this video here if you want more info: https://youtu.be/CcJdNZ1RkTk
It is the concept of list Building in General, Lets now discuss some more details and other methods to build and grow your email lists and go somehow practically.
1- Subscription Newsletter
It is the basic strategy of collecting emails. If you visit almost any website, you will see a box somewhere on the page asking you if you would like to subscribe to the newsletter and get updates.
So if you are interested in that’s website’s content, you will subscribe to get their updates.
How to add subscription forms?
It is super simple today because almost everybody is using WordPress, Blogger, Joomla, or even an already made website that includes such types of forms by default.
What you need to do is simply to connect these forms with your Email marketing systems like MailChimp, Aweber, or your own Application like mailwizz or Mailster.
2- Popup or slide in Optin boxes
You can use timed popups on your website that will appear on your website while someone is reading an article or so.
Best practices and Tips:
Sense of humor: To increase your email lists, you might want to try injecting some personality into your call to actions, like this one from Optimonk:
Give value in the call to actions: example, use the following keywords: “Download,” “Featured,” “Exclusive,” “Access,” instead of “Sign Up” and such traditional phrases.
Let people feel about the value or what they will get when they subscribe.
Use Timing: psychologically, you will get more people to subscribe if you set the offer for a limited time, you can show a countdown timer to stimulate people to get your offer before it ends.
3- Inject your newsletter on social media, forum’s profile, and email signatures.
If you have a following on Twitter, LinkedIn, a fan base on Facebook, Pinterest, Quora, or whatever Social network or Discussion forums, Try to inject your Newsletter in these places to get new subscribers.
4- Running a Giveaway:
Giveaways are known as one of the top strategies in growing, not only in building your email list but also growing on social media, YouTube, and other platforms.
You can use platforms like easypromosapp,rafflecopter, shortstack, or gleam.io to create and manage a Giveaway.
5- Facebook Lead Ads (paid):
You can use Facebook Ads to run a campaign and set the target to collect leads, so then people will be able to sign up directly from within Facebook. Then you can export the email list to your email marketing application from Facebook.
There are a lot of other tips and strategies that you can follow in building email lists, but this was a highlight on the top known strategies that marketers use.

1000 Leads Case Study:

In the following video, I want to share with you How I collected 10000 Targeted leads in one month for Free! Without Ads.
Ok, now we have our Lists, Our System, Let’s Market!
So now, after we built our email marketing system and built our email list, you can start sending emails and marketing our services.
But before you click send, there are some critical terminologies and concepts that you have to know.

4- Important Terminologies.

Open and Click Rates:

When you send an email marketing campaign, as an example, you sent a message to 1000 people.
Obviously, not everyone will open the message.
So the percentage of people who open the message is the open rate of this campaign. I think the idea is simple.
For example, if 300 people opened the message, then the open rate is 30%.
The same for click rate, it is the percentage of people who clicked in any click inside the message,
It’s essential to monitor both Open and Click rates and analyze the results to see how much your campaigns are successful.
How to monitor?
Usually, all email marketing applications have this built-in functionality.
So whether you have your own email marketing system, or if you are subscribed to an email marketing service (as we explained before), you will be able to monitor these metrics very easily.
What you have to know also that you can do a split test. You split your campaign into two campaigns, and you can change the subject line and the content, or use different SMTP servers,
and then you compare and see which campaign performed better.
You may be Interested also to watch the following Video:
Top 6 Tips to Increase Email Open rates in your Email Marketing campaigns

Spam and Inbox:

It is a nightmare of email marketers!
I Get always hundreds of questions:
“How can I reach the inbox?”
“My emails are going to spam. Please help!”
“How to avoid spam filters?”
and similar questions.
When you send an email to anyone, your email may be classified as a spam email, and it will not reach the inbox.
So the recipient will not be notified about the message, and this decreases your open and clicks rates, which will make your email marketing campaigns fail.
Why are Emails marked as spam?
Mainly, we have three main factors that may filter your emails as spam.
1- Spammy Keywords: there is a list of keywords and words that are categorized as spam keywords, so if your message or subject contains one of these keywords, your message will be probably marked as spam.
2- DNS records and message signing: (Dkim, rDNS, SPF):
SPF (Sender Policy Framework):
An SPF record is a TXT record that is added to your Domain DNS Zone and allows you to set the mail servers that are allowed to send emails from your domain.
Messages sent from a server that isn’t included in the SPF record will be marked as spam or rejected.
As an example, you can’t send an email from your own server and set your sending email as “mail@google.com,” you can’t use google’s domain. It indicates that you are trying to spam.
In the same way, you can configure SPF and prevent anyone from using your domain to send emails, So setting SPF is very important when it comes to making your domain trusted by other mailing providers.
To set up SPF. Open your DNS zone in and add the following record:
v=spf1 a ip4:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX ~all
*Replace with your server IP.
Now only your server can send emails from your domain.
Dkim (DomainKeys Identified Mail) :
A Dkim record is also a text record in your DNS that holds a public authentication key. This key will be validated using a private key saved privately inside your server.
All emails will be signed, and this will avoid any alterations and protect your email originality, and this is very important for your server to archive high sending scores.
rDNS (Reverse DNS):
The reverse DNS is called a pointer record and is used to point your IP to your Domain, its the inverse of the regular DNS A record.
So when you call the IP, you will get the name. It is also an essential factor in setting up your mail server and increasing your sending score and reputation.
3- Email List Health:
Keeping your email lists healthy and clean is very important to keep your Mailing system healthy. To keep your Email list healthy, you should always clean it from any inactive or invalid emails that may cause your bounce rate to increase, and this will hurt your reputation.
Click Here to get my Free Email Validator and clean your lists.
You may be Interested also to watch the following Videos:
How to Send 100k emails/day Safely in inbox | Bulk Mail Real Scenario Discussion
Why Emails are sent to Spam! Even with Premium Services Like Amazon SES, Sendgrid, Gsuite, Mailgun
Avoid Spam and Hide your Affiliate Links with Link Cloaking | Build a simple Link Cloaker
Email Marketing Tips – Inbox, spam or promotion – Don’t send Before
Technical Email Marketing in 10 Minutes | Email Marketing Tips | Must Watch!

IP & Domain reputation

When you build an SMTP server or subscribe to an SMTP service like Amazon SES and get a dedicated IP for you.
You will have a score for your IP and your Domain. This score determines if your server will send it to the inbox or not.
So Higher Score means a good reputation, which means better delivery to the inbox.

Email Bouncing.

Bounce rates and bounce handling is a critical point to take care if you want to run a professional and successful email marketing campaigns.
What is a Bounced Email?
Simply, when you send an email to someone, and it’s not delivered to any reason, it will bounce back. So it’s called a bounced email.
Why Emails Bounce?
The Main Reason for is when the target recipient’s email is not available or doesn’t exist. Sometimes the target email is temporarily down, so you get a Soft Bounce, and if it doesn’t exist at all, it will be a Hard Bounce.
The main thing that you must know is that Bounce rate will have a significant effect on your email marketing system, because higher bounce rates may get you blacklisted and make your IP and Domain Reputation lower. And this will cause your emails to be marked as spam.
If you want to learn more about email bouncing, you can check the following video: https://youtu.be/r_qHXZUUOiw
If you need any help, or if you have questions, open it on H-answers.com.
submitted by h-educate to WorkFromHomeToday [link] [comments]

8 Tips That May Help To Speed Up Your Blog!

8 Tips That May Help To Speed Up Your Blog!
This is actually a reply I made to a question over on Quora a few days back but I wanted to share it here too as it might be helpful to some people. I have only copy and pasted my replay over from Quora and then readded the relevant images/videos. Also, I accidentally deleted the original images so I have had to use the ones from Quora and their compression is not the best so they are a bit distorted but they still serve their purpose. The people on Quora seem to be browsing about a potential hobby rather than actually taking part in it some this is not meant as an extensive guide but it may still help some people.
The image above is the page load time for one of the pages on one of my affiliate blogs from the free GTMetrix site speed checker. As you can see, the page was fully loaded in less than 0.6 seconds so I hope that these insights will help anyone else looking to improve their page load times on their own blogs too. There are a number of steps that you can take and although you don't have to implement them all, the more that you implement with your own blogs the faster your own blog pages are likley to load for a visitor.


One of the quickest and most effective things that you are able to do with your blogs to help improve your page load times is to get your domain hosted on a better hosting provider. So many people new to blogging go with services such as Bluehost and Hostgator that are all owned by EIG as so many other bloggers recommend them in their getting started guide for bloggers.
Unfortunately, both companies are pretty bad and are usually only recommended by these bloggers due to them having high affiliate commissions. There are much better and faster-hosting companies out there that you are able to use that usually offer much lower commissions than the EIG hosting companies so not many people promote them.
At the time of writing, my money site network is split pretty evenly with half being hosted on Cloudways and half being hosted on Site grounds. Although both have very similar page load times once your blog has been taken through the steps below, I feel that Sitegrounds is currently the better option as it is so user friendly and even if you are brand new to blogging, you should be able to easily set the package up and get it going with ease.
One little side note that I would highly recommend that you do during your hosting set up is to try and ensure that your domain will be on a server cluster as close to your primary target audience as possible. For example, I target the English speaking markets and with the USA being the highest population English speaking market, I try to ensure that my domains are hosted on server clusters in the USA. When setting your hosting package up, it is usually easy to do this and it's usually just a drop-down option where you select USA as your server cluster.
Taking this simple step can help improve your page load times as the server will be closer to the majority of your audience so when the request a page from the server, the data has less distance to travel. Although it may only save your 0.1 of a second, every little helps and it all adds up as you add the following steps below.

Image Optimization

Next up has to be image optimization and I go over my full process on how I optimize my images for the fasted possible load speeds in this video. Depending on the quality of your image, you can sometimes take an image that is 4MB in size down to less than 100KB when optimized correctly. If you have multiple images on your blog posts then this can actually end up shaving a surprising amount of time of your page load speed.
Although I do into a little more detail and show live examples in the video above, the basics of the process is as follows:-
  • If you are using Wordpress as your blog's content management system then resize the image before uploading it to your blog. The majority of modern versions of Wordpress will be able to natively load an image that is 1200px wide or less. If you are using an old version of Wordpress though, its native image loading may still be restricted to images that are 768px wide or less.
  • Prior to uploading your image to your blog, upload it to a free image compression service such as tinypng.com as it can drastically reduce the file size of your images without sacrificing the image quality.
  • Have the shortpixel plugin installed on your Wordpress blog prior to uploading your image. Although this is a freemium plugin, the free 100 credits a month should be enough for most people and it can further reduce the image size in addition to the improvements tinypng made.
This will ensure that all of the images on your page are as small as possible while still offering excellent image quality to anyone viewing them. As you can potentially be reducing the file size of every image on your blog post by over 97.5% by running them through this process, it can drastically improve the load times of your content while the process to optimize them can be done in less than 30 seconds with ease.


Using a theme that has been specifically designed for speed is another quick and easy step that you are able to implement to further reduce the page load speeds of your blog posts. I used the slow and clunky colormag and newspaper themes on my domains for years but I recently made the switch over to the free version of the Astra theme and I won't be going back.
Although I haven't actually used the OceanWP theme myself, I hear that it is just as fast as the Astra theme so it might be worth checking out too. Both Astra and OceanWP have been optimized for speed and had all of the things that slow a Wordpress theme down removed from them to keep your blog posts loading as quickly and easily as possible.

General Plugins

The plugins that you use on your domain can also end up slowing your page load speed down. Due to there being so many plugins that all do different things, it's hard to make a list of what is likley to slow your blog down. The easiest way to see if you are having issues with this is to probably use the free GTMetrixs page load speed checker and use their Waterfall tab shown by the red arrows in the image below.
This will allow you to see the name and load times of the various things loading on your blog page. If you see any that are names of the plugins that you use then it might be an idea to play around with finding an alternative plugin that has been optimized for speed.

Caching Plugin

A caching plugin can be hit or miss in my experience and there is no need to go off and pay for a premium, paid plugin such as WPRocket. I have tried WPRocket previously and it actually ended up causing my blog posts to load at a slower speed than some of the free alternatives.
Although there are a number of blog posts that you are able to use to cache your blog, I personally use the Autoptimize plugin. I have tried the majority of the other caching plugins out there and nothing has been as easy to set up or as quick as Autoptimize to date.
You will likley be able to set Autoptimize up in less than a minute and get >80% of the speed benefit that it can offer you. If you want to get that final 20% then you can spend time playing with the plugin but I just set and forget it with the following settings in the plugin.
On the “JS, CSS, & HTML” tab I have the following options turned on:-
  • Optimize JavaScript Code.
  • Aggregate JS-files.
  • Optimize CSS Code.
  • Aggregate CSS-files.
  • Also aggregate inline CSS.
  • Optimize HTML Code.
  • Save aggregated script/css as static files.
  • Minify excluded CSS and JS files.
On the “images” tab I just turn on “Lazy-load images” as I prefer to manually do the ShortPixle stuff myself but you can tick that box if you wish.
The two-speed tests above are from the exact same page on one of my domains, the first one is will the Autoptimize plugin turned off and the second one is with it turned on with the settings as I covered above. As you can see, it helps to shave off around 1.3 seconds of load time and takes less than a minute to set up.

Display Ad Code

As you may have noticed in the two-speed tests images in the section above, even when optimized, the page comes in with a 2.3 second load time. This is much slower than the 0.6 seconds in my first image in the answer and I have intentionally done this. The images are both from different domains, the 0.6-second image is based around affiliate marketing and the 2.3-second image is from a domain-based around display ads.
Even when fully optimized in every way, a blog that has display ad code running on it will always be slower than a blog without. This is due to the page having to request the ads to serve from a third-party server, then render them, and display them before the page load is complete. Unfortunately, at the time of writing, there is no way to optimize this and reduce the time it takes for the third-party ad server to serve the ads.
Keep in mind, different ad networks also have different ad code running with some ad networks having reported load times of well over 10 seconds per page! From what I can tell, Adsense, Mediavine, and Adthrive seem to be the more optimized display ad networks and will likley have the fasted page load for your blog if you do have to use display ads.

Content Delivery Network

In theory, a Content Delivery Network (CDN) should be able to speed up your blog page load times but the benefit of this will depend on the location of your hosting server cluster and the location of the page request. A CDN is basically a network of third-party servers that will store all of the media on their servers that are located all around the world. When your blog gets a page request, the CDN then sends the media on the blog page to the user from the closest server to them rather than from your blogs actual server.
This can be hit and miss in my experience, especially if you are using a free package for a CDN. In my experience, the free packages often slow your domains down rather than speed them up and if you optimize your images as explained above and ensure you have a plugin with lazy loading turned on such as Autoptimize your blog will likely be fine without actually needing a CDN anyway.

Limit API Calls

If you are an affiliate marketer and using something like the Amazon Affiliate program then you are not able to use the images from the Amazon domain on your own blog posts unless they are pulled in real-time via their API. This goes for a number of other details about the products too so I would highly recommend that you look to limit the amount of API calls to the Amazon server is possible.
Each call can add time to your blog page load speed and slow you down and most of the time, there are workaround available. For example, if you are using the API call to pull and image from Amazon to show in your blog post, find an alternative image on a royalty-free stock photo site such as Unsplash, optimize the image as I covered above and then upload it to your blog and use that instead.
By taking this simple step I have shaved more than three seconds off the page load times for some of my affiliate posts. On some of my more recent affiliate posts, I don’t use any API calls at all as you are usually able to avoid using them without issue anyway.
submitted by shaun-m to u/shaun-m [link] [comments]

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Instagram HQ followers :
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2$ per 1000
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6.5$ per 1000
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Facebook Services :
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Twitter Services :
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Twitter likes : 20$ per 1000
Twitter retweets : 22.5 per 1000
Spotify Services :
Spotify Premium Plays : 3$ per 1000
Spotify Saves : 15$ per 1000
Spotify Followers : 12.5$ per 1000
Spotify Monthly Listeners : 12.5$ per 1000.
TikTok -
TikTok Views -
1$ per 5000
TikTok Likes -
1.5$ per 100
TikTok Followers -
2.5$ per 100
Quora Likes/Shares/Followers -
7.5$ per 100
Products in stock -
Streaming / Sports :
Netflix Private UhD - 1 month - 4$
Crunchyroll | 1 year | 12.5$
Funimation | 1 year | 12.5$
Hulu No Ads | 1 Year | 17.5$
Hulu No Ads+ Live TV | 1 year | 22.5$
Hulu live+no comm+ all add-on - 50$ | 1 year
(Live TV works on mobile only )
Netflix UhD | 1 year | 35$
Sling TV Orange+Blue | 1 year | 35$
Sling World Sports Pack | 1 year | 17.5$
Sling Blue / Sling Orange | 1 Year | 17.5$
NBA League Pass | 19-20 season | 25$
Bell Fibe TV | 1 year | 40$
NFL Gamepass Europe & Intl | till July 31st |35$
DaZn | 1 year | 22.5$
Showtime | 1 year | 15$
At&t Tv Live A Little | 1 year | 40
At&tv Now Choice | 1 year | 50$
At&T now Plus | 1 year | 32.5$
At&t Now Gotta Have It | 1 year | 75$
NBC Sports Gold | 1 Year | 20$
WWE Network | 1 Year | 15$
CBS All Access | 1 Year | 15$
SparkSport NZ | 1 Year | 20$
Fubo Tv Extra | 1 year | 65$
FuboTv Basic | 1 year | 35$
Hbo Now | 1 year warranty | 20$
Hotstar India(sportspack) | 1 year | 7.5$
NHL TV | 1 Year | 30$
Bleacher Report Live | 1 Year | 25$
DC Universe | 1 year | 15$
Plex TV | 1 year | 17.5$
Direct TV Premier | 1 year | 35$
Crave TV Movies + HBO + STARZ - 1 year - 50$
Joyn.de Plus - 1 year - 35$
itv HUB Plus - 1 year - 35$
ZiggoGoTv - 1 year - 35$
Fox nation - 1 year - 35$
Shaw Canada - 1 year - 60$
DStv - 1 year - 50$
Bleacher Report live - 1 year - 30$
VideoLand NL - 1 year - 35$
Epix Now - 1 year - 22.5$
Pm for custom request.
ExpressVpn mobile | 1 year | 25$
ExpressVpn key for PC - 1 year - 20$
ExpressVpn for mobile+PC - 35$ one year
NordVpn | 1 Year | 10$
Seed4Me VPN | 1 year | 15$
Hidemyass VPN | 1 Year | 20$
IpVanish | 1 Year | 20$
MasterClass all access | 1 year | 25$
Lumosity | 1 year | 17.5$
Chegg | 1 Year | 30$
Blinklist | 1 year | 15$
Scribd | 1 Year | 15$
Lynda | 1 Year | w22.5$
Mathway |1 Year | 15$
Codeacademy Pro | 1 year - 55$
Teamtreehouse | 1 year - 40$
Skill Share Premium | 1 year - 55$
Leetcode | 1 year - 50$
Linux Academy | 1 year - 55$
Spotify Premium Upgrade | 1 year | 10$
The Telegraph UK - 1 year - 35$
Tidal HiFi | 1 Year | 25$
Deezer Premium | 1 Year | 10$
Windows 10 key | NA | 12.5$
Office 2016/2019 Key | NA | 12.5$
SiriusXM all access - 1 year - 40$
Porn :
Fap at Home Deals -
Pornhub Premium - 1 Year - 15$
PropertySex Premium - 1 Year - 25$
Why not bi - 1 year - 25$
Fake Hostel - 1 Year - 25$
I know that Girl - 1 Year - 25$
TransAngel - 1 Year - 25$
WtfPass.com - 1 year - 25$
Digital Playground - 1 Year - 25$
Family Sinners - 1 Year - 25$
Fake Driving School - 1 Year - 25$
Look at her now - 1 Year - 25$
Brazzers - 1 Year - 25$
Female Fake Taxi - 1 Year - 25$
Lilhumpers - 1 Year - 25$
Twisty's Premium - 1 year - 25$
Mofos - 1 year warranty - 25$
Reality king - 1 year warranty - 25$
FakeHub - 1 year - 25$
PornPros - 1 Year - 25$
True amateurs - 1 Year - 25$
Babes Premium - 1 year - 25$
GF leaks - 1 year - 25$
Kink - 1 Year - 35$
Fantasy HD - 1Year - 25$
Porn portal - 1 Year - 75$
(Includes FakeHub FemaleFakeTaxi Fake Driving School SexyHub Brazzers Babes TransAngels Realitykings Mofos Twistys MetroHD TrueAmateurs DigitalPlayGround Public Pickups I Know That Girl ,Black is Better etc. )
T&C :
DURATION means warranty, most products will last long after warranty is over aswell
Do not Change Username / Password / any details, it will void the warranty.
Warranty for everything is 1 year, unless specified otherwise.
Fully Personal and Private Student Edu Emails.
Multiple benefits like Amazon Prime, Twitch Prime, Gdrive , Office 365, LastPass, Nvidia Discount.
Random Edu email : 7.5$ (Amazon Prime, Twitch Prime, unlimited Gdrive , Office 365, LastPass, Nvidia Discount and much more
Unidays Edu email : 12.5$ ( Works for Unidays+ the above benefits of random edu)
Edu with GitHub Preactivated - 25$ (all done and ready to use instantly)
All benefits are tested for USA , for other countries, your mileage may vary
submitted by ExcitingStable2 to realredditbay [link] [comments]

[H] [W] All In One Shop - Lifetime Warranty Accounts - Latest PS4 + Switch Games starting 3-4$ per game - Instagram followers starting at just 1.25$ and all other Social Media Boosting - Edu Emails - Win/Office Keys for activation and much more .

Add on Telegram @JamesMcCarthy for a faster response.
Pm for complete list for games.
Most games for PS4 or switch will be 3-4$ effectively.
(All games are for offline play only, ie console should be kept offline after downloading)
Social media services -
YouTube Services
YouTube HQ & Real Subs : 4$ per 100, 36$ per 1000
YouTube Lq Views : 4.5 per 1000 (30 sec average)
YouTube HQ views : 6.5$ per 1000 (Average 1-2 minutes watchtime)
YouTube Likes : 2$ per 100
YouTube Shares - 10$ per 1000
YouTube Livestream Views : 25$ per 5000
(Avg Concurrent 350-1000 will stay for 1-2 hours MONETIZABLE 100% Real Human YouTube Viewers )
Dm/comment for samples
Instagram Services
Instagram HQ followers :
1.5$ per 100, 12.5$ per 1000
Instagram Likes :
2$ per 1000
Instagram Power Likes
6.5$ per 1000
(Likes from UHQ profiles, get your posts into trending sections)
Instagram Views : 1$ per 1000
Instagram Monthly likes+views packs :
100 likes+Views for 30 posts in a month : 15$ 100 likes+Views for 60 posts in a month : 27$ 100 likes+Views for 90 posts in a month : 50$
300 likes+Views for 30 posts in a month : 30$ 300 likes+Views for 60 posts in a month : 55$ 300 likes+Views for 90 posts in a month : 80$
Pm for more custom packs. Autolikes+views pack also available for weekly trials at 1/4th prices.
IG TV likes : 3$ per 1000
IG TV Comments : 3$ per 100
Facebook Services :
Facebook Page likes : 3$ per 100
Facebook post likes : 4.5$ per 1000
Facebook video views : 4.5$ per 1000
Facebook followers: 20$ per 1000
Twitter Services :
Twitter Hq followers : 3$ per 100, 25$ per 1000
Twitter likes : 20$ per 1000
Twitter retweets : 22.5 per 1000
Spotify Services :
Spotify Premium Plays : 3$ per 1000
Spotify Saves : 15$ per 1000
Spotify Followers : 12.5$ per 1000
Spotify Monthly Listeners : 12.5$ per 1000.
TikTok -
TikTok Views -
1$ per 5000
TikTok Likes -
1.5$ per 100
TikTok Followers -
2.5$ per 100
Quora Likes/Shares/Followers -
7.5$ per 100
Products in stock -
Streaming / Sports :
Netflix Private UhD - 1 month - 4$
Crunchyroll | 1 year | 12.5$
Funimation | 1 year | 12.5$
Hulu No Ads | 1 Year | 17.5$
Hulu No Ads+ Live TV | 1 year | 22.5$
Hulu live+no comm+ all add-on - 50$ | 1 year
(Live TV works on mobile only )
Netflix UhD | 1 year | 35$
Sling TV Orange+Blue | 1 year | 35$
Sling World Sports Pack | 1 year | 17.5$
Sling Blue / Sling Orange | 1 Year | 17.5$
NBA League Pass | 19-20 season | 25$
Bell Fibe TV | 1 year | 40$
NFL Gamepass Europe & Intl | till July 31st |35$
DaZn | 1 year | 22.5$
Showtime | 1 year | 15$
At&t Tv Live A Little | 1 year | 40
At&tv Now Choice | 1 year | 50$
At&T now Plus | 1 year | 32.5$
At&t Now Gotta Have It | 1 year | 75$
NBC Sports Gold | 1 Year | 20$
WWE Network | 1 Year | 15$
CBS All Access | 1 Year | 15$
SparkSport NZ | 1 Year | 20$
Fubo Tv Extra | 1 year | 65$
FuboTv Basic | 1 year | 35$
Hbo Now | 1 year warranty | 20$
Hotstar India(sportspack) | 1 year | 7.5$
NHL TV | 1 Year | 30$
Bleacher Report Live | 1 Year | 25$
DC Universe | 1 year | 15$
Plex TV | 1 year | 17.5$
Direct TV Premier | 1 year | 35$
Crave TV Movies + HBO + STARZ - 1 year - 50$
Joyn.de Plus - 1 year - 35$
itv HUB Plus - 1 year - 35$
ZiggoGoTv - 1 year - 35$
Fox nation - 1 year - 35$
Shaw Canada - 1 year - 60$
DStv - 1 year - 50$
Bleacher Report live - 1 year - 30$
VideoLand NL - 1 year - 35$
Epix Now - 1 year - 22.5$
Pm for custom request.
ExpressVpn mobile | 1 year | 25$
ExpressVpn key for PC - 1 year - 20$
ExpressVpn for mobile+PC - 35$ one year
NordVpn | 1 Year | 10$
Seed4Me VPN | 1 year | 15$
Hidemyass VPN | 1 Year | 20$
IpVanish | 1 Year | 20$
MasterClass all access | 1 year | 25$
Lumosity | 1 year | 17.5$
Chegg | 1 Year | 30$
Blinklist | 1 year | 15$
Scribd | 1 Year | 15$
Lynda | 1 Year | w22.5$
Mathway |1 Year | 15$
Codeacademy Pro | 1 year - 55$
Teamtreehouse | 1 year - 40$
Skill Share Premium | 1 year - 55$
Leetcode | 1 year - 50$
Linux Academy | 1 year - 55$
Spotify Premium Upgrade | 1 year | 10$
The Telegraph UK - 1 year - 35$
Tidal HiFi | 1 Year | 25$
Deezer Premium | 1 Year | 10$
Windows 10 key | NA | 12.5$
Office 2016/2019 Key | NA | 12.5$
SiriusXM all access - 1 year - 40$
Porn :
Fap at Home Deals -
Pornhub Premium - 1 Year - 15$
PropertySex Premium - 1 Year - 25$
Why not bi - 1 year - 25$
Fake Hostel - 1 Year - 25$
I know that Girl - 1 Year - 25$
TransAngel - 1 Year - 25$
WtfPass.com - 1 year - 25$
Digital Playground - 1 Year - 25$
Family Sinners - 1 Year - 25$
Fake Driving School - 1 Year - 25$
Look at her now - 1 Year - 25$
Brazzers - 1 Year - 25$
Female Fake Taxi - 1 Year - 25$
Lilhumpers - 1 Year - 25$
Twisty's Premium - 1 year - 25$
Mofos - 1 year warranty - 25$
Reality king - 1 year warranty - 25$
FakeHub - 1 year - 25$
PornPros - 1 Year - 25$
True amateurs - 1 Year - 25$
Babes Premium - 1 year - 25$
GF leaks - 1 year - 25$
Kink - 1 Year - 35$
Fantasy HD - 1Year - 25$
Porn portal - 1 Year - 75$
(Includes FakeHub FemaleFakeTaxi Fake Driving School SexyHub Brazzers Babes TransAngels Realitykings Mofos Twistys MetroHD TrueAmateurs DigitalPlayGround Public Pickups I Know That Girl ,Black is Better etc. )
T&C :
DURATION means warranty, most products will last long after warranty is over aswell
Do not Change Username / Password / any details, it will void the warranty.
Warranty for everything is 1 year, unless specified otherwise.
Fully Personal and Private Student Edu Emails.
Multiple benefits like Amazon Prime, Twitch Prime, Gdrive , Office 365, LastPass, Nvidia Discount.
Random Edu email : 7.5$ (Amazon Prime, Twitch Prime, unlimited Gdrive , Office 365, LastPass, Nvidia Discount and much more
Unidays Edu email : 12.5$ ( Works for Unidays+ the above benefits of random edu)
Edu with GitHub Preactivated - 25$ (all done and ready to use instantly)
All benefits are tested for USA , for other countries, your mileage may vary
Add on Telegram @JamesMcCarthy for a faster response.
submitted by CharlaCouture to shoppingbay [link] [comments]

Are you unsure how to get your first 1000 customers? Here is a list of the 12 marketing channels. For each distribution channel, I included proven strategies to help you get your first 1,000 customers.

tl;dr - I'm often asked by startup cofounders three questions:
  1. "What are the different marketing channels?"
  2. "How do I get my first 10/100/1,000 customers?"
  3. "There are sooo many marketing channels. What channels should I focus on first?"
I wrote this guide to explain the 12 major marketing channels. You'll find three strategies/case studies per channel to help you get your first few customers. I then talk about the two types of marketing channels.
Finally, I end by helping you know how to prioritize the channels using the "ICE framework." ICE is the prioritization method used in startups like Facebook, Uber, and Pinterest. I've used it for small startups (under 10 employees) and even a non-profit, so it should work for your startup.
This article was originally written on my website (which you can view here), so my apologizes if the formatting isn't perfect. Got questions? Feel free to drop a comment and I'll do my best to answer it!
Enjoy the read :).
Right now, your startup has one mission.
It isn’t to become the next $1 billion startup. (Though that may come in time). It isn’t to make a difference in the world. (Though you may make a meaningful impact). Nor is it to raise your next round of venture capital. (Though your team may need to do so to complete your mission).
Your mission right now, if you choose to accept, is to find a scalable business model.
As a part of finding a scalable business model, you need to tap the right marketing channels. That’s it.
Of course, that’s easier said than done. What works today may not work tomorrow.
Not too long ago, marketers were all raving about:
  1. Use social media sites like StumbleUpon, Digg, and MySpace.
  2. Writing articles daily on your blog.
  3. Using QR codes to promote your business.
While specific trends and tactics come-and-go, marketing channels will always be around.
If you want to get more customers, it’s helpful to understand each marketing channel. And not only should you know how a marketing channel works, but why it works.
In this article, I’ll share with you the twelve major marketing channels. I’ll then provide a few case studies and strategies for you to test to grow your business.
Note: The book Traction: How Any Startup Can Achieve Explosive Customer Growth shaped much of this article. If you want to become better at getting and retaining customers, I recommend reading both.

Here is a list of the 12 major marketing channels of mass distribution:

  1. Business Development and Partnerships
  2. Paid Advertisements
  3. Sales
  4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  5. Virality and Network Effects
  6. Community Marketing
  7. Content Marketing
  8. Email Marketing
  9. Engineering as Marketing
  10. Press
  11. Social Media
  12. Trade Shows and Offline Events
Warning: The following advice may lead to insane amounts of business growth. Please consult a lawyer, attorney, or doctor before attempting this at home. Each marketing channel has different pros and cons. Your mileage may vary.

1. Business Development and Partnerships

Business development is often a gray and ambiguous term. Some equate it to sales. Others simply say any partnership is business development.
Here’s how I define business development.
*Business development is creating long-term value for your startup by partnering with anyone in your market. *This includes other businesses, influencers, and media outlets.
The focus of this channel is on the exchange of value through the partnership. This channel also includes partnerships from influencer marketing and affiliate marketing.
The goal of each partnership is long-term value.
It should not be a one-and-done transaction. Sure, you might get some money from your first co-promotion. But the highest ROI comes from finding new opportunities from the same partnership.
As a result, partnerships often are a slower channel to scale.
The partnership may or may not include paid compensation.
Keep in mind the relationship will change if you pay the other person. Further, there may be certain expectations a person has about the partnership. This expectation may also change by industry.
For example, an influencer is more likely to promote a blog article for free. But I’ve had a few influencers request I pay them to promote my article. The same influencer who was willing to promote an article for free may expect payment for directly promoting your product.
Offering payment when the party does not expect it may be offensive. And in another scenario, it’s a delightful gift.
Here are some strategies and case studies you can use for partnerships:
  1. Find similar companies and offer one product as an add-on bonus. Chris Gimmer shares his story on Snappa’s partnership with LeadPages here.
  2. Find large companies that have app directories or marketplaces. First, integrate your tool with their tool. Then submit your application to directories. Examples include Shopify’s App Marketplace, Intercom’s App Store, and Zendesk’s App Directory. This was a core part of the early growth for CartHook and for BoldCommerce.
  3. Put together a product bundle for news sites and conferences. Learn how Noah Kagan did this with AppSumo by partnering with Imgur and Reddit here.

2. Paid Advertisements

At the dawn of the Internet, people rallied around old marketing channels with new names:
  1. Influencer marketing (celebrity endorsements began in the 1760s).
  2. Content marketing (Ben Franklin printed Poor Richard’s Almanack in 1732).
  3. Email Marketing (mail order catalogues began in 1498).
Then advertising began to move online. Old advertising channels like billboards, newspaper ads, and radio commercials are now a thing of the past.
Or are they outdated?
Believe it or not, according to the OAAA, out-of-home advertising reach a new record high of $8 billion in 2018:
(Image Source)
I bet you didn't see that one coming.
Paid advertising has several mediums, which I’ll categorize by offline and online ads. Offline ads include TV ads, radio ads, billboards, magazine ads, newspaper ads, and bus ads.
Online ads are also called pay-per-click (PPC) ads. This includes:
  1. Search engine ads (ads on Google, Bing, and other search engines)
  2. Social media ads (ads on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Reddit, and other social media sites)
  3. Display ads (banner ads you see displayed on websites).
  4. Media ads (ads and product placements which are in video games, movies, and other media).
  5. Email ads (ads you see when using your email, such as Gmail).
  6. Newsletter ads (ads in email newsletters)
The benefit of paid advertising is if you have an unlimited budget, it’s easier to scale this channel. It’s an excellent channel to test your messaging, get feedback, and iterate quickly.
But as fast as advertising comes, so too it also disappears fast.
There’s a limited window of exposure because ads rent space. Marketing on other channels gives you an asset that stays up as long as you keep them up.
As your ad spend scales, it becomes more expensive and harder to track. In turn, paid ads can also cover up underlying problems.
Andrew Chen, an investor at Andreessen Horowitz, shared how a startup’s paid cost to acquire a customer can be off as much as 2-5 times what it should be. (Source)
Further, you often do not build a relationship with the customer.
As a result, advertising works best for impulse buys or products which offer fast value to the customer.
For SaaS startups, paid ads are often a secondary channel that supports content marketing.
But for eCommerce products, paid advertising is often the first scalable marketing channel. This is because eCommerce will likely sell products which bring delight faster.
Here are some strategies and case studies you can use for paid advertising:
  1. Media outside the home often will not sell every available ad spot. If it’s not sold, it’s a lost opportunity. This allows you to negotiate for remnant advertising. Tim Ferriss has an excellent article on this here. I used this approach to get $10,000 in billboard space for $2,000. If you run other ads, use your successful campaigns to inspire your billboards.
  2. Create a single keyword ad group (SKAG). [1] Run ads to a dedicated landing page on that topic, optimizing the landing page for SEO. This allows you to continue getting traffic after turning off ads and create a message match to improve conversions. I’ve seen click-through rates (CTR) between 1-9% on SKAGs. For one client, after removing the three worst campaigns, all SKAGs were over 3% CTR. Unbounce has an excellent resource on the importance of message match here.
  3. Create a normal social media post and work with relevant influencers to promote your post. Then promote using an ad so you leverage the social proof from the influencer’s promotion. Learn how to work with influencers on my old marketing site here. And learn how to edit Facebook ads and keep your social proof here.
_[1] Unfamiliar with SKAGs? Let’s say you wanted to sell Ultimate Frisbee discs. In one ad keyword group, you would use three keywords: _
  1. _+ultimate +frisbee _
  2. _“ultimate frisbee” _
  3. _[ultimate frisbee]. _
If an unrelated keyword pops up such as “ultimate frisbee rules,” you move it to your negative keyword list. And if a relevant but unrelated term pops up such as “best ultimate frisbee brands,” you can create a new SKAG and send traffic to a new landing page.

3. Sales

Effective marketing is nothing more than salesmanship in ink. While marketing sells on many-to-one, sales specialize in hand-holding customers one-on-one.
Sales is the process of generating leads, qualifying them, and turning them into paying customers.
Now perhaps you’re wondering, “If marketing is effective salesmanship at scale (many-to-one), why should I hire a salesman?”
Contrary to what most SaaS entrepreneurs believe, sales is a primary scalable channel.
First, sales can accelerate the process marketing starts. Without a proper nurture sequence in place, it can be slow moving a prospect down your funnel. A salesman or woman specializes in moving them faster through the funnel.
Second, big customers often need a sales process. When you’re selling a high-end or enterprise product, it’s common to have a salesman giving the customer the red carpet treatment.
*While sales will help speed up landing big customers, it’s not without a major cost. *
Most suggest hiring at least two sales reps. If they work on a team, one will generate and qualify leads while the other closes them. If you favor competition, you can put the two against each other. Two full-time salaries are more than what you’d pay for most marketing agencies.
How cheap can your product be and afford to have a sales team?
If you have a repeatable sales model, a sales rep has three limits:
  1. The number of calls or demos in a day.
  2. The demo-to-close ratio.
  3. How much you’ll pay to keep the salesman.
Jason Lemkin of SaaStr, a SaaS founder, enthusiast, & investor offers this advice:
But that’s not all!
If you maximize your current leads and play your cards right, you can bring in a sales rep for a $99/month product.
Lemkin continues:
But, still, we dropped the price point (necessary) for inside sales to $99. And it worked. Why?
I’m not saying you can build a whole inside sales team around a $1,000 ACV or $99 price point. You can’t. The lowest you can probably go on average is $3,000, based on the math above, and that’s if you are hyper-efficient.
If you aren’t, bump that up to a $5k ACV to account for overhead, waste, turn-over, etc.
Here are some strategies and case studies you can use for sales:
  1. Find people who shared a how-to article related to your product on Twitter. You can use Buzzsumo or Ahrefs to do this. Find their email using a tool like VoilaNorbert. Send them an email and pitch your product. Bryan Harris and two of his students did this to pitch their services, which you can check out here.
  2. Find a list of your competitors. Use a tool such as NerdyData or BuiltWith to find customers who use your competitor. [Send them an email](growthramp.io/articles/email-outreach-program) asking if they’ve experienced common problems with the product. If possible, leverage the names of similar customers you have to the prospect. Nathan Barry did this to take ConvertKit from $1,300 to $725,000 in monthly recurring revenue. Learn how he did that here. More on how to use NeryData here.
  3. If you’ve pre-sold your product, create a customer persona for each person who bought your product. Then use LinkedIn search to find similar people and pitch your product. You can find their email on their profile when you click contact info. If you get real fancy, you can create a video pitch on how your product will benefit them. Learn how Devesh got over $13,000 in recurring revenue doing something similar here.

4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

If you have a question on how to do something, where do you turn for an answer?
More than likely, you will turn to a search engine.
This channel includes traditional search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Most SEO agencies and consultants focus on Google’s search engine because it provides the most traffic.
It also includes popular, but niche search engines like Amazon and YouTube search optimization.
*Scaling SEO can be slower than other marketing channels. *
The key to getting faster results for SEO comes from mastering three areas:
  1. Doing keyword research to find high volume, low difficulty keywords.
  2. Creating the content on that topic which benefits both the customer and Google.
  3. Getting enough links from authoritative websites to be an authoritative article on that topic.
Keyword research helps you learn how often people search for a phrase. It will also inform how competitive it is to get search traffic from that keyword phrase.
In my article, “No Keywords Easy to Rank For? I Call ‘Bullcrap,’” I outlined a simple process to find high volume, low difficulty keywords. Here’s a quick summary of the process:
  1. Do a Google search for your keyword or topic.
  2. Take the first 3-5 articles listed on Google.
  3. Put these into an SEO tool that finds the keywords the page ranks for, such as Ahrefs.
  4. Sort the keyword list by volume.
  5. Filter out keywords not in the top 20 spots. You should also remove keywords with too high of a difficulty score. For Ahrefs, my recommendation is 30 or less for new websites.
When doing keyword research, it’s also important to understand a person’s intent when searching for a phrase. Understanding search intent will inform how long it will take to make a sale.
If someone searches “What is copywriting?” in Google, they are likely looking for basic information. But if that person looks up “copywriting services in Spokane”, they probably want to buy copywriting services from an agency in Spokane.
*Next, you’ll want to create in-depth content to answer people's questions and objections on that topic. *
To do this, content strategists often source ideas from other content. For example, you could:
  1. Go to your customers and list out the questions they have.
  2. Go to Quora and search for questions on your topic.
  3. Go to Reddit and look for articles with a high number of upvotes and comments.
  4. Go to relevant Facebook groups and look for questions people have.
  5. Go to relevant Discord and Slack groups and look for questions people have.
Once done, share everything relevant to this topic. Articles on Growth Ramp often are between 1,500 and 3,000 words.
*After you’ve created your content, you may need some authoritative links. *
Why are links important to improve SEO?
I’ll answer this question with another question.
When you write a research paper, how do you know the information is accurate? You cite your sources. On the web, people cite sources by linking to different pages.
Google’s search engine puts pages with the most relevance to your search higher up. That’s why you want in-depth content. But Google also prioritizes relevant content with more links.
So if an authoritative site like Harvard University or Microsoft cites your article, Google will likely rank it high in their results.
Here are some strategies and case studies you can use for SEO:
  1. After doing competitive research, create landing pages that compare you to your competitors. Potential customers will want to know how you are different from other products out there. It’s one of 10 questions we’ve found customers ask before buying a product. These pages will allow you to educate the customer and add your voice to the conversation.
  2. Create a survey using a tool like Pollfish. Write an article on the original research and promote it. In a 2015 survey by BuzzSumo and Moz, the team found research-backed articles get a lot of traffic and links. This is how Orbit Media got over 430 links in six months.
  3. Similar to what I wrote in “No Keywords Easy to Rank For? I Call ‘Bullcrap,’” you can find easy-to-rank keywords by analyzing your competitor’s content. Plug a competitor into an SEO tool like Ahrefs. Then filter any keywords with a keyword score of 30 or less. You may also want to search for a broad keyword in the results too. Organize the list by traffic, and voila! Instant fast ranking results.

5. Virality and Network Effects

Virality isn’t just when your cat video hits the front page of Reddit or Youtube. It’s about optimizing the time it takes a customer to invite or refer more friends to your product. This is known as a viral loop.
A viral loop happens in three ways:
  1. A customer discovers your product and enjoys it.
  2. This customer then shares your product with other people. Ideally, they share it with your potential customers.
  3. A potential customer buys the product, enjoys it, and shares it with their friends and coworkers.
The more customers who share your product who become customers, the better the viral loop. To measure your viral loop’s effectiveness, you can use a viral coefficient.
David Skok, a venture capitalist at Matrix partners wrote an excellent article on understanding the key variables of viral marketing.
Viral loops are most common in referral systems and network effect products like Facebook and LinkedIn. Network effects occur when there is an increase in value with each new customer using your product.
Virality and network effects are not the same.
Many things can have viral effects without having network effects. Buzzfeed and Upworthy are relentless at improving virality. But that does not mean they have network effects.
And products with network effects don’t always have viral effects. Any of these marketing channels could bring people into the network effect. Facebook used community marketing to get an Ivy League college student to join in its early days. A B2B marketplace might use content marketing to attract their audience.
Unfortunately, while getting free users is valuable, it’s also hard to create viral loops and network effects.
It’s difficult to engineer a viral loop for any product. And virality is even more difficult for SaaS products.
Andrew Chen suggests a viral product should be:
  1. Social in nature.
  2. Has high retention with daily usage.
  3. Applies to many job titles within an organization, so that anyone can use it.
  4. Invites travel through a new channel with a compelling pitch.
  5. Targets extroverts.
Network effect products must have certain features built into the product to create a network effect. At that point, you need to seed the network.
A network has almost no use when no one uses it. How valuable was the fax machine to the first person who bought it? And even with 100 fax machines, if these users do not send messages to each other, the machines were glorified paperweights.
Viral loops and network effects are valuable. The VC firm NFX argues that 70% of the value in tech comes from network effects. Both viral loops and network effects can bring in free customers. The challenge is getting those customers in the first place.
Here are some strategies and case studies you can use for virality and network effects:
  1. Attract customers with a tool that works without a network effect, then keep them engaged with your network. Chris Dixon talks about the philosophy of this approach here.
  2. There are many ways to solve the chicken-or-egg problem in marketplace network effect startups. Here are 19 tactics to try.
  3. To improve your referral campaigns, provide a reward to both parties. Dropbox’s referral program is a famous example of two-sided rewards. Learn about their referral program here and here.

6. Community Marketing

Community building involves building direct relationships with your customers and potential customers. Developing deeper customer relationships can result in increased activation, retention, and referrals.
One challenge of community marketing is not having an existing audience to start your community.
If you don’t have an established audience, you can become a prominent member of another community. Then use relationships you build in other communities to start your community. Forums, Facebook groups, and Reddit communities (called subreddits) are some of the fastest ways to build relationships in your industry.
Building a community is difficult, but the rewards can be massive. Reddit, Wikipedia, and Stack Exchange are startups built on the community they created.
Here are some strategies and case studies you can use for community marketing:
  1. What’s successful in one community will often be successful in another community. Find what top influencers share on social media and adjust it to fit your context. With the right message, you can promote the same message in other communities.
  2. Use communities to promote your community. The Facebook group Client Science promotes its community by writing articles on Reddit. You can check out their articles posted by BenJackGill. This article received over 700 upvotes.
  3. Create a community on a different type of channel for people already in a community. Reddit has many Discord and Slack groups. /startups has a startup Discord server. At the time of this writing, they promote this community at the top of their subreddit. /bigseo has an SEO Slack group. At the time of this writing, they promote this community in the sidebar of their subreddit. You can do the same by creating a community for a subreddit.

7. Content Marketing

When was the last time you read an article online? How about the last time you heard a podcast? Or perhaps watched a video?
Content marketing spans a wide range of mediums. It includes articles like the one you’re reading to infographics, videos, and podcasts.
When done right, content can help you:
  1. Educate the market.
  2. Build an email list of excited customers.
  3. Land publicity.
  4. Build relationships.
  5. Build your brand.
And so much more. Popular venture capitalists like Mark Suster, Paul Graham, and James Currier are well-known because of their blogs.
Further, you always have the content. Once you spend on advertising, that’s it. But you can get customers from content for years to come.
Unfortunately, content marketing often requires knowledge of another channel to become successful. As such, it’s often slower than other acquisition channels. That is unless you have a solid content promotion system in place.
SEO and social media tend to be the two most common ways of getting traffic to your content. Email marketing is also common to get people to become repeat visitors to your content. But you can also create a paid content funnel using ads, an article, and premium content to get an email address.
Here are some strategies and case studies you can use for content marketing:
  1. Want to find content practically guaranteed to go viral? Go to Reddit and search for your topic. Find articles with a ton of upvotes and comments (aim for at least 100 upvotes, or 250 for bigger subreddits). Write a similar topic on your blog, putting your spin on the topic. Then promote it on Reddit and other sites.
  2. Search for “top X blogs” or “best X blogs,” where X is your industry. Offer to sponsor these bloggers money to review your product. Learn how Noah Kagan paid bloggers $500 to review Mint.com from 0 to 100,000 in six months here.
  3. According to BuzzSumo, two types of content that get a ton of traffic and links are research-backed articles and opinionated journalism. If you can’t get enough survey responses, you can use sites like Pollfish for this information. Learn how Orbit Media got 430 links in six months here.

8. Email Marketing

Email marketing is often declared to have the highest ROI for marketing channels.
(Image Source)
Not only can you use it to find new customers, but you can also use it to engage (activation), retain, upsell (revenue), and generate referrals.
Because messages from your company are right beside updates from friends and family, email often feels very personal. When done wrong, the email will also make people feel angry, damage your brand, and decrease future email deliverability rates.
Keep in mind it’s also difficult to get a large enough email list to acquire customers. By itself, email marketing cannot grow unless you have some mechanism for others to share and join your newsletter.
But it is possible to start just by emailing a few interested friends. Newsletters like The Hustle, Startup Digest, and Product Hunt all began as emails sent to friends. Each of these newsletters has several thousands, if not millions, of people.
Typically marketers pair email marketing with SEO or content marketing to build a list.
Here are some strategies and case studies you can use for email marketing:
  1. Emails that tell your customers the value they get from your product often do well. Can you estimate the money earned or the time saved by using your product?
  2. Consider running a giveaway to build your list. All you need to do is give away a product, tell people about the giveaway, and collect everyone’s email address. Bryan Harris used a giveaway to get 2,239 email subscribers in 10 days. Learn more about that here.
  3. Advertise on newsletters that are complementary to your product. Chances are if someone subscribes to one newsletter, they would love to subscribe to another newsletter like it. Alternatively, you can do a shout-out for each other’s newsletter. This is ideal when the two newsletters are about the same size.

9. Engineering as Marketing

Do you have a team of engineers? You can leverage their skills by building free tools and products to reach your customers.
This a major competitive advantage because you’re giving something free that your competitors charge for.
Free tools are often easier to market than your paid products. As a result, you can get a ton of inexpensive leads. That said, this approach requires you to market the new tool too.
Some common tools include calculators, WordPress plugins, and educational microsites. You can then collect leads through these tools and get people to buy your product. Sometimes a side project becomes successful enough to be the main product.
Here are some strategies and case studies you can use for engineering as marketing:
  1. From 2006 to 2011, HubSpot's Website Grader was used to grade more than 4 million websites. Learn more about this project here.
  2. Look at your most popular articles. See if you can turn that article into a lead-gen product. Chris Gimmer did this with StockSnap, which he used to launch Snappa. Learn more about how he did that here.
  3. Once you have a tool, don’t overlook other ways you can use it to promote other marketing campaigns. WP Engine has a speed test tool. After you opt-in, it takes you to a thank you page with other valuable resources. You can check it out here.
(Continued in comments below).
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Are you unsure how to get your first 1000 customers? Here is a list of the 12 marketing channels. For each distribution channel, I included proven strategies to help you get your first 1,000 customers.

tl;dr - I'm often asked by entrepreneurs three questions:
  1. "What are the different marketing channels?"
  2. "How do I get my first 10/100/1,000 customers?"
  3. "There are sooo many marketing channels. What channels should I focus on first?"
I wrote this guide to explain the 12 major marketing channels. You'll find three strategies/case studies per channel to help you get your first few customers. I then talk about the two types of marketing channels.
Finally, I end by helping you know how to prioritize the channels using the "ICE framework." ICE is the prioritization method used in startups like Facebook, Uber, and Pinterest. I've used it for small startups (under 10 employees) and even a non-profit, so it should work for your startup.
This article was originally written on my website (which you can view here), so my apologizes if the formatting isn't perfect. Got questions? Feel free to drop a comment and I'll do my best to answer it!
Enjoy the read :).
Right now, your startup has one mission.
It isn’t to become the next $1 billion startup. (Though that may come in time). It isn’t to make a difference in the world. (Though you may make a meaningful impact). Nor is it to raise your next round of venture capital. (Though your team may need to do so to complete your mission).
Your mission right now, if you choose to accept, is to find a scalable business model.
As a part of finding a scalable business model, you need to tap the right marketing channels. That’s it.
Of course, that’s easier said than done. What works today may not work tomorrow.
Not too long ago, marketers were all raving about:
  1. Use social media sites like StumbleUpon, Digg, and MySpace.
  2. Writing articles daily on your blog.
  3. Using QR codes to promote your business.
While specific trends and tactics come-and-go, marketing channels will always be around.
If you want to get more customers, it’s helpful to understand each marketing channel. And not only should you know how a marketing channel works, but why it works.
In this article, I’ll share with you the twelve major marketing channels. I’ll then provide a few case studies and strategies for you to test to grow your business.
Note: The book Traction: How Any Startup Can Achieve Explosive Customer Growth shaped much of this article. If you want to become better at getting and retaining customers, I recommend reading both.

Here is a list of the 12 major marketing channels of mass distribution:

  1. Business Development and Partnerships
  2. Paid Advertisements
  3. Sales
  4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  5. Virality and Network Effects
  6. Community Marketing
  7. Content Marketing
  8. Email Marketing
  9. Engineering as Marketing
  10. Press
  11. Social Media
  12. Trade Shows and Offline Events
Warning: The following advice may lead to insane amounts of business growth. Please consult a lawyer, attorney, or doctor before attempting this at home. Each marketing channel has different pros and cons. Your mileage may vary.

1. Business Development and Partnerships

Business development is often a gray and ambiguous term. Some equate it to sales. Others simply say any partnership is business development.
Here’s how I define business development.
*Business development is creating long-term value for your startup by partnering with anyone in your market. *This includes other businesses, influencers, and media outlets.
The focus of this channel is on the exchange of value through the partnership. This channel also includes partnerships from influencer marketing and affiliate marketing.
The goal of each partnership is long-term value.
It should not be a one-and-done transaction. Sure, you might get some money from your first co-promotion. But the highest ROI comes from finding new opportunities from the same partnership.
As a result, partnerships often are a slower channel to scale.
The partnership may or may not include paid compensation.
Keep in mind the relationship will change if you pay the other person. Further, there may be certain expectations a person has about the partnership. This expectation may also change by industry.
For example, an influencer is more likely to promote a blog article for free. But I’ve had a few influencers request I pay them to promote my article. The same influencer who was willing to promote an article for free may expect payment for directly promoting your product.
Offering payment when the party does not expect it may be offensive. And in another scenario, it’s a delightful gift.
Here are some strategies and case studies you can use for partnerships:
  1. Find similar companies and offer one product as an add-on bonus. Chris Gimmer shares his story on Snappa’s partnership with LeadPages here.
  2. Find large companies that have app directories or marketplaces. First, integrate your tool with their tool. Then submit your application to directories. Examples include Shopify’s App Marketplace, Intercom’s App Store, and Zendesk’s App Directory. This was a core part of the early growth for CartHook and for BoldCommerce.
  3. Put together a product bundle for news sites and conferences. Learn how Noah Kagan did this with AppSumo by partnering with Imgur and Reddit here.

2. Paid Advertisements

At the dawn of the Internet, people rallied around old marketing channels with new names:
  1. Influencer marketing (celebrity endorsements began in the 1760s).
  2. Content marketing (Ben Franklin printed Poor Richard’s Almanack in 1732).
  3. Email Marketing (mail order catalogues began in 1498).
Then advertising began to move online. Old advertising channels like billboards, newspaper ads, and radio commercials are now a thing of the past.
Or are they outdated?
Believe it or not, according to the OAAA, out-of-home advertising reach a new record high of $8 billion in 2018:
(Image Source)
I bet you didn't see that one coming.
Paid advertising has several mediums, which I’ll categorize by offline and online ads. Offline ads include TV ads, radio ads, billboards, magazine ads, newspaper ads, and bus ads.
Online ads are also called pay-per-click (PPC) ads. This includes:
  1. Search engine ads (ads on Google, Bing, and other search engines)
  2. Social media ads (ads on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Reddit, and other social media sites)
  3. Display ads (banner ads you see displayed on websites).
  4. Media ads (ads and product placements which are in video games, movies, and other media).
  5. Email ads (ads you see when using your email, such as Gmail).
  6. Newsletter ads (ads in email newsletters)
The benefit of paid advertising is if you have an unlimited budget, it’s easier to scale this channel. It’s an excellent channel to test your messaging, get feedback, and iterate quickly.
But as fast as advertising comes, so too it also disappears fast.
There’s a limited window of exposure because ads rent space. Marketing on other channels gives you an asset that stays up as long as you keep them up.
As your ad spend scales, it becomes more expensive and harder to track. In turn, paid ads can also cover up underlying problems.
Andrew Chen, an investor at Andreessen Horowitz, shared how a startup’s paid cost to acquire a customer can be off as much as 2-5 times what it should be. (Source)
Further, you often do not build a relationship with the customer.
As a result, advertising works best for impulse buys or products which offer fast value to the customer.
For SaaS startups, paid ads are often a secondary channel that supports content marketing.
But for eCommerce products, paid advertising is often the first scalable marketing channel. This is because eCommerce will likely sell products which bring delight faster.
Here are some strategies and case studies you can use for paid advertising:
  1. Media outside the home often will not sell every available ad spot. If it’s not sold, it’s a lost opportunity. This allows you to negotiate for remnant advertising. Tim Ferriss has an excellent article on this here. I used this approach to get $10,000 in billboard space for $2,000. If you run other ads, use your successful campaigns to inspire your billboards.
  2. Create a single keyword ad group (SKAG). [1] Run ads to a dedicated landing page on that topic, optimizing the landing page for SEO. This allows you to continue getting traffic after turning off ads and create a message match to improve conversions. I’ve seen click-through rates (CTR) between 1-9% on SKAGs. For one client, after removing the three worst campaigns, all SKAGs were over 3% CTR. Unbounce has an excellent resource on the importance of message match here.
  3. Create a normal social media post and work with relevant influencers to promote your post. Then promote using an ad so you leverage the social proof from the influencer’s promotion. Learn how to work with influencers on my old marketing site here. And learn how to edit Facebook ads and keep your social proof here.
_[1] Unfamiliar with SKAGs? Let’s say you wanted to sell Ultimate Frisbee discs. In one ad keyword group, you would use three keywords: _
  1. _+ultimate +frisbee _
  2. _“ultimate frisbee” _
  3. _[ultimate frisbee]. _
If an unrelated keyword pops up such as “ultimate frisbee rules,” you move it to your negative keyword list. And if a relevant but unrelated term pops up such as “best ultimate frisbee brands,” you can create a new SKAG and send traffic to a new landing page.

3. Sales

Effective marketing is nothing more than salesmanship in ink. While marketing sells on many-to-one, sales specialize in hand-holding customers one-on-one.
Sales is the process of generating leads, qualifying them, and turning them into paying customers.
Now perhaps you’re wondering, “If marketing is effective salesmanship at scale (many-to-one), why should I hire a salesman?”
Contrary to what most SaaS entrepreneurs believe, sales is a primary scalable channel.
First, sales can accelerate the process marketing starts. Without a proper nurture sequence in place, it can be slow moving a prospect down your funnel. A salesman or woman specializes in moving them faster through the funnel.
Second, big customers often need a sales process. When you’re selling a high-end or enterprise product, it’s common to have a salesman giving the customer the red carpet treatment.
*While sales will help speed up landing big customers, it’s not without a major cost. *
Most suggest hiring at least two sales reps. If they work on a team, one will generate and qualify leads while the other closes them. If you favor competition, you can put the two against each other. Two full-time salaries are more than what you’d pay for most marketing agencies.
How cheap can your product be and afford to have a sales team?
If you have a repeatable sales model, a sales rep has three limits:
  1. The number of calls or demos in a day.
  2. The demo-to-close ratio.
  3. How much you’ll pay to keep the salesman.
Jason Lemkin of SaaStr, a SaaS founder, enthusiast, & investor offers this advice:
But that’s not all!
If you maximize your current leads and play your cards right, you can bring in a sales rep for a $99/month product.
Lemkin continues:
But, still, we dropped the price point (necessary) for inside sales to $99. And it worked. Why?
I’m not saying you can build a whole inside sales team around a $1,000 ACV or $99 price point. You can’t. The lowest you can probably go on average is $3,000, based on the math above, and that’s if you are hyper-efficient.
If you aren’t, bump that up to a $5k ACV to account for overhead, waste, turn-over, etc.
Here are some strategies and case studies you can use for sales:
  1. Find people who shared a how-to article related to your product on Twitter. You can use Buzzsumo or Ahrefs to do this. Find their email using a tool like VoilaNorbert. Send them an email and pitch your product. Bryan Harris and two of his students did this to pitch their services, which you can check out here.
  2. Find a list of your competitors. Use a tool such as NerdyData or BuiltWith to find customers who use your competitor. [Send them an email](growthramp.io/articles/email-outreach-program) asking if they’ve experienced common problems with the product. If possible, leverage the names of similar customers you have to the prospect. Nathan Barry did this to take ConvertKit from $1,300 to $725,000 in monthly recurring revenue. Learn how he did that here. More on how to use NeryData here.
  3. If you’ve pre-sold your product, create a customer persona for each person who bought your product. Then use LinkedIn search to find similar people and pitch your product. You can find their email on their profile when you click contact info. If you get real fancy, you can create a video pitch on how your product will benefit them. Learn how Devesh got over $13,000 in recurring revenue doing something similar here.

4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

If you have a question on how to do something, where do you turn for an answer?
More than likely, you will turn to a search engine.
This channel includes traditional search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Most SEO agencies and consultants focus on Google’s search engine because it provides the most traffic.
It also includes popular, but niche search engines like Amazon and YouTube search optimization.
*Scaling SEO can be slower than other marketing channels. *
The key to getting faster results for SEO comes from mastering three areas:
  1. Doing keyword research to find high volume, low difficulty keywords.
  2. Creating the content on that topic which benefits both the customer and Google.
  3. Getting enough links from authoritative websites to be an authoritative article on that topic.
Keyword research helps you learn how often people search for a phrase. It will also inform how competitive it is to get search traffic from that keyword phrase.
In my article, “No Keywords Easy to Rank For? I Call ‘Bullcrap,’” I outlined a simple process to find high volume, low difficulty keywords. Here’s a quick summary of the process:
  1. Do a Google search for your keyword or topic.
  2. Take the first 3-5 articles listed on Google.
  3. Put these into an SEO tool that finds the keywords the page ranks for, such as Ahrefs.
  4. Sort the keyword list by volume.
  5. Filter out keywords not in the top 20 spots. You should also remove keywords with too high of a difficulty score. For Ahrefs, my recommendation is 30 or less for new websites.
When doing keyword research, it’s also important to understand a person’s intent when searching for a phrase. Understanding search intent will inform how long it will take to make a sale.
If someone searches “What is copywriting?” in Google, they are likely looking for basic information. But if that person looks up “copywriting services in Spokane”, they probably want to buy copywriting services from an agency in Spokane.
*Next, you’ll want to create in-depth content to answer people's questions and objections on that topic. *
To do this, content strategists often source ideas from other content. For example, you could:
  1. Go to your customers and list out the questions they have.
  2. Go to Quora and search for questions on your topic.
  3. Go to Reddit and look for articles with a high number of upvotes and comments.
  4. Go to relevant Facebook groups and look for questions people have.
  5. Go to relevant Discord and Slack groups and look for questions people have.
Once done, share everything relevant to this topic. Articles on Growth Ramp often are between 1,500 and 3,000 words.
*After you’ve created your content, you may need some authoritative links. *
Why are links important to improve SEO?
I’ll answer this question with another question.
When you write a research paper, how do you know the information is accurate? You cite your sources. On the web, people cite sources by linking to different pages.
Google’s search engine puts pages with the most relevance to your search higher up. That’s why you want in-depth content. But Google also prioritizes relevant content with more links.
So if an authoritative site like Harvard University or Microsoft cites your article, Google will likely rank it high in their results.
Here are some strategies and case studies you can use for SEO:
  1. After doing competitive research, create landing pages that compare you to your competitors. Potential customers will want to know how you are different from other products out there. It’s one of 10 questions we’ve found customers ask before buying a product. These pages will allow you to educate the customer and add your voice to the conversation.
  2. Create a survey using a tool like Pollfish. Write an article on the original research and promote it. In a 2015 survey by BuzzSumo and Moz, the team found research-backed articles get a lot of traffic and links. This is how Orbit Media got over 430 links in six months.
  3. Similar to what I wrote in “No Keywords Easy to Rank For? I Call ‘Bullcrap,’” you can find easy-to-rank keywords by analyzing your competitor’s content. Plug a competitor into an SEO tool like Ahrefs. Then filter any keywords with a keyword score of 30 or less. You may also want to search for a broad keyword in the results too. Organize the list by traffic, and voila! Instant fast ranking results.

5. Virality and Network Effects

Virality isn’t just when your cat video hits the front page of Reddit or Youtube. It’s about optimizing the time it takes a customer to invite or refer more friends to your product. This is known as a viral loop.
A viral loop happens in three ways:
  1. A customer discovers your product and enjoys it.
  2. This customer then shares your product with other people. Ideally, they share it with your potential customers.
  3. A potential customer buys the product, enjoys it, and shares it with their friends and coworkers.
The more customers who share your product who become customers, the better the viral loop. To measure your viral loop’s effectiveness, you can use a viral coefficient.
David Skok, a venture capitalist at Matrix partners wrote an excellent article on understanding the key variables of viral marketing.
Viral loops are most common in referral systems and network effect products like Facebook and LinkedIn. Network effects occur when there is an increase in value with each new customer using your product.
Virality and network effects are not the same.
Many things can have viral effects without having network effects. Buzzfeed and Upworthy are relentless at improving virality. But that does not mean they have network effects.
And products with network effects don’t always have viral effects. Any of these marketing channels could bring people into the network effect. Facebook used community marketing to get an Ivy League college student to join in its early days. A B2B marketplace might use content marketing to attract their audience.
Unfortunately, while getting free users is valuable, it’s also hard to create viral loops and network effects.
It’s difficult to engineer a viral loop for any product. And virality is even more difficult for SaaS products.
Andrew Chen suggests a viral product should be:
  1. Social in nature.
  2. Has high retention with daily usage.
  3. Applies to many job titles within an organization, so that anyone can use it.
  4. Invites travel through a new channel with a compelling pitch.
  5. Targets extroverts.
Network effect products must have certain features built into the product to create a network effect. At that point, you need to seed the network.
A network has almost no use when no one uses it. How valuable was the fax machine to the first person who bought it? And even with 100 fax machines, if these users do not send messages to each other, the machines were glorified paperweights.
Viral loops and network effects are valuable. The VC firm NFX argues that 70% of the value in tech comes from network effects. Both viral loops and network effects can bring in free customers. The challenge is getting those customers in the first place.
Here are some strategies and case studies you can use for virality and network effects:
  1. Attract customers with a tool that works without a network effect, then keep them engaged with your network. Chris Dixon talks about the philosophy of this approach here.
  2. There are many ways to solve the chicken-or-egg problem in marketplace network effect startups. Here are 19 tactics to try.
  3. To improve your referral campaigns, provide a reward to both parties. Dropbox’s referral program is a famous example of two-sided rewards. Learn about their referral program here and here.

6. Community Marketing

Community building involves building direct relationships with your customers and potential customers. Developing deeper customer relationships can result in increased activation, retention, and referrals.
One challenge of community marketing is not having an existing audience to start your community.
If you don’t have an established audience, you can become a prominent member of another community. Then use relationships you build in other communities to start your community. Forums, Facebook groups, and Reddit communities (called subreddits) are some of the fastest ways to build relationships in your industry.
Building a community is difficult, but the rewards can be massive. Reddit, Wikipedia, and Stack Exchange are startups built on the community they created.
Here are some strategies and case studies you can use for community marketing:
  1. What’s successful in one community will often be successful in another community. Find what top influencers share on social media and adjust it to fit your context. With the right message, you can promote the same message in other communities.
  2. Use communities to promote your community. The Facebook group Client Science promotes its community by writing articles on Reddit. You can check out their articles posted by BenJackGill. This article received over 700 upvotes.
  3. Create a community on a different type of channel for people already in a community. Reddit has many Discord and Slack groups. /startups has a startup Discord server. At the time of this writing, they promote this community at the top of their subreddit. /bigseo has an SEO Slack group. At the time of this writing, they promote this community in the sidebar of their subreddit. You can do the same by creating a community for a subreddit.

7. Content Marketing

When was the last time you read an article online? How about the last time you heard a podcast? Or perhaps watched a video?
Content marketing spans a wide range of mediums. It includes articles like the one you’re reading to infographics, videos, and podcasts.
When done right, content can help you:
  1. Educate the market.
  2. Build an email list of excited customers.
  3. Land publicity.
  4. Build relationships.
  5. Build your brand.
And so much more. Popular venture capitalists like Mark Suster, Paul Graham, and James Currier are well-known because of their blogs.
Further, you always have the content. Once you spend on advertising, that’s it. But you can get customers from content for years to come.
Unfortunately, content marketing often requires knowledge of another channel to become successful. As such, it’s often slower than other acquisition channels. That is unless you have a solid content promotion system in place.
SEO and social media tend to be the two most common ways of getting traffic to your content. Email marketing is also common to get people to become repeat visitors to your content. But you can also create a paid content funnel using ads, an article, and premium content to get an email address.
Here are some strategies and case studies you can use for content marketing:
  1. Want to find content practically guaranteed to go viral? Go to Reddit and search for your topic. Find articles with a ton of upvotes and comments (aim for at least 100 upvotes, or 250 for bigger subreddits). Write a similar topic on your blog, putting your spin on the topic. Then promote it on Reddit and other sites.
  2. Search for “top X blogs” or “best X blogs,” where X is your industry. Offer to sponsor these bloggers money to review your product. Learn how Noah Kagan paid bloggers $500 to review Mint.com from 0 to 100,000 in six months here.
  3. According to BuzzSumo, two types of content that get a ton of traffic and links are research-backed articles and opinionated journalism. If you can’t get enough survey responses, you can use sites like Pollfish for this information. Learn how Orbit Media got 430 links in six months here.

8. Email Marketing

Email marketing is often declared to have the highest ROI for marketing channels.
(Image Source)
Not only can you use it to find new customers, but you can also use it to engage (activation), retain, upsell (revenue), and generate referrals.
Because messages from your company are right beside updates from friends and family, email often feels very personal. When done wrong, the email will also make people feel angry, damage your brand, and decrease future email deliverability rates.
Keep in mind it’s also difficult to get a large enough email list to acquire customers. By itself, email marketing cannot grow unless you have some mechanism for others to share and join your newsletter.
But it is possible to start just by emailing a few interested friends. Newsletters like The Hustle, Startup Digest, and Product Hunt all began as emails sent to friends. Each of these newsletters has several thousands, if not millions, of people.
Typically marketers pair email marketing with SEO or content marketing to build a list.
Here are some strategies and case studies you can use for email marketing:
  1. Emails that tell your customers the value they get from your product often do well. Can you estimate the money earned or the time saved by using your product?
  2. Consider running a giveaway to build your list. All you need to do is give away a product, tell people about the giveaway, and collect everyone’s email address. Bryan Harris used a giveaway to get 2,239 email subscribers in 10 days. Learn more about that here.
  3. Advertise on newsletters that are complementary to your product. Chances are if someone subscribes to one newsletter, they would love to subscribe to another newsletter like it. Alternatively, you can do a shout-out for each other’s newsletter. This is ideal when the two newsletters are about the same size.

9. Engineering as Marketing

Do you have a team of engineers? You can leverage their skills by building free tools and products to reach your customers.
This a major competitive advantage because you’re giving something free that your competitors charge for.
Free tools are often easier to market than your paid products. As a result, you can get a ton of inexpensive leads. That said, this approach requires you to market the new tool too.
Some common tools include calculators, WordPress plugins, and educational microsites. You can then collect leads through these tools and get people to buy your product. Sometimes a side project becomes successful enough to be the main product.
Here are some strategies and case studies you can use for engineering as marketing:
  1. From 2006 to 2011, HubSpot's Website Grader was used to grade more than 4 million websites. Learn more about this project here.
  2. Look at your most popular articles. See if you can turn that article into a lead-gen product. Chris Gimmer did this with StockSnap, which he used to launch Snappa. Learn more about how he did that here.
  3. Once you have a tool, don’t overlook other ways you can use it to promote other marketing campaigns. WP Engine has a speed test tool. After you opt-in, it takes you to a thank you page with other valuable resources. You can check it out here.
(Continued in comments below).
submitted by jdquey to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

Tips to Improve Your Business Marketing

I hope the new year is going great for you all! I want to help you make 2019 the best year for you and your business with some strategies you can be using.
Many of you are small business owners or startup entrepreneurs that are just getting started or are established companies that want to move further into the digital scene but have some question about how to do it, listen up. Here are some tips to that every business owner should know and use to have a secure and successful experience online - with no cost (with some paid recommendations).
  1. Make a modern website
Well, I hate to feel like a liar right off the bat. I promised that most of these tips would be no cost but the first suggestion is going to involve paying up a bit. But in my defense, I assume that many of you have a website. But I feel like it’s important to express the different avenues for those who don’t and those who may not be happy with what they have, as a website is an indispensable part of running a business online. It hosts your landing page, information about your business and your team, contact information, product information, testimonials, and more.
a. Think it Through: This sounds very obvious, but many businesses don’t have a website or have not updated it in years. A website it the foundation of your online presence and it is where many potential clients start or end their time looking at your business. So it’s important to make your website presentable and fill it with attractive content. Think about what you want your site to accomplish, how will it facilitate your business, what are you willing to invest into it?
b. Get a Domain - You can use Namecheap.com, Domain.com or Godaddy.com. Namecheap is usually a bit cheaper (who would have guessed) but I find Godaddy more easily accessible. There will be a few extra steps when you are transferring the name server to the host site. Godaddy requires fewer steps for this process, while Namecheap requires a bit more manual effort.
c. Choose a host: There are many great servers: Bluehost (my preference) Hostgator, Dreamhost, and many more. All in 2018 there are so many great host servers, but it’s good to know the specific features of each. I suggest doing some research about what the features they provide and choose the one that best represents the goal of your site. (Some have better customization, others offer in-house security certifications).
d. Design your website. I highly recommend using the plugin Elementor (for WordPress) as it has full-page templates that you can customize, so if you need something that looks professional, most of the work is already done. Of course, there are many tutorials online that can help you craft a completely personalized page. My favorite is this video by Tyler Moore: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cbvZf1jIJM
i. Side note, make sure to optimize your website for mobile devices. There are usually features to adjust layouts, text, and images for different size screens. Make sure you do this so that everything lines up and looks presentable no matter the platform your site is viewed on. For your reference tablets are 768px and mobile is 360px.
  1. Take advantage of Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization is more art than science. Marketers, data analyst, and programmers are continuously trying to discover all the hidden mechanisms of search engine indexing systems. Sites like Google and Bing have to index billions of web pages every day, constantly dealing with new pages, updates, and shutdowns. To manage this the use algorithms called crawlers to index and rank them, for example, Google calls their crawlers ‘spiders’. It is hard to say for certain what factors benefit SEO as Google, Yahoo, and Bing have only revealed some information, but we take the info we have plus extensive research and experiments to get pretty close. If you want to learn more about SEO, check out this beginner's guide by Moz, https://moz.com/blog/beginners-guide-to-seo-chapter-1
a. Keyword - One of the best and creative way to boost your search results ranking, boils doing to the types of words and phrases you use to describe your site/business. Crawlers scour your site to get an idea of what it is you offeservice you provide. But the algorithm can’t read and interpret the exact meaning and contexts of the words you use. So it uses keywords, keyword density, and bids to categorize and rank your site. To make sure the crawlers understand what your site is all about, you must use keywords.
i. Make a list: I suggest making a list of words and phrases that best describe your business. Make sure to really think about it (be as technical as possible). Then make a second list about what words, phrases, and questions you think the average person would use to look up your business or a problem your service resolves. This distinction is important because the most technical and accurate terms may actually hurt your results and rankings, as most people do not use them. An example could be a car repair shop promoting a sale on their recarbonation of the exhaust valve (not sure if this is actually a thing), but most people would just look up exhaust tune-up.
ii. Find the perfect blend: Take your list and try to merge the words and phrases together, mix and match, and replace them. I suggest coming up with many different slogans and pages descriptions then having a less savvy friend read it. Ask them ‘does this make sense to you?’ ‘Does this accurately describe the service in your mind?’ Use their responses to adjust your keyword choice.
iii. There are tools you can use that give you suggestions on keywords, bidding cost, and traffic. Some of the best are SEMrush, Google Keyword Planner, and Soovle, just to name a few.
iv. Word Count - a good rule of thumb is to have at least 300-500 words on every page, whether they be on display or within the metadata of the page. Warning: don’t try to cheat the system by adding invisible text for greater keyword density, bots and crawlers are designed to see and penalize this.
  1. A side note for this would be making sure you use proper grammar and spelling. Although this is not confirmed it makes sense. If you are offering a Spa service but you mistakenly type sap multiple times, the crawlers will improperly categorize those keywords and may even your entire site (i don’t know what kind of weirdo is looking for sap online but I don't want anything to do with them).
b. Backlinks - Thought by many to be the most important factor in SEO ranking should definitely be a top priority. Backlinks are links to your website on other pages, so if your website and business are featured on a popular website or blog and link to your site, Search Engines will rank you more favorably. A great way to do this is to network with other established website, this could be a feature from a news source or blog, or collaborating with another company and have them give you credit. Another great way to get backlinks is to create a free display of your talents, offer it for the public to use, and ask for credit and a link to be used to your site. This can be anything, for example, a detailed, easy to understand graphic of how to change a tire can be used by Driver Ed site or social media page for young people, which can link back to a mechanic shop, thereby increasing traffic and reputation. As long as you are creative, there is some way to get your business out there.
c. Speed: Your pages speed not only helps with viewer satisfaction (no one like surfing a site that takes forever to load), but it also makes helps search engines crawlers index your site faster which they will remember, and rank you higher. You can think of the crawlers as workers and the have to index as many sites and pages before they clock out, the longer your site, the longer it takes them to do their job. You can get a faster website by mitigating extra, unneeded features like images, videos, and plug-ins. Another way to increase speed is by adding the plug-in WP Super Cache and turn on caching.
Side note- You can test your website speed using a site call Pindgom.com
d. Use images - As I said before, crawlers look for a well rounded and robust website so mixing it up with some vibrant images and graphics can greatly improve your ranking. Depending on what you use to make your site you can add descriptions, captions, and alternative text (for those who are blind and use text to voice programs). I highly recommend filling each of these out thoroughly.
There are a lot of ways to find photos and graphics to use but you MUST ensure that they are royalty-free or you have permission to use them. Some sites I like to use are Pexels.com and Unsplash.com. Some may ask you to credit the creators, in that case, I would follow the directions they have on the site, usually linking an Instagram or Twitter page.
e. Add a Snippet - a Snippet is a short description of each page on your site that can be viewed from the SERP (Search Engine Result Page). Crawler rank sites and pages with snippets more favorably.
f. Plug-ins - you can add certain plug-ins to critique each one of your pages specifically and offer suggestions. My favorite is Yoast SEO, but once again I only know that it works on wordpress so I can’t guarantee it will be available anywhere else. It also creates an XML sitemap, for your website.
g. Evaluate your site: I like to use Upcity.com’s SEO report card. Evaluates and grades many of the things discussed above.
  1. Q and A
This has recently been published by Google that they will be putting a greater focus on Q and A information and creating features on the SERP to answer frequently asked questions. The idea is that this information will be taken from your site and displayed on Google when a question is asked. (You definitely want to be the one answering the most questions, because what's an entrepreneur if not a problem solver)
i. The best way to do this adds a comment or FAQs section to your site and generate answers. Of course, you want to answer questions directly related to your product or service, but there are more way to utilize this feature. Get involved in topics similar to yours. If you sell camping tents, try to open a forum about camping tips and survival skills. Anyone interested in that subject to ask questions may be willing to purchase your tent.
ii. As you may assume this is huge for your ranking to have your information and jointly your website be displayed on a popular Google search page.
  1. Security
The internet is an amazing but dangerous place. With tens of millions of transactions flowing through the internet in America alone, people would be wise to take caution before giving their information out to just anyone. To ensure that people trust you and your business, it's important to make it secure. The most common way is to use an SSL certification. This verified identification of a website and encrypted information (good for both sides).
a. Free Option: There are a few free SSL Encryption services you can use like letsencrypt.org or cloudflare.com, but this would require a little bit of effort on your part to transfer your host server to their service and your site may even go down or feature disabled while the host server is transferred.
b. Preferred Free: Another free option use a Plug-ins on WordPress (I don’t use other website services so I don’t know if there is anything like this on elsewhere). I like the Plug-in Easy HTTPS (SSL) Redirection, its free and easy
c. (paid) Other types of SSL. The most basic and probably what you will get for free is changing the http to https (This stands for secure). But the more recognizable one and the ones that go the extra mile to keep you and your clients safe paid service. You can usually find this feature on your host program but there are many, many more. Other include a small padlock with the word secure in green text before the domain called OV SSL and one that contains a short description of your business in green text before the domain, an example is Costco Wholesale Corporation [US] https://Costco.com called EV SSL, and another called DV SSL, each have different criteria and advanced encryptions that you would have to research more to find out which suits your needs the best.
d. Another tip is to make your passwords hack proof. The best way to not get hacked is to have a password that includes a variety of lower-case, upper case, numbers, and special characters (ex. iB8#Hu4WsA3^6*jOp). If you are having trouble coming up with a password you can use websites like Passwordsgenerator.net. You can customize the elements and length too.
i. You should also have a new password for every account. This may seem excessive but this is your business and contains all your work ambitions, information about you co works, associates and clients. You must be a little paranoid. One way to do this without having a super memory is to make one strong password and use it to protect a text file offline on your computer, which contains all of the other passwords.
e. Backup your site - There are free options to do this. I recommend the BackUpWordPress plug-in on wordpress. You can also find paid services like Dropmysite.com.
  1. Use Google Analytics
i. First, you want to set it up with your website. The easiest way is you use a wordpress plug-in, otherwise, you might have to embed some code into your website. (are you starting to see why I like wordpress)
a. Since there is so much that can be done in analytics it would be too difficult to explain it all here, but here are a few notable features.
. On the home page you have options to see the number of users on your site (how many visited), sessions (how many time each person visited), bounce rate (how many leave without interacting your site - lower the better) and duration (how long visitors stayed on your site). You can customize the time frame you view your data at the bottom of the graph.
i. Acquisitions can show you what ways people are getting to your site (organic search, direct, referrals, etc.). This can help you see which methods are working best at attracting visitors.
ii. Behavior
iii. The Audience you can see more specific data how when people visit your site, you can zoom in to see what time of day people view your site or zoom out and see what months or season affect your traffic. It also shows you data about the demographics of your visitors (age, gender, location, etc.).
  1. Social Media
Social Media is arguably the fastest growing outlet to operate and market your business. I would say it is imperative that to have a social media presence in this day and age. Social media is a great way to engage your audience, market your product, and above all establish and foster a brand. Social Media introduces your business to a well of information that can be used legally for market research and targeting. It is also an inexpensive way to advertise. Although there are paid ways to advertise, I believe it is possible to use the free built-in mechanisms to market and advertise.
a. Facebook- Its thirds most visit site in 2017. It has more than 1 billion daily active users. 40% have liked a Facebook page to receive a special offer or promotion (more stats) it's a great way to keep your users' updates, share photos and videos, and connect with your fans. This also helps track your performance as Facebook has a detailed and intuitive analytical section. There are features of likes, comments, and shares, the most valuable being shares as it broads the number of people who will be seen your content. That being said the only metric a smart marketer and business owner should base their performance on is ROI, but it's still fun to look at. These metrics still gives you invaluable information and access to new ways to expand your brand (ex. sharing post lets all of a person's friends to view it, allowing your content to be viewed by many others for no extra cost)
i. Start a Facebook page.
ii. (Paid) Run Facebook ads: I’m breaking the mold again but this one is definitely worth it. Facebook ads operate on a Pay Per Click system (PPC), so it only charges you every time someone views the ad so to know you are getting your money’s worth. Facebook also boasts one of the best targeting systems. All Facebook users are asked to input personal information, preferences and interests. This is valuable information that can be used to target specific audiences.
iii. Start a Facebook community. Depending on your product this could be a huge feature for your client base. For example, if you have an app video game with a large fan base you can start a community so your users communicate, ask questions, and build relationships. This will increase the engagement of users as well as help establish a brand. If people continually go to your business or affiliate social pages for continues entertainment and relationships building, your business becomes more than just a product, it becomes apart of their lives.
b. Twitter: The second biggest social media site. There are over 330 monthly users and over 500 million tweets sent every day. It's a great place to communicate with peers and keep your audience engaged and up to date. Tweets are limited to only 140 characters so it’s best to keep your messages succinct.
i. Tweet regularly: Tweet frequently to keep your business constantly on the mind of your audience. The worst thing would be for you to stop tweeting and have your audience forget about you. Conversely do not go overboard. I suggest 7-20 tweets a week.
ii. Don’t make it all business: Of course, you are using social media to generate more business, but people will get turned off just seeing promotions and products. Wish your audience a happy holiday, give out free stuff, comment on related news/current events, comment on unrelated news/current events, post a funny or cute picture or joke. The more human you can make your account the better reception and engagement you can muster from your audience.
iii. Follow People: Make sure to follow other leaders and peers in the industry. This is a great way to learn new things, keep an eye on competitors, and open doors to network,
iii. Retweet: Retweeting is where you repost someone else's tweet, article, picture or video. This is a way to tweet with little to no effort, and it shows your audience what interests you. It is also flattering to those got retweeted and can gain you more followers.
c. Snapchat- this is a relatively untapped platform for marketing but I believe it will soon dominate the field. It also provides the easiest mode to share real-time notices, videos, and pictures.
i. Snapchat Stories- this is probably the biggest feature a business will utilize. You can upload videos, and photos to hundreds, even thousands of followers instantly. The style of videos in snapchat require little preparation or editing so you save time and money using this method. This aspect also adds to the charm of using this technique. The informal feel of it makes your business more human and builds a more friendly relationship with your audience. Some things you can uses this for is Q and As, behind the scenes, updates, and meet ups.
  1. The ability to foster meet ups, I believe is the most alluring aspect of snapchat. Having large group demonstrations and meet ups id the ultimate way to engage your audience. You can also utilize a paid feature known as location filters to boost the excitement of the event. This can be used as a marketing tool as everyone within the area has the ability to see this filter which may attract more people and clients.
d. Use quora
Quora is a site dedicated to answering user-submitted questions. Answers are also user submitted and ranked by the question asker and other onlookers on its accuracy, effectiveness, and functionality. The top rated answer is shot to the top of the page. Although it may not seem like the best way to attract new clients or build your business, it's a great way to show that you are an expert in a particular field, and depending on the problem, you may be able to help that person directly by providing your product or service. Either way, if you get more exposure. Quora has over 300 million monthly users.
i. This one doesn’t need much explaining. Make sure to put some time into setting up your profile and link your site. Then, just answer any questions that relate to your business. To really get the message across you can tag your answers like this:
Hope this answers your questions.
Bob, Founder of Bob’s Burgers.
  1. LinkedIn
LinkedIn should be on the radar of every business owner. It's a way to interact with other professions, stay up to date on information regarding your field article, and learn about your competitors. LinkedIn has over 332 million profiles and the average number of connections is 932.
a. Depending on what your business is and what stage in its development you are in it may be beneficial to contact others in the field. You can connect with others by searching for people with a certain occupation or experience. You can then added or connect with them and wait for them to respond. To increase the rate at which people accept your request, you can write a short message when you send the invitation. I suggest looking at their profile and learning a bit about them first and use that information to your advantage. After you connect, you can ask them questions, learn from their experiences and possibly collaborate with them.
  1. Network
Networking is key to learning new information within the industry, collaborating with others, and acquiring talent. Of course, social media is a great place to start, but there are other options.
a. Shapr - This is a recently released app that connects professions and encourages them to meet, call, and do business/hire each other. (Think of a business orientated tinder account) The app operates with a swiping mechanic, where people view the profiles of others in their area. You can set preferences on what type of people you want to match with and what your goals are. It’s still in its adolescence stage as and I like many are still trying to figure out the culture. But I have personally have had some interesting conversations on it and I believe its worth a try. Just set up a profile and start swiping.
b. Reddit/discussion boards - There is an online discussion board for almost any interest or industry. By discussing topics with others in the same field as you on these pages you can gain all the benefits from networking from the comfort of your home. A great place to start is Reddit, has thousands of discussions easily accessible in one place.
  1. Press Relations (PR)/Influencers
I mentioned this earlier but we will go a bit more in depth. Getting featured on a news outlet, blog, or social media profile can do wonders for your business or product.
a. Make a list: First you have to find the right blog or news outlet. Some of these pages are very niche so put in some research (don’t ask an IPhone lover blog to talk about your new Android-only app). Make sure this list is organized and comprehensive with relevant details. I like to have a record of how big/how much traffic each one gets. If you are having trouble thinking of names a good place to start is Alltop.com. This site has the latest news and blog post from some of the top sites. Be sure to get a varied list of large, medium, and small pages
b. Make another list: After you have narrowed down the options it's time to start making a list of authors. Each author is different and likes to write about different things. Find one or two authors that fits your needs the best. Once again, be detailed with this list, find their social media pages and emails if you can.
c. Build rapport: Now you have to get the authors attention. I suggest narrowing the list again to a small group and continue to read their work and comment at the end. Even the bigger sites don’t get too many comments so after a while you will be noticed. Next, I suggest following them on social media, Twitter is the best as you can really find out about what their interests and personality. Now start to like and comment on their posts. Like before, even authors from big outlets may have small personal followings, so they will notice
d. Contact: After building up the rapport, send them an email or a message over Twitter. Make sure to reference their work previous work, so it comes across more genuine. I recommend exchanging a few messages before bringing up to the proposition to write having them publish information about your product or service.
e. Do the Work For Them: This works because authors are overwork and have a lot of deadlines. Many of them get paid by the article or blog they post, so if they don’t post enough they won’t get paid or even get fired. So, if you come up to them with a story there a good chance they will be interested. But to further increase your odds I recommend writing the blog/article for them. This is why you should take to read their work, so you can better imitate their style. I also suggest doing the research for them. Use and cite credible sources like scholarly articles, databases, and books (if a statistic or fact is false, they have a lot to lose).
i. There are no guarantees: even if you follow everything and the author likes you, they may not be accepting ideas of the nature you are offering, or it may get shut down by the editor. Whatever happens, there are many, many, many, blogs and news outlets, so don’t be deterred.
And that’s all for today. Of course, there are always new ways to improve your business. I encourage everyone to be proactive, learn new methods, and network. If you believe you can manage all this go ahead, but keep in mind that for many of these marketing tactics that you have to stand out among a sea of competitors. An analogy I like to think about is using SEO and marketing can be thought of where and how your product or service is presented at a store. If you don’t try at all, it's like having your product be in the back of the store (yea its there but you’ll have to ask someone to go in the back and get it for you, not the best method). If you adhere to the standard of marketing, by doing just enough then you will be placed in a spot on a shelf among hundreds of other product (of course this is better than being in the back but are you really standing out?) But if you tailor your marketing techniques to the image and motivations of your business you are going a step further. This would be like having your product display in the window of the store, the first and best thing every customer sees when he or she walks in. Now you will have to ask yourself, how would you like your business to be perceived. Just another one of many, or is it something special, a passion that you want to stand out.
I understand it is hard to work to bring quality content to your customers as it is and now you have to add more work, some of which will not immediately garner returns. But this is rapidly becoming the standard in this age and if you don’t think you can manage it all, I provide premium digital marketing service catered to your business goals and values. If you are interested send me a PM or email me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
I hope this was helpful and I wish you a happy New Year!
submitted by SkeeterMcGoo to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

Simple, Easy Ways To Improve Your Business!

I hope the new year is going great for you all. I want to help you make 2019 the best year for you and your business with some strategies you can be using.
Many of you are small business owners or startup entrepreneurs that are just getting started or are established companies that want to move further into the digital scene but have some question about how to do it, listen up. Here are some tips to that every business owner should know and use to have a secure and successful experience online - with no cost (with some paid recommendations).
  1. Make a modern website
Well I hate to feel like a liar right off the bat. I promised that most of these tips would be no cost but the first suggestion is going to involve paying up a bit. But in my defense, I assume that many of you have a website. But I feel like it’s important to express the different avenues for those who don’t and those who may not be happy with what they have, as a website is an indispensable part of running a business online. It hosts your landing page, information about your business and your team, contact information, product information, testimonials, and more.
a. Think it Through: This sounds very obvious, but many businesses don’t have a website or have not updated it in years. A website it the foundation of your online presence and it is where many potential clients start or end their time looking at your business. So it’s important to make your website presentable and fill it with attractive content. Think about what you want your site to accomplish, how will it facilitate your business, what are you willing to invest into it?
b. Get a Domain - You can use Namecheap.com, Domain.com or Godaddy.com. Namecheap is usually a bit cheaper (who would have guessed) but I find Godaddy more easily accessible. There will be a few extra steps when you are transferring the name server to the host site. Godaddy requires fewer steps for this process, while Namecheap requires a bit more manual effort.
c. Choose a host: There are many great servers: Bluehost (my preference) Hostgator, Dreamhost, and many more. All in 2018 there are so many great host servers, but it’s good to know the specific features of each. I suggest doing some research about what the features they provide and choose the one that best represents the goal of your site. (Some have better customization, others offer in-house security certifications).
d. Design your website. I highly recommend using the plugin Elementor (for WordPress) as it has full-page templates that you can customize, so if you need something that looks professional, most of the work is already done. Of course, there are many tutorials online that can help you craft a completely personalized page. My favorite is this video by Tyler Moore: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cbvZf1jIJM
i. Side note, make sure to optimize your website for mobile devices. There are usually features to adjust layouts, text, and images for different size screens. Make sure you do this so that everything lines up and looks presentable no matter the platform your site is viewed on. For your reference tablets are 768px and mobile is 360px.
  1. Take advantage of Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization is more art than science. Marketers, data analyst, and programmers are continuously trying to discover all the hidden mechanisms of search engine indexing systems. Sites like Google and Bing have to index billions of web pages every day, constantly dealing with new pages, updates, and shutdowns. To manage this the use algorithms called crawlers to index and rank them, for example, Google calls their crawlers ‘spiders’. It is hard to say for certain what factors benefit SEO as Google, Yahoo, and Bing have only revealed some information, but we take the info we have plus extensive research and experiments to get pretty close. If you want to learn more about SEO, check out this beginner's guide by Moz, https://moz.com/blog/beginners-guide-to-seo-chapter-1
a. Keyword - One of the best and creative way to boost your search results ranking, boils doing to the types of words and phrases you use to describe your site/business. Crawlers scour your site to get an idea of what it is you offeservice you provide. But the algorithm can’t read and interpret the exact meaning and contexts of the words you use. So it uses keywords, keyword density, and bids to categorize and rank your site. To make sure the crawlers understand what your site is all about, you must use keywords.
i. Make a list: I suggest making a list of words and phrases that best describe your business. Make sure to really think about it (be as technical as possible). Then make a second list about what words, phrases, and questions you think the average person would use to look up your business or a problem your service resolves. This distinction is important because the most technical and accurate terms may actually hurt your results and rankings, as most people do not use them. An example could be a car repair shop promoting a sale on their recarbonation of the exhaust valve (not sure if this is actually a thing), but most people would just look up exhaust tune up.
ii. Find the perfect blend: Take your list and try to merge the words and phrases together, mix and match, and replace them. I suggest coming up with many different slogans and pages descriptions then having a less savvy friend read it. Ask them ‘does this make sense to you?’ ‘Does this accurately describe the service in your mind?’ Use their responses to adjust your keyword choice.
iii. There are tools you can use that give you suggestions on keywords, bidding cost, and traffic. Some of the best are SEMrush, Google Keyword Planner, and Soovle, just to name a few.
iv. Word Count - a good rule of thumb is to have at least 300-500 words on every page, whether they be on display or within the metadata of the page. Warning: don’t try to cheat the system by adding invisible text for greater keyword density, bots and crawlers are designed to see and penalize this.
  1. A side note for this would be making sure you use proper grammar and spelling. Although this is not confirmed it makes sense. If you you are offering a Spa service but you mistakenly type sap multiple times, the crawlers will improperly categorize those keywords and may even your entire site (i don’t know what kind of weirdo is looking for sap online but I don't want anything to do with them).
b. Backlinks - Thought by many to be the most important factor in SEO ranking should definitely be a top priority. Backlinks are links to your website on other pages, so if your website and business are featured on a popular website or blog and link to your site, Search Engines will rank you more favorably. A great way to do this is to network with other established website, this could be a feature from a news source or blog, or collaborating with another company and have them give you credit. Another great way to get backlinks is to create a free display of your talents, offer it for the public to use, and ask for credit and a link to be used to your site. This can be anything, for example, a detailed, easy to understand graphic of how to change a tire can be used by Driver Ed site or social media page for young people, which can link back to a mechanic shop, thereby increasing traffic and reputation. As long as you are creative, there is some way to get your business out there.
c. Speed: Your pages speed not only helps with viewer satisfaction (no one like surfing a site that takes forever to load), but it also makes helps search engines crawlers index your site faster which they will remember, and rank you higher. You can think of the crawlers as workers and the have to index as many sites and pages before they clock out, the longer your site, the longer it takes them to do their job. You can get a faster website by mitigating extra, unneeded features like images, videos, and plug-ins. Another way to increase speed is by adding the plug-in WP Super Cache and turn on caching.
Side note- You can test your website speed using a site call Pindgom.com
d. Use images - As I said before, crawlers look for a well rounded and robust website so mixing it up with some vibrant images and graphics can greatly improve your ranking. Depending on what you use to make your site you can add descriptions, captions, and alternative text (for those who are blind and use text to voice programs). I highly recommend filling each of these out thoroughly.
There are a lot of ways to find photos and graphics to use but you MUST ensure that they are royalty-free or you have permission to use them. Some sites I like to use are Pexels.com and Unsplash.com. Some may ask you to credit the creators, in that case, I would follow the directions they have on the site, usually linking an Instagram or Twitter page.
e. Add a Snippet - a Snippet is a short description of each page on your site that can be viewed from the SERP (Search Engine Result Page). Crawler rank sites and pages with snippets more favorably.
f. Plug-ins - you can add certain plug-ins to critique each one of your pages specifically and offer suggestions. My favorite is Yoast SEO, but once again I only know that it works on wordpress so I can’t guarantee it will be available anywhere else. It also creates an XML sitemap, for your website.
g. Evaluate your site: I like to use Upcity.com’s SEO report card. Evaluates and grades many of the things discussed above.
  1. Q and A
This has recently been published by Google that they will be putting a greater focus on Q and A information and creating features on the SERP to answer frequently asked questions. The idea is that this information will be taken from your site and displayed on Google when a question is asked. (You definitely want to be the one answering the most questions, because what's an entrepreneur if not a problem solver)
i. The best way to do this adds a comment or FAQs section to your site and generate answers. Of course, you want to answer questions directly related to your product or service, but there are more way to utilize this feature. Get involved in topics similar to yours. If you sell camping tents, try to open a forum about camping tips and survival skills. Anyone interested in that subject to ask questions may be willing to purchase your tent.
ii. As you may assume this is huge for your ranking to have your information and jointly your website be displayed on a popular Google search page.
  1. Security
The internet is an amazing but dangerous place. With tens of millions of transactions flowing through the internet in America alone, people would be wise to take caution before giving their information out to just anyone. To ensure that people trust you and your business, it's important to make it secure. The most common way is to use an SSL certification. This verified identification of a website and encrypted information (good for both sides).
a. Free Option: There are a few free SSL Encryption services you can use like letsencrypt.org or cloudflare.com, but this would require a little bit of effort on your part to transfer your host server to their service and your site may even go down or feature disabled while the host server is transferred.
b. Preferred Free: Another free option use a Plug-ins on WordPress (I don’t use other website services so I don’t know if there is anything like this on elsewhere). I like the Plug-in Easy HTTPS (SSL) Redirection, its free and easy
c. (paid) Other types of SSL. The most basic and probably what you will get for free is changing the http to https (This stands for secure). But the more recognizable one and the ones that go the extra mile to keep you and your clients safe paid service. You can usually find this feature on your host program but there are many, many more. Other include a small padlock with the word secure in green text before the domain called OV SSL and one that contains a short description of your business in green text before the domain, an example is Costco Wholesale Corporation [US] https://Costco.com called EV SSL, and another called DV SSL, each have different criteria and advanced encryptions that you would have to research more to find out which suits your needs the best.
d. Another tip is to make your passwords hack proof. The best way to not get hacked is to have a password that includes a variety of lower-case, upper case, numbers, and special characters (ex. iB8#Hu4WsA3^6*jOp). If you are having trouble coming up with a password you can use websites like Passwordsgenerator.net. You can customize the elements and length too.
i. You should also have a new password for every account. This may seem excessive but this is your business and contains all your work ambitions, information about you co works, associates and clients. You must be a little paranoid. One way to do this without having a super memory is to make one strong password and use it to protect a text file offline on your computer, which contains all of the other passwords.
e. Backup your site - There are free options to do this. I recommend the BackUpWordPress plug-in on wordpress. You can also find paid services like Dropmysite.com.
  1. Use Google Analytics
i. First, you want to set it up with your website. The easiest way is you use a wordpress plug-in, otherwise, you might have to embed some code into your website. (are you starting to see why I like wordpress)
a. Since there is so much that can be done in analytics it would be too difficult to explain it all here, but here are a few notable features.
. On the home page you have options to see the number of users on your site (how many visited), sessions (how many time each person visited), bounce rate (how many leave without interacting your site - lower the better) and duration (how long visitors stayed on your site). You can customize the time frame you view your data at the bottom of the graph.
i. Acquisitions can show you what ways people are getting to your site (organic search, direct, referrals, etc.). This can help you see which methods are working best at attracting visitors.
ii. Behavior
iii. The Audience you can see more specific data how when people visit your site, you can zoom in to see what time of day people view your site or zoom out and see what months or season affect your traffic. It also shows you data about the demographics of your visitors (age, gender, location, etc.).
  1. Social Media
Social Media is arguably the fastest growing outlet to operate and market your business. I would say it is imperative that to have a social media presence in this day and age. Social media is a great way to engage your audience, market your product, and above all establish and foster a brand. Social Media introduces your business to a well of information that can be used legally for market research and targeting. It is also an inexpensive way to advertise. Although there are paid ways to advertise, I believe it is possible to use the free built-in mechanisms to market and advertise.
a. Facebook- Its thirds most visit site in 2017. It has more than 1 billion daily active users. 40% have liked a Facebook page to receive a special offer or promotion (more stats) it's a great way to keep your users' updates, share photos and videos, and connect with your fans. This also helps track your performance as Facebook has a detailed and intuitive analytical section. There are features of likes, comments, and shares, the most valuable being shares as it broads the number of people who will be seen your content. That being said the only metric a smart marketer and business owner should base their performance on is ROI, but it's still fun to look at. These metrics still gives you invaluable information and access to new ways to expand your brand (ex. sharing post lets all of a person's friends to view it, allowing your content to be viewed by many others for no extra cost)
i. Start a Facebook page.
ii. (Paid) Run Facebook ads: I’m breaking the mold again but this one is definitely worth it. Facebook ads operate on a Pay Per Click system (PPC), so it only charges you every time someone views the ad so to know you are getting your money’s worth. Facebook also boasts one of the best targeting systems. All Facebook users are asked to input personal information, preferences and interests. This is valuable information that can be used to target specific audiences.
iii. Start a Facebook community. Depending on your product this could be a huge feature for your client base. For example, if you have an app video game with a large fan base you can start a community so your users communicate, ask questions, and build relationships. This will increase the engagement of users as well as help establish a brand. If people continually go to your business or affiliate social pages for continues entertainment and relationships building, your business becomes more than just a product, it becomes apart of their lives.
b. Twitter: The second biggest social media site. There are over 330 monthly users and over 500 million tweets sent every day. It's a great place to communicate with peers and keep your audience engaged and up to date. Tweets are limited to only 140 characters so it’s best to keep your messages succinct.
i. Tweet regularly: Tweet frequently to keep your business constantly on the mind of your audience. The worst thing would be for you to stop tweeting and have your audience forget about you. Conversely do not go overboard. I suggest 7-20 tweets a week.
ii. Don’t make it all business: Of course, you are using social media to generate more business, but people will get turned off just seeing promotions and products. Wish your audience a happy holiday, give out free stuff, comment on related news/current events, comment on unrelated news/current events, post a funny or cute picture or joke. The more human you can make your account the better reception and engagement you can muster from your audience.
iii. Follow People: Make sure to follow other leaders and peers in the industry. This is a great way to learn new things, keep an eye on competitors, and open doors to network,
iii. Retweet: Retweeting is where you repost someone else's tweet, article, picture or video. This is a way to tweet with little to no effort, and it shows your audience what interests you. It is also flattering to those got retweeted and can gain you more followers.
c. Snapchat- this is a relatively untapped platform for marketing but I believe it will soon dominate the field. It also provides the easiest mode to share real-time notices, videos, and pictures.
i. Snapchat Stories- this is probably the biggest feature a business will utilize. You can upload videos, and photos to hundreds, even thousands of followers instantly. The style of videos in snapchat require little preparation or editing so you save time and money using this method. This aspect also adds to the charm of using this technique. The informal feel of it makes your business more human and builds a more friendly relationship with your audience. Some things you can uses this for is Q and As, behind the scenes, updates, and meet ups.
  1. The ability to foster meet ups, I believe is the most alluring aspect of snapchat. Having large group demonstrations and meet ups id the ultimate way to engage your audience. You can also utilize a paid feature known as location filters to boost the excitement of the event. This can be used as a marketing tool as everyone within the area has the ability to see this filter which may attract more people and clients.
d. Use quora
Quora is a site dedicated to answering user-submitted questions. Answers are also user submitted and ranked by the question asker and other onlookers on its accuracy, effectiveness, and functionality. The top rated answer is shot to the top of the page. Although it may not seem like the best way to attract new clients or build your business, it's a great way to show that you are an expert in a particular field, and depending on the problem, you may be able to help that person directly by providing your product or service. Either way, if you get more exposure. Quora has over 300 million monthly users.
i. This one doesn’t need much explaining. Make sure to put some time into setting up your profile and link your site. Then, just answer any questions that relate to your business. To really get the message across you can tag your answers like this:
Hope this answers your questions.
Bob, Founder of Bob’s Burgers.
  1. LinkedIn
LinkedIn should be on the radar of every business owner. It's a way to interact with other professions, stay up to date on information regarding your field article, and learn about your competitors. LinkedIn has over 332 million profiles and the average number of connections is 932.
a. Depending on what your business is and what stage in its development you are in it may be beneficial to contact others in the field. You can connect with others by searching for people with a certain occupation or experience. You can then added or connect with them and wait for them to respond. To increase the rate at which people accept your request, you can write a short message when you send the invitation. I suggest looking at their profile and learning a bit about them first and use that information to your advantage. After you connect, you can ask them questions, learn from their experiences and possibly collaborate with them.
  1. Network
Networking is key to learning new information within the industry, collaborating with others, and acquiring talent. Of course social media is a great place to start, but there are other options.
a. Shapr - This is a recently released app that connects professions and encourages them to meet, call, and do business/hire each other. (Think of a business orientated tinder account) The app operates with a swiping mechanic, where people view the profiles of others in their area. You can set preferences on what type of people you want to match with and what your goals are. It’s still in its adolescence stage as and I like many are still trying to figure out the culture. But I have personally have had some interesting conversations on it and I believe its worth a try. Just set up a profile and start swiping.
b. Reddit/discussion boards - There is an online discussion board for almost any interest or industry. By discussing topics with others in the same field as you on these pages you can gain all the benefits from networking from the comfort of your home. A great place to start is reddit, has thousands of discussions easily accessible in one place.
  1. Press Relations (PR)/Influencers
I mentioned this earlier but we will go a bit more in depth. Getting featured on a news outlet, blog, or social media profile can do wonders for your business or product.
a. Make a list: First you have to find the right blog or news outlet. Some of these pages are very niche so put in some research (don’t ask an IPhone lover blog to talk about your new android only app). Make sure this list is organized and comprehensive with relevant details. I like to have a record of how big/how much traffic each one gets. If you are having trouble thinking of names a good place to start is Alltop.com. This site has the latest news and blog post from some of the top sites. Be sure to get a varied list of large, medium, and small pages
b. Make another list: After you have narrowed down the options it's time to start making a list of authors. Each author is different and likes to write about different things. Find one or two authors that fits your needs the best. Once again, be detailed with this list, find their social media pages and emails if you can.
c. Build rapport: Now you have to get the authors attention. I suggest narrowing the list again to a small group and continue to read their work and comment at the end. Even the bigger sites don’t get too many comments so after a while you will be noticed. Next, I suggest following them on social media, Twitter is the best as you can really find out about what their interests and personality. Now start to like and comment on their posts. Like before, even authors from big outlets may have small personal followings, so they will notice
d. Contact: After building up the rapport, send them an email or a message over Twitter. Make sure to reference their work previous work, so it comes across more genuine. I recommend exchanging a few messages before bringing up to the proposition to write having them publish information about your product or service.
e. Do the Work For Them: This works because authors are overwork and have a lot of deadlines. Many of them get paid by the article or blog they post, so if they don’t post enough they won’t get paid or even get fired. So, if you come up to them with a story there a good chance they will be interested. But to further increase your odds I recommend writing the blog/article for them. This is why you should take to read their work, so you can better imitate their style. I also suggest doing the research for them. Use and cite credible sources like scholarly articles, databases, and books (if a statistic or fact is false, they have a lot to lose).
i. There are no guarantees: even if you follow everything and the author likes you, they may not be accepting ideas of the nature you are offering, or it may get shut down by the editor. Whatever happens, there are many, many, many, blogs and news outlets, so don’t be deterred.
And that’s all for today. Of course, there are always new ways to improve your business. I encourage everyone to be proactive, learn new methods, and network. If you believe you can manage all this go ahead, but keep in mind that for many of these marketing tactics that you have to stand out among a sea of competitors. An analogy I like to think about is using SEO and marketing can be thought of where and how your product or service is presented at a store. If you don’t try at all, it's like having your product be in the back of the store (yea its there but you’ll have to ask someone to go in the back and get it for you, not the best method). If you adhere to the standard of marketing, by doing just enough then you will be placed in a spot on a shelf among hundreds of other product (of course this is better than being in the back but are you really standing out?) But if you tailor your marketing techniques to the image and motivations of your business you are going a step further. This would be like having your product display in the window of the store, the first and best thing every customer sees when he or she walks in. Now you will have to ask yourself, how would you like your business to be perceived. Just another one of many, or is it something special, a passion that you want to stand out.
I understand it is hard to work to bring quality content to your customers as it is and now you have to add more work, some of which will not immediately garner returns. But this is rapidly becoming the standard in this age and if you don’t think you can manage it all, I provide premium digital marketing service catered to your business goals and values. If you are interested send me a PM or email me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
I hope this was helpful and I wish you a happy New Year!
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