Lyrics containing the term: bet dollars to donuts

you bet dollars to donuts

you bet dollars to donuts - win

Since donuts cost about a dollar, if you bet dollars to donuts and lost you'd really just be buying donuts in bulk.

submitted by KurtyVonougat to Showerthoughts [link] [comments]

Bet you dollars to donuts Aspire has been quite active

Almost forgot what it looked like. All rallies capped by agnostic selling Ofer the past couple of weeks. They are ringing the atm machine. Ain’t we lucky.
submitted by rogro777 to ATHX [link] [comments]

With inflation, saying you'd bet dollars to donuts has lost it's meaning.

submitted by jurassicbond to Showerthoughts [link] [comments]

I'll bet dollars to donuts you're on here.

I'll bet dollars to donuts you're on here. submitted by Saint947 to futurama [link] [comments]

I bet you dollars to donuts.

I bet you dollars to donuts. submitted by YonderMTN to AdviceAnimals [link] [comments]

Open up a Dunkin' Donuts Casino in Las Vegas where you can actually bet dollars to Donuts.

submitted by BuddyEndsleigh to CrazyIdeas [link] [comments]

02-02 04:03 - 'They'll tear apart his computer and phone and find every 4chan plot and bragging text he ever made. / Bet you dollars to donuts it's filled with specific plots against specific people. / And his PhD is done kiss that goo...' by /u/FatCatLikeReflexes removed from /r/news within 1-11min

They'll tear apart his computer and phone and find every 4chan plot and bragging text he ever made.
Bet you dollars to donuts it's filled with specific plots against specific people.
And his PhD is done kiss that goodbye. Enjoy paying back those student loans. Good luck getting a job at any company that has an internet connection. Hoping "trolling the SJWs" was worth it.
Context Link
Go1dfish undelete link
unreddit undelete link
Author: FatCatLikeReflexes
submitted by removalbot to removalbot [link] [comments]

Now that a donut costs close to a dollar, the phrase, "I'll bet you dollars to donuts," doesn't really work anymore.

submitted by dump_and_chase to Showerthoughts [link] [comments]

I bet you dollars to donuts Pioli gets canned if we lose to Pittsburg.

I bet you dollars to donuts Pioli gets canned if we lose to Pittsburg. submitted by utahphil to kansascity [link] [comments]

I'll bet you, dollars to donuts, that Mecha shows are incredibly controversial in the Titanfall Universe for the same reasons that Call of Duty is.

"It glorifies war!" "It desensitizes children!" "Its a misogynistic male power fantasy!"
Meanwhile you've got 14-17 Year Olds trying to enlist into the IMC and getting turned away (like in Vietnam).
On the other side of the galaxy, the Militia recruits (un-augmented) child pilots. Or at least they DID, but this practice fell out of favor, not because of the ethical implications, but because they were sick and tired of "squeakers" drowning out their orders on their radios.
There was actually a documentary about these child pilots called "Invisible (literally and figuratively) Pilots" but it ultimately went nowhere and the director was arrested for public indecency.
submitted by CMORGLAS to titanfall [link] [comments]

Yesterday somebody said to me "I bet a dollar and a donut it will snow today." What's the weirdest phrase you've ever heard?

submitted by SamAndSamantha to AskReddit [link] [comments]

A donut is $0.98 at Dunkin Donuts. "I'll bet you dollars to donuts," has become a quaint anachronism.

submitted by Gregoyle to Showerthoughts [link] [comments]

You don't need to be nearly as certain to offer a bet of "dollars to donuts" as you used to be

submitted by badgramajama to Showerthoughts [link] [comments]

"I'll bet you a dollar to a donut" doesn't mean what it used to

Donuts around here cost like 95 cents to 2 bucks these days.
I think it might be mildly interesting to say "I'll bet you a donut to a dollar" the next time I'm pretty sure about a minor factual disagreement
submitted by gazpachosushi to mildlyinteresting [link] [comments]

Relationship Ambiguity Is The New Backlash, and It's Dangerous and Effective Because of Its Subtlety

In the old days (disclaimer: this post reflects customs in Western societies) the tools of women's oppression were things like "you can't get a credit card or your own bank account" or "there's no such thing as rape in marriage." Today it's "let's not put a label on things" and "we're just talking,"
We've come a long way in terms of material progress in independence and security, but the emotional entrapment is actually more secure than ever. In a dating culture that gaslights us into thinking rules and standards are "uptight," "demanding," and "controlling," we live on the same precipice of fear that our foremothers did--we have no more fundamental sense of security in our relationships than they did.
But our increased ability to achieve material gains (not discounting this is uneven across racial demographics) creates an atmosphere of "what are you complaining about? your grandmother would have killed for the life you have!" She would have, you're right. But I'll bet you dollars to donuts that my emotional misery inside a relationship is identical to hers because the fundamental dynamics haven't changed.
Men have found a new way to make us feel always insecure, always wondering if we're good enough, always afraid he'll cheat/leave. The expectations of women are always climbing higher--beautiful! climbing the career ladder! pinterest mom! always up for sex! While the men are always carefully managing our expectations of them downward, and normalizing the lack of relationship labels, boundaries, and customs.
This is true across the entire relationship length spectrum, from talking online all the way to marriage, and it's a way of denying us dignity. We no longer get to say "we're dating" because that's uncool and threatens him. We no longer get to withhold cohabiting, much less sex, until marriage, because that's so uptight. We no longer get to shame porn use, because sEx pOsItIvItY and "every man does it." We no longer get to assume monogamy as a baseline reality of being in a relationship because "poly is cool." We no longer get to expect a man pays for a date, or brings us flowers, or any modicum of effort because "50/50." We have been deprived by society of every traditional means of expecting men put in effort and adhere to some kind of moral code of respect and care for women.
It's way subtler than the abuse our mothers and grandmothers took, but it's still hellishly damaging. It breaks down our confidence and well-being in exactly the same way their poor treatment did to them. Ten bucks says by the time millennial men hit 80, they will have normalized dumping their wives in nursing homes the moment they need anything (like as small as a cane or a grab bar in the shower) and dating other women even though they're still married, because "she can't function as a wife anymore."
My feeling is that if this backlash of eliminating all dating/marriage customs and labels because it relieves men of emotional and material responsibility continues, we will eventually be forced to be available to men for sex and physical and emotional labor like candy in a vending machine. OLD is perilously close to this as it is--pick a girl from the catalog and order her up! One day shipping just like Amazon!
Fight back, ladies. Stay solo rather than take this sh*t.
submitted by wrice05 to FemaleDatingStrategy [link] [comments]


Not Financial Advice. This was my response to a post that showed NASDAQ high of $293 for $GME. I have reworded and hopefully made it easier to read. -
From reading multiple perspectives and opinions on $GME and after watching the last two trading days - this is my opinion I’d what’s happening.
HF’s are writing call options, and selling them to MM’s (NASDAQ) at prices up around the $300 mark. The specific post I replied to showed NASDAQ high of $293. $293 is a price that HF’s (who already have large quantities of short positions) would be willing to take on more risk to the downside as they believe price will not go above $300. $293 price gives HF’s security and an psychological resistance of $300 to rely on for resistance - it’s probably a technical price as well but haven’t checked yet.
The call options that I think are being written by the HF’s, then sold to MM’s; in a roundabout way and how I understood it to be were naked calls. This is where the description in the SEC website starts to lose you and can get very confusing. The call options have no underlying share behind them, and from what I understood it’s the underwriters job to provide those shares.
The price of $293 are being displayed on NASDAQ’s website because the HF’s are writing and then selling them to the Market Makers (NASDAQ). In return, they are masking their previously shorted shares by writing call options. Because these call options are naked, HF’s still need to cover those written shares. Its being manipulated to look like everyone is selling their shares. In reality what is happening is they are opening up more naked shorts into the market they need to find shares to cover them with.
What typically happens when you short a share, is that it will be borrowed from a margin account of someone holding it. For every share short theoretically there is a share to cover it. Obviously not the case, with naked shorts. When shorts cover you get buying volume as they repurchase their shares. We don’t see that, in my opinion, the short interest is either around or greater than what it previously was because they are from doubling down on their amount of naked shorts. It’s in essence a bandaid on a gunshot wound. The price isn’t increasing because the majority aren’t covering - it’s going down because there is an increasing short interest or selling pressure made to look like retail selling. To drive off retail investors into thinking it’s all over.
S3 data released tomorrow 2/9 (ones who release one of the short interest reports and what everyone has been waiting the last week for) has been known to previously be manipulated to some extent. I’m not sure how valid that is but that is what I have read. I would bet dollars to donuts that the report that comes out tomorrow shows exactly that. A low short interest on $GME which is bad for momentum and buying pressure on our end.
What will the short report tomorrow bring? I have no idea but I’m going to bet these folks aren’t going to have our best interest in mind for obvious reasons. There’s an article on the SEC website detailing how hedge funds are actually legally allowed to do this. I also know there are a couple good videos on here about exactly this.
In the end, the HF’s are going to have to find shares to cover their shorts with - between FTD’s & interest and a million other variables, it’ll be impossible for them to keep this up. Who knows, maybe this short report will be the catalyst we need to light a fire under everyone’s asses.
I think the short interest is still very high if not higher. And I ain’t sellin. Not advice. Please don’t listen to me.
TL;DR The $293 is appearing on NASDAQ website because MM NASDAQ is probably being sold call options (written by HF’s) that are actually just more naked shorts the HF’s will have to find shares to cover with. $293 resembles a great price for the HF’s to take on more risk from the short side which kind of actually helped confirm my theory of these actually being more naked short positions. HF’s are doing exactly what their name implies; hedging. Just in a secret really sketchy way that makes it seem like it’s game over for GameStop.
submitted by KerazD15 to GME [link] [comments]

Advice from a Crypto Veteran

Advice from a Crypto Veteran
Hey guys, there's been a bunch of noise about DOGE on my twitter feed, and everyone in the crypto community is rooting for you! However, most of the guys who've made a lot of money through crypto aren't throwing in a bunch of money at DOGE and I wanted to explain why.
Market Cap:
I'm sure most of you are familiar with this concept, but the higher the market cap of an asset, the harder it is to move up in price. Why? Because if you throw $10,000 into an asset worth $100,000, that will actually move the price by 10%, just from that one buy. However, if you throw $10,000 at a $6.5 BILLION asset like DOGE is right now at $0.05, that would only move the price up by 0.000153846%.

How much money is required to get to $1?
To find out how much money is needed for DOGE to reach a target of $1, all you need to do is divide $1.00 by the current price ($0.05). That's 20. So for DOGE to reach $1, we would need 20x the total market cap it is currently at. That means you would need $123.5 BILLION more invested into it to reach that amount.

Okay, so right now SatoshiStreetBets is at 142,000 members. Even assuming that every single member were to buy DOGE, that means that every single person on here would have to invest on average $869,718.31. And remember that money can't come from DOGE profits because taking profit out of DOGE would automatically take that amount of money out of the market cap.

I'm not here to rain on your parade for no reason. I love seeing the success of people newly entering this space, but don't fall for the same thing that happened in January of 2018. DOGE pumped over 8,750% and immediately plummeted to where it started. But the only reason it could pump that much in the first place was because it had such a small market cap back then that a few million dollars could pump it that much. Now, it's a different story.

Are there any alternatives?
Of course. There's thousands of coins with tiny market caps that you guys could pump 100x, 200x, or more if you all decided on one. Look at DONUT for example—a Reddit based meme coin that some of you have already heard of. It's already pumped 13,000% in 24 hours. It's market cap is so low that it's market cap is only around $4.5 million right now, so if even half of the money people have in DOGE were to go towards DONUT, it would increase the price by 722x.
I'm happy to answer any questions and I love the energy of this group. Keep it going bois ;)

EDIT: I added in a picture of the 8,400+% pump and dump of January 2018 for reference.
EDIT #2: Someone asked where to find donut. It’s in That’s where you can find any crypto. You’d have to buy it on a decentralized exchange like Uniswap.
submitted by axonrod to SatoshiStreetBets [link] [comments]

Thank you Mike Ryan

A lot of people like to hate Mike. From what I remember, Mike did a ton of work getting LAF pod network setup. And that effort eased the transition from ESPN to a purely digital space.
It also gave something quantifiable to the “LeBatard Bump” for other pods (TWSS, Marty, Mina). Dollars to donuts, I’m betting that boost is part of the selling point for the new venture. Attach LeBatard to other content and you get X listens, downloads, etc.
So thank you Mike. The Marching Band is ready to stumble around past Oprah
submitted by StvBuscemi to DanLeBatardShow [link] [comments]

Advice from a Crypto Veteran

Advice from a Crypto Veteran
Hey guys, I posted this in SatoshiStreetBets this morning, where I assumed most of the Dogecoin buyers were coming from but I see that dogecoin is bigger so this probably applies more to you guys:
Hey guys, there's been a bunch of noise about DOGE on my twitter feed, and everyone in the crypto community is rooting for you! However, most of the guys who've made a lot of money through crypto aren't throwing in a bunch of money at DOGE and I wanted to explain why.
Market Cap:
I'm sure most of you are familiar with this concept, but the higher the market cap of an asset, the harder it is to move up in price. Why? Because if you throw $10,000 into an asset worth $100,000, that will actually move the price by 10%, just from that one buy. However, if you throw $10,000 at a $6.5 BILLION asset like DOGE is right now at $0.05, that would only move the price up by 0.000153846%.
How much money is required to get to $1?
To find out how much money is needed for DOGE to reach a target of $1, all you need to do is divide $1.00 by the current price ($0.05). That's 20. So for DOGE to reach $1, we would need 20x the total market cap it is currently at. That means you would need $123.5 BILLION more invested into it to reach that amount.
Okay, so right now SatoshiStreetBets is at 142,000 members. Even assuming that every single member were to buy DOGE, that means that every single person on here would have to invest on average $869,718.31. And remember that money can't come from DOGE profits because taking profit out of DOGE would automatically take that amount of money out of the market cap.
EDIT: The math is a little different now. If you want to assume that there's no people in both dogecoin and SatoshiStreetBets, then you have a max amount of buyers around 642,000 people right now. Dogecoin has taken a huge dive to $0.032, so the market cap is around $4.16 B. That means dogecoin needs $130 B invested into it with absolutely no one selling on the way for it to get to $1. Now, even if every single person on this subreddit and every single person on SatoshiStreetBets were only in one or the other, and every single person bought more dogecoin from here, that means each person would need to buyput in $202,492.21 into dogecoin to get it to $1.

I'm not here to rain on your parade for no reason. I love seeing the success of people newly entering this space, but don't fall for the same thing that happened in January of 2018. DOGE pumped over 8,750% and immediately plummeted to where it started. But the only reason it could pump that much in the first place was because it had such a small market cap back then that a few million dollars could pump it that much. Now, it's a different story.
Are there any alternatives?
Of course. There's thousands of coins with tiny market caps that you guys could pump 100x, 200x, or more if you all decided on one. Look at DONUT for example—a Reddit based meme coin that some of you have already heard of. It's already pumped 13,000% in 24 hours. It's market cap is so low that it's market cap is only around $4.5 million right now, so if even half of the money people have in DOGE were to go towards DONUT, it would increase the price by 722x.
I'm happy to answer any questions and I love the energy of this group. Keep it going bois ;)
EDIT: I added in a picture of the 8,400+% pump and dump of January 2018 for reference.
EDIT #2: Someone asked where to find donut. It’s on That’s where you can find any crypto. You’d have to buy it on a decentralized exchange like Uniswap.
submitted by axonrod to dogecoin [link] [comments]

Lockdown (part II) or no lockdown; Stop hoarding toilet paper FFS!

There will be plenty of pristine soft Canadian butt napkins to go around if you just chill, and I’ll even bet dollars to donuts that the majority of you imbeciles who stocked up in April/May still have rolls left in the pantry...! You don’t need 80 packs of 3-ply!
submitted by gr8d4ne to Calgary [link] [comments]

Two theories for the future

Well, I think it is time to document two of my forward looking theories in a thread. If you have not read all the books, then please don't read this post. There are lots of spoilers.
The first is one that people seem to follow about Lara and Harry. The other one is one that is generally disliked about Marcone.
So, let us start with Lara and Harry. My opinion is that they will never end up married. My view of the primary purpose for the relationship is for Mab to uncover Nemesis/Outsider activity in the White Court.
The White Court has been a hotbed of OutsideNemesis activity for almost since they were introduced.
Blood Rites: Papa Raith has some sort of anti-magical protection. This protection is (according the to novels) similar to that attributed to Outsiders. On top of that the Entropy Curse that is in the novel is sponsored by He Who Walks Behind.
White Night: Vittorio Malvora is in league with a being that seems to be Cowl. Cowl seems to be a member of the Black Council and in league with the Outsiders. Vittorio has a power very similar to that of Outsiders. Not a completely direct link but pretty good evidence.
Peace Talks/Battleground: Justine is possessed by He Who Walks Beside. It is implied that this is Nemesis, but I am not 100% clear on that. Justine has been possessed for years and at the right hand of Lara.
So, Mab needs to know if there are other OutsideNemesis vectors in the White Court. Her solution is to send in the guy that seems to uncover this kind of activity and can do something about it - Harry. If Harry and Lara marry at the end of this because the White Court is clean, then so be it. But dollars to donuts, I will bet that the wedding is disrupted by Harry uncovering problems with the White Court.
One other point on this topic. Harry is protected by Murphy from the influence of the White Court. So, I would say Lara can not touch Harry until they are married and potentially even not then. Marriage and protection seem to orthogonal in White Night. There is a somewhat different perspective in Something Borrowed. In either case, I think a physical relationship will be a challenge.
Now to Marcone/Mab/Harry.
We know at the end of Battleground that Marcone has the coin of Thorned Namshiel. If we jump back to Proven Guilty, remember there was a "Black Council attack on Arctis Tor". At the end of Small Favor, there is a scene with Harry and Mab in the chapel. Mab speaks and makes Harry's ears bleed when she talks about that attack and the name of Thorned Namshiel.
Well Mab is for the first time at the end of Battleground aware of Marcone and Thorned Namshiel. Note what Mab says when she hears Harry call Marcone Sir Baron. This is the inciting incident that will eventually pit Marcone and Harry against each other with Mab's blessing (even if such blessing can be disavowed).
Mab has an ax to grind with Thorned Namshiel. There is no reason for her to reveal this as a problem to Marcone. But you can bet that her wheels are now turning on how to get her revenge.
submitted by namkcas to dresdenfiles [link] [comments]

Just have to vent about the dumbest argument i have ever had

So today me and my family gets pizza. We go pick up, its a large and a small. My dad is repeatedly insisting they are the same because and i quote "both have 6 slices". I point out no theres a massive and obvious difference but whatever idc food is food. He gets so upset i am not joking when i tell you he threw my pizza out the window and started ranting and raving that i'm not going to make it home. So i have to sit there listening to him make thinly veiled threats to kill me over a god damn pizza.
It gets dumber yet. We get home and he says i'm not allowed to come in. I'm now homeless and can "eat under a bridge" (?) for all he cares. He's screaming so loud my mom inside the house hears and comes out. She ask whats going on. i explain to her he threw one of the pizzas on the ground on the way home. She gets mad and starts yelling at him meanwhile he is screaming at her saying its me or him one of has to go.
This is quiet suburbia right outside cleveland. I bet you dollars to donuts everyone on the street heard this dumb argument that once again STARTED OVER A PIZZA. But it gets more pathetic. Mom makes the choice of saying screw this im going inside. I had ran inside shortly before she did.
Dad being pissed storms in and says he is shutting down the phones. He calls verizon who tell him they need to confirm this with the account holder (which is my mom because he hasn't paid for anything in almost a decade.) Mom of course goes no and he blows up more.
Mom wanting him to stop ask if i can go to a friends for a few weeks. I point out it's covid season and she just sighs and tells me to go to my room. Dad wanting of course to keep going decides to say "it isn't his room it's my room. He doesn't own anything." She tells him to leave it and to leave me alone.
He blows up more and starts saying he's leaving. Even goes as far as to come to my door and tells me to say goodbye to the dogs which i took to mean he was threatening to kill them. I of course being used to this after a decade was filming so when he goes to my mom and tells her I threatened to hurt the dogs played back the recording. Mom tells him to leave. He says fine and starts throwing out insults and accusations. He's left but he is sitting in the car in the driveway.
This has all been because of a pizza.
submitted by Jormungersfatday to offmychest [link] [comments]

you bet dollars to donuts video

STORE THAT MAKES THE MOST MONEY WINS $1000  Kids ... The Super Easy Default Deathrun w/ 100 Levels! (Fortnite ... Rod Wave - The Greatest (Official Music Video) - YouTube NINJA TAKES ON THE DONUT CHALLENGE w/ WIFE! (1 ... - YouTube My Cousin Vinny (1/5) Movie CLIP - The Wrong Idea (1992 ... 4 KIDS SPEND $2000 ANY WAY THEY WANT - YouTube I Donated $50,000 To Ninja - Fortnite - YouTube I Bet $1,000,000 DOLLARS You Will LAUGH! (Try Not To Laugh ... Last to Leave the TABLE with Dessert! - YouTube

Betting a dollar to a half-dollar, for instance, means that you’re giving 2 to 1 odds–you’re willing to risk a dollar to win only a half-dollar. Being willing to bet dollars against doughnuts (viewed as worthless) means that you’re totally confident that you’re right, so confident that you’ll bet money against nothing. Being willing to bet dollars against doughnuts (viewed as worthless) means that you're totally confident that you're right, so confident that you'll bet money against nothing. The expression is... 'Dollars to doughnuts' is a pseudo betting term, pseudo in that it didn't originate with actual betting involving doughnuts, but just as a pleasant-sounding alliterative phrase which indicated short odds - dollars are valuable but doughnuts aren't. The phrase parallels the earlier English betting expression 'a pound to a penny'. Verb. bet a dollar to a doughnut ( third-person singular simple present bets a dollar to a doughnut, present participle betting a dollar to a doughnut, simple past and past participle bet a dollar to a doughnut ) ( figuratively, mildly humorous) To declare with confidence . quotations . The phrase dollars to doughnuts is an American idiom that originated in the middle 1800s and is still mostly seen in American English. The idea behind the shorthand phrase dollars to doughnuts is the sentiment that the speaker is so confident that he is right about something, he will put forth his dollars against the listener’s doughnuts in a ... As to why “dollars to doughnuts,” beyond the alliterative qualities, it was essentially just a way to say you’d bet dollars to something mostly worthless, relative to the dollars, emphasizing how sure you are that you’re correct. Going back to the 1840s, there was a very similar expression with the same basic meaning “dollars to dimes.” Two other similar expressions also existed in the 1880s “dollars to dumplings” and “dollars to buttons.” A couple decades later ... Dollars to doughnuts is one of several ‘dollars to …‘ phrases, like ‘dollars to buttons’ and ‘dollars to cobwebs’, which date from 1884 (in G. W. Peck’s Boss Book) and 1904 (in The Boston Herald) respectively. It is obviously an American phrase and so it is used as donuts rather than its actual notation doughnuts. In earlier days when a dollar was worth more than it is now and a doughnut cost considerably less as compared to it, someone who was reasonably sure that an event ... bet you dollars to donuts trouser suit anisotropic allelopathy marioleria matrix data hearty phase meter message splitting C cloruro (m.) de amilo regard lemon scientific meetings lavanta senjou rintapora mixed oils Y Wrongous stuff (text) utrapiti okno magnetowodu reader Bosanac adversary tregter via desumo kontinuerlig at first light kanel ... A list of lyrics, artists and songs that contain the term "bet dollars to donuts" - from the website. See also: bet, dollar, doughnut. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. See also: bet someone dollars to doughnuts. bet you dollars to doughnuts. you can bet your bottom dollar (on something) bet on it. a long shot. long shot.

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you bet dollars to donuts

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