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The Science of the Ben 10 Aliens

The Omnitrix - The Omnitrix is the most advanced piece of nanotechnology to have ever been created, used for flash-converting the wearer’s entire biological makeup into a different recorded genetic template. The omnitrix ejects a swarm of nanobots into the host, with certain “flocks” serving different functions; some supply power to the rest, some are large and motile and carry smaller swarms, some are equipped with sensory equipment, etc. The massive numbers of nanobots acting in concert for different purposes. Because nanobots are too small and numerous to be controlled individually, they are usually directed in swarms. Each swarm is composed of trillions of nanobots. In a sense, it comprises an extended superbot, much as an insect swarm represents an extended superorganism (in fact, nanobot swarming seems to mirror insect swarms). The watch itself houses a sophisticated nanocomputer that directs the swarm through a combination of concentrated and distributed intelligence. Once initially bonded, the bots spread across the host’s body, forming a large net that lies dormant in a “passive mode” under the skin until a transformation is initiated. From there, the distributed bots immediately work with the new swarm ejected from the watch, making the full-body biochemical shift near-instantaneous. This alteration builds up considerable waste heat; for this reason, the swarm constructs sophisticated phase array projections that convert the heat into light, usually taking the form of a blinding flash of green light. If the watch is removed from the host, the dormant bots will self-destruct.
Heatblast - Pyronites are a unique species in that they evolved on a sun. Pyros, their home planet, is a brown dwarf star, and the inhabitants have an alternative biology composed of silicon, thermophiles, and plasma. A pyronite’s cellular metabolism creates energy from plentiful elements like hydrogen through a process called “biological transmutation.” This fusion process generates higher energy quantities, converted into a high-efficiency plasma that ignites on air contact. Meanwhile, the body of a pyronite is mainly composed of minerals and organosilicon compounds. Colonies of symbiotic thermophilic and chemosynthetic bacteria maintain their biological functions, the bacteria that reside in the lungs that allow them to respirate in highly foreign environments with no ill effect. A digestive cavity that houses endosymbiotic bacteria allows them to consume any material and take in necessary minerals to replenish any lost crust.
Four Arms - The Tetramand species hail from the perilous planet of Khoros, known for its harsh environment that can barely support life, scarce resources, and an overabundance of predators. However, the tetramands soon evolved to survive but thrive in these extreme conditions, eventually filling the niche of apex predators. A tetramand is a veritable powerhouse of physical abilities, with nearly unparalleled strength, natural fire-proof armor plating, and considerable mass. Standing around 10 - 12 feet tall on average, their strength is only matched by their surprising speed and agility, being able to leap several stories in the air under baseline gravity and land safely. Their body possesses primary, secondary, and even tertiary organs and backups (including several capillary-rich lungs), even going so far as to have a redundant nervous system, their primary one being a system of electrically conductive fluid rather than a nervous one. Capable of cellular regeneration unseen in most races, tetramands are resilient warriors. Their four eyes are another sign of their hunter ancestry -- the two pairs are all geared toward tracking down and predicting prey’s movements. Sophisticated and keenly developed sensitivity to movement and light has made them masters at reading body language, regardless of species. Their most distinctive feature is their four arms -- two dominant arms above an extra set of a smaller pair. As a consequence, the tetramands are amazingly coordinated and possess a strong sense of balance. They can keep track of each arm with great dexterity and motor receptors for synchronized and unsynchronized movements, making them talented multitaskers. Due to their extra appendages, much of their body mass is concentrated in their upper torso. Hence, they evolved strong back muscles, a second spinal cord for added support, and powerful legs, which have cancellous bones in place of medullary cavities, thus strengthening the bones while still allowing hematopoiesis. On top of this, his entire skeleton is lined with air-sacs connected to his respiratory system, making his bones lighter without sacrificing strength. These sacs also act as a cooling system, help reduce rotational inertia, and lower his center of gravity. The leg bones are structured on top of each other to help distribute weight, and their large feet are flat with no arch that is lined with soft tissue that acts as cushion pads. In walking, the legs act more like pendulums, that require their hips and shoulders to move opposingly to create momentum. Due to the amount of stress placed on the joints, their bodies produces an extremely viscous fluid that reduces friction and shock during movement, which is fortunate because their steps measure on the Richter scale. The fluid is an ultrafiltrate from plasma and contains proteins derived from the blood plasma and proteins produced by cells within the joint tissue.
Ripjaws - Originating from the water-world of Piscciss, the Piscciss Volann are a species that live almost entirely in the ocean. Evolving as opportunistic predators, they exhibit many traits useful in the myriad of underwater environments of their homeworld; they possess a bioluminescent antenna on their head to lure in prey, a massive jaw lined with sharp teeth that can unhinge for a larger bite, tough skin scales made of dermal denticles, and a semi-flexible “pouch” that closes around their legs to create a tail for better movement in the water. One of their most extraordinary traits is their specialized respiratory system, which contains both gills and lungs. A distinctive characteristic of the volann is a single dorsal lung, used to supplement the oxygen supply through the gills. During times of excessive activity, drought, or high temperatures (when water becomes deoxygenated), or when prevailing conditions inhibit the gills’ normal functioning, the lungfish can rise to the surface and swallow air into its lung. Though they can’t survive out of water for long, as a combination of dehydration and their diaphragms, not being accustomed to non-buoyant environments will cause them to suffocate. They also appear to be euryhaline organisms, meaning they can survive in salt and fresh water with no ill-effects. They can survive under astonishing levels of oceanic pressure. High pressures change the uptake of gas in the body. Increasing pressure shrinks the air in the lungs, and by 200 meters deep, the lungs would collapse from the strain. It’s not fully understood how they accomplish this as they are at risk of their body tissues becoming heavily saturated with harmful levels of nitrogen. Still, one theory is that volanns collapse their lungs in a way that forces air away from the alveoli, the tiny air sacs in the lungs that transfer gasses like oxygen and nitrogen into the blood. This would solve the problem of nitrogen bubble formation leading to decompression sickness. Volann bodies also seem specially adapted to store oxygen in their blood and muscles, instead of keeping it in their lungs like humans do, using extraordinarily high levels of proteins called hemoglobin and myoglobin, which store oxygen in the blood and muscles. This also makes their muscles and blood a very dark red, almost black color. Alongside these adaptations in terms of their dive response, they assume a torpedo-like shape. Their streamlined body shape helps them swim, and often to glide, with minimal effort and extend their oxygen stores for as long as possible.
XLR8 - The planet of Kinet orbits around its sun at such a speed that days can elapse in minutes, and as such, Kinecelerans live in a society of constant flux. Evolving in an environment where everything operated at breakneck speed, the kinecelerans had to develop their biology in many unique ways not to be left behind. Adapting primarily for speed, they have a light build, long thin legs, and a long tail. Their light, streamlined bodies make them well-suited for explosive bursts of speed, rapid acceleration, and an ability to execute extreme changes in direction while moving at high speed. While in motion, in addition to having uniquely constructed feet, kinecelerans use their tail as a rudder-like means of steering that enables them to make sharp turns, necessary to outflank prey, which often changes direction to escape during a chase. Their skin is composed of specialized friction-proof superhydrophobic scales, the surface of which form a complex topography of rounded scales carpeted with tiny hairs, or ‘spinules’. Spaced less than one-thousandth of a millimeter apart, these hairs form a microscopic bed of nails that repel water. The micro and nanostructure of the scales also provide friction reduction to them as they move. Being extremely resistant to wear and debris, particularly in environments that are dry and dusty or sandy. Their “helmet” is actually a hard shell that’s part of their skull, with the faceplate being able to peel back and sheath itself. The plate also has a semi-transparent lens that compensates for the red and blueshift caused by their speed. Finally, their control of friction and static allows them to use the spherical “wheels'' at the end of their feet. These wheels move omnidirectionally and can begin spinning near-instantaneously, gripping any surface (baring mud and ice) and getting traction effortlessly, thus allowing them to even run up walls.
Stinkfly - Lepidopterrans, the insectoid race of Lepidoterra, evolved in a swamp planet with a very specialized ecosystem. Fulfilling the pollinators’ niche, lepidopterrans live in complex hives that maintain the megaflora that provide for their community. As children, with their exoskeletons not fully developed, they are at their most vulnerable. To compensate, they release a highly noxious odorous gas as a defense mechanism. This gas is actually so potent that it can make plants wilt and decay with its stench. This odor-weapon eventually atrophies as their neutral armor and claws grow into shape. The infamous “stink” is the last remnant of this ability, coming from the oils they secrete to keep their tough-yet-light exoskeleton joints moving. Lepidopterran's exoskeleton comes to very sharp points on certain sections, such as their claws or a stinger-like black tail that can tear and rend through steel almost effortlessly. Because exoskeletons are rigid, the insectoids need to molt as they grow, shedding the old skin and growing a new one. This vulnerable time puts a ceiling on size: Larger animals, particularly those without protective skeletons, would make for more attractive meals to a predator. To compensate, lepidopterrans are equipped with a powerful set of wings that help them move and escape predators. Unlike Earth insects, lepidopterrans have a closed circulatory system, where blood and bodily fluids are pumped through veins, arteries, and vessels. It also possesses an intricate lung system that helps them breathe and functions to keep them buoyant during flight. Lepidopterrans can also excrete high-pressure streams of liquid from the pollen ducts located inside their eyestalks and mouth. These liquids can be both a flammable toxic or an immobilizing adhesive, instinctively choosing what type of slime it can be. This is most likely used as construction material in making their hives, similar to beeswax.
Wildmutt - Vulpin is a planet at the edge of the galaxy that is mainly used as a dumping ground for waste from other civilizations. Due to the rampant pollution, greenhouse gasses trap in enough heat that the otherwise pitch-black planet can support life that can survive amongst the toxic environment. The native Vulpimancers have evolved for complete darkness; their eyes (if they had any, to begin with) have atrophied into nothing. Instead, they utilize their other senses for navigation. Their primary sensory organs, located in specialized gills on either side of the head, boasts more than 25,000 minute sensory receptors that can detect even the slightest in environmental pressure, constructing a high-acuity sensory system: subdivide the sensory surface into a large, lower-resolution periphery for scanning a wide range of stimuli, and a small, high-resolution area that can be focused on objects of importance, giving it 360-degree “vision.” A vulpimancer’s brain can decide an action based on available information in approximately 8 milliseconds -- this speed is at the limit of neurons’ speed. Beyond that, they’ve had to adapt to surroundings covered with unstable garbage piles, and therefore possess remarkable agility and endurance. Walking on all-fours, the vulpimancers are strong and dexterous enough to climb over and around obstacles with ease, despite their weight. On average, a vulpimancer weighs anyway between 700 to 2,000 pounds, but with bodies mainly composed of strong fast-twitch muscles, dense bones, a large heart and lungs, they can run at approximately 30 mph. They are strong enough to compensate for their body mass easily. Their higher muscle mass means they needed more nutrition but had a definite disadvantage in hunting. Therefore, Vulpimancers are generally omnivorous and eat whatever they can find. A Vulpimancers' quills, or spines, take on various forms, but are all modified hairs coated with thick keratin plates and embedded in the skin musculature, which can be pulled out and thrown if needed.
Ghostfreak - The Ectonurites come from the Anur star system, which is infamous for its high radiation levels, exploding stars, dark and phantom matter saturation. A sentient form of protoplasm, they possess a unique decentralized intelligence; their consciousness can reconfigure from even a few strands of genetic code. However, their most interesting aspect is their molecular structure, being only slightly composed of conventional matter, existing in an unconventional balance of natural and unnatural matter known as “harmonium.” They generally have a protective outer skin that shields them from disruptive radiation, such as ultraviolet rays. However, under the skin, they have the appearance of a desiccated corpse, with sharp teeth and claws, exposed bones in certain places, and sinister-looking skulls. Their molecular structure is such that they can hover by altering their mass and phase through walls by manipulating their own macroscopic quantum wave function (increasing their tunneling probability to near 100 percent at will). This allows them to move to the other side of barriers almost instantaneously. As a bonus, this process can also allow photons to pass through them, turning invisible.
Grey Matter - The Galvans of Galvan Prime are renowned for their unparalleled inventive genius that can intuitively understand and construct complex machines and devices with little or no training. To compensate for their small stature their brains can adapt to obstacles by editing the gene expressions of their neural tissue. Their transposon genes edit the RNA of their brain matter without affecting the underlying DNA, which gives them the vast array of ever-evolving mental arsenal geared more towards problem-solving. They can edit and adapt their brain matter to automatically visualize and solve complex engineering projects, working out the theoretical principles behind them subconsciously. However, this process of invention does not equal intellect. The edits made in response to the problem are usually “jettisoned” and returned to a more manageable baseline later, meaning that even a typical galvan isn’t entirely aware of exactly how they figured out the logical steps of their conclusions.
Upgrade - The Galvanic Mechamorphs come from Galvan B, the moon of Galvan Prime. They are a race of gel-based nanotechnology known as “utility fluid,” which was accidentally created from an ill-advised experiment by the Galvans. An average mechamorph looks like a puddle or pond in its dormant state and has the rough consistency of pudding or thick soup. This self-repairing technology withdraws into a 'feeding' reservoir where its energy needs are cared for when not needed. Properly designed, utility liquid carries with it a fluid matrix which acts as a coolant as well as an energy conduit; the outermost layer of utility liquid is capable of forming a membrane, similar to surface tension, although this layer can be dissipated quickly if necessary, or reinforced to form a rigid shell. Fibril-like microbots arrange themselves in the liquid giving it a pseudo-solid state thanks to the extreme surface tension. Adjusting their shape and configuration can adjust the apparent movement and viscosity of the fluid. At lower viscosities, the less control the fibrils have over the fluid. Generally, Galvanic Mechamorphs have a large singular eye in the center of their face, while bipedal mechamorphs can be slim, fat, or muscular, and their bodies are covered entirely in a circuitry pattern that can vary between individuals. Mechamorphs, due to not being completely solid, the nanites in their bodies allow them to reshape and move like a liquid even though they are solid beings. Their physiology also makes them extremely flexible, reshaping themselves to seep through and merge with any technology by encasing themselves over and inside it. The device’s size is not significant, and they control it as naturally as they would their own body. When they merge, they upgrade the technology, making the technology they possess far more advanced and futuristic, causing new features. After they separate from a machine, it returns to normal. Possessing technology allows Galvanic Mechamorphs to transform it with seemingly no limit.
Diamondhead - The race of crystalline humanoid known as Petrosapians from the geode-like planet, Petropia. Orbiting a massive supergiant star, their planet’s tidal forces created massive pressure near the core. This resulted in the perfect crucible for silicon-based biochemistry to emerge, composed of Organosilicon compounds, diatom cells, and siloxane chains. A petrosapian’s “skin,” for example, is made out of fully functioning inorganic cells - made out of metal atoms such as aluminum oxide, iron, titanium, chromium, vanadium, or magnesium - which are constructed from large polyoxometalate membranes that select and separate necessary chemicals. This construction even reaches down to the “bones,” which can be best described as “porous sapphire.” Petrosapians communicate by utilizing a phenomenon known as piezoelectricity - in which physical pressure or vibration of the crystal in a certain direction will result in an electrical voltage across the crystal and vice-versa. This has the bonus of encouraging growth in certain sections of their physiology. Using precise piezo-stimulation, they can alter their bodies to make various weapons, such as clubs or blades, and even launch shards rapidly. They can even stimulate these shards’ growth from a distance using themselves as a kind of radio tower. Due to their natural hardiness, they can withstand a tremendous amount of blunt-force trauma, as well as exert an incredible amount of strength.
[Author’s Note: this post was suggested by a user named Ill_Visual918. If you believe I have made any errors, please feel free to offer corrections]
submitted by 88y53 to Ben10 [link] [comments]

The Ultimate Thief Guide - the Black Wolf


After perusing the subreddit for a while and making this post, I've come to see that thieves don't get much love. As someone who loves Enairim's thievery with a passion, I thought I'd see if I could convince anyone to adopt this very unique playstyle.
Don't be mistaken—being a thief is not about crouching down in the corner and taking 10 years to slowly walk up to and sneak attack a bandit or crouching off somewhere in the distance and clicking on people with a bow. No, a thief is no assassin, no light-armored warrior, no shadow mage—it is something all its own.
This build is built around Ordinator's Pickpocket, Lockpicking, Sneak, Speech, and Alchemy trees. Absolutely no perk points are put into weapon or armor skills, no gaining any spells, nor using invisibility of any form. Being a thief takes an entirely different mindset from every other playstyle. If you can get used to it, it will offer a completely different and amazingly fun experience.
The main Enai mods used are Ordinator, Thunderchild, and Growl. I highly recommend, however, some additional mods to compliment Enai's baseline. Optional non-Enai additions will be marked as such, and links to these mods will be located in the last section of the post.

The Mindset of a Thief

For people who haven't gone in-depth with this style of play, establishing a new mindset is important. Always remember, the number one thing in the mind of a thief is opportunity.
For other characters, the city is a pit stop—a place where one goes to dump gear, get quests, and buy supplies. Their domains are combat, one way or another, whether it be archery, big ol' weapons, sword and board, flashy spell combos, commanding an army, or blade dancing. Combat is their opportunity, the place to train, obtain glory, solve problems, get loot... everything. Cities, towns, wilderness... it's a means to an end.
The domain of a true thief, however, is everywhere. Combat is not the be all end all, a thief finds opportunity in ALL circumstances. The streets of a city, a bustling inn late at night, a dusty tomb, a lively marketplace, an army camp... all offer equal opportunity. Quickly distinguishing shadowmarks in the night is of the same importance as categorizing the weapons of foes. Figuring out the best targets in a town is of the same importance as solving dungeon puzzles.
Being a thief means focusing on the things most give only a passing glance. Exploration, planning, and optimization all yield great rewards.

Backstory - The Black Wolf

The Black Wolf's first memories were of her Nord parents: a working-class couple of Riften. With them struggling to make ends meet, they were gone most of the day, leaving her on her own. While the other children took to the streets, playing with each other, she kept to the back alleyways and solitary perches, observing. People made fun of her for her thick black hair... for her not looking anything like her parents... for her strange, quiet behavior, but she paid no heed. Although she never got traditional schooling, her natural cleverness and curiosity lead to her picking up on many things. She watched orphan schoolhouse lessons from the window, she watched the many businesses in the marketplace, she watched the priestesses at the temple, she watched the court mage's garbled sketches... but her favorite thing to watch, however, was the mysterious leather-armor wearing men. They moved with such poise and skill, their eyes full of guile. They were no beggars, no petty thieves, they were noble... seeming to possess an aura of luck itself. She dared not approach them, nor attempt to do what they do, but their presence imprinted on her. Every sight taught her a new lesson.
At 18 years of age, she was out one night under the moonlight, on one of her frequent strolls. As she went to go on her normal walk, however, she witnessed two shrouded figures slinking down the back streets. She had seen mysterious figures plenty of times, but these were different. If she hadn't been lucky enough to be looking where she was, there's no way she could have seen them. They moved so naturally, so swiftly, and their armor, black and red, was unlike anything she'd seen before. With her natural stealth skill and knowledge of the streets, she followed them to the entrance to a tucked-away home. Picking the lock, they went in, just as she'd seen the leather armor-wearing men do, but she sensed something was wrong. There was a shout, then... silence. Her blood ran cold. Did they just...? No, they couldn't have! She'd seen members of the guild intimidate people, but... no this.
As her mind raced, they stepped out. Their gaze shot to her. She immediately knew she'd been found out, and ran, but it was no use—they were faster. She felt herself being thrown to the ground, then... a blade against her throat. Held there on the ground, she stared into the eyes of the masked figure. She could see no mercy in them, no hope. Why would they do this? How could they do this?! No, she couldn't just let this happen to her. She wouldn't just let this happen to her. The moon shining above her, she felt every muscle in her body tense up, her teeth clenching, and her mind filled with nothing but rage. Fur bristled up all over her body, and she was overcome with strength like she'd never felt before. She threw the assassin off of her, standing up in the cool night air. Opening her mouth, she let her voice be heard. She smelled their fear as her roar filled them with terror and watched as they tried to flee, but she wouldn't let prey like them escape.
Slamming one to the ground, she tore out their throat, the warm blood on her fangs filling her with vigor and satisfaction. She grabbed the neck of the second one, pulling it until it tore clean off. As their bodies sat there in a bloody heat, she felt her rage leave her... and soon, she was laying down on the street, breathless, cold, as the shouting of the night guards filled her ears. "Werewolf!" they cried as they grabbed her now naked self, dragging her off to Riften jail. Dazed, confused, and exhausted, she didn't fight back. Looking down at her bloodied hands, the taste of iron in her mouth, she was overwhelmed. She sat there, processing until her parents finally came in the morning. Her mom in tears, her dad came forwards, sadness and scorn in his eyes. "We knew this would happen when we found you," he said. "If not for your mom's dying wish, we would have left you out there." Her heart sank. She knew this was coming, deep in her soul, but she didn't want to face it.
Utterly alone, lost, and rotting in the cold prison, she thought it was the end for her. As she lied there in her cell, however, a figure approached. Not a guard, not her parents... but someone else. She recognized that armor anywhere... the Guild. The man looked her up and down, smirking. "Don't think someone like you should be rotting in here, lass."
Seems she wasn't the only one observing. She sat up, smiling.


Perk List - Level 50

Alchemy (11):
Lockpicking (11):
Pickpocket (18):
Sneak (13):
Speech (12):
Non-Stealth (9):
Now, you may be wondering why there are 74 perks listed here instead of the normal 49 a character would have at level 50... which brings up another beauty of the skill of a rogue. This build features every single extra perk point perk—Seen this Before, That Which Does Not Kill You..., Game of Fate, and, most importantly, Dragon Hoard.
With Seen this Before and TWDNKY, you're guaranteed 5 extra perk points. Game of Fate, depending on your luck, can give you anywhere from 0 to 5 perk points by the time you reach level 50, which leaves the rest of the burden on Dragon Hoard. With all these perks based on gaining money, this means the amount of money you gain, your success as a thief, is directly correlated to your skill. Go out there and get that gold!
If you're wondering, you need anywhere from 750,000 to 1,000,000 gold for your hoard by level 50. If you're a good thief and dedicate yourself to optimizing your craft, it will come.
(OPTIONAL) I use the 20% more perk points for Ordinator, personally, so if you choose to use that yourself then you can knock down the required gold to 300,000 to 550,000.

Signature Abilities

These "Abilities" are a combination of Perks, Items, Standing Stones, and Powers that enable specific strategies that are key to this playstyle.
You can squeeze every single penny out of those who cross you.
Blood Money + Doomed to Plunder + Pillage + Aetherium Crown
Blood Money and Pillage activate the same way, so they stack easily. Pillage can normally only be done once a day, but, once you obtain the Aetherium crown, you can store the Thief Stone in it. Make sure you activate the Thief Stone first then the Serpent Stone. Then, if you want to use Pillage again, just unequip the crown and reequip it once more!
Stalker's Prowess
I promised not taking 10 years to sneak up behind you, and these set of abilities are what makes that a reality. You sneak not like a man, but like a beast, moving swiftly and efficiently.
Lycanthropic Speed + Vancian Magic + Serpent Stone + On the Run + Quiet Before the Storm + Windborne + (OPTIONAL) Lab Skeever - CACO Fortify Speed Potion
Move 35% faster while sneaking by default, or as much as 75% faster if On the Run and Windborne are active at the same time—much faster than even normal running! Oh, and 240% more effective sneaking and 40% sneak attacks if that wasn't enough for you.
(OPTIONAL) Since the vanilla sneak animation looks pretty silly with this amount of speed, I recommend using the Relaxed Sneak Animations mod.
Uncanny Agility
Your wolf-like movements confer you not just swift stalking, but a fighting style foreign and frightening to your opponents.
Stalker's Prowess + Elemental Fury + Dynamic Entry + Dodge Roll + Lycanthropic Regeneration
This is one of the most unique parts of this build and something I haven't ever seen done before. With the added move speed by Stalker's Prowess, Dodge Roll, and the stamina regen from Lycanthropic Regeneration, you can fight completely in sneak mode. Yes, that's right, you fight low to the ground like a wild wolf. This may seem silly at first, but with Dodge Roll on command and speed not being an issue, you can be extremely agile, easily dodging attacks and ending up behind your opponents. Dynamic Entry and Windborne means you'll have +65% attack damage by default, and, with your poison skill, one good hit is all you need to finish someone off.
Heightened Senses
Your natural affinity for the dark, your trained vision, and your wolfy nose enable you to notice things others wouldn't.
Aura Whisper + Quiet Before the Storm + Kyne's Peace
With Aura Whisper completely silent and Kyne's Peace reducing shout cooldowns outside of combat to 10 seconds, you can have infinite Aura Whisper uptime outside of combat with no chance of being found out.
Invisible Hand
Your incredibly swift movements and seemingly supernatural pickpocketing abilities leave opponents defenseless before they even know what happened.
Disarm + Hurricane Force + Quiet Before the Storm + Force Redoubled + Windborne
Disarm combined with Hurricane Force means targets up to level 70 will be affected. Again, Quiet Before the Storm means it's just as silent as doing it through the pickpocket menu, and with this, you can do it even to targets you normally couldn't pickpocket! If Force Redoubled procs, you can go on a disarming spree before even entering combat. Plus, Windborne will proc, giving you even more move speed and potential damage if you decide to attack!
With your guile and clever tricks, you can turn your opponents paranoid, leaving them fighting amongst each other.
Invisible Hand + Trickster + Mutiny
Simple execution, but absolutely hilarious if you can pull it off. Invisible Hand or Trickster the weapons off of all but one enemy in a group, and place Death's Emperor in the armed one's pocket. Activate Mutiny, which would normally end up in the target being killed, but you'll have removed all the weapons of their would-be attackers. Watch and laugh as bandits try to punch their leader to death while they chop wildly!
Death Mark
Luck being on your side means it isn't for your opponents. The moment you catch someone unaware, their fate is already sealed.
Sneak Attack + Serpent Stone + Dynamic Entry + Death's Emperor + Problem Solver + Brotherhood Cocktail + Alkahest + Marked for Death + Windborne
The lack of the dagger sneak attack perks is done on purpose, for it is not the weapon that matters, but the skill and ingenuity. A true rogue can adapt to any situation, use any tool, after all. Sword, dagger, axe, unarmed, use it all!
Roll up to an opponent, place the poisoned coin (coin + any poison you want), whisper Marked For Death, then attack. I don't think I need to elaborate on how much damage this deals if performed perfectly.
(OPTIONAL) Pickpocket Everyone means that no one is safe from Death Mark.
Use Magic Device
Although you have no formal magic training, your cleverness and observations have taught you enough about magic to improvise.
Last Word + Thief's Luck (Scrolls) + Nose for Treasure (Scrolls) + Vancian Magic
Having Last Word is important for enabling the use of all tools you may find. It encourages using what you find and adapting to what you currently have, enabling even more depth of play and fitting the theme. Scrolls are also very valuable and light, only outclassed in value per weight by jewelry (or gold if you count that).
I highly recommend you do not use a scroll crafting mod, as it goes completely against the spirit of the build and the purpose of this ability.
Expert Ingenuity
With enough preparation, you can set even the toughest opponents up for failure. With a bit of booze and some clever trap work, you can give would be pursuers a nasty surprise.
Trip Wire + Elemental Oil
This is effectively a version of Partystarter that's more fitting, easier to obtain, and more simple to execute. The snap of your tripwire mechanisms ignites your "booze" which you've poured all over the ground, sending them tumbling to the floor in a pool of flaming alcohol. This is immensely helpful against the undead in the early game or if you don't' have Pickpocket Everyone or CACO.
Beast Form
Your wolfy nature cannot be contained in times of dire need. Woe to all that brings you to that point before you can control yourself.
And the Universe Listens + Windborne + World Serpent + Alkahest
Werewolf howls are shouts, so let out a shout of fear to immediately heal some, give yourself extra attack damage, and give yourself extra speed. As soon as someone tries to hack through your hide, your residual poisons will strike them, most likely killing them. If they're not dead by then, your claws ignoring 40% of their armor will make sure of that.
This form is more for roleplay reasons than for gameplay. The idea is to use it when you get to low HP and lose control until you're able to get the perks needed from the werewolf tree that affect both forms and go through Hircine's quest, becoming a werewolf lord (integrating your Nord and Wolf form, effectively).


Allocate Health/Stamina in a 1 to 3 ratio. Stamina is the stat of thieves, after all, and health won't be of much use to the playstyle.
The Black Wolf relies on skill and natural ability, not on weapons or armor. Thieve's Guild armor is perfect for starting out, but as you progress in your skills, you can eventually eschew it all together in favor of simple clothes. The less your equipment weighs, the better. The only recommended piece of gear is the Aetherium Crown, but even that is only for the Expropriate ability.
As for weapons, carry a wide variety of tools. A dagger in your boot, a sword at your hip, and a bow at your back. Be prepared for anything and everything.
(OPTIONAL) With Poisoning Extended, you can much more easily prepare multiple blades with different types of poisons. Combined with CACO, you can have pre-prepared tools for any job you may come across.
(OPTIONAL - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED) With Sneak Tools, your Blackjack and utility arrows will be invaluable. Keep a good stock of water and rope arrows.

Moral Code

Although a master thief and a werewolf, the Black Wolf is good at heart. If we're using classical D&D alignment terms, she's Chaotic Good—wild, unchained by men, elves, or their laws. In order to not fall out of the right mindset and set some fun roleplay restrictions, I recommend following these rules:
  1. Never kill an innocent. Hunt only those who have wronged you or others.
  2. Don't pickpocket the poor, unless they get items added with Thief's Eye.
  3. Try not to fast travel. Use every route as an opportunity for more loot.
If you're using sneak tools as I recommend, then you'll be able to knock out innocents with your blackjack, making following the code much easier. Otherwise, it's pretty simple to follow.

Recommended Mods

Complete Alchemy And Crafing Overhaul - Gives more potion effects, speed of which is particularly useful, as well as balancing face chugging healing potions. Be sure to grab the Ordinator Patch.
Growl Tweaks - Nerfs Lycanthropic Regeneration's health regen and gives more bonuses that apply outside of beast form. Perfect for a hybrid form character such as this one, especially the perk that gets rid of fall damage. Be as agile as you want!
Pickpocket Everyone - Essential for a pickpocket focused character such as this. Recently ported, does what it says, just be wary of the prerequesite SKSE plugins.
Sneak Tools - Rope arrows for climbing, water arrows for putting out flames, and a non-lethal option for true thieves!
Gray Cowl of Nocturnal - Quest mod entirely suited for thieves and absolutely perfect for roleplaying the Black Wolf.
Relaxed Sneaking Animations - Crouch slightly instead of squatting. Looks a lot more natural with the level of sneak speed the Black Wolf gets.
Artful Dodger - Dynamically raise the pickpocket chance cap as you increase in level. Really makes you feel like a master pickpocket once you hit 100 and you're near perfect at your art.
Fall Rolling Animation - Automatically performs a stealth roll when falling from high places, halving fall damage. Combined with rope arrows from Sneak Tools, you'll really feel like a master thief running and jumping across rooftops.
Poisoning Extended - Lets you see what poison is on your weapons, as well as showing you on the HUD outside of the menu. Absolutely perfect for the prepared rogue who needs to keep track of the multiple types of poisoned blades they've prepared ahead of time!
Class Overhaul Reimagined - Another class overhaul, but one that dynamically grows in power as you level. It's on the recommended list because of the pure Rogue specialization which you can achieve at level 45. It limits non-stealth skills to 60 while making you lucky in many aspects. Perfect for a pure thief who really wants to feel Lady Luck on their side.
Thief Eyes - Essential for anyone looking to learn how to use shadowmarks. Effectively makes them glow in the night, laying out all your opportunities ahead of you. It only works after buying the book from Tonilia, too, so you must learn about them immersively before you start seeing things like a true thief.
See MB's True Thief mod list if you're looking for even more. The ones listed are just the ones I'd recommend anyone doing this build add, but if you want to go the extra mile, perusing MB's list and getting everything that suits your fancy will further enhance the experience.
Edit #1:
Wintersun Deities
I didn't mention this in the main post because it's not essential to the build, but I figure now it would be a good idea to explain the idea of the patron deities for this character. Born a Nord Werewolf, the Black Wolf is blessed by both Kyne and Hircine, which is what enables her to use her unique alteration of the thu'um which I call howls. This gives an alternative for people seeking to use shouts without all the Dragonborn crap, which I personally don't like. Werewolf howls are shouts, after all, and they're gifted by Hircine.
Once you complete your first goal of restoring the guild to its original glory and refining your skills as a thief, you'll curry the favor of your third patron deity, Nocturnal. As Lady Luck, she is instrumental to your endeavors and the one you should put your 1 allowed Wintersun worship towards.
Gaining favor with Kyne through Thunderchild, Hircine through Ill Met by Moonlight/Totems of Hircine, and Nocturnal through the thieves guild quest are all important parts of building up your repertoire of skills. I figured having a triumvirate of patron deities was both fitting for the build lore and roleplay wise as well as being a unique concept!
Perk Changes + Expert Ingenuity,
After talking with u/VulpineWife, it's come to my attention that I should make room for alchemy oils in the build. Alchemical Oil is perfect as it fits the theme of using what you got, in this case booze since we take the fire one, and offers another way of taking down the undead, who are definitely the ones that limit your abilities the most (although you're far from useless against them, even without this).
I've removed the second rank of Sneak Mastery since there are already huge sneak bonuses in other places, and I've also removed the second rank of Force Redoubled since Kyne's Peace and Storm Crown offers plenty of ways to reset shout cooldowns. In their place, I've added Tripwire and Elemental Oil.
submitted by LupusVuk to EnaiRim [link] [comments]

December [Releases & Promotions]

This post is aimed to help users find new litrpg content on a month-to-month basis by constructing a list of new releases. This post will be updated based on multiple sources, including posting in this thread. This post is not meant to replace those submissions but to make it easier for users to find them.
The title should bring you to the relevant litrpg posting (if any) for comments, while the link column should bring you to the relevant content.
If you missed all the great content of November, there was a whopping total of 55 ebook releases, no less than 28 Audiobook releases, 9 great webseries, 10! novellas and short stories and 5 omnibus releases of older series for you.
Note: Some entries for November might have been found late, so they are included in this month.
Here's what December 2020 brings you!

Title Author Link
The Broken Battlemage (Doomsday System #1) D. Levesque AMZ
Ready Player Two Ernest Cline AMZ
Sixth Realm Part 2 (Ten Realms #7) Michael Chatfield AMZ
Biomedical Self-Engineering #2 Jon Svenson AMZ
Leveled Up Love Tao Wong & A.G. Marshall AMZ
Break (EvoBorne #1) Shawn M. Green AMZ
Collide (EvoBorne #2) Shawn M. Green AMZ
Dodge (EvoBorne #3) Shawn M. Green AMZ
The Twilight Hatchling (Dream Stream Reality #2) Derrick Burke AMZ
God's Eye Awakening (Labyrinth World #1) Aleron Kong AMZ
The Mischievous Merchant (A Bard's Tale #2) J Pal AMZ
DLC (Beta Tester #4) Rachel Ford AMZ
In Service of the Pharaoh (League of Losers #2) Michael Atamanov AMZ
Firing Pin: First Encounter (The Vault #1) Ramero Johannes Wahl (removed)
King's Quest (Mind's Journey #1) William H. Dewayne AMZ
Retribution (Rise of Resurgence #4) Joshua W. Nelson AMZ
Monster Mansion #1 Dante King AMZ
The Tribute (Project Stellar #3) Roman Prokofiev AMZ
Dungeon Destroyer (Dungeon Slayer #2) Konrad Ryan AMZ
The Keepers of Limbo (The Range #1) Yuri Ulengov AMZ
Drawing the Line (Underhill Chronicles #2) Keith Arens AMZ
Dinosaur Warlord #3 Marcus Sloss AMZ
The Dark Champion (Interworld Network #3) Dmitry Bilik AMZ
Core Sworn (Guild Core #2) T.J. Reynolds AMZ
Sidekick (Henchman #2) Carl Stubblefield AMZ
Alpha Zero Arthur Stone AMZ
High Gloom (Bad Guys #6) Eric Ugland AMZ
Characters (New Lands Online #2) Harry Thunder AMZ
Dungeon Seeker (Reborn Online #2) Aurora Weiss AMZ
Small Unit Tactics #2 Alexander Romanov AMZ
Goldenshield (Realm Quest Saga #1) J. R. Andrews AMZ
Keys of Four Elements (Primacy Online #5) Brian McGoldrick AMZ
Hallowed Bones (Elemental Dungeon #3) Jonathan Smidt AMZ
The Torch that Ignites the Stars (Arcane Ascension #3) (*) Andrew Rowe AMZ
Sunscorch (Rise to Omniscience #8) Aaron Oster AMZ
Soulhome (Weirkey Chronicles #1) (*) Sarah Lin AMZ
Afterlife: The Tower (Pandemonium #1) Wolfe Locke AMZ
Dungeon Heart (Singing Mountain #1) David Sanchez-Ponton AMZ
To the Core #1 The Morpheus Collective AMZ
Redemption Online Isadora Felix AMZ
The Wonderful Litrpg Wizard of Oz Oisin Muldowney AMZ
Player Reached the Top #4 Rick Scar AMZ
Mana Daemons (Essence Wave #1) Chris Vines AMZ
Apocalypse: Generic System Macronomicon AMZ
Abyss (Tower of Damnation #3) Tristan H. Brown AMZ
Mutamancer (Tower Lords #2) Joshua Done AMZ
Monster Hunting 301 (Titan Termination #3) Andrew Karevik AMZ
Into the Wilds (Axe Druid #6) Christopher Johns AMZ
A Doomed Fight and Not So Great Landing (Boneknight #2) Tim Paulson AMZ
Warrior Redeemed (Silver Fox & The Western Hero #5) M.H. Johnson AMZ
Condition Evolution #3 Kevin Sinclair AMZ
Next-Gen Gamer (Legacy Systems #1) M J Conlon AMZ
Wasteland Mike Ignatov AMZ
Knives in the Night (Challenger's Call #6) Nathan Thompson AMZ
(*) Denotes a gamelit-adjacent book rather than a classical litrpg: a book that include game-like elements in-story without being a game system

Title Author & Narrator Link
Ready Player Two Ernest Cline (narrated by Wil Wheaton) AUD
Glory to the Brave (Ascend Online #4) Luke Chmilenko (narrated by Luke Daniels) AUD
Accidental Champion (CivCEO #1) Andrew Karevik (narrated by Neil Hellegers) AUD
Inferno (Awaken Online Tarot #3) Travis Bagwell (narrated by David Stifel) AUD
Land of Demons (Dragon Hearth #7) Kirill Klevanski (narrated by Kevin T. Collins) AUD
Awakened (Quintessence Crucible #1) C.M. Carney (narrated by Nick Podehl) AUD
Caesar's Shadow (Gods & Kings #1) Anthony Wright (narrated by Joe Jameson) AUD
Counterattack (Derelict #2) Dean Henegar (narrated by Jack Voraces) AUD
The Song Maiden (Uniworld Online #1) Jonathan Brooks (narrated by Anneliese Rennie) AUD
The War (Idle System #6) Pegaz (narrated by Christian J. Gilliland) AUD
The Golem Crafter (Ethria #2) Aaron Holloway (narrated by Christian J. Gilliland) AUD
The Enchanter (Project Stellar #3) Roman Prokofiev (narrated by Phil Thron) AUD
Alterlife #3 Matt Moss (narrated by himself) AUD
The Fifth Survivor #3 Angel Ramon (narrated by M. P. Marchinuke) AUD
A Bond Broken (Infinite World #2) J.T. Wright (narrated by Tim Campbell) AUD
All Hail the Queen (Another Online #1) Terra Snover (narrated by Shannon Nicole Hamilton) AUD
Solomon's Crucible Jacob Kalb (narrated by Zak Price) AUD
Storm's Breath (Nullifier #1) J. R. Ford (narrated by Ramon de Ocampo) AUD
Dragon's Realm (Warlords of the Circle Sea #3) Ember Lane (narrated by Pavi Proczko) AUD
Genesis (Abduction Chronicles #1) Peter John (narrated by Brian Funshine Alexander AUD
Vampire Sorcerer #1 Alex Itsios & Stephen Landry (narrated by Soren Gray) AUD
Parasyte (Body's Dungeon #2) Jeffrey "Falcon" Logue & Jonathan Brooks (narrated by Miles Meili) AUD
World Tree's End (World Tree Trilogy #3) E.A. Hooper (narrated by Justin Thomas James, Jeff Hays, Dorrie Sacks & Laurie Catherine Winkel) AUD
Awakened (Quintessence Crucible #1) C.M. Carney (narrated by Nick Podehl) AUD
Awakening (Outworld #1) Mrdojo (narrated by Joshua Story) AUD
Tears of Alron (Alchemist #3) Vasily Mahanenko (narrated by Henry W. Kramer) AUD
Aether Knight Tracy Gregory (narrated by Matt Jenkins) AUD
The One-Armed Warlock #2 Durl White (narrated by BJ Whimpey) AUD
Rise (Last Chance #1) K.T. Hanna (narrated by Andrea Parsneau) AUD
Break (EvoBorne #1) Shawn M. Green (narrated by Jonathan Schaefer) AUD
Land of Magic (Dragon Heart #6) Kirill Klevanski (narrated by Kevin T. Collins) AUD
Dragon's Realm (Warlords of the Circle Sea #3) Ember Lane (narrated by Pavi Proczko) AUD
Grempire (The Rules #3) Aaron Oster (narrated by Doug Tisdale Jr.) AUD
The Forgotten Faithful (Underverse #2) Jez Cajiao (narrated by Wayne Mitchell) AUD
Path to Villainy (NPC Kobold's Tale #1) S.L. Rowland (narrated by Alex Knox) AUD
Condition Evolution #1 Kevin Sinclair (narrated by Christian J. Gilliland) AUD
Land of Demons (Dragon Heart #7) Kirill Klevanski (narrated by Kevin T. Collins) AUD
Inheritance (Last Enclave #1) Morgan Cole (narrated by Hal Rayle) AUD
Watcher's Fate (Life in Exile #3) Sean Oswald (narrated by Peter Berkrot) AUD

Title Author Link
Salvos Delta201 RR
The Owl Eater's Legacy Andrew O'Kelley NEO
Crafting Bonus (Heroes of Veritas #1) GwendolynFriend RDM.html)
In Umbra Hasta Kvasir RR
I Want to Save the World, but the Goddess tells me to Text my Ex Daniel Newwyn RR
Alpha Physics Alex Kozlowski RR
The Primordial Tower Daoist Enigma RR
Conquest Carnival Mister Flare WEB
System Prime Eli8iR RR

Short stories/Novellas:
Title Author Link
Dungeons of Grimdark Nicholas Morine BFN
Fortune Favors the Kobold Robert Bevan AMZ
The Accidental Minecraft Family #5 Pixel Ate AMZ
Frontier (Aether Knight #2) Tracy Gregory AMZ

Title Author Link
The Heavenly Throne #1 & 2 Yuri Ajin (narrated by Kirby Heyborne) AUD
The Rules #1-3 Aaron Oster (narrated by Doug Tisdale Jr.) AUD
Station Cores #1-5 Jonathan Brooks (narrated by Miles Meili) AUD
Dungeon Crafting #1-3 Jonathan Brooks AMZ
Primeverse Trilogy R.K. Billiau AMZ

submitted by VincentArcher to litrpg [link] [comments]

New Era of Online Crypto Casinos

I would say that I'm relatively new to Reddit and the one thing that surprised me is the number of people that still play on Bovada, Ignition, Betonline, MyBookie, etc. Don't get me wrong, great sites for sports betting and poker, but absolutely horrendous when it comes to slots and live casino games.
Hitting 1,000x on a slot on Bovada is like a once in a lifetime achievement and the live dealer provider is... awful.
Over the past month or so, I have seen this Reddit flooded with random users promoting a bunch of shitty no-name crypto casinos that have been around for like 3 days. So I figured it was my duty, as somebody who has no ownership interests in any of these online crypto casinos, to share my thoughts regarding the ones that I believe are trustworthy. All of which is based on first-hand experience and countless hours of research.
First off, for those who aren't familiar with crypto casinos, the one thing that you need to know, as an American, is that you'll need to access these sites via a VPN. Personally, I use ExpressVPN and connect to Canada (or various other regions depending on which slot provider is available). The nice thing about ExpressVPN is that you can download the app and play on your phone. All of the casinos listed below allow VPN usage. Apparently NordVPN is pretty good too, but I cannot vouch for them personally.
Second thing, KYC is not required. Honestly haven't looked into this too much, but I can tell you from first-hand experience that KYC is not required in order to register or withdraw funds. All you have to do is confirm your email address. Some people have said you get KYC'd if you try to withdraw more than $2k, but again, I can confirm that it's not true (specifically for the casinos listed below). Just make sure that you only deposit/withdraw via crypto and you'll be fine. If you think this is sketchy, then please, continue making your credit card deposits at Bovada to random shell companies based out of China.
Also, DO NOT USE COINBASE TO TRANSFER TO AND FROM THE CASINO. They banned me. It hurt. Don't make the same mistake. I recommend using BRD as an intermediary between Coinbase and the casino. Since being banned from Coinbase, I have been using crypto.com to buy and sell crypto. Nothing but good things to say thus far.
Finally, I have wagered roughly $3.5MM in total across the sites below and have spent countless hours researching them, so I'd like to think that I somewhat know what I'm talking about. In no way am I an expert and in no way am I a high roller or a whale. Just a regular guy that enjoys gambling.
Now the common theme amongst the below casinos is that you have access to game providers such as Evolution (live games), Pragmatic, NetEnt, Thunderkick, Push, etc. that you'll never find on the casinos advertised as available to US players (such as Bovada). As I'm sure you know, Betsoft slots can get old after a while.
Just a few of my personal favorite games that I recommend you check out...
Live Games: Crazy Time, Monopoly, Evolution Blackjack and Evolution Speed Baccarat
Slots: Dead or Alive 2, Money Train 2, Lil' Devil, Sweet Bonanza and The Dog House

Site #1: Roobet.com (Best for casual gamblers)
What I like: Instant withdrawals, huge selection of slots and live games, generous rakeback system, instant bitcoin deposits (they will credit your account before receiving any confirmations-- this is really nice), every so often they'll run a 24 hour promotion where if you hit 100x on slot betting at least $1 you'll be "King Roo" (basically King of the Hill) and accumulate ~$20 per minute until you're dethroned
What I don't like: Rakeback system only allows you to collect every 24 hrs/1 week/1 month, no clarity surrounding VIP status (assuming you need to be a whale), there was one instance where I won $36k on a $40 bet playing Reactoonz and was told I can only withdraw $10k per day (this was 6 months ago and never had an issue withdrawing since), lack of sports betting
My largest withdrawal (at once): $9.9k
Deposit/Withdrawal Methods: BTC, ETH
Referral link to enable rakeback system without having to wager a shitload: https://roobet.com/?ref=hkgambler13 (you can also use code "hkgambler13")

Site #2: Stake.com (Best for medium-high rollers)
What I like: Instant withdrawals, huge selection of slots and live games, incredible VIP and rakeback system (weekly/monthly bonuses, rakeback can be claimed whenever, daily/monthly challenges to earn extra cash), active and friendly chat community, multiple crytpo deposit options where your account is credited in that currency (meaning your balance equivalent in USD will swing with the market-- could be seen as a con), enjoyable "Stake Original" games that have a higher RTP than 3rd party slots, averages ~2k users online at any given time
What I don't like: Can be overwhelming for first time players (Roobet is much more straight forward and easy to use)
My largest withdrawal: $13.2k
Deposit/Withdrawal Methods: BTC, ETH, LTC, DOGE, BCH, XRP (highly recommend-- cheap transfer fee, if any at all, and confirmed within seconds), TRX, EOS
Referral link to instantly enable 10% rakeback: https://stake.com/?c=6c2f1c60

Site #3: Gamdom.com (Best for gamers)
What I like: Instant withdrawals, huge selection of slots and live games, newly implemented rakeback system, constant "rains" in the chat (which is free money if you join in time), ability to instantly deposit and withdraw via Rust and TF2 items (could spend an hour talking about this-- generally caters to those who cannot get crypto or have to use a CC to buy crypto), averages ~1.5k users online at any given time
What I don't like: Prior to the newly implemented rakeback system rains and level-up chests were the only "rakeback", your balance is denominated in coins (1500 coins = $1 USD), browsing through their slot selection can be a pain in the ass
My largest withdrawal (at once): $7.4k
Deposit/Withdrawal Methods: BTC, ETH, BCH, LTC
Referral link to receive a free chest that could be worth up to ~$53: https://gamdom.com/chase (you can also use code "chase")

Final parting words: PLEASE DO NOT GAMBLE WITH MONEY THAT YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO LOSE. Gambling is not a money making method and you will lose in the long run. The purpose of my post is to make those aware that other trustworthy online casinos are available for Americans that will (hopefully) make gambling online a bit more enjoyable!
submitted by GolfAndGamble to OnlineCryptoGambling [link] [comments]

I am terribly indecisive and losing my mind. Please help

Hey guys, I'm having so much trouble making a decision, and the options in front of me keep going back and forth in my mind like a ping pong match. This has been going on for the past 3 to 4 months and I am getting so sick of it. I'm unhappy and I'm spending all my free time looking for advice as to what I should be pursuing instead of relaxing or doing something productive. I've spent a lot of time writing this and it's required me to think deeply and to be very honest with myself. I'm hoping to get any kind of insight and advice that will help me actually arrive at some sort of conclusion. I apologize for the length, but I feel like everything I've said is relevant.
Here's my current situation:
I'm in uni, studying Mechanical Engineering. In 2 weeks, I will have spent 2.5 years studying mechanical engineering. I came to this major right out of high school because it felt like the right thing to do; I took more of the hard academic courses (Calc BC, APES, etc.) and mostly ended up avoiding the technical ones (like arts, welding, auto-repair) in high school for some reason. Long story short, I'm generally unhappy to do ANY of the work required for all the courses of my major, and I don't find it all that interesting. I've looked all over to find people who share my opinion, and there is absolutely no shortage of engineering students who hated school. But they all say the same thing: "Engineering in practice is nothing like engineering school."
So naturally, I keep my hopes up for later classes and start really looking into what engineers really do. 2.5 years in, all I can say is 'meh'. It's alright, but I don't find it exciting to analyze heat exchangers or optimize the design of large engines or work in CAD all day or something like that. I even had an internship, and the jobs of the blue-collar assembly-techs who worked right next to my white-collar computer station looked way more fun. So now, I'm thinking, "well if I'm not enjoying school AND I'm not too excited about the careers, I should just find something else to study." So, I've looked and looked and looked, and these are the ideas and career advice I found that stand out the most to me:
Well, growing up, I mostly played videogames... I love them. I spent two years making an adventure map in Minecraft... that's all I really remember doing, other than homework. I've enjoyed editing a few videos on YouTube. Nowadays, I still play lots of videogames, albeit less than usual... I enjoy and watch plenty of videos that analyze the storytelling methods present in movies, TV shows, and games. I'm learning guitar. I built a drone to see if I could ignite some sort of passion for Mechanical Engineering but to no avail. I think that ultimately, this self-reflection reveals a more creative side of me.
So now, I'm looking at switching to Computer Science. I feel pretty indifferent about coding, but my university offers a program where you get a BS in Computer Science along with an emphasis in game development. This way, I'm still getting a STEM degree, but placing myself closer to studying something creative that I feel like I could enjoy. The idea of being a CS student kind of excites me, however inaccurate the idea may be. However, I do have to wonder if I actually want to go into game development, or if this is just some impulsive and ill-advised last-ditch-attempt to get out of MechE and do something I only kind-of-sort-of like. Well, I've done my research, and being an indie game dev is a big no-go for me. Working at a decently sized studio though - that sounds pretty cool. I'd probably have to relocate for a job, but maybe that's change I need.
But here are the things that keep swaying me back and forth and preventing me from actually making a decision:
I just want to say that I know a student's choice of major does NOT define their entire career. Everyone I've spoken to takes my problem at face value and says that if I'm not happy doing what I'm currently doing, then I should do something else. The answer seems so obvious. But just when I'm about to act, I'm reminded of the unique nature of engineering school... "The early years suck, but it gets interesting the further in you go." The same could be said about school overall and finally going out into the industry. MechE is also like the "undecided" of engineering... that's one of the main reasons I chose it to begin with. It just feels awful that after 2.5 years in, I still don't find the application of physics and all these natural laws and equations to solve real-world problems that interesting. Sure, it's useful, and there are so many sectors to work in, but how do I know if I'm going to enjoy even a single one of them? I don't even do engineering-related things in my free time. I didn't grow up with Legos and car mechanics in my home. I didn't ever pull things apart and put them back together. So, it sounds like I'm not made for this, right? Well, hear this: There's plenty more advice out there that says "you know what, the reality is, most people in this world aren't lucky enough to get paid to do exactly what they want to do. They just find something and stick with it. You don't have to like your job enough to take it home with you. If you're making enough money doing what you're doing, then you can just spend your free time doing whatever the hell you want." This kind of appeals to me.
In case I haven't made this apparent, I'm TORN. I'm TORN and I don't know what to do. I've laid out these two options in front of myself, and I still feel like it's entirely possible that there's an even better third option, hidden somewhere. I worry about things way in the future when I know that I shouldn't, but I can't help it. Writing all of this out helps, but I'd definitely appreciate some specific insight, advice, and guidance right now.
Thank you sincerely for taking the time to read this.
submitted by riggadahigga to findapath [link] [comments]

Competitive Budget Deck Masterpost (June 2020)

Hello... Is it me you're looking for?
A lot has happened since the last budget post, most notably two meta-defining sets in SESL and ETCO, as well as the suspension of almost all sanctioned organized play. It's strange to be thinking of building on a budget during this time when most people are playing online, and it's also tough to scrape together results when YCS's and regionals have all been cancelled - but despite everything, we're still going. Special shoutouts to all the folks on Discord who helped out with this post, particularly Brendan for laying a lot of the groundwork while I was busy with RCS, and Gallantron for making+maintaining yugiohdeck.github.io. Shoutouts also to Konami for barely touching anything on the banlist so I didn't have to rewrite this entire post lmaooo
Finally, and to speak about something not-Yugioh for a moment - if you've ever saved money from a budget post recommendation, or if you have a few spare bucks lying around from not spending money on cardboard during this quarantine - please consider donating to BLM and those affected by the recent protests, whether it be to a memorial fund, local businesses, or organizations like the NAACP, particularly if you're in the US.
This post will give recommendations for decks that can generally do well while generally remaining in the $50 to $150 price range.
Not all decklists are perfect and this post is not an F. Unless there is a particularly offensive deckbuilding error that you want to point out, please don't use this thread to nitpick at the sample decklists provided. Decklists were built prioritizing simplicity and effectiveness on a budget. At the same time, if you want to try one of these decks, don't treat them as if they're perfect, either - you should experiment and play cards that feel comfortable and/or optimal to you.
Do feel free to leave suggestions for budget players, whether it's a budget tech choice for one of the decks on this list or whether it's a different deck that you think can compete in the coming months.
[Last updated: June 10, 2020]
Previous version: February 2020 Post
Updated version: October 2020 Post

S Tier

The best bang for your buck. Decks in this category have the capacity to top premier events, though they're almost always supplemented with expensive power cards.


Price: $100+ Imgur | DuelingBook


Price: $75+ Imgur | DuelingBook


Price: $100+ Imgur | DuelingBook

A Tier

Strong decks, but limited either by a lack of access to powerful staples or by the natural ceiling of the deck. You could still top a regional with one of these decks on a good day.


Price: $100+ Imgur | DuelingBook
  • Control deck with a focus on flipping monsters face-down and generating constant advantage with Subterror Guru
  • One of the few decks that are capable of using Pot of Extravagance with almost zero risk, though Extravagance is not at all budget
  • Generally does not need the extra deck, which can be appealing to budget players as well
  • Like most control decks, Subterror can easily include Nibiru the Primal Being in the main deck. There's extra synergy in Subterror, as Nibiru only tributes face-up monsters, so a face-down Subterror Guru will remain on the field after Nibiru resolves.
  • Though its game plan is very simple, Subterror can be extremely oppressive if it's allowed to establish its resource loop, particularly when backed up with There Can Be Only One.


Price: $50+ Imgur | DuelingBook
  • Control + backrow deck with incredible recursion and the ability to come back from almost no resources
  • Altergeist's success last year was mixed, as Salamangreat were generally a better deck. Their success included a win at German nationals, as well as two spots in the top cut at EUWCQ, and then several spots in YCS top cuts throughout 2019.
  • Following the January banlist, Altergeist looked to be one of the more promising backrow decks of the format, boasting the ability to play a rather compact engine while still applying immense pressure if they're able to play the game. They won the PPG invitational in late January, despite SPYRAL dominating the top cut in terms of raw representation, and took multiple regional tops. After the April banlist, Altergeist have had a fairly modest showing online, notably getting top 32 at the third online Luxury Championship Series.
  • The recent June banlist could be the push Altergeist needed, as Multifaker returning to 3 is a fairly significant power boost to the deck. Notably, since the budget list runs Desires instead of Extravagance, there is a significantly reduced risk of banishing all of your copies of Faker.
  • Budget players are most hurt by a lack of Pot of Extravagance, Infinite Impermanence, and Evenly Matched. All three of these cards have reprints, with the Extrav reprint coming in Toon Chaos, but none are quite cheap enough yet to be easily accessible on a budget.
  • Geist players should also be on the lookout for whenever Altergeist Pookuery gets imported to the TCG, possibly in a side set or the mega-tins this year. Pookuery is standard in OCG lists now, as the ability to make Hexstia on turn 1 and then trigger its search effect with Linkross is insane for the deck's consistency.


Price: $100+ Imgur | DuelingBook
  • Deck focused on Xyz summoning, with its gimmick allowing you to use any Zoodiac monster as the entire Xyz material for the summon of a different Zoodiac Xyz monster
  • Formerly an incredibly dominant deck in both the TCG and OCG, current Zoodiac has established a small niche for itself in the current meta despite having only 1 Drident. Part of this is due to the inclusion of Infinitrack Fortress Megaclops, which can be easily brought out through several one- and two-card combos. Megaclops can be immensely troublesome for many decks to out, and is extremely effective at closing games.
  • Capable of playing a very compact engine combined with around 20 slots dedicated to handtraps, traps, and draw power. Makes extremely effective use of the recently unlimited Pot of Avarice, as you can simply stack Xyz monsters, link them off for Gravity Controller, and easily fulfill the activation requirement for Avarice.
  • The provided list is more or less Zoo at full power in the current format - the only upgrades you'd make are stronger handtraps and power cards like Nibiru/Impermanence/Phantazmay.
  • Has a fairly simplistic gameplan and struggles to play through much disruption if it isn't able to make good use of its power cards
  • Did reasonably well early in the format, with a pretty solid winrate on the Duelingbook ranked ladder (based off YGOScope stats), claiming top 16 in Crush Card Cup, and doing fairly well in other smaller tournaments. Has fallen off considerably since then as the format has become more developed.

B Tier

Like the above category, but generally weaker, less consistent, and/or impacted harder by a lack of access to a certain card(s).

Plunder Patroll

Price: $200+ Imgur | DuelingBook
  • TCG-exclusive Pirate archetype with ridiculous recursion and a unique tag-out and equip mechanic based on Attributes being used in the game
  • The pirates become equips for one of (currently) three Patrollships, extra deck monsters that can all discard Plunder Patroll cards in hand to fuel powerful effects. The ships become stronger when manned (equipped with) a Plunder card, with bonuses such as ignition effects becoming quick effects, or being able to replace the discarded card with a new one from the deck.
  • Prices on certain cards, namely Whitebeard, Redbeard, and Lys, have been fluctuating lately. At one point the sample list clocked in at over $200, but has since fallen to a much more manageable price for budget players.
  • In terms of performance, Plunder has been doing decently at smaller tournaments (particularly PPG weeklies) but has failed to replicate those results in larger online tournaments such as LCS.
  • Plunder players most easily bring out ships with the same attribute as that of a card on the field or in either GY. Since only LIGHT, DARK, and FIRE ships currently exist, certain matchups become surprisingly awkward. For example, Adamancipator almost exclusively summons EARTH monsters early on in its combos, which sometimes makes it annoying or outright impossible for the Plunder player to bring out a Patrollship that actually does something to stop their opponent.

Mermail Atlantean

Price: $150+ Imgur | DuelingBook
  • Perhaps it'd be more accurate to say "WATER" at this point - Mermail Atlantean has evolved a lot since its inception, and is at heart an aggressive combo deck focused on WATER monsters, particularly the synergy between Mermail cards and Atlantean cards.
  • Modern Mermail is commonly played as... wait for it... a Synchro combo deck using Halqifibrax. The version that's seen the most competitive success is the Auroradon variant that focuses on the True King of All Calamities combo using Garden Rose Maiden. The sample list is based on Pak Pamornsut's list that got top 4 at the May 30th PPG weekend championship. You can watch Pak's deck profile on his channel. He's since made a few modifications to his list to be more focused on Tuning + Jet Synchron, but I've opted to stick closer to the original list.
  • The sample list is also quite expensive at around $150, largely due to the playset of Deep Sea Aria in the main as well as pricey individual cards for the Calamities combo like Fibrax, O-Lion, and Garden Rose Maiden. These can all be altered depending on personal preference, but do some research on what direction you'd like to take the deck before cutting cards, as it doesn't make sense to (for example) cut Fibrax but keep O-Lion in the main.
  • There are several other ways to build this deck - go for a different Auroradon combo like Herald/Librarian + Savage, play it as a dedicated OTK deck with Desires or even Extravagance, add in Frogs with a focus on summoning rank 4s + toad, etc.
    • Another example is a budget combo build without Fibrax, focusing on using Mermail Abyssmander to facilitate Calamities instead. You can see a great example of such a build on Abysshire YGO's channel, clocking in at around $80.
  • Mermail's niche over other combo decks this format is its ability to snipe handtraps with Deep Sea Minstrel, and also its ability to combo + handloop with Moulinglacia. At the same time, it's not as robust of a combo deck as Adamancipator, and it doesn't have as strong of a follow-up as combo Eldlich.


Price: $100+ Imgur | DuelingBook
  • Spell counter-based deck that easily summons multiple big monsters at once
  • Despite multiple banlist hits, this deck continues to adapt and make use of new strategies. Modern Pendulum commonly uses Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians multiple times per turn to establish enormous boards
  • Mythical Beast Jackal King and Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic can both be brought out rather early, making this deck quite resilient against commonly played handtraps in the format such as Nibiru, Impermanence, and Effect Veiler. This also makes the deck surprisingly unreliant on its Pendulum Summon to make plays.
  • Budget players will not have access to Magicians' Souls, which is a crucial card in most optimized Pendulum strategies. It provides a free body, extra draw power, and the ability to dump important Spellcasters to the GY on demand to be revived later with Selene.
  • The general lack of handtraps in the main means that this deck can struggle going second against combo decks such as Adamancipator and combo Eldlich.

Sky Striker

Price: $75+ Imgur | DuelingBook
  • Spell-heavy control deck that usually maintains only one monster on the field at a time, in the extra monster zone.
  • The banning of Sky Striker Mobilize - Engage! was supposed to kill the deck's competitive viability, but in recent events it's shown that it's still kicking. Most notable is Ryan Yu's 1st place finish at the third online Luxury Championship series, defeating several Adamancipator and Eldlich playerds along the way. You can watch his deck profiles here or here. Since then, it's seen success at online PPG events as well, with players like Pascal Kihm and Alyse Davis getting 2nd on different occasions with a list fairly similar to Ryan's.
  • Striker thrives in the current Nibiru-heavy format, as it's not really affected too badly by many of the commonly played handtraps and go-second tech cards like Dark Ruler No More. It no longer accrues infinite resources through resolving Engage multiple times, but instead is easily able to kill you with an Accesscode Talker push after whittling down your LP and resources for a turn or two.
    • The standard combo involves making Halqifibrax, oftentimes stealing an opponent's monster with Shark Cannon or Widow Anchor. Fibrax fetches Effect Veiler, both are used to make Selene, Selene summons back Veiler, and those are used to make a 5300 ATK Accesscode. Since Striker plays so many different attributes of Links, Accesscode is more often than not able to clear the entire opposing board.
  • Striker also matches up surprisingly well into the top two decks right now, particularly against Eldlich. It runs enough handtraps to stifle the opening play most of the time, and Shark Cannon is incredibly effective at denying Eldlich any sort of grind game, especially the Synchro Eldlich variants that oftentimes only play 2 copies of Golden Lord as opposed to the full 3.
  • You may have noticed a problem: if you're on a budget, you can't use Accesscode. The deck still remains quite potent on a budget, but you have a less consistent win condition. The provided sample list uses some fairly common cards from previous formats, such as There Can Be Only One and the Utopia Double package, to help compensate for the lost power from losing the Fibrax -> Accesscode combo.

Burning Abyss

Price: $75+ Imgur | DuelingBook
  • Versatile control-based Graveyard toolbox deck that has been swinging in and out of meta relevance since its release way back in 2014. It's been playable in dozens of ways and continues to compete in the current, combo-infested format.
  • Was generally played as a combo deck from 2018-2019, incorporating a multitude of options. Recently thought of as a rogue combo option until Dinh-Kha Bui won a 130-player online German tournament in April with a trap-heavy version of BA.
    • The strategy is quite simple - set up Beatrice on turn 1 with backrow set, try to search a Tour Guide for turn 3, and push to win the game on turn 3. The discard traps have good synergy with Farfa and Scarm in hand, and Fiend Griefing is powerful disruption this format that also dumps any BA, Rhino Warrior, Back Jack, or even Token Collector to stop Linkross combo decks.
    • Dinh-Kha's list focused on playing cards like Karma Cut and Paleozoic Dinomischus that were powerful against Adamancipator while also being extremely effective at removing Eldlich the Golden Lord.
  • Following that, Trap BA became the standard build of BA this format, with players like Farkion repeating DKB's success at smaller events like the May 28th PPG online tourney.
  • Budget players will not be able to use I:P Masquerena, which is a standard part of the typical BA turn 1 end board. Opening Rhino/Graff and a Burning Abyss monster, or just Tour Guide by herself, allows you to end on IP + Beatrice. The IP is often used to make Knightmare Unicorn on the opponent's turn, which is potent disruption.

Magical Musketeers

Price: $75+ Imgur | DuelingBook
  • An aggressive column-based control-based deck focused on maintaining its monsters (the Magical Muskeeters) on the field, which in turn allow you to play their ammunition (the Magical Musket spells/traps) directly from the hand during either players' turn
  • Though this deck has always been viable as a rogue contender, its power skyrocketed with the release of Magical Musketeer Max in BLHR last year. Since then, it's claimed some success at smaller events, including a top 8 finish at PPG Philadelphia in August 2019, decent regional performances across the world, and finally a 9-2 finish from Joshua Oosters at YCS London where he was unable to top due to his tiebreakers.
  • During quarantine format, Muskets were mostly quiet apart from one unexpected top at YuGiJoe's first online series, again by Joshua Oosters. This time, however, he was playing a Musket Eldlich deck, as opposed to pure. Pure Musket finally had its time to shine at Australian online nationals in early June, where it finished 2nd place, piloted by Jon Lowbridge.
  • Reprints of Caspar and Starfire (the former two most expensive cards in the deck) in Duel Overload were a godsend for budget players, as both are now just pennies each.
  • While the deck's strategy has slightly evolved past "open Caspar or bust", relying on Max can turn sour in this handtrap-heavy format. Despite 3 copies of Called by the Grave in the main deck, having Max get disrupted can be deadly, as a lone Max doesn't generate any advantage during the opponent's turn when cards are activated in its column.

C Tier

Decks in this category have the capability to be just as good as the ones above at times, but often tend to suffer from multiple problems including consistency and power.


Price: $150+ Imgur | DuelingBook
  • Floaty destruction-based archetype that generates advantage when its cards are destroyed, enabling its gimmick of using your opponent's monsters to Link Summon
  • The Unchained monsters coordinate well with each other to take apart the opponent's board, while the Dark Spirit monsters slot in nicely in the deck to provide unexpected disruption and surprising resilience + resource recursion.
  • Can be built to go first or to go second, although the sample list prefers to go first since you probably want cards like Dark Ruler No More, Lightning Storm, and Evenly Matched for going second.
  • Abomination's Prison is the priciest card in the deck, going for around $17 each in NA at the time of writing this post. Apart from that, though, budget Unchained is surprisingly feasible.
  • Fairly modest online performance, doing alright at smaller events and more recently finishing top 8 at the second YuGiJoe online series
  • This deck's best weapon is its opponents being unprepared for it. Playing improperly into Dark Spirits or Unchained floats can very quickly be fatal.
  • Some decks, particularly the top decks, can out Unchained's threats without much trouble. Adamancipator can invalidate disruption with Koa'ki Meiru Guardian and then return floating cards to hand with Dragite instead of being forced to destroy them. Eldlich can remove threats with Golden Lord, though the pure version of Eldlich can have a surprising amount of difficulty outgrinding Unchained.


Price: $50+ Imgur | DuelingBook
  • Intricate wombo-combo deck that uses Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz to bring out a variety of boss monsters, repeatedly reviving their monsters from the GY
  • Gained online notoriety a few months ago after DuelingBook user kd#35 achieved rank 1 playing D/D. Shortly afterwards, Elijah Green finished top 16 with D/D in the second online LCS, a tournament largely dominated by Adamancipator. You can watch his deck profile here. The sample list provided is actually almost identical to Elijah's main and extra, with PSY-Framelord Omega replacing a Borreload Savage Dragon in the extra deck.
  • Most of the deck is very cheap - in fact, besides for Fibrax, Cross-Sheep, and some main deck staples like Pot of Desires, pretty much every card in the main and extra is $3 or under. Fibrax can also be cut on a budget, though you'll have to fiddle with the combos a little bit.
  • High learning curve when playing this deck makes it difficult to pick up, but rewarding to play


Price: $50+ Imgur | DuelingBook
  • Classic Fusion-based archetype from 2014, debuting in Duelist Alliance
  • Somewhat of a midrange combo deck that can slow the game down with El Shaddoll Winda or be very aggressive with El Shaddoll Construct
  • Received very decent support in the fairly recent Structure Deck: Shaddoll Showdown
  • Winda is a troublesome floodgate that many decks struggle to out, including Adamancipator. However, Eldlich deals with it fairly easily using Golden Lord, which is the main reason that Shaddoll has more or less fallen off the face of the competitive scene this format.
  • The provided list runs the Performage cards as another LIGHT engine that generates consistent advantage, but you can experiment with a bunch of different things. For example, Trickstar cards are a fairly common tech in OCG Shaddolls, although they have more copies of Light Stage than we do.
  • The deck's biggest problem has always been its inability to consistently resolve a fusion spell on turn 1, and the structure deck doesn't completely solve this problem. Pure Shaddoll are somewhat prone to bricking on all monsters or all spell/traps.

Crusadia (Guardragon)

Price: $25-100+ Imgur | DuelingBook
  • Traditionally an OTK deck, Crusadia cards also very easily enable Guardragon wombo combo strategies that aim to establish an oppressive board going first
  • On a budget, the most common strategy is to make multiple Saryuja Skull Dread and to try to draw into Kyoto Waterfront, eventually setting up a 5-counter Gameciel that is very difficult to out.
  • Maindeck Crusadia monsters are dirt cheap, allowing extra money to go toward consistency cards like Cynet Mining in this variant, which searches Formud Skipper
  • Release of Parallel Exceed in ETCO allows Skipper to really shine, as it can copy the name of any Crusadia (besides Magius) to then link summon Magius, searching Parallel Exceed afterwards. Exceed then eventually turns into Traptrix Rafflesia, which protects your combo from handtraps like Nibiru due to the also newly released Gravedigger's Trap Hole.
    • Cheaper versions can opt to ignore this entire package, allowing Cynet Mining as well as Gravedigger's Trap Hole to be cut, cutting the price of the deck almost in half, to around $50.
    • Still cheaper is the caveman-style going second OTK Crusadia that doesn't play any Guardragon cards and can be built for practically no cost at all
  • Even in the going first build, playing the typical Crusadia package of Regulex + Equimax means that you can sometimes pull off crazy OTKs going second as well, as the deck was intended to be played


Decks here will usually be decks that recently started seeing success, or upcoming decks that might become viable budget decks, oftentimes due to new support or even new reprints.
Unfortunately, as the vast majority of our events are online only, there's not much to say about this section. Budget isn't a factor in online tournaments, so it's hard to pick out wacky cheap decks like Tenyi and Giant Ballpark that have squeezed their way into regional tops. Consider checking previous versions of the budget post for some inspiration - in the meanwhile, I'm going to highlight new and interesting decks that have been doing fairly well online, but are just a little too pricey overall to make it onto the main post. Previously, Plunder Patroll was in this section, but since a bunch of its cards got a lot cheaper over the last few weeks, it's been promoted to the main body of the post and now sits in B tier.

Honorable Mentions

  • Madolche, Infernoid, Cyber Dragon, Mekk-Knight Invoked - Decks that are pretty good but are sorta in limbo due to some expensive individual cards, such as Madolche Anjelly, Cyber Dragon Nachster, Invocation, etc.
  • Generaider, HERO, Prank-Kids, Paleo - Decks that are fairly decent but unfortunately haven't done enough this format to make their way onto the main post. Will keep an eye out for decks like these as the format continues.
  • Cubics, Phantasm, Chain Burn, Evilswarm, Yosenju, Graydle Kaiju, Dinomist, Monarchs, and much, much more - Unfortunately, there is not enough room to cover every single decent, super-cheap deck.
I hope to keep this post updated for the foreseeable future. Feel free to leave any comments or suggestions.
submitted by JebusMcAzn to yugioh [link] [comments]

Text Chemistry Reviews | Does This Program Really Work?

Text Chemistry Reviews | Does This Program Really Work?
Welcome to the Text Chemistry Review 2021, In this review Reddit we will discuss every feature of the Reddit Text Chemistry Reviews 2021 program and see the advantages and disadvantages of each feature.
Text Chemistry Reviews
Welcome to my Text Chemistry Review by Amy North. All the information here is based on my personal review of the product and from collective feedback from other users. I hope this text chemistry review can help you decide whether this product can help you or not.
You can use all the information here to get a clear idea of what to expect from this program. And please take note that the result from the program may vary depending on the individual user.
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Secret Text That Makes Men Obsessed

A text message has become extremely common for men and women to communicate with each other when flirting. It’s actually how deep a love connection is made.
Because, text messaging is a convenient, fast, and reliable way to stay in touch. But if you fail to manage how you texting with your partner, it could seriously damage your relationship.
Frequent texting is not an assurance to develop a positive relationship.
Well, it’s true that texting is a quick way to communicate with your partner, but it’s not so useful to share deep thought and develop a deep connection without proper execution.
Text communication also can easily be misrepresented.
Usually, when we communicate, we rely a lot on nonverbal cues such as facial expression and body language. And this is not happening in texting.
When you communicate through texting, there could be a high possibility that your joke may come across as an insult or offensive to your partner. Especially at the early stage of the relationship.
Most women find it challenging to make their men stay interested in them. This is when text chemistry will guide you. There are many effective ways to make your man commit to the relationship, and this program will teach you how to implement that.
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About Text Chemistry

The text chemistry program was written entirely by Amy North. It’s created based on her experience learned about couples and how they communicate with each other in their relationship.
It’s an online program that teaches women how to use a simple text message to make their men obsess over them.
Amy North: She is professional relationship counselor and best-selling author from Vancouver Canada. She specialized in helping women from around the world to find and keep the man from their dream. Amy north spent years researching the nature of relationship and this program is her ultimate result.
Text chemistry works by capturing men’s attention and makes them addicted to you. These text messages have been proven to work on even the most distant and cold man. They will start craving for you all day night long.
Logically it doesn’t make sense right? Of course! I also have the same thought when I read about this program. Read on, I will try to explain to you how this program works.
Basically, there are a few important keys that make this program work. This program focus on capturing men’s full attention, so they constantly thinking about you, what are you doing, what are you thinking and etc.
It teaches you how to use men’s “psychological triggers” which is called the Attention hook to help you grab men’s attention.
The power of attention hook will tap in directly to your man’s focus and make him think about you. As a result, it will create excitement and a desperate feeling of love, care, and also an obsession for you.
Text chemistry also highlights the science proven step for love and attraction. You can learn how those simple words can change your man’s mind and focus.
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What Will You Learn From Text Chemistry?

For this program, you will receive the Main eBook and 13 Videos series. They want to give you an option, if you do not understand their eBook content, you can watch the explanation on the video. They also put videos link in the eBook to make it easier for you to access.
Text Chemistry Reviews
Other than that, their main eBook comes in three different formats, which are the pdf version (desktop), mobile version (epub), and the kindle version (Mobi). You can just download whichever version that you seem fit.
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As you read through the text chemistry guidebook, you will learn the basic things on how to train your man’s to text to you back, quickly and consistently. This guide is simple and easy to understand. You don’t need to spend hours on the internet again to find any other good solutions.

The Foundation Of The Text Chemistry

Okay, before we go through what you will learn from this eBook, let’s take a closer look at their table of content.
Text Chemistry Reviews
As you can see, in the early phase, this eBook focuses more on the basic things of texting. The author Amy, wants you to have a strong foundation about texting. That is why she explains in detail the texting mistake that people always make and how to overcome those problems.
As a man, I totally agree with what has been highlighted in the texting mistake section. Especially on the essay over-texting part and an ambiguous/confusing text part. Because I believe that, when you are texting with your man, you need to send him messages that make sense.
Men did not interested in half-assed communication. If they got an impression or sensed that you just mindlessly messaging them, they will not keep that conversation running. So in order to prevent you from making the same mistake and ruin the relationship, it is important for you to pay attention to this part.
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R.U.L.E.S of Texting

This is another part that catches my attention. In this guide book, Amy shares her theory about R.U.L.E.S of texting. Which is simple and very interesting.
R – Review and reviseU – Use visual languageL – Leave him wanting moreE – Excite himS – Stay positive
As you can see above, each of the alphabets carries different meanings. Starting from the top, Amy emphasizes that you need to think about what you really want to say. Practice this will make your message be more clear and not overload with excitement.
Getting excited about your future partner is good, but you need to be able to control it. If not, your enthusiasm might scare him away, because sometimes, excitement can make you look like a desperate woman.
And if you are interested to learn more about the R.U.L.E.S of texting, please check my other article, what to text a guy you like. I’ve already cover part of the topic in that article with a few more examples. But of course, you will learn more about it in their main eBook.
For me, if you want to win over your man through text messaging, you need to understand the basic foundation of texting. Once you understand and master the knowledge, you will be able to get successful results.
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Technique And Types Of Text Messages

The next part is more on the theory and techniques. And personally, I think some of the techniques are very powerful. If you use it correctly, you can develop and strengthen the chemistry between you and your future partner.
But, there is no guarantee that every technique that you learn from this program will produce positive results. It is important for you not to think that all the techniques from this guide book work as magical spells.
For me, you need to learn the theory behind the technique. So that you will get a better understanding of what you will going to use when you texting your man. In real life, you should learn how to read the situation and be creative.
If you manage to do so, you will increase the chances of success to win over your man’s heart.
Okay now, let’s go through the short preview of the techniques that you will learn from the program:
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#1- Do men ignore your messages?

Learn how to use Amy North’s effective technique that will make your man text you back instantly and consistently. It can lower your chances of feeling ignored or rejected again.

#2- E-Glow text

Learn how to hardwired your guy’s brain to love you and adore you no matter what hardship you will face by sending a text message. Once you send them these texts, his mind will always be thinking about you and just you.

#3- Get your ex back

Your ex said it’s already over. But you still want him back. Use the “Satellite text” that can make him regret the breakup. He will fight for a second chance to be with you.

#4- Your relationship has become stale and boring

Learn how to fill his body with the kind of nervous excitement that he felt when he first saw you. There’s a lot of practical advice to ignite love into a dying relationship.

#5- Make him passionate about you

Learn how to fill his mind with the thoughts of you all the time. This guidebook shares with you how to make your partner crave your touch and hang on your every word.

#6- Simple cheat sheet

Learn the ability to analyze his text messages and figure out your man’s true feelings on what he really means. As I said above, text messages can easily be misrepresented. This section will provide you good advice on how to handle the problem.

#7- Getting him to propose

This guide is about the subliminal messages that can make your partner crave marriage, family, and lifelong commitment. Take advantage of this section if you are trying to get your partner to propose as soon as possible.

#8- Make him miss you

Learn how to improve your text messages to make him feel a burst of excitement and counting downs the days until he gets to see you again. You’ll learn the best secret here!

#9- Taking the right picture

We always send a picture to our partner right? And this is not about how to send your naked picture to your partner. Here you can learn how to send a number of silly little images that can make him feel even more lust towards you.

#10- Bang his head

As you go through this program, you will find out how to bang his head with the text that won’t easily forget. And he’ll start making up a silly excuse just to see you as soon as he can!

#11- How to talk to him on the phone

Are you feeling awkward when talking to a guy over the phone? If yes, then you definitely won’t miss this section.

#12- Shooting for The Stars

Learn how to make him focus on you and only you. He’ll be blind to every other woman in his life. Because every moment he spends with you will be the happiest moment in his life.
The man that you waiting for may be just around the corner. Don’t let him escape! You can use this program to guide your man into a happy, committed relationship that you always dream of.
This program focusing on modern society as we live nowadays. So it’s not an outdated relationship program. Even if you are planning to date a man younger than you, this program still can meet that purpose.
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Exclusive Bonus eBooks

Lastly, you will also receive three bonus eBooks from Amy at no extra cost. These include:
  • Tinder Success Secret E-book
  • Why Men Leave E-book
  • The Phone Game E-book
The phone game ebook is something that you can’t miss. It might look simple, but trust me, it’s a real deal. If you already read the ebook, don’t focus too much on the example, but pay attention to the meaning behind it.
Get a better understanding of how to control man’s imagination. Your voice is one of the sexy parts of you. So use that opportunity, make your voice your weapon. The great advantage of having phone conversations is, your man can’t see you.
He is 100% depends on your voice to receive information. So you can play around with your tone and inflection of your speech to keep his imagination running. If you can master this technique, then he is all yours.
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Pros And Cons Of The Text Chemistry

Text chemistry does not contain any “magic text” that you can use to win over your man. Instead, it is basically a theory or practice that was based on man psychology. This program also focuses on capturing man’s attention for better results.
That said, let’s go through the pros and cons of this program.

The Pros

Increase your chance of finding love
This guide can drastically improve your chances to find your dream partner. It’s easy to follow and straight to the point. All modules and videos are super organized and clearly deliver important messages. It’s also cover most of the relationship/dating situation that you can relate to your own situation status. Apply their techniques to rejuvenate your love life and produce real results.
Remove insecurities
As you go through this program, you will learn a lot on how to speak to your man in a way that he’ll listen to you, sit up, and take notice. He will feel different around you, feel freer, and more comfortable. For your side, you’ll not be seeming ‘clingy’ or ‘needy’ to him. You also stop feeling jealous and your sudden lack of insecurities will make him want to spend more time with you.
60 days Money Back Guarantee
Most of the programs that I write a review will come with 60 days money-back guarantee. It gives you the confidence to test the product. Whenever you feel like the product not worth your money, you just need to email them and ask for a refund, no question asked!
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The Cons

This program is not for everyone.
This is based on my personal opinion, some of the modules may not work with you. It depends on what type of person are you. Some of you may dislike the method and not agree with the author. It’s totally your call. If you dislike the method, just proceed with the other module. Overall this is still a good relationship guide.
It can be perceived as ‘toying’
Some of the methods can be perceived as toying with men’s emotions. Which is needs to be extra careful. You can relate back to my first point above. So it’s important to wield this knowledge carefully, because any positive effects that you get from this program may be undone if your partner feels like he has been played.
Digital product
This program is for online purchases online. Without access to the internet, you may not suitable to buy this product. If you don’t have any issues with the internet, I highly recommend this product.
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My Final Opinion About The Product?

This is really a good guide to get to know how men communicate through text. Because when it comes to communication, men and women are opposites in almost every aspect. Even in the same situation, men and women will react differently.
Thus, it is important for you to learn how men communicate and what is in their heads. And this guide can lead you to gain knowledge about them. As a man, I could say that this guide is definitely hit close enough to how men’s brain works.
But one thing that may cause problems for certain users is, there is a lot of reading that needs to be done in this guide book. Because Amy explains her ideas and opinion in detail. So you need to read the content carefully to understand the foundation behind the methods.
That said, you must spend your time to focus on the theory about men’s psychology, don’t rely on the text examples. Their examples are only to give you the basic ideas, but understanding the whole theory will make it easier for you to mixed and matches the methods.
I believe, by using this program as your guide, you can light up the darkness that surrounds so many relationships. Don’t allow yourself to continue to follow the same broken relationship patterns. Empty your glass, and try to follow this guide, maybe this could change your life. Overall you deserve a happy, long-lasting relationship.
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submitted by cheryldlovejoy to New_Happiness_Code [link] [comments]

State of the Game - May 27th, 2020

State of the Game

The Division 2’s next big update is drawing closer, and the second phase of Public Test Server (PTS) feedback for Title Update 10 is about to begin. With Associate Creative Director Yannick Banchereau and Game Designer Bruce Kelly on board, this week’s State of the Game livestream looked into some of the reactions from players to Title Update 10 so far, as well as what’s in store for the next round of testing.

Priority Alerts

Maintenance - May 26th, 2020

» Source

Known Issues

Deltas in Raids and in General
It is a continuous issue that is difficult to pin-point. If you make reports about these provide as much information as possible:
The more the better.
=> you can check out the Known Issues here: Link

Title Update 10 PTS


Impressions Phase 1

  • The gear changes have been received well
  • The Feedback has been positive
  • One of the gear sets was too powerful (Foundry Bulwark – that will be addressed in Phase 2)
  • Players saw the potential in the new items.

Rifles Feedback

  • They wanted to package the balancing of the M1A with an overall balance pass.
  • While adjustments to the most popular weapons are never popular, they think that the weapons are in a better place now and that is also reflected in the feedback.
  • As listed in the Patch Notes the Assault Rifles, Shotguns and SMGs got a significant buff, Rifles that were underperforming were brought up and LMGs also got an increase. Some outliers like the M1A were brought in line. So, while not everything is on M1A level now, there is a more cohesive balance among the archetype now that should make more weapons viable in heroic/legendary content.

Brand Set: Walker, Harris & Co.

  • Core: Weapon Damage (Red)
  • 1: +5.0% Weapon Damage
  • 2: +5.0% Damage to Armor
  • 3: +5.0% Damage to Health
  • The feedback was it was “not strong enough”
  • While the 1 piece bonus is not that spectacular, the 2 and 3 piece bonus is multiplicative
  • So they scale very well – especially with damage to Armor in the mix.
  • There are also two Named Items attached to the brand (Perfect Headhunter / Perfect Adrenaline Rush) and those are powerful talents.
  • The Brand Set will stay the same for now unless you make a very good argument.

Game Difficulty

  • The Feedback from the PTS is that the game is a bit too easy
  • One of the goals of TU10 is to increase the fun factor and increase the player power.
  • With the overall buff to the weapons, one conclusion is of course that parts of the game become easier and that is ok.
  • Heroic should still be a challenge if you are not fully optimized, but when you are already min-maxed, Heroic will become easier and Legendary Difficulty is your next step.
  • Legendary should always be a challenge.
  • So overall the feedback is understandable, but they think the game is in a good spot now where the activities should be more fun but also not entirely trivial.

PVP Time to Kill

  • It was difficult to get objective feedback about the PVP changes because Bulwark basically dominated the PVP.
  • So Phase 2 should provide better feedback when Bulwark is fixed.
  • So please go into the Dark Zone and test things out when Phase 2 drops so that they can get as much data as possible.
  • MMR weapons were buffed by 12.5% in PVP and there is also a new Exotic Weapon “Mantis” plus the new “Head Hunter” Talent. So Sniping should be satisfying.

PTS Phase 2

PTS Update for Phase 2

  • Phase 1 is soon ending, and the team is planning to take the PTS down to deploy Phase 2.
  • The PTS is scheduled to shut down on Thursday at 1 PM CET / 7 AM ET / 4 AM PT.
  • PTS Phase 2 is scheduled to go live on Friday at 1 PM CET / 7 AM ET / 4 AM PT.
  • Exact times for the PTS shut down and reopening are subject to change, and up-to-date information will be relayed via social media, so players are encouraged to keep an eye on @TheDivisionGame on Twitter.
  • Players will not have to re-download the PTS client to play Phase 2, but will need a patch.
  • Patch Notes should become available on Friday.

Foundry Bulwark

  • Foundry Bulwark functionality: Whenever you or your shield take damage, 40% of that amount is repaired to both over 10s
  • It is a powerful set but burst damage should counter that.
PVP Issues
  • Foundry Bulwark was not working as intended in PVP because it basically repaired with the normal damage and ignored the PVP modifier that is in place.
  • For example:
    • Actual damage would be 100k damage
    • With a 70% PVP modifier you do 30k damage
    • But the Gear Set would repair for 100k damage and the players became unkillable.
  • The Healing is now calculated with the PVP modifiers in place.
PVE Issues
  • The Incoming Repair attribute would also impact the amount of repair you get from the Gear Set and made the set more powerful.
  • This was also fixed for phase 2

Phase 2 Exotic Balance Pass

  • Exotic Balance Pass will be added in Phase 2 and that will be very interesting in combination with the Gear changes of Phase 1.
  • Chameleon: Damage increase by 32.8%
  • Bighorn: Damage increase by 11.2% (with more headshot damage while scoping)
  • Most Exotics got a damage buff so that they can keep up with the other weapons.
  • BTSU Gloves gives you a Skill Haste buff for Hive Skills depending on Skill Tier.
  • Eagle Bearer is getting a 7.2% Damage Increase

Loot and Crafting Changes of Phase 2

  • Updated the spread of item power between the minimum and maximum rolls (result is mostly fewer rolls at the minimum).
  • Increased the minimum item power for all caches.
  • All containers in missions now scale their regular and targeted loot with difficulty (no more purples on Challenging difficulty or higher).
  • Increased the minimum and maximum crafting results, with weighting added for a better spread between them.

Weapon Handling is improved.

  • The Weapon Handling was not added in Phase 1, but it will be applied in Phase 2. Basically, if you have 10% Weapon Handling on your build, you get 10% Stability, Accuracy, Reload Speed, and Weapon Swap Speed.

Other PVP Changes

  • Negotiators Dilemma – the radius that marks target is reduced to 15m and the UI feedback is improved.
  • The Bleed Damage for Singer Hive, Auto Turret, and Explosive Seeker Mine was reduced by 75% in PVP. The damage of the Stinger Hive will be Increased by 75%. The goal of that is, that it is more of an area denial tool that punishes you if you are in the range of it and you don’t die from bleed when you get hit by one drone.
  • Imperial Dynasty will no longer immediately ignite someone in PVP. You need to maintain 3 seconds line of sight to apply the burn.

Phase 3

Phase 2 will add a lot of additional changes and it is becoming clear, that there will probably be a Phase 3 for the PTS to validate all the changes. Especially because of the Bulwark situation and PVP feedback was not really that objective in Phase 1.

General Topics

More Stash Space

  • With the last increase, the Stash size was doubled.
  • At the moment further increases are not on the table.
  • It is something they can look at, but they don’t know if it is possible, because the last update was already “this is probably the one time that this will be increased.”
  • 300 is also a good amount and they don’t know if increasing it would actually provide an improvement.

Season Update

Season is Extended

  • As mentioned last week, Season 1 has been extended to June 15.
  • More information can be found on the forums.

Guardians Global Event is live

Every group of enemies has one or more Guardians. While the Guardian is alive, other enemies in the group will be immune. Eliminating the Guardian temporarily increases your weapon damage, rate of fire, reload time, restores armor, and removes immunity from protected enemies.
=> Summary

Season 2

  • All Seasons will be free for Warlords of New York owners.
  • There is a Premium Pass that unlocks additional season rewards.
  • It was free in Season 1, and players can currently still claim it.
  • In future Seasons, it will be a premium item.
  • All Seasonal gear can be earned in the game; the premium track gives out more caches and cosmetic items.
Season 2 will be discussed further in next week’s State of the Game.

Game and Story Leaks

Doing a PTS is always a risk because they deploy a work in progress build that may contain information that they would not have wanted to disclose. This what happened with this particular PTS and information was found.
In any case, please be mindful of discussing this information, so that the story is not spoiled for others.
Also, keep in mind, all this is still work in progress, so there might be more surprises down the road.
Players might have also seen Skyscraper references. Yes, they are working on a new PVE game mode that is currently called Skyscraper. The idea of this game mode is, that it should scratch that itch of a replayable PVE game mode.
Also just to clarify, this is not Underground 2.0. While they always wanted to take inspiration from Survival or Underground, the goal is not simply to recreate those modes in The Division 2. So when Skyscraper comes out (and it will take some time) it will be a new and different experience.


  • You can check out The Division 2 Roadmap here: Link

Community Resources

The community has provided many guides, tools, and lists: Link

Important links

submitted by JokerUnique to thedivision [link] [comments]

New Era of Crypto Casinos (for Americans) That Don't Actually Suck

I would say that I'm relatively new to reddit and the one thing that surprised me is the number of people that still play on Bovada, Ignition, Betonline, MyBookie, etc. Don't get me wrong, great sites for sports betting and poker, but absolutely horrendous when it comes to slots and live casino games.
Hitting 1,000x on a slot on Bovada is like a once in a lifetime achievement and the live dealer provider is... awful.
Over the past month or so, I have seen this subreddit flooded with random users promoting a bunch of shitty no-name crypto casinos that have been around for like 3 days. So I figured it was my duty, as somebody who has no ownership interests in any of these online crypto casinos, to share my thoughts regarding the ones that I believe are trustworthy.
First off, for those who aren't familiar with crypto casinos, the one thing that you need to know, as an American, is that you'll need to access these sites via a VPN. Personally, I use ExpressVPN and connect to Canada (or various other regions depending on which slot provider is available). The nice thing about ExpressVPN is that you can download the app and play on your phone. All of the casinos listed below allow VPN usage.
Second thing, KYC is not required. Honestly haven't looked into this too much, but I can tell you from first-hand experience that KYC is not required in order to register or withdraw funds. Some people have said you get KYC'd if you try to withdraw more than $2k, but again, I can confirm that it's not true (specifically for the casinos listed below). Just make sure that you only deposit/withdraw via crypto and you'll be fine. If you think this is sketchy, then please, continue making your credit card deposits at Bovada to random shell companies based out of China.
Also, DO NOT USE COINBASE TO TRANSFER TO AND FROM THE CASINO. They banned me. It hurt. Don't make the same mistake. I recommend using BRD as an intermediary between Coinbase and the casino.
Finally, I have wagered roughly $3.5MM in total across the sites below and have spent countless hours researching them, so I'd like to think that I somewhat know what I'm talking about. In no way am I an expert and in no way am I a high roller or a whale. Just a regular guy that enjoys gambling.
Now the common theme amongst the below casinos is that you have access to game providers such as Evolution (live games), Pragmatic, NetEnt, Thunderkick, Push, etc. that you'll never find on the casinos advertised as available to US players (such as Bovada). As I'm sure you know, Betsoft slots can get old after a while.
Just a few of my personal favorite games that I recommend you check out...
Live Games: Crazy Time, Monopoly, Evolution Blackjack and Evolution Speed Baccarat
Slots: Dead or Alive 2, Money Train 2, Lil' Devil, Sweet Bonanza and Dog House

Site #1: Stake
What I like: Instant withdrawals, huge selection of slots and live games, incredible VIP and rakeback system (weekly/monthly bonuses, rakeback can be claimed whenever, daily/monthly challenges to earn extra cash), active and friendly chat community, multiple crytpo deposit options where your account is credited in that currency (meaning your balance equivalent in USD will swing with the market-- could be seen as a con), enjoyable "Stake Original" games that have a higher RTP than 3rd party slots, averages ~2k users online at any given time
What I don't like: Honestly I spent like 30 minutes trying to think of a con and nothing came to mind
My largest withdrawal: $13.2k
Deposit/Withdrawal Methods: BTC, ETH, LTC, DOGE, BCH, XRP (highly recommend-- cheap transfer fee, if any at all, and confirmed within seconds), TRX, EOS
You might be able to enter my username to enable the10% rakeback: "hkgambler13" (been a while since I joined so I can't remember).

Site #2: Roobet
What I like: Instant withdrawals, huge selection of slots and live games, generous rakeback system, instant bitcoin deposits (they will credit your account before receiving any confirmations-- this is really nice), every so often they'll run a 24 hour promotion where if you hit 100x on slot betting at least $1 you'll be "King Roo" (basically King of the Hill) and accumulate ~$20 per minute until you're dethroned
What I don't like: Rakeback system only allows you to collect every 24 hrs/1 week/1 month, no clarity surrounding VIP status (assuming you need to be a whale), there was one instance where I won $36k on a $40 bet playing Reactoonz and was told I can only withdraw $10k per day (this was 9 months ago and never had an issue withdrawing since), lack of sports betting
My largest withdrawal: $9.9k
Deposit/Withdrawal Methods: BTC, ETH
If you want to enable the rakeback system without having to wager a shitload, feel free to use my code "hkgambler13".

Site #3: Gamdom
What I like: Instant withdrawals, huge selection of slots and live games, newly implemented rakeback system, constant "rains" in the chat (which is free money if you join in time), ability to instantly deposit and withdraw via Rust and TF2 items (could spend an hour talking about this-- generally caters to those who cannot get crypto or have to use a CC to buy crypto), averages ~1.5k users online at any given time
What I don't like: Prior to the newly implemented rakeback system rains were the only "rakeback", your balance is denominated in coins (1500 coins = $1 USD), browsing through their slot selection can be a pain in the ass
My largest withdrawal: $7.4k
Deposit/Withdrawal Methods: BTC, ETH, BCH, LTC
If you use my code "chase" you'll get a free chest that could be worth up to ~$53.

Final parting words: PLEASE DO NOT GAMBLE WITH MONEY THAT YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO LOSE. Gambling is not a money making method and you will lose in the long run. The purpose of my post is to make those aware that other trustworthy online casinos are available for Americans that will (hopefully) make gambling online a bit more enjoyable.
Happy to answer any questions!
submitted by GolfAndGamble to casualgambling [link] [comments]

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