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Diamond Casino Heist Ultimate Guide

Diamond Casino Heist Ultimate Guide

Hello everybody!

The new Casino Heist has been out for over 2 weeks now and there is probably already plenty of guides about it on YT, but I've wanted to make my own guide for a while now and finally think that I have enough experience to make one. I have played the Casino Heist about 30 times now (lost count at 10) and played all the 3 different approaches with a friend, so anything I say about the finale in this guide will be doable with just 2 guys, unless I specifically say so.
Keep in mind this is not a completely flawless guide, I will keep improving and editing it whenever I learn something new. I hope this guide can help you fly through the Preps and have no problems doing the Finale.

1: The Basics
2: Vault contents
3: Approaches
4: Crew
5: General Prep Work
6: Approach specific prep
  1. Silent approach
  2. Big Con approach
  3. Aggressive approach
7: Silent Finale
8: Big Con Finale
9: Aggressive Finale
10: Tips and tricks

1: The Basics

  • First of all, do the Preps in a solo public lobby. Theres no reason not to do them in a solo public lobby since others can only affect your experience in a bad way, unlike selling MC stock where you will get a bonus for every player in the lobby. (Guide for making solo public lobbies here)
  • Of course you can do the prep missions with a friend, that way you can avoid having to go to a certain place twice in some prep missions, but it's not neccesary. If you and a friend both do your prep missions simultaneously, you will be able to do 2 Finales in 2 hours if you are experienced in doing the missions. If you don't have any friends to do the preps with, don't worry, they're all doable completely alone and shouldn't be a problem to a decent player.
  • Now for Arcade locations. Of course I have to talk about Pixel Pete's in Paleto Bay. If you plan on doing the Casino Heist multiple times for a good income of large amounts of money, invest the cash from your first couple of runs from Paleto Bay into a proper arcade. I own the Videogeddon arcade in La mesa (~1,8 million), which is the cheapest in LS, but imo the 8-bit arcade (~2,6 million) is the best since its basically on the same road as the Casino and its garage is way more accesible than the La Mesa one since over there you have to drive around to the back to get into the Garage (Always enter your arcade through the garage entrance, it saves a lot of time compared to going through the front door, into the management office and through the secret tunnel) Either way they are both viable choices, but you should forget about the other ones in LS.
  • Vehicle choice. Obviously the Oppressor Mk II is your best friend for most of the prep missions, but there are plenty other viable alternatives. The Buzzard can be spawned in directly in front of you via CEO vehicles (if you own one it's free, otherwise it costs 25k per spawn) The issue with the Buzzard is its armor. After taking a couple shots, and trust me, you will, your Buzzard will start to smoke and will then stop working within ~5 minutes. The Akula is another very viable choice, especially when looking at the fact that you will have to lose the cops a lot (the memes are true). It also has fast firing homing rockets (don't use the rocket barrage, it's useless for grinding purposes) which will also help (it has infinite (?) rockets so running out of them won't be an issue, unlike the Oppressor, which only has 20) The Hydra is another hidden gem for the prep missions, if you can fly it well that is. Keep in mind that when using bulky vehicles like Helicopters or jets, the La Mesa arcade will be even worse since you have to land on the road and walk around the back of the arcade, whilst with the oppressor you can just fly straight into the back alley.
  • Hard finales. After doing a certain approach, that approach will be locked for the next heist. After doing another heist with a different approach, the approach first used will become available again with a red skull signalizing it will be on hard. Choose your 2 favourite approaches (information about the approaches below) and do them back to back, as playing the heist on hard will of course result in the loot being worth more. Don't worry about the heist being to difficult on hard, the only differences for the 2 sneaky approaches is the amount of fingerprints during hacks and for the loud approach the improved armor will be more than enough to make the heisdt a cakewalk.
  • I recommend purchasing the keypad at the prep board and training your fingerprint hacking skills on there. Trust me, you'll want to be fast when it comes to hacking the keypads. I get the hacks done in about 15 seconds and that is usually fast enough to get all the loot I want.

2: Vault contents

Alright, now for the interesting part, the vault contents. You probably know by now that Cash is the worst option. The best option in terms of money is Gold, while artwork takes significantly less time to loot. If you plan on doing the heist as a 2-man team, aim for artwork, if you are more than 2, go for gold. Forget about Cash.
So how do you influence what loot the vault contains? When doing the scoping out the vault mission, you will be able to see what the vault contains. If it's what you want, then good for you, you may leave the casino and move on to selecting the approach and crew. If however the vault contains cash or whatever loot you don't want, you can "change" the vault contents like this:
  1. Leave the camera
  3. Cancel the Casino Heist
  4. Leave the Casino and go back to your arcade
  5. Pay another 25k to start the heist again
The vault content will already be revealed. If it however still contains the unwanted loot, leave your arcade, call Lester to cancel the heist again, re-enter your arcade, start the heist for 25k again. You will then have to do the vault content mission again and if it still isn't the wanted loot, you may repeat the tactic above.
Don't worry about the 25k that you'll pay each time you restart the heist, good compared to artwork is worth about 200k more so you will have plenty of chances before losing money.
The following describes a controversial glitch that may be used to gain more loot than you're meant to, if you don't want to do this glitch, then you don't have to, but some people will obviously want to do this.
For the glitch, you need the vault to contain Gold. I would usually write this in the finale section but this may influence your decision on what loot to pick so I see this as a more fitting place to write it.
When inside the vault, the gold will be stored on several carts across the vault.
  1. Go up to one and press E to start collecting the gold.
  2. Collect every bar but stop at the last one
  3. Press right click to stop the looting whilst there is still loot on the cart
  4. Wait 2-3 seconds infront of the cart
  5. Press E to start looting again
Voila, the cart will be full with gold again and you may now collect all the bars. This can only be done once for each cart, so after "filling up the cart" once you can collect all the loot off of it without losing anything. This way you can get up to ~3,7 million worth of gold. You will be able to collect more but the rest won't be added to your total, so you might aswell stop at that amount and leave the vault.

3: Different Approaches

1: Silent and sneaky
This approach involves you sneakily going into the casino with silenced weapons, sneaking your way to the vault and then getting out undetected again. I recommend playing this with people that are willing to communicate. I'm not saying you shouldn't pick this if you have to play with randoms, just make sure they are capable of cooperating before you start the heist.
The pros of this approach are that you will have ~3:25 minutes inside the vault and that you wont get shot (hopefully) so you wont lose any loot. This approach also lets you casually empty out the secondary vault opened via the security center (more about that in the finale section)
The obvious cons are that you need to have teammates capable of cooperating so they wont rush in, alert the guards and make you lose your sanity. The detection system is also very inconsistent and things that you might think wont alert the guards will turn out to do so, sometimes.
For this approach I recommend getting the artwork loot if you are just 2 players and gold (w/o glitch) if you are more than 2
The prep missions that may be skipped for this approach are:
  1. Power drills, since the lockboxes inside the vault don't pay that much and it takes time to drill them open that can be used to loot the main contents
2: Big Con
You enter the casino in disguise and get out in disguise, making you lose no loot from being shot like in the silent approach.
First of all, USE THE GRUPPE SECHS UNIFORMS. For the gruppe sechs uniforms to becaome available, you have to photograph the security tunnel of the casino (see image below) By using the gruppe sechs outfit, you can walk straight into the vault without needing to kill anyone.

Service tunnel location
This is in my opinion the best approach since you can easily stay undetected the whole time and it leaves very little chance of failure by stupidity and gives you the full 3:25 minutes inside the vault for looting.
Recommended loot is once again Artwork for 2 people, Gold for 3-4 people.
The prep missions that may be skipped are:
  1. Patrol Routes. You will only have to kill a maximum of 2 guards and they will be near enough to pop up on your radar anyway
  2. Duggan shipments. You will kill the 2 security guards with melee since your weapons don't have stabilizers and their armor doesn't save them from melee attacks.
  3. Power drills, again, since the effort of drilling the lockboxes is not worth it most of the time
3: Aggressive
The most barebones approach involves you shooting your way through the casino and blowing the vault open. This is the easiest approach to do with randoms and can even be done with level 10s who just got their first million.
I recommend photographing the sewer entrance to shorten the way that you have to fight your way through (see image below)

Sewer location
The recommended loot is always artwork since you won't have as mcuh time in the vualt, so the faster you get all the loot the better.
The prep missions that may be skipped for this approach are:
  1. Power drills, obviously since you have less time inside the vault.

4: Crew

Crew choice, seems like a hard decision, really isn't. You basically want to pick the cheapest crewmembers who give you the best hardware.
1: Gunman
Karl Abolaji. For every approach. This might seems like a stupid decision seeing as he only gives you a sawed-off shotgun or heavy revolver for the loud approach, but you will actually get an SMG aswell, which is very usuable for the loud approach. If you don't feel comfortable with just an SMG, Pick either Patrick McReary or Gustavo Mota. Packie will of course be very hard to unlock (Guide to unlocking Packie here) but he will give you a combat MG for only 8% of the cut, whilst Gustavo Mota will give you a Carbine OR Assault shotgun (with the SMG) for 9%
For Silent and Big Con, Karl will give you Micro-MPs, which are more than capable of doing their job, that being killing guards in the silent approach. For Big Con, you could actually play completely without weapons since you only need to melee 2 guards.
2: Driver
Probably the least important crewmember. Some people don't even use the getaway cars provided. So of course, pick Karim Denz. He will be able to source oyu the Sentinel Classic, which is a more than capable Car for getting to the needed places (more information about getaway in the finale section) for the smallest cut.
Of course you may choose other drivers if you want to unlock the trade price for any of the vehicles.
3: Hacker
The most important crewman. Really the only viable choice is Avi Schwartzman, who can be unlocked by destroying the 50 signal jammers spread around San Andreas (Guide for 50 jammers here) He will give you the most time in the vault (Paige is an "expert" hacker aswell but she will give you ~15 seconds less inside the vault) Don't even think about all the other hackers, the hacker is no place to cheap out.

Ideal crew layout

5: General Prep Work

Alright, in this section I'll go over all the prep missions and give some tips and hints on what to do and what not to do and what vehicles work best. First of all, don't buy any of these preps for 70k, they're all somewhat easy to do and shouldn't be a problem for a solo player.
1: Untraceable weapons
This mission is be annoying but also easy. There are lumtiple types of this mission, and whilst none of them are a true challenge, they can be annoying to do since you have to either fly/drive a slow vehicle or collect 2 crates.
  • Noose Vans: There will be 4 Noose vans around the map and you have to blow the back door off to check for the weapons. You cannot lock onto the vans with homing missiles, so you either have to have good aim or use stickybombs in a ground vehicle. After finding the right one, you have to take it back to your arcade, after losing a wanted level. The annoying thing is, you cannot call Lester to lose that wanted level and the Van is very slow, I recommend driving through a tunnel where the cops cannot go to lose them.
  • I/E crew: You have to fly to the shore and find A couple of guys exporting the weapons, just blow them up or murder them any way, get in the Tula and fly to Sandy Shores airfield. When taking off in the Tula, switch to VTOL mode and gain some forward speed and altitude before switching to normal flying.
  • Lost MC/Vagos: You have to go to the clubhouse of the Vagos or Lost, clear the hostiles, find the weapons inside the clubhouse and bring them to your arcade. You will probably die the first couple times you try this mission, but you'll get the hang of it eventually. If you get the Lost MC mission and you have an arcade in LS, I recommend just finding a new session if you're alone since flying to Paleto Bay twice can be very time consuming.

A weapons case inside the Lost MC clubhouse
2: Getaway cars
This mission is somewhat easy for all types, but of course it's much faster done with a friend since you will have to get 2 cars most of the time.
  • Police warehouse: You have to go to a vehicle warehouse of the police and get the 2 cars out of there, don't worry about the sounds of the engines when in the warehouse, the cops inside seem to be deaf. When driving outside, be careful not to alert the cops standing outside or you'll have to lose your wanted level first.
  • Valet: You go to a hotel, scare away some valets, dress up as one and wait for the cars to arrive. Nothing much can go wrong here. The only things you shouldn't do is shoot or knock out the valets and bump into somebody infront of the hotel. Just simply bring the cars to your arcade and you're done.
  • I/E crew: You have to take the cars off a crew who just imported them. Just go to the location, kill the goons and take the cars. Watch out however, the enemies have extremely good aim and even a single enemy can kill you in a couple of seconds. Just use your homing rockets (don't worry, the getaway cars can't be blown up) to kill them, get the cars and bring them to your arcade.
3: Hacking Device
Seems like a simple mission, and it is. There are only two types of this mission, and they are both somewhat easy.
  • FIB: Collect a security pass off an FIB agent by brutally slaughtering him and his fellows, go to the FIB office, find the briefcase with the hacking devise, get out, lose the cops and bring it to your arcade. When killing the FIB agent, an exploded vehicle may block the agent's corpse. Just get another car to push anything away. There is also a bug where the corpse will either always be considered as blocked or ont even appear, if that happens you have to find a new session and restart the mission.
  • Noose: The early part is pretty similar to the FIB type, you collect a keycard off of an agent, enter the Noose building and use your phone to find the hacking device. When you get out of the Noose building, the alarm will always automatically go off, just fly away with your OppressoAkula etc. and lose the cops before bringing the hack device to your arcade. You can also assassinate the agent silently when collecting the keycard by approaching him, waiting for him to go away from the other 2 agents and then bopping him in the head with a gun, but form my experience its faster to just blow him up since you'll most likely lose the cops on the way to the Noose building anyway.

The briefcase you're looking for
4: Vault Keycards
This one has 2 mission types. In one you just go to two guards who have the keycards, eliminate them silently by smacking them in the head with a weapon and then looting their keycards.
The other mission is a bit more complicated. It involves you getting a prison bus and entering the bolingbroke prison in that disguise tho then silently murder a guard there who has the keycards. You actually don't have to collect or even blow up the bus, you can fly straight to the prison, kill the guard and get the keycard. Keep in mind thatr you wil get 4 stars doing it this way and there are snipers on the 2 adjacent towers to where the keycard guard is, so you'll wnat to kill those first before looting the guard.
The recommended vehicle is the Oppressor Mk II just to get around faster, but the Akula is a very viable choice aswell to lose the cops more easily after flying to the prison.
5: Guard Patrols
Pretty straight-forward mission. You go to a Duggan security meeting, kill all the guards, find the correct car, photograph the plan and then get out.
This mission can be done stealthy, but it's basically impossible, you're better off juzst shooting them straight away.
The correct car will always be a Felon GT and there will always be 3 of them in the same positions, so you get the hang of where to go after doing it a couple of times.
Once again the Oppressor and Akula are your go-to vehicles for this mission, but DO NOT use the rockets to blow up the guards, the chance of accidentaly blowing up the car with the plans is not worth the risk, and I suggest you also dont use a Minigun since that can also bvlow up the car pretty quick.
6: Duggan Shipments
This is the most stressful prep. You need to destroy 10 of Duggans shipments in 10 minutes to weaken the guards inside the casino. The easiest way to do them is with any chopper with rockets (Akula, Hunter, Savage etc.) or the Oppressor Mk II (you may need to fly an optimal route so you have enough time to destroy all of them.
It is actually no neccesary to destroy all of them, for the silent approach destroying 2-4 is sufficient to make the guards not have helmets (you don't want to bodyshot them anyway, that might make them sound the alarm) but for the loud approach, it's best to destroy all 10 of them so that the guards only have Pistols and Micro SMGs.
If you fail to destroy all 10 in time, you can quickly leave the session before the time runs out and retry the mission.
7: Security Intel
This prep is unlocked after completing the 6 Casino missions unlocked by buying a Casino Penthouse. It can only be done once, so you won't have to replay it every heist.
The mission is simple, you go to a mall, meet Vincent, get the stolen car back for him (use a vehicle with drive-by weapons, helicopters and the Oppressor aren't good for this mission) and done, you can now see all the cameras inside the casino.
8: Power Drills
This mission also has 2 types, but the van one is much rarer. The common one involves going to a construction site and getting 2 power drills.
When you get to the cunstruction site, there will be a white icon on the map. Go there and equip the helmet (your character may remove the helmet shortly after equipping it but the disguise will still work) then just go and check the boxes for the power drills
YOU CAN CARRY BOTH DRILLS AT ONCE! That way you don't have to fly all the way to your arcade and back to collect the other drill.
The second type involves stealing a van with the drills inside and taking ti to your arcade. Simply use a vehicle with drive-by weapons (Once again no chopper or Oppressor), kill the driver AND passenger (he will get on the driver seat after the driver dies), collect the van and take it to your arcade.
9: Security Pass
First of all, ALWAYS get the level 2 security pass (the one showing a valet and croupier on the mission picture) The level 1 pass will only get you through the outside doors whilst the level 2 pass will open all doors except the level 3 ones inside the vault.
Once again, two types of this mission may occur. The first involves you stealing a hearse from a church parking lot. You will then have to lose a 2-star wanted level and drive to a hospital where you then have to find the corpse of a valet and get his security pass. When entering the hospital, your character may automatically have a weapon drawn, so pay attention to that before running through to the corpse.
The other type has you going to the party of a croupier, waiting until lester found the right guy and then take the security pass off him. When you get to the party, there will be a pavillon with people dancing, just go there and start dancing until lester has found the right guy. When you then search the croupier for the pass and it's not on him, just search for a small purple keycard (it can be somewhat hard to find but it will always be in the same locations) and collect it.
As for vehicles, anything goes. The Oppressor will probably get you where you want to go the fastest.

The pavillon that you can dance under

6: Approach Specific Preps

Silent approach:
1: Drones
You have to destroy 5 drones spread around LS and collect their parts. Pretty simple mission, use something with rockets (Oppressor will have better rockets than Helicopters) and blow up the drones. You can of course carry all 5 drone parts at once.
It can be tricky to lock on to the drones as you will also lock onto the cops if you have a wanted level, just swap from non-homing to homing rockets if you locked onto the wrong target.
2: Laser drills
This can be a difficult mission. You will either have to take the two drills off the military, which may be hard since they are very accurate and theres a lot of them, but you can use you Oppressor or Akula rockets without worrying about blowing up the drills, just be sure to stay far enough away, their aim is surprisingly good. Be careful when collecting the first laser drill, if the cops kill you your Oppressor may be impounded and you have to use a different one.
The second type will be to take the drills from a bunch of Cliffford soldiers (apparently they're still around) which is way harder than the military since the cliffford soldiers are EXTREMELY accurate and there will even be a juggernaut and snipers. I don't recommend using the Oppressor for this as you are very vulnerable when standing still, go with an Akula instead. Just kill all the soldiers, enter the warehouse, kill some more soldiers, take the drills and get to oyur arcade.
3: EMP
Another pretty easy and simple mission, you will have to collect a cargobob (with an extra long cable) from the airport, fly to the LS University and steal their EMP. Then just fly to the drop-off, lose a 3-star wanted level by evading the helicopters and drop off the EMP.
Some people skip this mission and the next one, but I use the EMP during the finale to casually do the last hard part so theres no risk of screwing anything up. If you are however coordinated enough to not need the EMP, then you may skip this and the next prep
4: Stealth Uniforms
I highly recommend paying for this mission, it can be very annoying and you get the 70k back from the finale anyway.
This mission involves you going to humane labs and assasinating guards silently (very similar to the infamous deliver EMP mission) and getting the uniforms from the garage where you would park the insurgent in the Humane Labs Heist. This mission can be done quickly if you have a buddy, if you don't, it's better to just skip it and pay the 70k (If you don't plan on using the EMP you don't need to do this mission anyway, it's only for the night-vision equipment)
Big Con approach:
For this one, I'll only talk about the group sechs uniforms, since this is the easiest method of doing the Casino Heist by far. If you want to use a different uniform to unlock it, go ahead, but do be warned that it will be significantly harder to fully stealth.
1: Group Sechs, part 1:
Simple mission, go to a mechanics repair shop, kill the mechanic after realizing the Stockade is locked, get the keys and drive away. You will get a wanted level, but you can call Lester to easily lose them.
2: Group Sechs, part 2:
A bit harder, but still pretty easy. This mission is similar to the Patrol routes mission, you have to go to a group sechs meeting, kill everyone (this can also be done stealthy, but its again almost impossible), photograph the license plate of the black stockade, send it to Lester and then get the equipment and bring it to your arcade. Again as with the Patrol routes mission, do not use explosives to kill the guards as you might accidentaly blow up the equipment. You can call Lester to get rid off your wanted level.
3: Vault drills
Yet another simple mission with two types
  • Fleeca: A crew of bankrobbers will be robbing a Fleeca-bank with the needed drills. Go there, kill em, get their drill, lose the cops, bring the drills to your arcade. Pretty simple, but you cant call Lester, so using an Oppressor or Akula is beneficial.
  • Heist crew: A bunch of heisting dudes are being arrested by the police. Go there, kill em, get their drills, lose the cops, bring the drills to oyur arcade. Pretty simple, but you can't call Lester, so using an Oppressor or Akula is, I'm having quite the Déjà vu.
4: Escape Outfits (Noose)
I'm choosing Noose outfits because they look better (and I'm sure they are in some way better than the Firefighter uniforms, I just don't know how, you seem to get spotted in the Noose uniforms aswell)
Simple (yet somewhat difficult) mission. Go to the mission row police station, kill all the cops there, find the Noose equipment, loose the cops and bring them back to your arcade. You can't call Lester to lose the cops so an Akula would be helpful. When collecting the second uniforms doing it solo, you will once again get 4 stars, so be ready to evade the cops again. Also, when you die at the police station, the cops will most likely impound your vehicle, so a careful approach would be better.
Aggressive approach
1: Thermal explosives
Loud has some pretty annoying mission, this being the first one. Once again, there are 2 types of this mission
  • You have to go to some rednecks and get the explsovies off of them. Just kill them all (once again no need to worry about blowing anything importnat up) and collect the boxes. They have a pretty big pickup distance so collecting them in a Helicopter should be no problem
  • SecuroServ Warehouse: Go to a warehouse, kill some people outside, kill some people inside, find the explosives, bring them to your arcade, no cops, pretty easy.
2: Vault explosives
This may be the most annoying mission of the entire heist. You have to go to a crash site of a plane, dive to the wreck and collect the explsovies. If you own one, put on a diving suit BEFORE starting the mision, you can't access the outfits during the mission.
When arriving at the crash site, you can dive straight to the plane if you have a scuba suit equipped, that saves you the killing and you won't get shot at instantly. Otherwise you have to kill some goons and equip a scuba suit nearby marked on your radar. When you collect the explosives, 3 helicopters will spawn. When you get out of the water, kill the gunners inside the helicopters, not the pilots. The helicopters would respawn and by only killing the gunners they will just follow you without shooting you.
3: Improved armor
You'll probably want to buy this prep, since this mission can also be very annoying. Two types of this mission, both are very unpleasant.
  • Humane Labs: Go to the beach at humane labs, get into a scuba suit, dive through the cooling tunnel into the facility, find the armor and bring it to your arcade. This mission may not be that hard, but the long swim and indoor fighting stretch out the mission and it quickly becomes repetetive and boring. There will atleast be a buzzard when you get out of the facility.
  • Merryweather bunker: Enter a bunker, kill the merryweather goons, find the armor and bring it to the arcade. Simple mission on paper, but the enemies will probably kill you atleast once and the armor sometimes can be tricky to find, I once spent 15 minutes searching the armor.
4: Drill
Simple mission and only needed if you plan on entering the casino through the sewers. Just go collect a truck with the drill loaded onto it, drive it through the water channel and into the sewers.The time you save by going into the casino through the sewers is probably negated by the time it takes for this mission, but having a more relaxed finale is certainly worth doing one more short prep mission.

7: Silent Finale

Alright, it's finally time for the big moneys, the finale. For this approach, you'll want to go in through either the garbage disposal or personnel room and go out through the personnel room. ALWAYS choose the high end buyer, he will give you the most money.
The finale starts very simple, you drive to the casino and enter through the door you chose. Careful, there will be a camera that you need to zap using your stun gun. When inside, there will be metal detectors that you need to disable by shooting the current box with the stun gun. Sometimes there will be guards watching the metal detectors, in that case you need to take them out before you go through.
When taking out guards, it's better for player guy to kill 2 guards facing eachother, as internet issues may cause in the alarm being raised even if the guards are killed simultaneously. You have more than enough time between shooting the first guard and the second guard raising the alarm that it shouldn't be a problem, just make sure your teammates stay back and don't interfere with the player killing the guards.
After clearing the first area (see picture below), you enter the security room through one of four doors (most of the time 2 of them are locked, can be seen by a red display on the keypad instead of the blue diamond) and then wait for the guard in the hallway to move out of the cameras sightline (Do not worry about the glass at the security room, for some reason guards can't see through it. The y can however see through the glass of the doors) Then you follow him (watch out for the camera) and shoot him in the head. Feel free to then clear the secondary vault by one play opening it for another player to loot (theres another button to open the vault inside, the player pressing the button only has to let him in) and then USE THE STAIRS to get to the vault floor.
When going down the stairs, a guard will walk up the stairs, shoot him in the head, disable the camera in the stairway and make your way all the way down.

Getting to the stairs undetected
On the vault floor, go out of the stairway and take out the 2 guards to the left. Then set off your EMP (this will also obviously disable the cameras) by having the host open their phone and using the securoserv-hack. The lights will then go out and you can rush into the main lobby and take out the 4 guards there. You can ignore the last guard inside the security room, just go to the keypads, swipe both at once and enter the mantrap.

Getting to the mantrap undetected
When at the vault door, 2 guys get out their laser drills and start drilling. The drilling is very simple, you just keep the drill as hot as possible whilst not overheating it. When inside the vault, take as much loot as you can but make sure to leave the vault before the time runs out (I recommend stopping the looting with 20-25 seconds remaining to ensure you have enough time to get out).
When getting back into the vault lobby, there will be 2 guards walking past the stairway, you can ignore those, just use the stairs to go up again (and don't forget to disable the camera in the stairway)
When back in the main floor, follow the route shown in the picture below whilst taking out any guards in the way (2 will be in the security room, you can ignore those) and leave the casino through the personnel door. Don't worry about the metal detectors whilst going out, they dont seem to alert the guards.

Getting out of the Casino undetected
When outside, again follow the route shown on the picture below to get to the getaway cars (locations may vary with different drivers) and drive into the sewers. Then spend some time in the sewers by either waiting or driving to another exit (I personally like to drive to the exit right at the highway so that the drive to the buyer is as fast as possible) Make sure not to drive too close to the Casino, as that will get you 5 wanted stars. I recommend avoiding the freeway next to the casino, you may however use the road to the north-west of the freeway.

Escape route with getaway car locations in pink (when choosing the 5% driver)
Then just casually drive to the buyer after you've lost the cops and there you go, fat loot.

8: Big Con Finale

This is the easiest finale by far. Choose the group Sechs entry uniform, noose escape uniform, the personnel rooms as the exit and of course the high end buyer.
Take the Group Sechs truck to the Casino and through the service tunnel, wait until the guard lets you through, park it on the yellow marker and use the elevator or stairs to get to the vault floor.
On the vault floor, just run to the keypads for the mantrap. The guards don't care if you're running or even jumping, just don't bump into anybody and don't draw your weapons.
The just casually loot the vault and again, make sure to get out before the time runs out (stop looting with about 25 seconds left to have enough time to get out safely.
Then just walk through the mantrap and the vault lobby again but USE THE STAIRS to get to the main floor (the camera will not raise the alarm, don't worry about it). Make sure you are all past the camera before going to the main floor, as anyone who didn't go past the camera will get detected due to the guards being alerted and a wanted level appearing. When at the main floor, use the route in the picture below to get to the Noose outfits and switch into them to walk past the last few guards without any problem.

Getting out of the Casino with the Noose uniforms
When outside, follow the same route as in the silent approach to get to the getaway cars. Drive into the sewers, lose the cops in there and then again casually drive to the buyer whilst avoiding driving to close to the casino.

Getting to the getaway cars and into the sewers undetected

9: Aggresive Finale

There really isn't any major explanation needed for this approach, as you won't have to worry about getting detected.
If you chose to enter through the sewers, drive there, enter the tunnel that was dug with the giant drill and plant explosives at the wall to gain entrance to the vault floor directly.
Then just shoot your way to the mantrap keypads and have the others protect the people opening the mantrap if you are playing with 3 or 4 players.
When looting the vault, you won't have to worry about getting out in time, and the nerve agent does very little damage, so don't be scared to take longer than the timer says.
Whilst shooting your way out of the casino, you may use either the elevator or the stairs to get to the main floor. Going through the security room allows you to evade any guards that may be in the south corridor.
When you get out of the casino, you may follow the same route as in the undetected approaches or run directly to the getaway vehicles, although you will probably get shot more doing that and therefor loose more money.
Get to your cars, drive into the sewers and lose the cops. Then you're just one casual drive away from making another bunch of cash. I highly recommend getting bulletproof tires for your getaway cars on this approach, and whilst you are spending that 10k per car, why not go big and get the 15k upgrade that laos makes the cars go much faster.

10: Tips and tricks

So in this section (which I will probably expand with additional tips, feel free to leave some in the comments) I'll go over some of the things I didn't mention that may save some effort or time when doing this heist.
  • You can lose the cops by going into the back of your Terrorbyte if you aren't carrying any equipment (useful during the untraceable weapon mission with the Noose van)

That about covers it for this heist. This has unexpectedly been quite the project for me, it took me 3 days of writing here and there and getting screenshots, so leaving a smol updoot would be appreciated. If you have any questions, of course feel free to leave a comment, I'll try my best to read every single one of them :)
Happy heisting! (and may your sessions be free of griefers!)
submitted by Borizon49 to gtaonline [link] [comments]

Just a few ideas I came up with, some are concepts from other games but most are mine.

  1. I would like to suggest that property furniture is separately picked out by the player. For example, in the office a player may want the desk chair, assistant model, and walls from the old spice: warm style, the window shades, glass walls, hallway furniture, desk perimeter tables, and the boardroom cabinets from power broker: polished, and the glass cabinet (the wine sits on top of this), the couch and chairs, and desk from the executive style, the same idea would apply to penthouses and possibly other properties like the facility & hangar where furniture is present and multiple styles are available. I'm sure it would bring great pleasure and satisfaction to me and many others in the community to be able to tweak their properties to perfection. I understand that there is an unused shop by the name of larss & elbo that I come to believe is a high-end furniture store, it could be implemented into the game to "Buy" the furniture from. Additionally, there could be different brands of furniture and appliances, for example, the pc and laptops in properties could be a different brand or type of computer instead of the regular ifruit tech, also the stilt houses have 2 different interiors, allow the player to pick either interior for their stilt houses.
  2. Add a home system in the interaction menu, so players could control the radio or tv without having to interact with them directly. Maybe even have control over the level of lighting, or if they have the right type of shades, allow them to be closed or opened to view the outside of LS.
  3. In the office instead other there being a gun locker and safe in the walls behind the players desk, have the closed room behind the assistant be opened up as an armory to view every weapon the player owns, and the room across from the 3 laptops be opened as a vault and have it filled with cash depending on the funds in the players bank account.
  4. The possibility to own a couple more properties, with all the new cars that will be dripping out every Tuesday, I feel horrible having to sell a good car that I want to keep to make room for a new car and I'm sure others feel the same.
  5. Unlock the balconies in properties, like at the penthouses or stilt houses. Make it so that we can walk out onto the balconies instead of just looking through windows.
  6. Pets being in players apartments and houses/adding animals to GTA online.
  7. More tv shows and movies, or more episodes to existing series. More than just one video game on the office tv, and ability to play video games on TVs in other properties.
  8. Open up the mechanic's area in the back of garages.
  9. Make menus for property radios and TVs so that instead of guessing what channel or station the player is selecting, they can instead use the menu to quickly and easily select their favorite channel or radio station when directly interacting with them.
  10. If mansions or more apartment/penthouse properties are added in future DLC, allow the purchase of extra rooms, like a pool or home theater.
  11. Make the camper available for purchase as a mobile home property.
  12. Make yacht more individually customizable, able to pick out all tents, pick colors and patterns separately, pick helipads, pick individual lighting. Color options wouldn't be limited, it would include all colors. Pick which helicopters and boats are stationed. Open up yacht engine room. Open up the 3rd-floor front exterior.
  13. Add more room for yachts.
  14. Fix interior inclined windows or remove inclined windows on the yacht.
  15. Let doors inside yacht close.
  16. Let security gates in the bunker close and open.
  17. Add more rooms in bunkers.
  18. Let players pick the paintings in properties.
Big downloadable content:
  1. A DLC that would be based mostly on water, it could be business based or heist based. I understand you must get plenty of emails regarding a naval-themed DLC but I would at least like to pitch in my thoughts, I suggest first that either both or one of the two following watercraft be included and available for purchase: 1. The aircraft carrier or a variant of the aircraft carrier that would include aircraft and watercraft storage, a living quarters, an armory, and possibly a section where a battleship (either visually in game or said to be farther out away from the coast) would be ordered to bombard or strike a small section of the map. The explosions would be smaller and less damaging than the orbital strike but there would be 2-3 at once. 2. Bogdan's submarine or a variant of it, it would include mainly the same basic rooms but the aircraft and possibly watercraft storage wouldn't be available, which is why I noted that both could be included. Both would be able to move around the map in a similar fashion as the galaxy super yacht, and both would be own-able at the same time. Second, MK.II weapons and weaponized/non-weaponized watercraft. For the MK.II weapons, I would like to see the grenade launcher, minigun, RPG, sweeper shotgun, micro SMG, and ap pistol. These are just suggestions, you can use whatever weapons you feel should be upgradable. For the weaponized watercraft, two could be variants of the tug and dinghy, the dinghy would have a minigun on the front and the tug would have a huge cannon on the back and miniguns on the sides, maybe a walk-in interior could be opened up on the tug with cannons and miniguns in it. Maybe one of the new ships could be a pirate ship (more on that below), but I'm sure you all would be the experts in finding small warships to put into the DLC. Now depending on if this becomes a business or a heist will vary the features put in: 1. Bogdan's treasure: a small heist could be included involving Bogdan finding an old treasure map and recruiting a team of players to go out looking for the treasure whilst fending off multiple factions of enemies like Merryweather, the army, the FIB/IAA, and maybe the gangs of San Andreas (vagos, ballas, the lost mc etc.) that have also caught wind of the treasure. The heist would be available from the screen in the players facility (it bothers me that there is empty space on the screen when its just the 3 doomsday heists) or from a small island base, some of the freemode setups would include getting various naval ships from one of the many factions to use in mission setups to look for more clues, gather information, or follow the map through sonar or other navigation/detection methods. The finale would include the players finding a cave leading into a cove with a huge pirate ship filled with gold (think the goonies) but on the way there, players would have to fight through the multiple factions that they encountered in previous sections of the heist, at the very end they would blow a massive hole in the side of the cove exposing the ship to the outside of the map and sailing it away in a cinematic cutscene. 2. Marines and pirates: a business similar to the bikegunrunning would be available to the player, on the maze bank foreclosures website a cove (think Hitler's underground cove dock in sniper elite 4 where you kill him or that submarine lair in mechanic resurrection) would be purchasable to the player. Inside of the cove would be the regular rooms like an armory, living quarters, and the main business room, but there would be multiple closed off manufacturing sections that could be unlocked through "Purchasing" them, the computer inside would allow upgrades to be made to each section they're in. The player would gather supplies based on what section they're in, for example, if the player were resupplying the forge, they would go out and use sonar to look for lost gold that could be at the bottom of the sea and bring it back, or steal gold bricks from a shipment on land and bring it back to be melted and sold (like in story mode). A rare resupply encounter could be to steal a pirate ship from Merryweather or the IAA/fib and bring it back. The small island could be where the base of operations is located, or gates and doors would be added to the side of rock walls on the map along the water with a valve hatch being located above for on-foot entry. Bogdan's submarine variant could be stored in here as a moc/avenger type vehicle, while the aircraft carrier is placed outside wherever the player has it.
  2. The nightclubs are opened up and either be a small business headquarters for trafficking or a hang out spot with a couple minigames, perhaps there could be different kinds like the hen house be a strip club and Bahama mamas be just a regular dance club or the player could choose what type of club the property would be. There could be a dancing mini-game be placed near a dance floor along with a fight club of sorts in the basement. It could also introduce Brucie as more than just a contact for bst or bring back a character from another title.
  3. Another heist idea could be that the casino is robbed by the player and his team, they would be hired by Phoenicia rackman to rob the casino because it hasn't been paying its government taxes or something, so the players must take the money by force for her so that the IAA could be funded. The heist could possibly include some variants of that huge tunnel digger to reach the vault room, or the skylift, that could be used to pick up the entire vault and fly it away. It would be the fourth or fifth heist to appear in the heist room in the facility (if the naval-themed DLC above was used for a heist then this would fill the last remaining spot on the heist screen, though I would push for that DLC to be a business since I like the businesses). I don't think gambling would be a feature since it would probably be exploited or glitched, giving players insane monetary gain.
  4. If the naval-themed DLC was used as a business then this heist could be the fifth heist on the screen in the facility. The altruists in Blaine County are taking over and assembling a small army of hillbillies, hobos, members of other various cults (children of the mountain, epsilon program), the O'Neil's, hunters, and possibly the lost mc to attack Los Santos and purge it, Phoenicia rackman has hired the players to infiltrate Blaine county and take back sections and loosen the grip of the altruists with the help of Trevor Philips, the finale is to infiltrate and destroy the altruist camp and end its tyrannical grip on Blaine county. The DLC would be more low-end than most of the recent content but I think some of the community would appreciate lower end content, stuff like pickup trucks and dune buggies and whatnot. Some of the heist vehicles could look like something out of mad max: fury road which I personally think would look insanely awesome, something like an armored bus with machine guns sticking out of the windows.
  5. Civil service DLC: buy police stations and vehicles.
  6. Continental hotel like from john wick.
Game modes & mini-games:
  1. An adversary mode of hide and seek at night with all the lights out, like slasher but on a larger scale. Players would hide in a small section of the map like sandy shores, the player could stay in one spot for about 30 seconds before having to move away from that spot or else they would appear on the map. It could be played in vehicles too since it's in a much larger area, the hiders could be on Sanchez's and the seeker could be in a khanjali tank or weaponized Tampa.
  2. A race mode idea could be something like motocross madness, where the maze bank arena is used for motocross races. There could also be an adversary mode that's a demolition derby or monster truck show.
  3. Add more sports mini-games like bowling, archery, pool, table tennis, and triathlons, possibly add baseball too.
  4. Add a 2 player hunting minigame.
  5. Make official creator props and adversary modes for games such as deathrun, car vs gun, ramp climb.
  6. Let players play mission minigames as video games. Like the doomsday laser hack, and lesters fleeca heist maze hack.
Player customization:
  1. Have there be a gym placed in ls where the player could train their character and upgrade their stats, like the gyms from GTA: San Andreas.
  2. Add more customization for the player's phone.
  3. Make more actions and taunts, its been a while since any have been added.
  4. Make some of the clothing options for male characters available for female characters, for example, the bow-tie that can just be on the male character without the proper shirt or jacket, and make some clothing options for the female character available for the male character, for example, the golden cuffs from ill-gotten gains. Maybe let players purchase the dunce hat too.
  5. Add clothes exclusive or only seen in story mode, for example, the visor that Amanda wears during tennis, franklin's skydiving outfit, Trevors dress, triathlon outfits. Some hairstyles could also be added, for example, Trevor's mullet and beard, Franklin's afro. Additionally, let hairstyles and clothing from holidays be available permanently.
  6. In the character creator, allow the players to change the size of their characters female breasts or male genitalia.
  7. The possibility of this is highly unlikely, but make a no shirt/bikini clothing option for female characters or at least just nipple tape, the strippers are partially nude during lap dances, also the strange blue nipples could be taken care of. I really don't see this being implemented but I see no harm in suggesting it.
  8. Choker chains.
  9. Let players do their own makeup inside their home.
  10. Looping actions or idle actions.
  11. Add backpacks. Something more than parachutes.
  12. Add football helmets, grilled shades, headbands, fezes.
  13. Let players put on duffle bags and other restricted mission outfits.
  14. Let players purchase the wrestler masks.
  15. Let players color and choose the decals for clothes.
  16. Add earbuds.
  17. Bandana’s from bandana masks be separate if the player wants it that way.
  18. Flaming skull masks.
  19. Platform shoes.
Returning content:
  1. Having the little things like free mode money trucks, mechanic vehicle delivery, the fireworks that were placed on the ground, very rare crate drops that held unique items. I understand if this one is a little tricky because they were already in the game but removed, but they could be tweaked. The free mode money trucks could be put in as a free mode event where players go around and try to make the most money off of robbing the trucks (besides, last time I checked there was a tattoo related to robbing trucks, and me being a bit of an "I must have everything" kind of person I feel incomplete to not be able to get that tattoo). For the mechanic delivery, in the vehicle interaction submenu options, it could be set to if the player wants their car personally delivered or just teleported near them. For the fireworks placed on the ground, I would just like to see that re-added into the game, I never got the chance to get any before they were taken but I'm sure I and many, many other players would be thrilled to have them back. As for the rare items that were rewarded from crates, I propose that either the crates be added back with the rare items and past holiday items, or have the items be purchasable but extremely expensive, possibly both.
  2. Bring back assassinating targets for Lester in freeroam.
  3. Add climbing mechanics from older GTA titles and possibly advance it with parkour.
  1. When someone has a self-radio, make it so that its not affected when someone changes the radio or if you're the passenger and the driver doesn't have a self-radio station let the passenger listen to theirs, also, I always find that it's never the station that is picked for my moc/avenger, property radio, and sometimes my own personal cars. Additionally, make an option for self-radio in the clubhouse jukebox.
  2. If the player has headphones on then have music playing while they are on foot and in the interaction menu the player could change the radio stations.
  3. Let self-radio play in stores.
  4. Let self-radio play in the nightclub.
Pause menu:
  1. In the report options of a player, allow there to be more specific modder report reasons, for example, some option in a "Modding" tab would be: god mode, money dropping, blame killing, prop spawning, mass killing, organization kicking (where a modder kicks someone from their own organization and makes them wait the 30 or so minutes). Additionally, when a player dies and they are in the menu trying to report, they're kicked out of the pause menu when they die, so when a player dies they can't report, and when a modder is blowing everyone up constantly they cant report them. Have the menu stay open even when the player dies. Also, let players report modding from the social club in case they are kicked by the modder and didn't get a chance to report them.
  2. Let players throw away money so that they don't have modded money.
  3. Let players view how long their friends have been offline.
Business benefits:
  1. Cargo running is slow to fill 5 large warehouses so maybe there would be an option to fill the warehouse in large chunks, say by 10, the player and associates would go find either a semi-truck across the map and go retrieve it facing aggressive enemies the whole way back, or possibly 5 vans with 2 crates inside each van. Another option could be to fill the warehouse completely by going around all of San Andreas grabbing semi-trucks with 10 crates, moving trucks with 5 crates, and small vans with 2 crates inside them, all adding up to 110 crates and the final crate after collecting the 110 crates could be one of the 6 rare special cargo crates. However the buy option would be extremely expensive like perhaps 500 thousand to 1 million depending on how full the warehouse is already, if the warehouse isn't completely empty then the chance to get a rare special cargo would be reduced but if there are already a couple rare cargo in the warehouse then the chance to get another one would only be reduced slightly.
  2. Have an option for the player to hire NPC associates or prospects, they would have tiers like the strike teams in the facility, level 1 would be free, level 2 would cost $5000 an associate, and level 3 would cost $10000 an associate, and they would be paid half their hiring price periodically. That way players don't have to go from session to session hoping someone joins them. The NPCs would be able to help fight and pick up separate cargo crates, they wouldn't be able to take cargo vehicles, they would attack other players based on a setting the player would have for them like the targeting system in the interaction menu, they could target strangers, attackers, or everyone. They would always be by the player's side and get into whatever vehicle they get in. They also wouldn't be able to take sell vehicles by themselves so players would have to hope to get something like the titan or tug if they're full of NPC associates.
  3. Make securoserv associate vehicles like the enduro and the dune buggy CEO vehicles too.
  4. Possibly a progress bar or something in clubhouses and offices to let players know when they've filled the property with a product, cargo, or money "Clutter" so that they don't have to guess and check.
  5. Let CEOs invite members from an mc.
  6. Business to manufacture new weapons for the player and make ammo.
  7. In an organization or mc, if friendly fire is on let members lock on to each other.
  8. Ability to choose organization color if not already taken.
  9. Increase VIP/CEO/pres limit.
  10. Allow players to customize the look and clothing of NPCs in business properties, like the bartenders, mechanics, and assistants.
  11. Allow multiple CEO work missions to be active at the same time.
  1. Let players join more than 5 crews.
  2. Give crew leaders the ability to change the crew name when editing their crew, and crew leaders also don't have to level up to 100 in their own crew.
  3. Crew emblems on more clothes.
  4. Let players put crew emblems on guns.
  5. Crew emblems in more properties.
Map expansion/immersion:
  1. Possibly add a small island to the right side of the map. Not as small as the one avi Schwartzman hides on but not as big as a whole map, something with similar beauty and just a bit smaller than great Inagua island from the assassins creed: black flag game. It could be a base for the naval DLC, or maybe if the pirate ship gets added, this is where it would be stored.
  2. Open up fast food places. Like in previous GTA titles, the player was allowed to walk into a restaurant and purchase food to regain health. Possibly also add in fast food vendors around the map for a hot dog or something to quickly replenish health, I understand we have snacks but I feel that it would improve the game, and what if we've run out of snacks?
  3. Open pier carnival games.
  4. More carnival rides, like the drop tower.
  5. Let players buy snacks from places other than the office, facility, or stores.
  6. Let players buy clothes and tattoos from shops along Vespucci beach and on the pier.
  7. Make arcade machines playable.
  8. Add ladders to more buildings to climb on or add a grappling hook.
  9. Let players rob safes in the back of stores.
  10. Have it snow more often.
Annoyance fixes:
  1. Don't force players into cargo warehouses when a crate or cargo vehicle is delivered.
  2. Make an option in mors mutual insurance to claim all cars from all garages
  3. Make older accessories wearable with newer accessories. For example, if I put on original earrings with a lowriders chain, it will remove the chain or earrings
  4. Let players rearrange bicycles in garage bicycle racks.
  5. Allow certain contacts to be blocked from calling or messaging. For example, block ljt from calling about businesses, or block Simeon from giving players a list of cars to bring to him.
  6. Allow the player to disable gang attacks.
  7. Allow players to call the car that's in the moc from office.
  8. Assisted havok landing.
  9. Add an option to stop players from changing the tv or radio.
  10. Let players acknowledge new options in clothing stores and mod shops instead of having to scroll through everything to get rid of the stars.
  11. When exiting a vehicle, don't force the last selected weapon in the vehicle to be the selected weapon on foot.
  12. Let players run in their nightclubs.
  1. Let players buy MK.II ammo in the interaction menu, but they would be very expensive.
  2. Melee weapons on guns (bayonet).
  3. Allow the player to select multiple bomb types at the same time, for example, the incendiary and gas bomb could be selected, so the bomb would create fire and gas. They would only be able to pick one of the two explosive types: explosive or cluster. If they picked three it could be an incendiary gas cluster bomb.
  4. Knuckle dusters on both hands.
  5. Let players buy molotovs, the railgun, the stun gun, and airstrike flares (doesn't bring airstrike)
  6. Lasers on weapons.
  7. Flashbang, decoy, smoke grenades.
  8. Dual wielding pistols.
  9. Burst fire options on certain guns.
  10. MK.III weapons would have branches.
  11. Throwing weapons: ninja star, throwing knives, tomahawk.
  12. MK.II melee weapons or just ammunation upgrades: spikes on the bat, flaming bat, and maybe projectiles like baseballs.
  13. Add flamethrower, a heavy fire ax, sledgehammer, small shields for melee fights, sword, boxing gloves, crossbow/bow, kukri, chainsaw.
  14. Add small sentry turrets that a player can call in for 1 minute before it self-destructs.
  15. MK.II explosives: bouncy, cluster types.
  16. Add cane and umbrella melee weapons that would also change the walk of the character to include the weapon.
  17. Paintball gun for harmless firefights with friends.
  18. Assault rifle with a grenade launcher attachment.
  19. Emp grenades that would disable some explosives like sticky bombs, and jammers that could be placed on surfaces, including cars that would disable explosives until destroyed when shot or player dies.
  20. MK.II tear gas with deadlier gas upgrades and canister upgrades like sticky, on impact.
  21. MK.II grenade launcher with special grenades with fire, gas, cluster, and sticky, or on impact grenades.
  22. Pulse detectors on guns, like thermal scopes but detecting heartbeats.
  23. Add small drones that can be deployed on the ground or in the air and can be upgraded.
  24. Ability to call in an equipment drop that has an upgradable riot shield and normal/MK.II-III ammo.
  25. Add a device that holds multiple explosives that would activate with proximity, timer, or manual and launch 6 small upgraded explosives.
  26. Add a helmet or scope that would allow players to detect electronics and explosives.
  27. Add a sort of mini anti-air device that would explode rockets and grenade launcher grenades shot at players.
  28. Stun grenades and mines that would act like a taser.
  29. Small glass shields on guns.
  30. Crossbow bolts with smoke or tear gas.
  31. Scanner for footprints, in freemode it wouldn't matter unless the enemy used off the radar, it would be useful in deathmatch.
  32. Multiple explosive upgrades: on impact cluster flashbang.
  33. Allow players to purchase all ammo when in the interaction menu > inventory > ammo section.
  34. Make the programmable AR purchasable
  35. LMG Bipods
  36. Make the golf club hide-able in the weapons lockers.
  1. Adding multiple modifications on vehicles, for example, the bodhi has options for vents, side steps, and headlight grills. I'd like it if I had the option to choose all three instead of just one.
  2. If you're reluctant to let us own more properties, then make some of the unpurchasable and rare cars like the Phoenix or manana purchasable so that players won't feel too bad about selling them to make room for newer cars.
  3. Add gogo monkey blista compact, space docker, and the blimp.
  4. Let players customize or at the very least change the colors on pegasus vehicles (i know planes were allowed to be customized in the smuggler's run update, I'm referring to land-based pegasus vehicles).
  5. Add rims that spin, like if there were a fidget spinner on the outside of the rim. Let tire designs be available on any type of rim, for example, the white walls of lowriders rims being on muscle tires.
  6. Make plane windows tintable
  7. Add more rims from cars with unique rims.
  8. Roof options on the ruiner.
  9. Assisted yacht helicopter landing.
  10. Able to call bicycles from office or mechanic.
  11. Speed racer type of cars with jump jacks and unique weapons.
  12. Hot wheels type cars.
  13. In the vehicle remote functions, let players roll their cars windows up and down.
  14. Allow players to upgrade and customize the car that comes with the anti-aircraft guns.
  15. Pegasus semi-trucks with trailers.
  16. Add zeppelins and war blimps, like from guns of Icarus.
  17. In garages or workshops, place a spinning display platform for a car to be showcased.
  18. Let players transfer cars between garages without manually driving them.
  19. Let players change the avenger propeller light color.
  20. Colored sun strips on cars with sponsored sunstrips only.
  21. Purchasable trailers for cars like the boat or generator trailers.
  22. Let players put spoilers on the ramp buggy.
  23. Let players modify the other 3 special vehicles in the vehicle warehouse.
  24. Make the Speedo, Mule, and Pounder Custom more explosive resistant.
  1. Ability to call Lester and have him make another players phone ring and not able to shoot before ending the call would take about 3 seconds to end it.
Job creator:
  1. Make pipes in stunt races that can go underwater.
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gta casino heist vault explosives glitch video

Fixing the Black Screen Glitch during the Diamond Casino Heist in GTA Online. Similar to the other heists in GTA Online, you will have to finish a group of prep missions before being able to participate in the actual Casino Heist itself. These missions are pretty simple, but some players have been experiencing problems when going through them. The heist is broken up into different parts, which includes a few different routes to enter the vault where money, diamonds, and gold bars can be found. Some ways of getting inside are easier than The Diamond Casino Heist is the biggest ever to hit GTA Online, and requires drawing up meticulous setup plans to walk away with the maximum payout. Here’s a run-down of the setup board for the So if you do the casino heist setup (vault Explosives) there's a glitch that If you die you have respawn times for about 10 mins and it's annoying it makes me want to pay the 60k skip cost which isn't possible Edited April 10, 2020 by SupWeek This guide is a complete walkthrough of the Aggressive approach to the Diamond Casino Heist. Our Big Con approach guide is here and our Silent & Sneaky guide is here.Make sure you also check out how to unlock the elite hacker Avi Schwartzman for more time in the vault, our payout/take guide, and also the POI and access point guide. DEAR ROCKSTAR. I have wasted so much time trying to get this asshole setup done solo. Whoever designed this mission deserves to go homeless for a solid decade. How are you going to vigilantly patch money glitches so quickly yet if I die in this pathetic f*cking setup im doomed to a forever loadin... Here I will explain what are the most important steps in preparing the Diamond-Casino-Heist and the heist itself. Overview. 1.) Security Pass 2.You should definitly steal this one because Security Pass 1 is completely useless and you have to do very difficult hacks (what wastes a lot of time) if you own only Security Pass 1 or none. Vault Explosives is a mandatory prep mission featured in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of the The Diamond Casino Heist update. It is a freeroam mission needed to progress The Diamond Casino Heist. Completing this setup give players explosives to open the vault door during the Aggressive Approach. 1 Overview 2 Lester Dialogue 3 Gallery 3.1 Video Walkthrough 4 Navigation Lester informs the Casino Security Vault Glitch. Glitch. Loot the Vault Next to the security room. Die and Quick restart. Can you do restart and die more than once per heist? 9. share. Report Save. Continue this thread A place to discuss and share GTA V glitches. Question posts and ACT II/Bogdan posts are NOT allowed unless in relation to a patch. Casino heist vault explosives setup bugged. Grand Theft Auto Online - Rockstar's ongoing ever expanding multiplayer system, introduced by Grand Theft Auto V. 892k. In The Clouds. 9.1k. Online. Created Jul 3, 2013. Join. Top posts december 17th 2019 Top posts of december, 2019 Top posts 2019.

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gta casino heist vault explosives glitch

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