19 Car Dashboard Warning Lights & Symbols & Meanings

hazard warning lights on dashboard

hazard warning lights on dashboard - win


The sound of a roaring engine and screaming teenagers echoed out of the darkness and into Pablo Grittburn’s shack. The ranger frowned, picked up his dusty clipboard and flashlight, and ambled outside onto the road. Summer had nearly ended but its heat lingered like an unwelcome guest, making his singlet stick to him like glue. He flung his small arms outwards, pulling over his mustard brown uniform as he shuffled, huffing and puffing, toward the gate.
“C’mon mate, we haven’t got all day.”
Pablo glanced up to see an old van, plastered with dirt and graffiti from roof to rim, with a sandy-haired lad smiling at him from the driver’s side window. Sandwiched next him and struggling to sit upright were three girls, laughing at the top of their lungs. He could almost smell the alcohol in their breath as he approached.
“You got your ticket?” he yelled up at the driver. The top of his balding head barely reached the van door handle.
“What?” spat the boy. He swung around and yelled into the rear, “Oi, shut up you dipshits.”
Jeers came from the back of the vehicle, which Pablo gathered was packed with more people than its seatbelts could possibly allow. He couldn’t see through the back windows. Colourful beach towels were draped across them like curtains.
“What, mate?” he said, looking down at Pablo with one hand cupped against his ear.
“I need your ticket,” the ranger repeated sternly.
The boy floundered around in the glove compartment as the girls laughed even louder. “Fuck me.” He bellowed. “Has anyone got the ticket?”
Pablo sighed as more vulgar shouting followed. He contemplated asking for the young man’s driver’s licence, almost certain he wasn’t the better part of sixteen, but decided against it, telling himself that the sooner he got rid of this car the better. As if sensing his rising impatience, a mousey-faced boy appeared from behind one of the hanging towels. He had a daft expression on his face. The towel fell away and the window lowered.
“Hey, can I interest you in this babe’s number?” he said, pointing to a sunglass-clad girl leaning on his arm.
Casually, the girl sat upright, took her rolled-up cigarette, and scorched the boy’s knuckles as they hung over her shoulder. A high-pitched squeal followed as the boy retracted his hand and clasped it, his jaw hanging open in disbelief.
“Ow! You crazy bitch!”
“Yeah, I’m single,” the girl said coolly, giving Pablo a placid look.
Pablo ignored them both, looking back at the young driver who was now dangling a crumpled white paper from his two fingers, arm resting across the windowpane. He made no effort to lower it as Pablo stretched to claim it from him.
“It says you came in with ten,” Pablo breathed, as he squinted through both open windows and looked down at the unravelled ticket in his hand. “I only count nine of you.”
“There’s ten of us here,” the young boy replied. “Dave-o, show your ugly face.”
He felt around the back of the passenger’s seat, lifted his arm and punched something solid.
“Oww,” moaned a sick voice.
“See? Ten,” he said, and flashed Pablo another sickly smile.
The ranger grumbled under his breath as he quickly matched the numberplate against his clipboard list, crossed it off and hurried towards the gate, relieved that it was the last car to be leaving the park for the day. Nothing made the day worse than having to head out into the park to confront a brigade of illegally-camping teenagers, especially after dark. He thanked the heavens that it wasn’t going to be required of him tonight.
His belt jingled as he selected a bronze key from his key ring and swiftly inserted it into the giant rusting padlock. As he turned it, the internal mechanisms of the lock fell into place with a satisfying clunk, and he began hauling the barrier open, shielding his eyes as the cast-iron frame kicked up orange dust and dirt. The van revved its engine impatiently and out of the corner of his eye he could see the sandy-haired boy leaning out of the driver’s window signalling at him.
“Hey, old badger,” he yelled as the van rolled on through.
Pablo pretended not to hear and focused on fastening the gate shut firmly behind them.
“We hit one of your friends back there!”
Pablo peered through the metal grating to see him pointing back towards the national park.
“Sorry about that! You might wanna teach them to keep off the road!”
And with that, the van sped off, drunken cries and squeals of laughter fading slowly off into the distance.
“Kids,” Pablo grumbled to himself as he gripped the padlock, giving it one last downwards shake. He needed no reminder why he didn’t have any of his own.
Sighing, he turned back in the direction of the park. He wondered what poor animal the teenagers had encountered.
A cool breeze brushed the back of his neck and fluttered inside his shirt as he stared at the broad road ahead of him. Its smooth gravel stretched onwards, travelling straight and wide like an airport runway, where it was cut off abruptly by a wall of black mist at the edge of the gate light beam. As Pablo stood, watching, he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was strange about the park tonight. The bugs and insects that usually met in hordes around the gate floodlight seemed sparse in number. Their collective chorus of buzzes and chirps, a signature song for the long, lively nights out here was, tonight, faint. And even the sound of crashing waves in the distance, normally a heavenly rumble so constant that Pablo’s ears neglected to hear it after a while, seemed mysteriously absent.
Deciding that he should do a quick sweep of the main road, Pablo began heading towards his jeep parked out by the rainwater tank near his shack. As he walked, taking a shortcut through the bush, bright lights began to dance in front of his eyes. The ranger held his hand to his temple, swaying, feeling suddenly dizzy. When his senses finally returned, he was back staring through the chain link fence of the park gate.
Pablo took a long sip from his water canister, surprised at how he had managed to wander in a circle. Just gotta take it slow, he thought, as he made his way over to his jeep again. It had been a long day, and he could feel the fatigue starting to set in. But he couldn’t stop now. There was still so much more he had to do.
A short time later, Pablo was hurtling along the desolate highway, the wind providing a brief refreshment as it blasted through his open windows. He had only driven for a few minutes when he saw something that made him slow to an abrupt halt. There was a dark patch on the road ahead. He squinted through the bug splatter on his windshield.
It was a pool of blood. About as wide as his own car. Pablo felt a jolt of sorrow as he realised this was likely from the animal that the teenagers had hit. The blood streaked all the way to the roadside where it became a speckled trail that disappeared into the shrub land on Pablo’s right. He veered his jeep so that his high beam lit up the bushland beyond the blood trail. What if the animal was still alive? At the edge of his car beam, he thought he could just make out what looked like two yellow eyes glaring back at him. A howling cry drifted towards him on the wind and through his open car window. It sounded desperate and afraid, like a fawn calling for its mother. A spotted ridgeback deer most likely. Dismayed, he snatched his rifle from the passenger seat, loaded it and leapt out of his jeep onto the rocky roadside.
Pablo’s frown deepened as he followed the glistening red pools into the shrubs. Ridgebacks were timid animals, always leaping away at the first sign of an approaching vehicle. It was rare for them to be killed on the road. Pablo gripped his gun tightly, quietly fuming. The teenagers had probably driven into it intentionally.
He kept to the sandy patches of earth that spotted the area, but the farther he walked, the thicker the vegetation became, and the more his jeep’s high beam struggled to penetrate. After a while he lost sight of the blood trail, and relied on the animal’s cries to point him in the right direction. The ground beneath Pablo had transformed into mass of matted twigs, shrubs and leaves, so he stepped quickly, not giving any hiding critters the chance to strike.
Eventually the terrain gave way to a dimly lit sandy opening. He heard the fawn’s call, much clearer this time, mere metres away. He tracked the sound of it around a large spinifex, and found the fawn, but instead of it being half-alive as he had expected it to be, he was confronted with a small deer, standing unharmed, surrounded by a scene of sheer horror and death.
It was as if an animal had exploded from the inside out. Scattered in the sand in front of him were pieces of fur, flesh and intestines, for as far as he could see. He saw the top half of a deer – its body had been ripped asunder and its back legs were metres away from the rest of the body, joined by a messy string of gizzards in between. The young fawn sniffed at its mother’s remains. Pablo knelt down and examined the severed deer head. Giant portions of its skull were missing and its face appeared melted away, as if by some sort of acid, revealing bared teeth that gave the animal a vicious snarl. He stared at the morbid remains, unable to comprehend how it had been so destroyed. It was a sight beyond belief.
Just then, the entire world around him plunged into darkness. Pablo lurched to his feet and swivelled around.
His car’s high beam had switched off. Had the battery died?
Instinctively, he fumbled at his belt for his flashlight, but his hands fell upon an empty holster. In a panic he crouched down and began feeling the sand beneath his feet. Slowly, it occurred to him that he might have left the flashlight back at the shack, and he cursed at his own carelessness.
With the moon blocked by the mountain ranges, it was pitch black, and his movements had left him unsure about which way the road was. He gave up searching and rested on his knee, fixing his eyes in one direction, trying to allow his eyes to adjust to the dark. He listened carefully for the sound of the fawn, but it had stopped crying. In fact, everything around him had fallen perfectly silent. There was no rustling of leaves, no creaking of brushwood, not even the feel of a soft breeze against his face.
Seconds later, a strange sensation overcame him. It started as just a tingle in the ends of his fingers, but then swarmed his chest and rippled straight through to his spine. His hands gripped at his heart. It was a feeling of horror beyond imagining, like he was drowning deep underwater without ever being able to escape, without ever being able to die.
Then came sounds of tearing flesh and snapping bones, like something was feasting right beside him. Pablo didn’t know how long he remained frozen. His feet were beginning to lose their blood flow but he dared not stand, nor even breathe. All his ranger senses were telling him that something wanted him dead with every fibre of its being. He braced himself for an attack, but none came. The feeling seemed to fade away as quickly as it had arrived and Pablo was left gasping for air. He scrambled to his feet and gripped his rifle, pointing it erratically in all directions. Hot sweat trickled down from his hair and into his open mouth.
Suddenly light blared from a distance. The headlights of his jeep were illuminating the area around him once more. He took cautious steps backward, keeping his rifle raised, worried that the predator was still close by. The mutilated corpse remained a terrifying sight in front of him, but the deer fawn had disappeared. He didn’t linger to find out what had happened to it. In a fit of nerves, he turned and ran, using his jeep headlights as a beacon, stumbling and falling through the undergrowth, but not stopping until he finally felt the solid surface of the highway beneath him. He doubled over catching his breath, heart pounding, thankful to be alive.
As he headed back to the safety of his shack, Pablo tried to make sense of what he had just witnessed. He couldn’t get the image of the mutilated deer’s body out of his head. There was no animal he knew of in the park that could have caused that much devastation. The park wasn’t known to host any large predators – only foxes and the occasional small wild dog that sometimes ventured this far down from the mountains. It just didn’t make any sense.
He remembered the horrifying sensation he had felt, as if his heart had turned to stone. Pablo clutched at his chest and shuddered at the thought. Had he suffered a heart attack? He had never experienced one before, but if it was, then that was a greater concern to him than any wild animal out here.
By the time Pablo returned to base, he was only feeling slightly more settled, but he took a deep breath and got to work anyway. The constant stream of tourists during the day had made him neglect his other duties, and he had a bucket load of tasks left to do. He darted around the side of the shack and fed Gobana the Monitor Lizard her dried waxworms, checked the nearby pitfall traps, reset the fox baits out by the bush line, and raked the trash from the sandy parking bays out front. Then he completed his analysis of the week’s soil samples, swept the shack clean and logged all the day’s visits in the system before finally allowing himself to brew a late-night cup of tea.
Before long, an earthly aroma of tea leaves had filled the entire shack. Pablo moseyed outside onto the veranda with his copper mug in hand and lowered himself into his favourite star-gazing chair, ahhing in delight. By now his fearful encounter with the deer had all but left his mind, and without the weight of a long list of tasks hanging over his head, he was feeling considerably more at ease, ready to take in the spectacular night view.
For several minutes he did nothing but stare at the pearl moon hovering over the distant never-ending coastline while taking gentle sips from his tea. He took great solace in knowing that, right now, there was nothing but desolate shrub land or boundless ocean stretching for miles around him in every direction. It was for moments like these that he had become a ranger in the first place. Moments where he could just stop to marvel at how truly enormous this place was. From the Buegen Ranges in the east, to the Dropsound Canyons in the north, all the way to the South Pacific Ocean. The more he had visited this place in his youth to study its brilliant night sky, the more it had begun to make him feel like he was the only person left in the world, an addictive notion that had made him leave the hustle and bustle of his suburban life and never look back. That was a year and two months ago to the day.
As he let his thoughts wander, something drew his eyes away from the stars and towards the mountains in the east. He gazed curiously across the empty expanse. There was a faint glow coming from the direction of what he knew was Cliffer’s Bluff. He sat forward, watching intently. It was growing stronger every second. Praying that it wasn’t what he thought it was, Pablo peered through his telescope poised at the end of the wooden railing. It was moving south, down the highway. Carefully adjusting the focus he was able to make out what looked like two headlights.
A car.
“Ruddy, flippin’ campers!” he cursed, as he stormed inside and tipped the rest of his tea down the sink. He grabbed his hat from the hook by the door and stopped to peer through the fly wire screen as it eased to a close. The lights were fading away now. They had turned east and were heading for the coast. Hastily doing up his ranger shirt, he paused on the last button. His eyes darted across the clipboard lying on the bench beside him. Hadn’t he accounted for every vehicle that had entered and left the park that day?
Scowling, he continued suiting up. Whoever it was must have been camping for a while and were due for a hefty fine. He located a spare flashlight from his cupboard, grabbed his badge, hunting rifle, notebook, and headed out for a second time, fuming with frustration.
The drive was a long and tiring one, and the last thing Pablo wanted to be doing on a night like tonight. He re-adjusted himself irritably on the rusted jeep seat, trying to avoid the springs protruding from its moth-eaten cushion. His life would be so much easier, he grumbled to himself, if those overpaid pencil pushers just listened to him and banned tourists from the park for good.
Before long, however, his frustration turned to anxiety. The ranger’s surroundings were doing nothing to put him at ease, and his fingers began to create nervous waves as they strummed the steering wheel.
Normally he felt at home cruising the empty road of the national park, but tonight he couldn’t help but feel like a total stranger. Having been on the road for a near three quarters of an hour, he would have expected to have come across at least some sign of the wildlife that frequented the area after dark. But there was nothing. Not a bat, an owl, or even the glistening green eyes of a fox peering at him from the bush line. He scratched an itch on his neck and withdrew his hand to find blood on his fingers.
What in God’s name…?
He examined himself in the rear vision mirror, surprised. There was a cut across his neck – a perfectly horizontal line of dried-up blood. It looked like it had drained a fair bit of fluid too, having stained the top of his singlet red. He dabbed at the wound with his shirt, wondering how on earth he had sustained such an injury. Probably when he had fallen over in the scrub when he had ventured out here earlier? He licked his fingers and rubbed as much of the stains as he could away. Maybe he was getting used to life as a ranger, he thought, as he focused back on the road. In truth he had lost count of the injuries he had sustained over the last year.
On his left, the road sign for the Cliffer’s Track turnoff slowly loomed into view, only revealing the faded letters ‘Liffers Tra’ etched into a rusted metal plate, hinged to a thin wooden pole, bending unsteadily in the breeze. Pablo brought his jeep to a stop, illuminating a rocky path ahead of him that branched off the main dirt track and curved upwards out of sight towards the cliff face. A pair of green eyes appeared and a fox trotted from out of the bush side, disappearing around the sharp bend. Pablo clicked in his seatbelt and followed it, leaving the smooth gravel of the main road, toward the location where his illegal overstayers had likely set up camp.
It was eerily dark and he made his jeep hug the inside of the path as best it could, in case his wheels slipped under the loose stones. After a zig zagging drive upwards, he was met with the sound of thumping waves. For a second he thought he could make out the sounds of joyful screams traveling towards him on the strong wind current.
“Flippin’ youngsters,” he murmured. “You get bitten by a snake all the way out here and then we’ll see who’s laughing.”
The sides of his jeep shuddered and shook as they tried to maintain a hold on the softening sand. Finally, the track levelled out and he could see the horizon, its edge a dark line cutting through the starry sky. His tyres crunched on the rocky surface as he entered the parking area and when he circled around the old light house to the far end, his headlights fell upon an awkwardly parked white car.
Its doors were wide open, and its headlights were on. It wasn’t an off-road vehicle by any means, so the fact that they had made it up here was nothing short of miraculous. Pablo parked a couple of metres away and stepped out of his jeep, giving it a moment before approaching. He couldn’t see through the doors from the angle the car was parked on, but he guessed he was about to walk in on a naked couple enjoying the flexibility of their youth.
As he edged closer, however, he found it empty. Strange, he thought. Why would someone risk their car battery dying like this?
The car’s headlights illuminated a path, down the cliff face, and across the rocky outcrop in front of him. At the very end of the bluff, flickering in and out of range of the car’s beam, was an image that made Pablo stop dead in his tracks. A man was sitting on the very edge of the cliff, feet carelessly hanging over the five-hundred-foot drop below him, his shirt flailing in the torrential wind. Then without warning the figure’s head sunk below his knees and he toppled over the edge, without the faintest scream.
Pablo’s heart skipped several beats. Had he really just seen that? Did that man really just fall to his death? Panicked, he ran, clambering towards the edge of the bluff, cutting his hands as he grabbed barnacle covered rocks. He just needed to be sure. Sure the man wasn’t hanging on for dear life just below the edge. He crept on all fours, knees digging into the sharp stone and peered down into the ocean abyss below. The harsh wind battered at his face. All he could see in the moonlight was the whitewash of giant waves crashing upon rock. Pablo pulled himself away for fear of losing his own life. No one could survive a fall like that. Even the strongest of bodies would have snapped like a twig as soon as it hit the water.
Nursing his bleeding hands, the ranger raced back over the rope line toward his jeep. He hopped in, flicked on his lights and radio and sent out a distress call on the emergency line.
“This is ranger Grittburn, central highway post, Northwest National Park, and this is a code red. Potential casualty in the southern end at Cliffer’s Bluff. Do you read, over?”
A faint crackle came at Pablo through the receiver. It seemed like there was a voice, but Pablo couldn’t make a word from the indecipherable static. It sounded like a child’s laughter. Grunting, Pablo adjusted the radio frequency and tried again, but the static only grew worse. He needed to get back onto the road where the reception might be clearer. Frantic, he drove back down the mountain as quickly as the terrain would let him.
Back on solid road, his jeep picked up speed as he headed back towards base, sending out radio signals intermittently. But his radio had gone from emitting muffled static, to producing nothing at all, and now its lights were dead. He flicked the power switch back and forth, but the machine showed no sign of coming back to life. He brought his stocky fist down upon the dashboard.
“Darn it.” He cursed.
As he tossed the radio receiver aside, he noticed something white flash in his side mirror. He angled it towards him. Right behind him, trailing in very close pursuit, was the white car he had seen on the mountaintop. Its headlights were off, making it difficult to see, and it was driving dangerously close to his rear bumper.
Pablo signalled off to the side of the road and eased his car to a halt on the loose gravel. For a moment he thought the driver was going to cruise casually around him, but they slowed exponentially, and came to a lurching halt in the middle of the desolate road some distance ahead. Its hazard lights began to flash. Pablo quickly undid his seatbelt and grabbed his rifle, but left his notepad behind. He deduced these people must be friends of the man who fell and were in need of his help.
With his rifle swung onto his back, Pablo crossed over to the car driver’s side window, beaming his flashlight onto the glass. He expected to see the panicked face of tourists squinting back at him, but the window was tinted black.
“Evening. Park ranger,” he declared awkwardly after a few moments, tapping his knuckles on the glass. But there was no answer. The car remained still, lights flashing on and off. The seconds ticked by and Pablo started to get a sinking feeling. He tried the door, but it was locked. He knocked louder, calling to the driver to open up, and shone his flashlight through the window again. For a moment he considered plunging the butt end of his rifle straight through the glass of the back window. Then there was a loud click of the doors unlocking. Pablo froze.
“Hello?” he croaked. Slowly he lowered his rifle and approached the front door. With an overly cautious step backwards, he pulled the handle and eased the door open.
The front of the car was completely empty. No driver. No passenger. No one at all. He shone his light into the back seat, but there didn’t appear to be anyone there either.
Bewildered, Pablo leant one knee on the driver’s seat and ducked his head inside, shining his flashlight all around the car interior, trying to locate someone, anyone who could explain to him what was going on. Instead, he was only met with a smell. It was a putrid smell of rotting flesh that was so piercing it made Pablo’s hardened stomach churn.
“Lord almighty…”
Pablo pulled a rag from his pocket and held it firm over his mouth and nose. It was surprisingly clean inside considering the vile smell. There was no blood, no dead animal, no sign at all where the smell was coming from. Pablo scoured the back seat as best he could, but it was spotless. In fact, it looked like a car driven straight from the dealer. What was going on here?
Thump. A sound came from the back of the car.
“Herro?” Pablo muffled, his flashlight between his teeth, body sprawled between the front and back seats of the car. He paused and listened intently. He was sure he heard something.
Thump. There it was again.
It was coming from the trunk.
“Hello, is anyone there?” Pablo pulled back the middle seat that looked like it gave access to the trunk, but he was blocked by a metal sheet that looked bolted to the car frame.
“Help me! A girl’s voiced shrieked faintly from the back of the car.
“Hello?” Pablo panicking now, knocked hard against the metal. “Hello?” He yelled.
Help me, help me, help me.” The unmistakable sound of a young girl’s muffled scream echoed from the trunk. Pablo threw his handkerchief aside.
“It’s okay, I’m going to get you out, okay? Just stay calm. Everything’s gonna be fine.”
Pablo couldn’t believe what he was hearing. A girl. Trapped in the trunk of this car.
He scrambled out of the car and raced around to the back of the vehicle. He tried forcing it open, but the trunk wouldn’t budge. The girl began thumping and screaming louder. Sprinting back to the front of the car he leapt into the driver’s seat, searching for a button that unlocked it. The car looked so different to what he was used to, and where there should have been a dashboard with buttons, there was nothing at all. Just a smooth black surface. It was the same everywhere. What kind of car was this? Pablo threw his hands up into the air, feeling hopeless. More thumps came from the trunk.
“It’s gonna be okay,” he repeated, jumping back outside and racing back to the rear.
But the girl had fallen silent.
Worried that she was running out of air, Pablo swung his rifle off his shoulder. Maybe he could shoot the lock.
“Is that you, Father?” came the voice again*.*
Pablo bent down on hands and knees.
“Hello, little girl, I’m not your father. But I promise I’m going to get you out and take you to him okay?” Pablo looked helplessly at the car trunk. There wasn’t even a lock that he could shoot anyway, and it was far too risky. He ran his fingers along it — he could only barely feel the groove where the trunk opened. There was just as much chance getting through the steel barrier as there was this, he thought. The girl’s voice started up again, this time clearer. She had stopped crying.
“Father, he’s trying to get me.”
Pablo leant in close, ear pressed against the car, voice starting to quiver. “Who’s trying to get you? Did someone do this to—"
“Okay, Father.”
“Is someone trying to hurt you?”
“Okay Father. I won’t talk to him anymore.”
Pablo opened his mouth, but paused. It sounded as if she was talking to someone else.
“Who are you talking to?” he eventually asked. But there was silence. Pablo reverted to coming up with a plan of what to do. He was going to have to head back to base camp and radio for back-up, but that meant he would have to leave the poor girl here, terrified. The least he could do was reassure her that he would be back.
“Listen to me,” he said crouching down and speaking with his cheek pressed up to the trunk. “I’m going to help you. My name’s Pablo. What’s yours?” There was silence again. Pablo took a deep breath and continued. “You can trust me, okay? I’m the ranger out here.”
“You can trust me, okay? I’m the ranger out here.” She said, mimicking him. Her voice almost had a playful tone to it.
“Yes, that’s right, I’m the ranger.” Pablo replied. “My name’s Pablo, what’s your name?”
“My name’s Pablo, what’s your name?” The words were barely out of Pablo’s mouth before the girl had repeated them. Pablo clambered to his feet and stepped backwards.
“Listen… I’m going to get help, stay ca—"
“Listen… I’m going to get help, stay calm.”
The girl was no longer just copying Pablo. She was repeating every word he said. At the exact time he said it.
And then Pablo saw the man. Half obscured by shrubbery, he was standing on the side of the road, staring straight ahead, his eyes wide and mouth sagging open. His hole-ridden shirt clenched to him like a wet rag.
“Daddy’s angry now.”
The words came out of Pablo’s mouth, but they weren’t his own.
He was so shocked he couldn’t move. He wanted to run, but his leather boots felt filled with lead. The rear lights of the car shone blood-red and before Pablo could even turn his neck to see it backing toward him, it collided with his chest and knocked him clean off his feet. His head struck gravel and his body was sucked under the car, his legs crunching twice as they went under the tyres. The ranger rolled over and yelled into the abyss, clutching his calf, and whimpering in panic as he saw the car heading back toward him. He tried to drag himself forwards towards his rifle, but it was too far out of reach. He turned his head to see lights blaring in his face as the car slammed directly into him, sending his body tumbling over the road.
Pablo lay bleeding and breathless in the dirt. The sound of a soft hum filled his ears as the car drifted passed him, and in his last moments he saw the blank face of the old man, standing over him, lit up red in the rear brake lights.
The car disappeared, slowly, into the wilderness.
Part 2
submitted by DwellingOfDoom to libraryofshadows [link] [comments]

ETS2/ATS2 Alpha Button Panel v1 (SimHub)

ETS2/ATS2 Alpha Button Panel v1 (SimHub)
After failing the extensive search for working Simhub Button Panel for ETS2. I decided to create one myself and share it with the community. Hope you guys find it useful.
This a 2 screen/page Simhub Based Button Panel, which can be used on Android or iOS Devices. This Panel consists of 16 Functioning Buttons with Respective Indicator lights for operations listed below. More Buttons with various other functions will be added with later revisions.
Each Button is assigned to a key on the keyboard, Make sure you assign the same key in ETS2/ATS2 Key Binding settings or it will not work.
Buttons and Assigned Key.
  1. Wiper Decrease - Left Arrow
  2. Wiper Increase - Right Arrow
  3. Trailer Engage/Disengage - T
  4. Beacon - S
  5. Hazard Warning - D
  6. Engine Start/Stop - E
  7. AUP/Electricity - A
  8. Parking Brake - P
  9. Dashboard Lights - L
  10. High Beam - H
  1. Truck Axle Lift/Drop - Z (Engaged Button Animation and Indicator will work only for Axle No 3 and No 4 in this version. Will be updated for other Axles in upcoming updates )
  2. Trailer Axle Lift/Drop - X (Indicator will be added in upcoming updates)
  3. Left Window Close - Num7
  4. Left Window Open - Num4
  5. Right Window Close - Num8
  6. Right Window Open- Num5
Download Link(DropBox)
Known Issues.
The wiper Increase Button is not visible on some devices. can't find the root cause.
submitted by JustANonRandomPerson to EuroTruck2 [link] [comments]

Solutions for assessing the impact of the indoor environment on health risks and for automating incident prevention assistance, specially adapted by Djinn startup for XXX company (Osaka, Japan)

Solutions for assessing the impact of the indoor environment on health risks and for automating incident prevention assistance, specially adapted by Djinn startup for XXX company (Osaka, Japan)
  • Mental risks and efficiency in conditions of remote work
  • Elderly care. Emergency cases
  • Quality of sleep for professionals
  • Indoor sources of pollution
  • A safe home for allergy sufferers
  • Indoor conditions for child development
At the request of XXX, a special group, consisting of medical, engineering experts and data scientists from Djinn Team, prepared cases that will benefit the housing and building management department to ensure safety, productivity and health.
It is recommended that each case be conducted in a separate premises (residences), as different algorithms are used to achieve these goals.
Each case is described in a standard way:
-solution (medical and tech features);
evaluation of the results — in the form of a summary table
The Djinn team has prepared 6 custom cases for XXX’s property department.

All the cases described below are valid for a residential residence of 60–80 square metres, 2–3 living rooms, one kitchen and 1–2 bathrooms.
The Residence is home to a family: 2 adults 35+, 1 adult 70+, 1 child 4 years.

Outdoor Environment (June 2020, example of monitoring)
Case 1. Mental risks and efficiency in conditions of remote work
With the global covid-19 pandemic, many workers are forced to work remotely. There are restrictions on visiting public places, schools and kindergartens and other educational institutions. It seems that families have never spent so much time together at home.
On the one hand, it is a great opportunity to be at home more, saving on transport costs. On the other hand, it can be very difficult to work from home when there are non-work-related people around, children, pets, and work from home as efficiently as in the office. Noise levels, lighting levels, household dust, CO2 and VOC levels can significantly reduce employee efficiency.
Tech features:
Dashboard for Home Work
work related questionnaire (what is type of work, short medical history etc.)
special MAC setup
triggering of MAC boundaries
notifications for messenger
recommendations for improving indoor conditions
automatic reports for work related conditions
Medical features:
Poor indoor air quality hampers cognitive performance significantly.
Evidence from epidemiology and toxicology suggests that exposure to air pollution can cause inflammatory reactions and by reducing the transportation of oxygen to the brain. High levels of chemical compounds have been linked to dizziness, headache or fatigue. indoor concentration of fine particles significantly deteriorates cognitive performance.
Decline in cognitive function can affect memory and attention, which can result in forgetfulness, inability to recall, and difficulty in decision making.
Cognitive decline is also closely linked to poorer mental health.
Case 2. Elderly care. Emergency cases
With almost 30% (https://www.stat.go.jp/english/data/jinsui/tsuki/index.html) of Japanese population being elderly inhabitants, Japan is considered the “oldest” country in the world today.
Care for the older generation lies in the Japanese national code. Their high average age is very likely due to high healthcare standards, nutrition, and an overall high standard of living.
Modern residential space should not only be as comfortable for the elderly as possible, but also as safe as possible. Monitor the quality of the internal environment of the residence, monitor the basic indicators of the organism with the help of intelligent wearable devices, analyze this data and receive not only an assessment of real risks, but also automatic adjustment of the room’s engineering systems, recommendations and warnings in the form of notices, emergency notification to the medical service and loved ones that there is a high risk of a vital disaster.


Tech features:
Dashboard for Elderly care
questionnaire (Medical history etc.)
special MAC setup
triggering of MAC boundaries
setup emergency cases
setup emergency alerts (messages, calls)
notifications for messenger
setup wearable devices
connect wearable devices to cloud service
recommendations for improving indoor conditions
automatic reports for health and wellbeing
Medical features:
Indoor air quality (IAQ) has increasingly gained importance in elderly.
This prolonged exposure to indoor air pollutants of this age-group — even at low concentrations — may induce health damage more likely than occasional exposure to outdoor pollutants
Some chemical compounds and PM2.5 can penetrate deeply into lung tissue and be associated with reduced lung function, lung inflammation, respiratory symptoms, adverse cardiovascular effects, and increased prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In addition to IAQ, also thermal comfort (TC) is a key factor that might affect comfort, health, and mental performance
Thermal comfort is influenced by a range of environmental and individual factors, both objective and subjective, including air temperature, the temperature of the surrounding surfaces, the air movement, the relative humidity, and the rate of air exchange
In general elderly energy expenditure decreases with increasing age because of a reduction in basal metabolic rate and also because elderly tend to be less active Due to this mechanism, elder population has an average comfort zone/thermal neutrality (where the body is able to maintain a balance between heat production and heat loss) higher than the general population (25 C in summer and 23 C in winter), and is more sensitive to respiratory infections in the winter and heat-related mortality during the summer heat waves
Case 3. Quality of sleep for professionals
Rest and sleep patterns become a priority when it concerns qualified professionals whose work involves a high level of responsibility for the lives and health of others. Train drivers, pilots, sailors, dispatchers, drivers, builders, doctors… Every day thousands of people depend on their actions. It is vital that the dispatcher at the airport or train station feels great, thinks clearly, makes decisions quickly and accurately, distributing the streams of aircrafts and trains.
The work and rest schedules of such specialists must be carefully planned and observed. And while planning and observing the work regime is the responsibility of the employer, rest and sleep are rarely controlled by anyone. That is why we propose to create and constantly maintain the most appropriate situation in the bedroom by using environmental sensors and controlling engineering systems and comfort devices in the room.
Tech features:
work related questionnaire (what is type of work, short medical history etc.)
special MAC setup
triggering of MAC boundaries
notifications for messenger
setup wearable devices
connect wearable devices to cloud service
recommendations for improving indoor conditions
automatic reports for health and wellbeing
daily morning questionnaire based on sleep*
*this option is not included in the proposed pilot, but as a future step it should be done.
Medical features:
Many factors are thought to influence sleep quality, among those the indoor environmental quality (IEQ) parameters which include: air temperature and relative humidity, air velocity, particulate matter concentration, illumination level, sound level and ventilation rate.
The numerous studies’ results reveal that greater exposure to nitrogen dioxide, carbon dioxide and oxide, PM 2.5s are linked with having low sleep efficiency.
Case 4. Indoor sources of pollution
It is generally accepted that environmental pollution is an external problem. Dust, car exhaust fumes and other harmful volatile compounds are flown through the windows. We bring pollution to the home on shoes and clothes. This is fair, but not as unambiguous as it might seem at first sight. When we cook food, use a computer, hoover, store things on open shelves and buy interior items that accumulate dust, we often underestimate these risks. If there is a pet in the house — a dog, a cat, a bird — this circumstance also contributes to the pollution of the indoor environment of the residence and requires even more attention to maintaining cleanliness.
Tech features:
Home related Questionnaire (cooking, cleaning, pets, flowers etc.)
special MAC setup
triggering of MAC boundaries
notifications for messenger
recommendations for improving indoor conditions
automatic questionnaire to determine source of pollution
automatic reports for AQ hazards
Medical features:
Indoor air quality (IAQ) has become an important health and safety concern.

Common issues associated with IAQ include: Improper or inadequately maintained heating and ventilation systems, Contamination by construction materials, glues, fibreglass, particle boards, paints, chemicals, etc.; Increase in number of building occupants and time spent indoors.
IAQ problems result from interactions between building materials and furnishing, activities within the building, climate, and building occupants. IAQ problems may arise from one or more of the following causes: Indoor environment, Indoor air contaminants; Insufficient outdoor air intake.
It is common for people to report one or more of the following symptoms: Dryness and irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, and skin; Headache; Fatigue; Shortness of breath; Hypersensitivity and allergies; Sinus congestion; Coughing and sneezing; Dizziness Nausea
People generally notice their symptoms after several hours at work and feel better after they have left the building or when they have been away from the building for a weekend or a vacation.
Occupants of buildings with poor IAQ report a wide range of health problems which are often called Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) or Tight Building Syndrome (TBS), Building-Related Illness (BRI) .
The term SBS is used to describe cases in which building occupants experience adverse health effects that are apparently linked to the time they spend in the building. However, no specific illnesses or cause can be identified.
BRI refers to less frequent (but often more serious) cases of people becoming ill after being in a specific building at a certain time. In these cases, there is usually a similar set of clinical symptoms experienced by the people and a clear cause can often be found upon investigation.
Case 5. A safe home for allergy sufferers
The poor environmental situation has an impact on the growth of allergic diseases. Japan, unfortunately, is not the most environmentally friendly place on the planet. We cannot have a global and rapid impact on improving the country’s environment, but we are able to make our homes safer. There are a huge number of sources of allergies in our homes, which at first sight can look very harmless.
Household chemicals, furniture, pets, interior items made of plastic and other artificial and natural materials can cause unpleasant skin and respiratory reactions, up to anaphylactic shock.
The monitoring, control and management of the internal environment, combined with the timely maintenance and correctly tuned engineering systems of the premises, can significantly reduce the risk of developing or exacerbating allergic symptoms.
Medical features:
One of the most important things you can do for allergy mitigation is to improve your home’s indoor air quality. According to the EPA, indoor air quality is frequently worse than outdoor air because allergens can be concentrated and recirculated. Moisture from the bathroom, kitchen and basement, or anywhere else there is a lot of water being used, can significantly increase the humidity in home and can influence the severity of allergic diseases.
Asthma symptoms include shortness of breath, chest tightness or pain, and coughing attacks. These symptoms occur because airways narrow and swell and produce extra mucus. It’s a chronic condition that varies from person to person. For some it’s just a nuisance. For others it’s a major problem they deal with every day. And an asthma attack can even be life threatening.
The thing about asthma is that it can’t be cured, but its symptoms can be controlled. So it’s important to know what is in the home or work environment that might trigger an asthmatic reaction. Asthma triggers include:
Airborne substances, such as pollen, dust mites, mold spores, pet dander, or particles of cockroach waste.
Respiratory infections, such as the common cold.
Cold air.
Air pollutants and irritants, such as smoke.
Case 6. Indoor conditions for child development
Observing and monitoring child development is an important tool to ensure that children meet their ‘developmental milestones’. Developmental milestones act as a useful guideline of ideal development.
One of the most significant conditions for the harmonious development of children is the quality of their environment. It is relevant not only for health, but also for the successful development of cognitive abilities, for studying, supporting classes and learning foreign languages.

Tech features:
Dashboard for cognitive functions
questionnaire (Medical history etc.)
special MAC setup
triggering of MAC boundaries
notifications for messenger
recommendations for improving indoor conditions
KPI compare (school marks, custom tests, brain puzzles
automatic reports for health, productivity, wellbeing
Medical features:
Children face special risks from air pollution because their lungs are growing and because they are so active and breathe in a great deal of air.
Medical researchers have studied the effects of outdoor and indoor air pollution on children’s health and evidence suggested that it did contribute a lot to the risk of adverse health in children. Children spend the majority of their time indoors and indoor air quality is associated with children’s health. Morbidity of children’s respiratory system symptoms and some allergy symptoms is higher in relatively poor indoor environments. It is necessary to take into account that air pollution affects children even before they are born, than limits Lung growth in children, make impact on mental development
In addition to the local cases described above (on the basis of a standard flat), we offer the possibility of scaling each case.
For example,
Case 2. Elderly care. Emergency cases — scale to a solution for a nursing home
Case 6. Indoor conditions for child development — scale to a solution for the School
In the case of a large-scale case, more electronic devices will be required, the main work to adapt the expert model will take the same amount of time, as for a small object. The effect, however, will be immeasurably more valuable. For example, an environmental monitoring system for an entire school..
submitted by DjinnService to IndoorAirQuality [link] [comments]

Notes and Highlights of Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear’s Live Update October 20, 2020

Notes and Highlights of Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear’s Live Update October 20, 2020
Notes by mr_tyler_durden and Daily Update Team
Check your registration status, ballot status, or how to vote here!
Note: Thank you to the people who have given awards to these posts but I do want to say: Please don’t spend money to give these posts an award or if you want to give then donate it here instead. These people need your help more than I need awards. I guess if you are just spending reddit coins that you already have then that’s fine but don’t spend new money, donate it instead. Thank you all!
Watch here:
Full Notes
(continued in stickied comment)
submitted by mr_tyler_durden to Coronavirus_KY [link] [comments]

Commander's Day: Day 5, St. Louis

Saturday's meant going through the weekly financial reports...and hopefully no emergencies or Siren attacks to interrupt such a task.
Yes, HMS Queen Elizabeth is still occupying my office, but at least she offered her help. And by offering I mostly meant having Belfast and Warspite work in her stead. At least she allowed me to seat next to her, giving me access to my main computer with a borrowed office chair from Shirainui.
Warspite spoke up, fixing her glasses while looking up from the tablet "Um, Admiral...I'm not sure I'm reading this right, would you mind taking a look?"
"Yup, coming." Walking over, she pointed at a particular line of boxes in the spreadsheet.
Almost 1.4 million US dollars?! Who in the world spent that much money?! And on what?
Scrolling to the left gave me the ships responsible: St. Louis and Akashi. And scrolling to the right gave me the item:
A McLaren P1.
My phone rang. We have a delivery at the gate.
"Belfast, please look after the office. I probably won't be back for today."

After hitching a ride from a majuu, I arrived at the front gate.
A pickup with a white trailer was parked outside. A delivery man was waiting inside the pickup, who stepped out as he saw me walking to the pickup.
"Good afternoon, is Miss...St. Louis here?" He asked after glancing at his phone.
"She's inside, but I can receive the package for her. I'm her commander."
"Ok. She did mention a...commander...to pick up the package for her. I'll need you to sign here." He handed me his phone.
I wrote down my signature and gave back his phone "Do you want me drive it out first or you'll drive it out yourself?" He asked.
"Oh, um...I'll drive it out myself."
He handed me an envelope, with a small bulge in the middle "Here are the keys. I'll guide you down the ramp."

After driving the car out and helping the delivery man close the trailer door, I waved him goodbye as he made a u-turn and drove away.
Now...what do we have here?
A black McLaren P1, with 20 inch chrome wheels, and a black-light brown interior. The plaque by the door frame even said SL Edition, indicating St.Louis bought this directly from McLaren and not second-hand.
I sighed with my head in my hand as I dropped back into the driver seat, with the twin-turbocharged V8 rumbling quietly. Where am I going to park this? What is St. Louis going to do with this?
Sighing once more, I pulled out my phone.
"Hi, would you mind calling St.Louis to the entrance of the Eagle Union dorms? Just tell her that her delivery has arrived, and I'm taking it to her."
Putting my phone in the cupholder by my legs, I closed the scissor doors and lightly stepped on the gas, bringing the car to her new owner.

St.Louis arrived a little after I reached the Eagle dormitory.
"Ah! Commander, thanks you very much!" St.Louis greeted me as I stepped out "I'll be taking it now..."
"No way, St.Louis." I stopped her with both hands on her shoulders, and pushed her back.
"First of all, where did you got that much money? Second, why did you buy a car, a supercar no less? And third..." Taking a big breath "Do you even know how to drive?!"
Now she looks embarrassed and guilt-tripped, looking at the ground to the side, her hands fiddling in front of her stomach "I...I...do not know how to drive, Commander..."
I knew it "Sigh...meet me here tomorrow, 8am, sharp. I'll be keeping this in the garage under the office building for now."
"Yes, Commander...but what for?"
"You're taking a crash course in driving, with me." I climbed back into the McLaren and closed the doors.
"Thank you Commander." She was still looking at the ground as I drove off.

Next morning, with an insulated bottle of iced chocolate (curtesy of Eugen), I was sitting on the pavement outside the Eagle Union dormitory. St.Louis came running down the steps.
"Sorry Commander! I was so excited last night I couldn't sleep, so I overslept this morning."
I checked my watch: 8:20am "It's alright. Get in...wait, do you have another pair of shoes you can use? Like a pair of sneakers? I would prefer you to not drive with high heels."
"Oh, sorry Commander." She went back in.
Now...what do I have to go through in one day....
I was still deep in thought when she came back "Commander! Now I'm ready! Commander?"
"Ah sorry, I was thinking. Good, I see you put on a pair of flats. Now go to the passenger side, I'll show you how to open the door."

After showing her how to open and lock the door, as well as the bonnet, I continued my thorough explanation inside.
Well, by thorough I meant just telling her to not touch anything that is even remotely related to the car's settings. You don't want a novice driver racing down the street in a 903 horsepower hypercar that has DRS and boost enabled. So that left me with the air-con, the lights, the mirrors, windshield wipers, the handbrake, and the gear buttons. Since the P1 doesn't have a shift stick, everything's controlled by the paddles behind the wheels.
That last point seems to be the most confusing for some reason. Maybe because in the rare times she saw me drive I was using a manual? Thankfully, St.Louis is a smart girl and got the hang of it quickly.
Next is parking. Usually a driving school will add markers onto the car, giving you some pointers on when to turn and how much to turn. The thing is: a) they don't use 1.3 billion supercars to teach students and b) the small city cars they use aren't as wide or as short as the P1.
Driving to my garage below the office building, I showed her how to do a perpendicular and parallel parking scenario a couple times, before handing the wheel over.
"Remember, DO NOT stomp on the pedal! You WILL crash the car!" I reminded her.
Took a few tries, but she also got the hang of parking, with some help from the parking sensors.
"Thank you Commander for your help! Where do we go now?" St.Louis asked.
"We're going to the city. I'll drive and show you some of the road rules."

It was 1pm, and we're hungry.
We stopped by at a Dragon Empery restaurant and took the outside seats. Normally the girls themselves would be drawing in the people's attention, but today it was the McLaren who took center stage.
Can't blame them. With only 375 made it's not a car you see everyday.
"Lou...why did you got interesting in this car?" I asked as we waited.
"Remember that trip we took to Paris?" St.Louis asked. I nodded. That was quite a few years ago. Now that she mentioned it, it just so happens to be...
"So me and Algerie were wandering around when you were having a meeting, and she mentioned this, car show? That was held. We went there by subway and got in. Thankfully we had some cash on ourselves to buy the tickets. We were walking around but then I saw this...sorry Commander, what do you call it? The Mc, McLaren, P1, ok. I saw this car and I absolutely fell in love with it, so I bought it..." Now she's fidgeting with her hands at her cheeks.
Never have I seen a shipgirl so flustered over seeing something they like. Well, maybe except when Akagi or Taihou talking about how handsome I was.
"That solves one of the problems...but then how did you manage to pay for it? No way you just saved up from all the allowances we gave you." I asked.
"Well, I asked around, and heard that the best way to earn money in a short amount of time was through stock investments, so I asked Belfast for help..."
Christ, I knew Belfast was talented, but she could also earn huge profits from the stock market? What can't she do?
"You better thank Belfast by giving her a ride, you know." The waiter dropped off our drinks while St.Louis was talking.
"I know..." Silence ensues.
Until the waiter put down our foods. I ordered a bowl of noodles with beef, while St.Louis ordered a plate of rice with BBQ pork. "You're driving next by the way." I said as I picked up the chopsticks.
"I am?"
"Of course, what good is learning without the chance to practice it?"
Her face lit back up and nodded with a smile "Um!"

It's starting to get late, with the sun getting low and the sky starting to lose its usual blue glamour.
St.Louis expertly parked the car in a roadside parking spot, and turned off the engine.
"Good! You did really well!" I applauded.
"It was all thanks to your excellent instructions, Commander." She smiled shyly.
Staring down the road via the windscreen, I could see the road that lead us back to base. Just a couple of stoplights, a couple of turns, and a winding seaside mountain road...with almost no cars...no speeding cameras...and certainly no traffic lights...
Before I knew it, I pulled out my phone and made a call, while also asking "Lou...could I drive us the way back?"
"Sure Commander, but I could perfectly drive us..."
"Please? I want to show you something."
She stared at me for a moment and said "Very well, Commander."
My phone connected as we were swapping seats "Ah hello, would you mind telling Koln to call me? Thanks." I put my phone in the cupholder between the seats and pulled my attention to the center console.
"Miss Koln?"
"Koln is the only shipgirl in the base that could use a helicopter, which would be perfect for what I'm about to do next." Starting the car...should I use Race mode? Better not, don't want to scratch the underside of the car with the bumps...press the Active button to unlock the settings, then powertrain to Track, handling to Track...Boost on, which means I could use the IPAS system...
"Commander? What are you doing with those buttons? I thought you weren't suppose to touch them...and why do you need a helicopter from Koln? What are you going to..."
"St.Louis," I said calmly "I'm going to show you the full potential of this car."
My phone rang again, this time with Koln on the other side.
I picked up the call and pressed speaker as I drove the McLaren out of the parking spot and towards the seaside road.

"Do you see us Koln? With the helicopter." I asked.
"Yes, Kommandatin. I could see you perfectly." I peered up through the glass roof, Koln's Fl 282 Kolibri helicopter hovered above our heads, waiting patiently for my next move.
We're now parked directly on the road, hazard lights on to warn drivers that we're currently stopped. Not that there are drivers coming down this road.
"Ok Koln, I need you to spot the road ahead for me. You need to tell me how sharp the corners are, with sharp, medium and gentle; how long are the straights, preferably in meters; any narrowing or widening of the road, any hazards I need to look out for etc."
"No problem, Kommandantin. I will try my best. The first corner is a...medium right, followed by a straight of 80 meters, then a medium left."
A quick rev in neutral. The twin-turbocharged V8 seems to already know what is about to happen, and howls in anticipation.
"Are your seatbelts on, St.Louis?"
"Always Commander. But you still haven't answered my ques-tion!"
I stomped on the gas, and the P1 jumped forward, pushing both of us into our seats.
With a flick of the fingers I'm in second, then third, then fourth. The V8 roared as it finally gets to let loose.
"Commander! You're going too fast!" St.Louis shouted.
Brake. Down to third. Quick but gentle turn of the wheel throws the car into the corner, hit the apex... and now let the car go after reaching the apex, using the full width of the road....
"Commander, you're on the wrong side of the road!"
Koln's instructions became actions as I enter a flow state, practically racing the car back to the base as the sun slowly sets below the horizon.

It was dark when we reached the base.
"Thanks Koln, you can rest now, have a day off tomorrow." I stopped the car a couple meters away from the main gate, away from the lights.
"No problem Kommandantin." She said as she hung up, and her Kolibri headed back towards the Ironblood dorms, presumably to land back on her rigging.
I slumped into the bucket seat. I was sweating hard, with the V8 behind me slowly rumbling, cooling down.
That was pretty much a rally stage, with the roads' twists and turns, several saves from oversteer, and constant input from Koln: but done with a 900 horsepower hybrid monster rather than a 300 horsepower race-turned hatchback.
Which was super fun! The amount of grip you can get is absolutely insane, the car is practically glued to the ground, the braking is so strong it constantly pushes you to brake later than ever, and the power output of the hybrid system meant you're constantly on your toes in your corner exits, but an absolute joy to blast it down the straights with.
I looked toward St.Louis, who also had the same exacerbated expression.
"You ok, Lou?"
"Yeah, yeah...I just never expected it to...go so fast..."
And we sat there, both of us breathing heavily.
And it was St.Louis who broke the silence "Commander, thank you for today. I...it was always me who takes care of you...but today you took care of me, and that was really fun. Sorry for all the trouble I caused for buying the car." She clambered over the center console and leaned onto my chest.
It was quite a fun day. Though teaching her to drive was certainly stressful, with a couple close calls with the traffic, it wasn't very often where I don't feel tired or worn-out of a task.
Our only light source was the light from the dashboard and buttons, dimly showing light blue hair, her white dress and stockings, her delicate hands...
Gently stroking her hair, I replied "It was. Almost felt like a date."
She turned her head around "It was, wasn't it?"
Her face, her eyes, her lips. I could only see their silhouettes in the dim light, but I knew exactly where it was: directly in front of my own face, my own eyes, and my own lips.
So tantalizingly close. As if she's anticipating something...anticipating for...
She righted herself and sat on my lap sideways, the fabric on her dress scraping against my trousers, until her warm thighs pressed down on my own.
Her arms wrapped around my neck, her chest pressed against mine. Her aroma, her breath, her shampoo...it's a too much...
"Commander..." And she closed her eyes.
Should I...? Should I not...?
Grabbing her waist and pushing her back a bit, I said "Sorry, Lou. I...just can't."
She looked at me, then twisted back onto the passenger seat.
I could hear her sniffing, and quick breaths with her mouth.
"I'm..." Lost for words, we fell back into silence once more, as I twisted the oath ring on my right hand, the apatite shining when exposed.
This time, I was the one that broke the ice "We could go on more dates like this actually...and I could ask you to help me out in the office more often, with Eugen." I laid down my hand on the center console.
It took a second, but she accepted my hand "I...I understand Commander, I'll...consider your offer."
"It's not an offer, St.Louis." I shifted our hands such that only our pinkies are hooked together "It's a promise."
She wiped her face "Thank you, Commander."
As I took my hand back onto the steering wheel, she leaned onto my shoulder. A slight wetness seeps through my uniform and reached my skin.
After softly tapping her shoulder, she said "I...will cherish this car, Commander. That's my promise to you."
"Good, because there's a lot to learn." I tapped her shoulder once more and tapped on the throttle, driving us back to base.
submitted by TGed to AzureLane [link] [comments]

A teaser for my oneshot of a ff with a twist, some muggle wank, some time travel (but noone travels anywhere), a prologue if you will, I'm trying to see if anyone would be interested in reading it, before I write the rest.

Middle of nowhere, Scotish highlands, few minutes before sunrise, 7th of June 1994.
A soft pulsing chime signaled that the key was left in the ignition with at least one of the green Saab’s doors open, in vain trying to remind the missing occupants to take the key with them if they planned to leave the car.
Bright light illuminated the surrounding woods from all directions out of almost completely exposed bulbs in the car’s head and rear lights. The rears which once had been done in a tasteful mix of black and red tones, as of now were scorched black by flame that melted the space between them destroying both the glass and the trunk lid itself, magically what little of them that were left in place was melted; steel and glass alike.
The only red colour still present on the car were the smears on the upholstery visible through numerous holes on its left side, as well as the warning lights on the dashboard currently showing issues with all of the car’s diagnostic sensors.
Curiously the only warning light currently not present on the gauge cluster was the airbag light. Even though on the right side of the car there was clear evidence of an impact big enough that it ought to have deployed them, however it didn’t.
It was impossible as the car had no airbag in the steering wheel, and as the product of the pan european project Prometheus it was designed with fly-by-wire controls in an effort to eliminate the potential hazard of a steering wheel in the event of a crash. The wheel was replaced with a joystick mounted to the center console which allowed for digital control of the car, and even with proper equipment... to control the car remotely.
Thus enabling the twenty thousand pounds car, turned million pounds car to drive with a billion pounds worth signal transmitter, or a network of such. And why would someone have a need for such a car? Well, the need for such a car came because the owner didn’t have a driving license and he wanted to go places... And because the only chauffeur he could trust was someone who already had a set of transmitters worth billions of pounds at hand, which were already beaming a signal backwards in time and it came right through Harry Potter’s glasses.
It also wasn’t as if Harry had to pay for the R&D and the car himself, all he had to do was to outbid a museum of Saabs, and museums never had much cash, but right after a global economic recession that followed the fall of the soviet block? With the right information and enough preparation it was child’s play.
Thanks to the new friend that appeared out of nowhere right before going to Hogwarts, ever since then Harry always had the right information, thus bada bim bada boom he had a new vroom vroom…
Or at least he had had one until the events of tonight and the breakneck chase that followed them.
In this ff the premise is that: Harry doesn't end up trusting either Sirius, or Peter (also no Remus or Snape) and since he has a mysterious friend helping him out for some time he has the means to put the situation on hold and see what happens, or so he thinks. After the scene (not written yet) in the shrieking shack the golden trio try to follow canon but instead of saving Buckbeak and breaking Sirius out, they flee Hogwarts with Peter and Sirius in tow without the help of a time turner (they don't exist in my ff) and a chase begins.
submitted by pycus to HPfanfiction [link] [comments]

Covid-19 update Saturday 28th March

PSA: Fellow Europeans - if you’re working from home next week, don’t forget the clocks go forward this weekend. You don’t want to be late getting up to sit on your sofa on Monday morning….
American manufacturers and supply chain companies who are able to help with the ventilator / N95 mask production, click here to sign up: https://www.projectn95.org/

Virus Statistics

Confirmed cases

Region 27th Mar 26th Mar 20th Mar 24hr % change 1 week % change
US 101,657 83,836 19,100 21.3 432.2
Italy 86,498 80,589 47,021 7.3 84.0
China 81,897 81,782 81,250 0.1 0.8
Spain 65,719 57,786 20,410 13.7 222.0
Germany 50,871 43,938 19,848 15.8 156.3
France 33,402 29,551 12,758 13.0 161.8
Iran 32,332 29,406 19,644 10.0 64.6
UK 14,745 11,812 4,014 24.8 267.3
Switzerland 12,928 11,811 5,294 9.5 144.2
South Korea 9,332 9,241 8,652 1.0 7.9
Netherlands 8,647 7,468 3,003 15.8 187.9
Austria 7,657 6,909 2,388 10.8 220.6
Belgium 7,284 6,235 2,257 16.8 222.7
Turkey 5,698 3,629 359 57.0 1487.2
Canada 4,682 4,042 943 15.8 396.5
Portugal 4,268 3,544 1,020 20.4 318.4
Norway 3,755 3,369 1,914 11.5 96.2
Threshold = 3,500 identified cases. Reminder, this disease has a long incubation period and tests are in short supply in most countries. Actual cases are likely to be considerably higher.

Region 27th Mar 26th Mar 20th Mar 24hr % change 1 week % change
Italy 9,134 8,215 4,032 11.2 126.5
Spain 5,138 4,365 1,043 17.7 392.6
China 3,296 3,291 3,253 0.2 1.3
Iran 2,378 2,234 1,433 6.4 65.9
France 1,997 1,698 451 17.6 342.8
US 1,581 1,209 244 30.8 548
UK 761* 580 178 31.2 327.5
Netherlands 547 435 107 25.7 411.2
Threshold = 500 cases.
* A UK newsflash just as I finished this post came in from both the BBC and Guardian saying that the new death count for UK = 1,019.
Source: [John Hopkins University Dashboard](https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6)

Selected virus news in depth

Cruise ships around the world are adrift as ports turn them away - The Guardian: The Zaandam cruise ship was refused access to a port in Chile and is now steaming North up the Ecuadorian coast in an aim to make it to Florida but the Panama Canal authorities have said they will refuse to grant it access to the canal. Other ships stranded include one off Brazil and three off the coast of Australia.

Students try to flee UK by chartered plane for ‘safer’ China - The Guardian says that a group of Chinese students tried to charter a plane home from the UK because they believe they will be safer in China, universities say. The universities say Chinese parents were alarmed by the UK government’s initial “herd immunity” message on the virus, and feel the lockdown has come too late. Prof Colin Riordan, the vice-chancellor of Cardiff University, said: “I would say the bulk of our Chinese students have decided they want to go home. Clearly the epidemic is still approaching its height here, whereas in China it is on a downward trend. And it is natural to want to be with one’s family at a time of crisis.”

France mulls whether to hold this year’s Tour de France without any spectactors - Professional cycling reacted with a mix of cautious optimism and scepticism after the French sports minister, Roxana Mărăcineau, confirmed that together with the Tour de France organisers ASO, her officials were exploring ways of running a scaled down Tour with restrictions on spectator access this summer even though the country is currently in lockdown to limit the spread of the Covid-19 virus. From Belgium, Patrick Lefevere, the head of the sport’s most successful team, Deceuninck-Quickstep, was dismissive, saying: “I’m an optimist, but I don’t see how they can justify running the Tour de France. What about the fans? Who can enter France and who can’t? Are we really going to stuff the hotels with people? I can’t imagine someone waving a magic wand in early July and the coronavirus crisis suddenly being resolved.”

Millions to need food aid in days as virus exposes UK supply - Millions of people in the UK will need food aid in the coming days food charities are warning, as the coronavirus outbreak threatens to quickly spiral into a crisis of hunger unless the government acts immediately to reinvent the way we feed ourselves. Figures produced by the Food Foundation using government statistics suggest some 17 million people fall into the higher risk category for coronavirus because they are elderly, have underlying health conditions, or are pregnant. At least 860,000 people in this category were already struggling to afford enough food before the crisis. And at least 1 million of them report always or often being lonely, and therefore may struggle to find people to deliver food to them.

Cases explode in Michigan but states outside the hotspots can't get supplies - CNN says that as the pandemic takes hold elsewhere, the finite number of live-saving equipment like ventilators, face masks and personal protective equipment -- as well as the inability of the national stockpile to make up for all of the shortages -- is coming into clear view, leaving a gap between states that encountered outbreaks early and those that are seeing their numbers ramp up now.

Virus news in brief

Sources: Yesterday's live blog from the Guardian or today’s live blog from them (too much data pouring in to track any other mainstream media live blogs, sorry)

Supply chain news in depth

Global Harvests at Risk With Travel Limits Squeezing Labor - Bloomberg (reports) that across the globe governments are imposing travel limits in a bid to stem the spread of coronavirus but the unintended consequence is a squeeze on migrant labor that’s a cornerstone of food production. American produce growers preparing to harvest crops are warning of a devastating impact on fruit and vegetables after the U.S. Embassy in Mexico announced a halt to visa interviews for seasonal farm workers. Slaughterhouses also may face labor shortages. In Australia, growers say that country may face shortages of some fruits and vegetables because of travel curbs, with the nation traditionally using overseas workers for one-third of seasonal farming jobs. Kiwifruit pickers are in short supply in New Zealand. And in Canada, travel limits threaten meat processors that rely on temporary foreign workers to fill chronic labor shortages. “There won’t be anyone to harvest the crops,” said Robert Guenther, senior vice president for public policy for the United Fresh Produce Association, which represents U.S. growers, distributors, wholesalers and retailers. “It will be devastating to growers and ultimately to the supply chain and consumers. They won’t have the food.”

Traffic jams at internal EU borders continue - The Loadstar says that traffic jams are still a problem at some internal EU borders. According to real-time shipment visibility platform Sixfold, which has built a dynamic border waiting time map of the continent, there is – at the time of writing – a 19km queue of trucks waiting to cross the border from Austria into Hungary, an 8km queue at the nearby Slovakia-Hungary border, a 9km queue from Hungary into Romania and a 6km queue at the main border crossing between Romania and Bulgaria.

Transport industry urges Whitehall to extend Brexit transition period - The Loadstar says that the UK’s forwarding and logistics sector is pleading with the government to “put politics to one side” and extend the Brexit transition period, as it grapples with the impact of coronavirus. Stating that it would be “irresponsible” of the government to stick to its timetable for a 31 December deadline, director general of the British International Freight Association (BIFA) Robert Keen said there was “too much to do in the face of the current global crisis”. (Personal note: I fully agree, I have had no time to do anything Brexit related for 6 weeks and still have a lot to do!!)

What procurement managers should expect from a 'bullwhip on crack' - Supplychaindive explains the concept of the bullwhip phenomenon; When the retail or end-user node of the supply chain sees even a slight variation in demand, it quickly ripples and grows larger as it reaches suppliers and manufacturers. In the world of supply chain, this is known as the bullwhip effect — and we're seeing it play out in real-time a the coronavirus leads consumers to panic buying and forces hospitals to scramble for supplies. "Producers are definitely ramping up to help retailers restock their shelves and make sure there aren't any outages of whatever it is there has been a run on," Pete Guarraia, the global head of supply chain for Bain and Company, told Supply Chain Dive in an interview. The article goes on to explain the four main causes of a bullwhip effect.

Change of dynamic: air freight demand now 'the reverse of three weeks ago' - The Loadstar warns air freight demand is expected to plummet as consumers in Europe and the US are forced to stop buying by shops closing. The automotive industry has already stopped requesting components as plants have closed; retail has cancelled significant volumes of orders - “Shopping is just not a priority,” said one forwarder. “The only real air freight demand now is medical equipment and some urgent products. “Just-in-time may be changed for ever. “There is also no cashflow.” He said air freight demand was now “the absolute reverse of two to three weeks ago; the dynamic has changed”. Another forwarder noted that while demand was, perhaps 15% of what it was three or four weeks ago, supply is at about 10%. “So there is still high demand in a relative sense.”

India, Bangladesh close factories amid coronavirus lockdown - Factories across India and Bangladesh will close as the coronavirus spreads through the countries and demand dries up from U.S. and European buyers says supplychaindive.com - Based on multiple media reports, Foxconn (an Apple supplier) said it would stop production in India until April 14 in compliance with government orders, according to Reuters. MRF and Maxxis, two automotive suppliers, also suspended operations, according to The Economic Times. There will be significant implications for the Bangladeshi garment industry in Bangladesh too which is already facing $2.4bn USD in cancelled orders.

Worker unrest grows as the virus continues to spread - Labornotes reports that more and more workers who are still on the job are taking action to defend their health and safety and demand hazard pay. Pittsburgh sanitation workers stopped collecting trash and parked their trucks to block entrances and exits to the Bureau of Environmental Services parking lot as they rallied on Wednesday morning to demand protective gear and hazard pay. Seventy sanitation workers refused work Monday morning in Hamilton, Ontario. Less than half the workers at Maine's Bath Iron Works showed up for work Tuesday morning, after management made public a coronavirus case in the 6,800-worker shipyard the previous day. In Northern Ireland, 1,000 workers at a Moy Park poultry plant walked out Wednesday after the company refused the union's health and safety proposals, including maintaining six feet between workers.

UK handlers warn of imminent collapse of operations - Aircargonews says that the UK’s four main airport handling companies have warned that their operations at the UK’s airports could grind to a halt in weeks as the sector faces collapse. Swissport, dnata, WFS and Menzies have written to the UK government to ask for financial support as they face up to the impact of airline service cuts — they explain that currently more than 95% of flights are not operating, meaning they are not being paid. In the letter seen by Air Cargo News, the companies warn that without urgent support they are unlikely to be able to continue operations across the country throughout the crisis period. “We are requesting urgent dialogue between the government and our industry, regarding the support needed to ensure continued operational cashflow and secure employment for as many staff as possible,” they write.

Distribution to 100 Kroger supermarket outlets scattered across the mid-South slows - Commercial appeal says that Kroger warehouse workers late Thursday stopped fulfilling orders at the grocery giant's Delta Distribution Center in Memphis because a coworker had tested positive for the virus. "Half the workers have gone home. They scared for their safety. The ones that is here, they so tense they scared to touch the equipment," a forklift driver said, adding that the company would not disclose which shift the employee who tested positive worked.

Amazon's largest US warehouse hub has a coronavirus case - CNBC says that workers are demanding changes be made after a staff member at the major Moreno Valley fulfilment centre in California tested positive. "I first heard about it on Facebook," an employee at the fulfillment center, who asked to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation, said via text message Wednesday. "Then I confirmed it when I went up to the Amazon parking lot across the street when lots of people were leaving for home frightened because they didn't get notified through email."

Ocean Insights gives a clearer picture of blanked sailings, and it's free - Loadstar reports that as ocean carriers scramble to match vessel supply with rapidly reduced demand for shipments, container shipping freight data aggregator Ocean Insights has offered its dynamic database of blank sailings free to shippers and forwarders. “Our system is able to detect cancellations and blank sailings, and with the unusually high number of blank sailings, we have decided to help out the supply chain community and provide the entire blank sailing list free of charge,” it told The Loadstar.

New wave of blanked sailings planned for Asia-Europe and transpacific - Loadstar says that Asia-Europe and transpacific ocean carriers are being forced into a new wave of blank sailings as the coronavirus lockdowns shift from China to Europe and the US, dramatically curtailing consumer demand. 2M partners Maersk and MSC yesterday cancelled one North Europe and one Mediterranean loop scheduled to depart from China next week, and The Loadstar understands the Ocean and THE alliances are considering similar capacity reduction measures. NB: Supplychaindive is reporting the same thing.

New supply chain risks emerge as production lines restart in China's factories - Loadstar says that whilst many factories in China are now at 90-9% operating capacity new supply chain risks are emerging, such as the unstable supply of raw materials, a lack of skilled workers, logistics issues from sub-suppliers, pressure to produce quickly and increased scrutiny from government and regulatory agencies. “The lack of regular workers at some factories, and also at sub-vendors, has affected the quality and speed of production,” explained NGL Hong Kong MD Stefan Holmqvist. Furthermore, he added, there was increased credit risk among all parties along the supply chain, from manufacturers and buyers to logistics providers, which could lead to more quality issues.

Supply chain news in brief

They said what / good news / humour section

Daily Mail columnist Isabel Oakeshott has come under fire for attacking Harry and Meghan - “Just think what Meghan and Harry could do for their shattered reputations by coming home at this time to support the national effort against corona - and the Royal family” Isabel Oakeshott tweeted. The twitterati wasn’t standing for that; the best responding burns got compiled by the satirical website The Poke here.

Online fitness guru Joe Wickes - The fitness guru whose whose fitness live streams on youtube have been seen by 5 million people in the UK this week has pledged all of his resulting earnings from the streams to the NHS to support the fight against the virus. The Twitterati approves. Give the man an OBE in the 2021 new year honours for (OBE in this case being Other Buggers Efforts).
submitted by Fwoggie2 to supplychain [link] [comments]

Un-reasonable Wear and Tear?

This bloody term, I am moving out of my rental and now I'm hit with all these claims from the agent.
All the appliances in the apt basically started falling apart from being used, I suspect landlord never used them...such poor quality and looks only good in pictures. Even the markings on the oven started fading as you clean it...I've never seen such low quality in my life. So now after 2 years they are claiming we ruined all the appliances.
Dishwasher stopped working few months in to the rental...was repaired within 2 weeks. No issues.
Year ago a microwave sort of blew up and started smoking, I never used it again and sent warning to them it's a fire hazard. Now they claim I broke it...how the hell can you break a microwave?!?! Put food inside, set for 1-2 min and that's it.
The oven dashboard started making annoying noise as well...and the light inside stopped working, again they are claiming I broke it. One of the gas tops spark thingie stopped working and other one acts very strange...again now I'm being hit with all after agents inspection.
How can I prove that I'm not a cave man and did not intentionally destroy their shit appliances?
submitted by Trontotron to australia [link] [comments]

97 Honda Civic LX engine cuts off while driving

Thank you for taking the time to read this. So my 97 Civic LX is dying while I'm driving. No specific speed I can be going streets 35 or highway 65. I'm driving and everything seems fine, then all of a sudden the car just dies. The engine shuts off and I notice immediately because the gas pedal isn't doing anything. Rpms go to zero. The engine just shuts off. The electrical still works. The car will start to slow down after the engine stops and the radio and lights (if it's late) are still on. Then I'll start losing power steering and the dashboard lights up before the whole car kinda shuts down as I try to pull off the road. But the electrical is still working. I can throw my hazards on to warn other drivers that I'm in an emergency. Once I stop completely, I can crank the car but it won't turn over. And I get the smell of gas sometimes trying to start it. This has been going on for the past 5 days. I have to wait about 10 minutes before the car starts back up, one time I only had to wait less than 5 but yesterday I had to wait about 30 mns. I tried to start the car about 10 times before I just gave up and called for a tow. And you guessed it, while waiting for the tow truck I said what the heck and tried it, it turned on instantly. Had to cancel the tow and drove home. I've been looking up different sources for this problem and it's amazing how many different things it can be. The ignition switch, although I've tried messing with the keys or slightly hitting them with my knee to see if it's the ignition cylinder, but the car doesn't react when I mess with the keys while it's on. It takes a decent amount of pressure to turn the key back to turn the car off. It could be the harness for the ignition switch itself instead of the key cylinder. But I'm trying the easy fixes first. It can be the fuel pump not delivering fuel but I hear the pump prime and click when I turn the key to acc position. Maybe a clogged fuel filter too. It can be the idle air control valve or throttle body being bad or dirty and would have to be cleaned/replaced, because the cars not idling correctly. It's idling high at 1.3k rpms other times right at 1k. It can be my actual computer the ecu that's bad, but I've never had this problem before. It can be the main fuel relay located by passenger side near computer if it looks fried or dirty or the solder connection cracked. I'm trying to rule out electrical issues like the distributor coil or alternator because I don't lose electrical power I lose engine power. If I was having electric issues wouldn't the car die and power goes out and wouldn't I have trouble starting it and wouldn't my battery be drained after a week of this issue going on? I'm stumped. I changed spark plugs, distributor cap and rotor a month ago. Plus oil change. Please any advice is welcome.
submitted by G3POh to civic [link] [comments]

PEUGEOT 2008 2020 Estate 1.2 PureTech Active Premium 5 door - Stylish SUV - £18,378 @ New Car Discount

The following description is not provided by this sub or any of it's contributors.
£18,378 - New-Car-Discount.com
submitted by SuperHotUKDeals to SuperHotUKDeals [link] [comments]

VOLVO S90 SALOON 2.0 D4 Momentum Plus 4dr Geartronic - £23,750 @ New Car Discount

The following description is not provided by this sub or any of it's contributors.
£23,750 - New-Car-Discount.com
Huge spec, great car & excellent price from nationwide cars quoted in solid paint & free UK delivery for £23750 giving you comfortable premium motoring and saving £15164 off the list price
Good review here:
New vehicle specification summary
VOLVO S90 SALOON 2.0 D4 Momentum Plus 4dr Geartronic with Solid paint, Front and rear park assist, Rear park assist camera, Iron ore inlays, Sensus connect navigation with high performance sound, USB,10 speakers/330W, Mechanical child locks on rear doors, 18" 10 spoke turbine alloy wheels, Tyre sealant kit and compressor.
Driver Convenience
submitted by SuperHotUKDeals to SuperHotUKDeals [link] [comments]

I Haven't Left My Car in 4 Days

Whoever said that the journey is more important than the destination is an idiot, because the journey I’ve been on has been exceedingly, unbearably, insufferably boring. The best thing that’s happened all day is finding a fast food place with a router that’s just barely able to give me internet access from the parking lot. My best guess is that it’s somewhere around three in the morning, so I’m fortunately free from stares or accusations of loitering—not that it would really matter if I did. No one can help me anyway.
Like all of the best stories, mine starts in an extremely mundane way. Four days ago, I got a phone call from my mother informing me that my grandfather had lost his battle with cancer, and that I should return home from college to attend a memorial ceremony the following week. Sad, yeah, but it wasn’t exactly an unexpected call—Grandpa has been terminal for almost a year now, and once the tumors metastasized to his brain, we all knew it was just a matter of time before we would have to say goodbye.
I thanked my mom for the information and packed up my things, lighting a black candle on my altar and silently praying that the gods protect my grandfather’s soul as it traveled to the afterlife. Grandpa may have been a devout Christian, but he’d never minded my Pagan rituals, and I’m sure he would’ve appreciated the thought.
It wasn’t long before I was on the road, singing along loudly to my playlists and wishing that the time would pass faster. Call me insensitive, but I’ve never been the type to fear death or even waste my time mourning those who have died. Wherever Grandpa is, it’s sure as hell better than the mortal realm, a place where his body deteriorated into a useless vessel for a tumor-ridden brain. I knew what my job would be at this memorial service—I’d be the one comforting my mother and widowed grandmother, and I was content with that. Everyone has their place in the world.
I was almost in Maryland when my shrill singing started to fade, my eyes dipping toward the clock more and more often. My gut twisted uncomfortably, though I couldn’t pinpoint why, narrowing my eyes at the dim digital numbers.
1:28. How long had it been 1:28? The sun was sinking toward the horizon, casting a hazy orange glow across the black seats of my car, a color most unbefitting of the early afternoon. Frowning, I picked up my phone and peered at the clock—1:28. And, of course, no service.
I’d left at noon—how could I be in Maryland in such a short time? I rapped my knuckles against the dashboard in some feeble hope that I’d fix the broken clock, but nothing happened.
“Dammit,” I said aloud to no one, lowering my volume and putting on my hazard lights as I shifted the car into neutral and drifted toward the shoulder.
Looking back, I’m aware that my thought process was flawed. My trusty old Honda Civic isn’t what it used to be, and the clock could have easily fizzled out at some point on my drive. By some weird coincidence, surely my phone had lost service at that exact moment and failed to find a viable cell tower. And maybe the fuel tank pressure sensor had gone bad as well—there was no way I could have driven from New York to Maryland on a quarter tank of gas. Not in this old piece of shit car.
I exhaled sharply as the car drifted to a halt, trying to convince myself that something must be wrong with the engine. Good thing you pulled over now instead of later, I told myself, unsure if I even believed it.
I pulled the parking brake and grabbed the door handle, then nearly slammed my head into the window as I tried to exit through a closed door.
“For fuck’s sake,” I snapped aloud, mashing the unlock button and watching as the locks clicked rhythmically into the proper position over and over. But regardless of my repetitions, the door refused to yield, stuck fastly in place.
“Come on!” I yelled, throwing my entire weight against the door, my mind muddling with a mixture of panic and anger. “Stupid piece of shit!”
I swore and clambered into the passenger’s side door, my knuckles white as I jerked aggressively at the handle. No dice. I bit my lip and hurled myself into the backseat, trying both of the doors to no avail.
“What the fuck?” I shouted, laying in the backseat and slamming my heels into the door, confused tears stinging behind my eyes. “Let me out!
The doors held, my dusty footprints mocking me where I’d stamped them into the plastic.
I’m not ashamed to admit that I screamed and kicked like a toddler for quite some time, livid with the unyielding interior of my car. I grabbed my phone and tried to call my mom, then AAA, then the police, but my phone refused to connect to any signal whatsoever. It simply blinked its “No Connection” warning at me, taunting me no matter how many times I restarted it or threw it on the floor. I must’ve been throwing a tantrum for ten solid minutes, though it was hard to tell—apparently, it was still 1:28.
Desperate and uncaring of the fact that I was three feet from a major highway, I decided that my best option would be to jump out of the window and try to get someone to stop. Stupid and dangerous as it sounded, my brain was clouded with fury and confusion, and I figured it would only be a few minutes before someone stopped to help a pathetic-looking girl on the side of the interstate. Muttering curses to myself, I clumsily wriggled into the passenger’s seat and placed a finger on the window power button, lowering the glass a few inches and reaching a hand toward the outside air.
Almost immediately, an icy fist grabbed my stomach, and I jerked away as though the button had been electric.
Confused at my own reaction, I stared at the partially-opened window, wide-eyed. I’d spent many years telling myself to trust my gut, but I’d never had a reaction like that in my life. Never had I felt such raw warning from deep inside myself, an omen of danger powerful enough to trigger my fight or flight reflex.
“Why?” I murmured to whatever god may have been testing me, drawing upon my years of meditation as I rolled the window back up. “Is something wrong?”
Damn those gods for not responding to me.
It was nearly nighttime when someone finally pulled over, probably wondering what the hell I was doing, smashing my hands against the window like some kind of lunatic. The crunch of tires against the rumble strip was like music to my ears, and I pressed myself against the window as a large white truck pulled up behind me.
“Thank God,” I called aloud as a burly middle-aged man jumped from the driver’s seat, concern written all over his face. “Hello? Sir? Hi! My doors won’t open!”
The man approached my window, a frown etched into his kind features. He pointed down a few times in the universal gesture for open your window, stupid lady, and I obliged, instinct pulling my entire body away from the edges of my car.
“Are you alright, ma’am?” the man asked gently, leaning toward me. “Are you hurt?”
“No,” I said, shaking my head frantically. “My car is just—it’s kind of—the doors won’t open. And I’m scared to jump out the window—my phone doesn’t have service, and I need to—can I use your phone to call my mom? Please?”
The man frowned, cocking his head. “Your doors are stuck?” he said, as though he’d only processed half of what I’d said.
Yes,” I said impatiently. “Something’s up with my engine, but I can’t get out to look. I just want to call my mom, okay? She’s probably worried about me, and she can call a tow truck or something for me—can you please just let me use your phone?”
“Right,” he said, nodding and reaching into his pocket. “Don’t go driving off with it, alright?”
“Wasn’t planning on it,” I said gratefully, holding my hand as close to the window as my brain would allow.
The next few seconds passed very, very quickly.
Phone in hand, the man’s fingers passed the threshold between the outside and the inside of my car, and then his fingers were gone.
I screamed and lurched backwards, blood spurting from the man’s severed fingers as his phone shattered and crumbled into shards of broken glass. He stared for a moment in utter shock before it seemed to register that he was missing three of his fingers, and then he yelled and grabbed his palm, eyes bulging from his head.
“What the fuck did you do?” he bellowed, crimson blood squirting from his fingers and spraying across his shirt. “You crazy bitch!
“I didn’t do anything!” I shrieked, huddling against my center console in a blind panic. “I’m sorry! I don’t know what happened!”
“Is this how you get your kicks?” the man screamed. “Luring people to the side of the road and lopping their fingers off?!”
“I’m calling the cops right now—give me your phone!”
The man jumped toward me, a snarl on his crimson-spattered cheeks, and I screamed as he pitched toward the interior of my car—
And then his head was gone.
I can’t explain what happened. I’ve thought about it over and over, but I still don’t have a clue as to where his head could have gone. One moment, he was whole and angry, and the next, his lifeless, headless body was toppling toward the asphalt, spilling scarlet across the asphalt. His head didn’t fall off or roll away—it was simply gone, vanishing the moment it moved inside of my car, knotting into an impossible shape for a mere millisecond before collapsing upon itself entirely.
I stared in shock, chest heaving, for quite some time. Cars whizzed by my driver’s side door, the heft of my own vehicle blocking the view of the headless corpse from the straying eyes of other drivers. My ears were full of white noise, my thoughts blank with horror as I strained to see the body without nearing the window.
It was still 1:28 when the stars came out and the passing headlights became less and less frequent. My gas tank was still three-quarters full despite sitting motionless for what must’ve been hours, time passing outside of my car and sitting stagnantly inside.
And it was still 1:28 when I rolled up the window and guided the shifter into first, leaving the decapitated body alone and bleeding on the side of the highway.
That was four days ago.
I haven’t attempted to leave my car since then, and my only concept of passing time comes from the rise and fall of the odometer. I still have three-quarters of a tank of gas, my odometer is still at 112,943, and my clocks still read 1:28. I haven’t felt hungry or tired, though I do sleep to simply pass the time, since driving without destination is, as I said, really boring.
I really want a shower even though I don’t feel all that dirty or sweaty. All I have is the clothes on my back and the belongings I haphazardly shoved into my duffel bag, consisting mostly of makeup and face wash and a nice black dress. I have no idea if my family is even aware that I’m gone, or if I’m stuck in some kind of personal hell within the confines of a Honda Civic, though I have learned that they have some really neat fast food places in the south.
I’m going to keep driving, because what the hell else am I going to do? I’m not risking leaving my car, and I refuse to put anyone else in danger by asking for help. I’ve exhausted all of my worldly options, and it seems like the only thing I can do is keep driving.
I don’t even know why I’m posting this. Consider this post somewhere between a cry for help and a request for good podcasts that I can download. Something tells me I’m going to be in this car for a while.
submitted by stuckinmystupidcar to nosleep [link] [comments]

hazard warning lights on dashboard video

LAMPHUS® SolarBlast™ SBWL26 12W LED Emergency ... - YouTube Mazda 3 - How to turn on/off hazard lights - YouTube dashboard warning lights what means  Bilal Auto Center ... International Trucks - Dashboard Lights - YouTube Toyota Warning Lights - YouTube Dashboard Warning Light Means In Your Car  Bilal Auto ... Chevrolet Tahoe - How to turn on/off hazard lights - YouTube Bmw Problem: Indicators/Hazard Lights stay on Constantly ... Tesla Model 3 – How to turn on/off hazard lights - YouTube Honda Pilot - How to turn on/off hazard lights - YouTube

The relevant arrow will flash when a directional indicator is applied. Both lights will flash in green when the hazard warning lights are activated. ABS The Chevy ABS warning light comes on because the anti-lock braking system is not operating. ABS is a braking aid that stops the wheels from locking when braking hard. Providing the red brake warning light is not on, normal brakes will continue to operate. ABS failure is usually associated with a faulty wheel speed sensor. Jeep Dashboard Warning Lights and Symbols Vehicle: Jeep. Air Bag Warning Light. The airbag light turns on when you first turn on the ignition, but after a quick system check, it turns off if all the airbag components function properly. If the airbag light stays, it means the airbags have been disabled and may not deploy in case of an accident. To troubleshoot the airbag light on a, you Detailed below are the dashboard warning lights for the Volkswagen Up! The most important warning lights are the red symbols. Right warning lights may stay illuminated, flash, or illuminate along with an audible signal. If a red warning light comes on, take immediate action. The VW Up dashboard warning lights are as follows: 19 Car Dashboard Warning Lights & Symbols & Meanings A detailed list of the most common car dashboard symbols. by Magnus Sellén Updated: February 8, 2021. There are hundreds of different warning light symbols and signs in modern cars. Because of the advanced control systems, there are many control units in a car. The control units need a way to inform the driver that there is a problem with

hazard warning lights on dashboard top

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LAMPHUS® SolarBlast™ SBWL26 12W LED Emergency ... - YouTube

The hazard lights are crucial for letting people o... It is video I show how to turn on and off the hazard lights on this particular model of a Chevrolet Tahoe. The hazard lights are crucial for ... http://www.online-led-store.comLAMPHUS® SolarBlast™ SBWL26 12W LED Emergency Vehicle Strobe Warning Windshield Dash Light is compactly sized and suitable to ... First the Hazard lights Where flashing then turning off then All a sudden When ever i connect my Battery the hazard/indicator lights just stay on cant turn t... Does a light come on your dashboard and you immediately start panicking because you don't know what it means? Listen as we go into more detail about the most... Demonstrating how to turn on and off the hazard lights in a Tesla Model 3 – The hazard lights are also called hazard flashers. .Tesla Model 3 Hacks and Instr... Watch this video to learn the meaning of each dashboard light in your International Truck and the next steps you should take. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... Welcome to my channel. Please SUBSCRIBE my channel. Thank you viewers.car dashboard symbols and meaningsdashboard lights meaningscar dashboard symbols toyota... Demonstrating how I turn on and off the hazard lights on this particular model of a Honda Pilot. Hazard lights are also called hazard flashers and sometimes ... Showing how to turn on and off the hazard lights on this version of a Mazda 3. The hazards lights are also sometimes called just hazards, and other times the...

hazard warning lights on dashboard

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